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A new NPR/PBS News/Marist Poll put President Joe Biden two points ahead of former President Donald Trump two weeks after his debate performance called his mental fitness into question.

The poll, published on Friday, asked registered voters across the country — “including leaners” — whom they would vote for if the presidential election was held today. Fifty percent of those polled said they would vote for Biden, 48 percent said they would vote for Trump. The margin of error in the poll was 3.3 percentage points, making the numbers basically split down the middle. Marist noted that their poll one month ago, conducted before the presidential debate, had each candidate at 49 percent.

If a third party candidate was introduced, both candidates polled slightly lower — Trump at 43 percent, Biden at 42 percent, independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at 8 percent, Cornel West at 3 percent, Jill Stein at 2 percent, and Chase Oliver at less than one percent. The race remained a statistical tie.

Both Trump and Biden had trouble with unfavorable numbers, with Trump’s numbers a bit higher — among voters who had unfavorable views of both candidates, Trump was seen as more unfavorable by four points (47 percent) over Biden (43 percent). That number is an improvement for Trump over last month’s pre-debate poll, which had Trump more unfavorable by 7 points.

now let’s see the numbers from states that actually matter

Trump is winning in November, no amount of liberal lies will change that. No matter how many bogus accusations you people make. Trump 2024!
At least he got bored of project 2025 fear porn and started cherry picking polls instead
These chuds are going to need to be put on suicide watch when Trump loses.
Too bad we’re not losing, bitch.
Statistically, leftists are mentally ill. It's not his fault he's insane
True, man - but it's curable! I was able to escape the cult and save myself from leftist mindrot, they're just happily ignorant lol
When was the last time Democrats accepted a result where they didnt win? In 2016 they REEEEEEED so hard over madamme president losing you can still hear it on quiet nights. In 2000 they took their lawfare all the way to the supreme court to try to overturn the result of the election. And, having learned nothing, as usual, theyre priming themselves up for another chimpout when they get btfo'd again. Like pottery.
Trump's numbers will increase in the short term after this shooting.

hmm ... who could be behind this?
Right wing: vows to assassinate VP Pence in 2001

Right wing: No you can't heckin assassinate politicians!
I don't remember Democrats storming Congress in an attempt to overturn the election and make Hillary president.
bro, your side just tried to assassinate the former president. you lost the moral high ground
This lmao
Both sides did it or none. What's it to be? Choose wisely.
A registered Republican tried to assassinate the former president.
i thought the left doesn't own guns though
the shooter's on video soying out over republicans. you lost
It's joever.

The ones that try to murder conservatives do
every trumpfag complains about republicans though. you invented the term rino
you only burnt down new york and tried to pretend it didn't happen. once trump is in office and retroactively arrests your type I won't shed a tear when you get thrown into a furnace
good post
>But others from questionable sources could be swiftly fabricated. There’s value in comparing pictures from multiple sources at the event, or noting which agencies are distributing them, Ong said.
>“You would like to see videos and a news account and analysis, to have multiple sources and to be corroborated and verified by multiple experts, in order to make sure that it is authentic in the age of deep fakes,” he said.
>The emotional, historic nature of the moment lends itself to manipulation confirming existing biases
>questionable sources
>But others from questionable sources could be swiftly fabricated
>deep fakes
>The emotional, historic nature of the moment lends itself to manipulation confirming existing biases
>lying rightards
You have chosen... poorly.
As proven with >>1314718 >>1314719 and >>1313432 >>1313524, rightards not only don't have the right to have their retarded lying opinions listened to/read, with those deleted threads - infected with lying lies by rightard liars - they don't have the right to have opinions in /news/. Good.
/news/' mods agree, don't bother them about it.
They didn't invent the term "RINO", but they did invent the term "uniparty"
new york is burned down. every city is burned down and no longer exists. you're so correct anon
>once trump is in office and retroactively arrests your type I won't shed a tear when you get thrown into a furnace
Careful, that's very close to 'This post violates United States law'
>That's not the shooter, liar. That's a 4-year-old video from Arizona.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVegQW05C1Y [Embed]
Now watch the loser >>1314931 soy out because its opinions have been proved wrong
>>1314931 on suicide watch because its proven to be a liar. But then all rightards are, it's hardwired into their inferior DNA.
No it isn't, retard. This isn't Europe, you retarded oven kindling.
>I won't shed a tear when you get thrown into a furnace
This from a hypocrite that doesn't deserve a '(you)' that accuses the left of being violent.
You lost more than the moral high ground.
Goodest post
>Doesn't deserve a (you)
You're just running away when you do that, queer.
NPR??? Who did they poll, blue haired lesbians? This is laughable. Biden is as popular as runny dogshit.
Oh no you don't. We didn't forget about the chants to "Hang Mike Pence" from MAGA loonies.

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