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Anyone see the resemblance now? They tried to mock him, then they tried to silence him. They tried to jail him, and now they tried to kill him.
leftists are becoming radically unhinged since the debate. Their violent and fearful rhetoric they are feeding their base as a last-ditch effort to stop the bleeding of Biden's polling numbers has now turned into assassination attempts.
Yup, a real red blooded American would've made that shot from a mile blindfolded.
Your comparison is unfair. Caesar was a brilliant general who put the safety of his troops first, and was still hugely successful on the battlefield. He spent a lifetime working to improve the lives of all Romans, and his record bore this out time and time again. That crump guy, not so much.
hitler brought a crippled doomed economy out of a massive depression then rebuilt germany into a global superpower and threatened the other countries into cancelling their debt payments. yet you're so fast to compare trump to him so is he one of the goats or not.
I'm not sure what you are saying. Its a bit unintelligible, but I can't help but notice that your list of Hitler's accomplishments doesn't mention the fact that the well-being of German citizens was irrelevant to his agenda. What does it matter whether or not your nation is considered a "superpower" if most of your citizens gain nothing from it? What Hitler did for his people was to send able-bodied men off to to starve and die in poorly-conceived military escapades. How many German citizens had to suffer and die because of Hitler's incompetence? At least Hitler previously served in the German military, indicating a degree of social responsibly. When offered the chance to serve his country in a meaningful way, crump ran and hid.
nice whataboutism retard
Was not a whaaboutism at all. It was a fact check against your Hitler fan fic though.
We don't need communist trash like you. You must be turned into a beast of burden to work the fields as punishment.
Oh yeah because righties didn't dress up in stupid viking outfits and ran around the capitol looking for politicians to lynch
You guys aren't creating orgs like Patriot Front and hoarding weapons for the day where you guys will boogaloo.

Both sides are unhinged and detached from reality.
I guess its easier for you guys to disavow your right wing shooters bc they are lone wolves.
>communist trash
>You must be turned into a beast of burden to work the fields as punishment
>most of the Left are pretty ok, just as most of the Right are. It's the small minority of fucking dishonest hate mongering nutters in both sides that you should watch out for
>Come to your own conclusions when said fucking dishonest hate mongering nutters in both sides reply - with emphasis on Lie - the way they inevitably will, certain people in /news/.
Someone let a certain thing have enough political rope to hang itself when it came to dealing with 'communist trash' then when it blew up in that thing's own face resulting in said thing dying a pickled irrelevance, shunned by the rest of its party. Then the leader of that party declared that 'McCarthyism was now McCarthyWASm'.
Said leader of that party? Former Supreme Commander of the Allies in Europe during WWII then twice elected President of the United States Dwight D. Eisenhower.
So many said 'I Like Ike'. Like I say, the pathetic remains of McCarthyWASm died a pickled irrelevance.
Eisenhower (R). In Soviet America, beast of burden was not only Tailgunner Joe, the laughing stock of the US Marines.
Eisenhower: winner against rightard thinking in WWII. Twice elected Prseident after WWII. Those who said 'I Like Ike'. All those Republican voters who did: twice.
So whose opinions are wrong: theirs (because the majority of Republican voters can't be wrong, amiirite?) or yours, >>1315575? Choose wisely.
Come to your own conclusions certain people in /news/ when it gives the inevitable reply other than admit that Eisenhower and his Republican voters were right.
We have videos of these so-called insurrectionists thanking the police for their service as they were basically taken on a tour through the Capitol. I don't think anyone was in any real danger, except for the protesters themselves.
>I don't think anyone was in any real danger
114 police were injured, many severely.

Meanwhile the ones outside didn't even have guns and only 6 people were arrested that day to keep from endangering the crowd.

In the better timeline they reported with live ammo, nobody made it inside breathing, and the survivors were all rounded up on the scene and taken to the hospital in cuffs.
i'm wishing the next guy who decides to try it on better luck than the last one.

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