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Cool heads needed as political fringe dwellers spread disinformation after Trump shooting


Cool heads needed as political fringe dwellers spread disinformation after Trump shooting

Partisans on the left and the right are weaponizing the attack and spreading lies faster than journalists can offer facts to counter them

Disinformation researcher Amanda Rogers has described the polarized, unhinged, conspiracy-driven noise in social media responses to the shooting of Donald Trump as “a self-sustaining spiral of shit”.

Rogers, a fellow at the progressive thinktank Century Foundation, has seen this before. But the scale is new and troubling, she said. Conversation on social media – and the mainstream media – is focused on the motivations of the shooter and the impact on the election, she said. Bad actors want to turn a moment like this into a broader call for violence. And they will spread lies to get there, she said.

“The fact that this is the perfect storm environment for dis-info from every single point on the political spectrum, is something that worries me immensely,” Rogers said. “Because it’s an accelerationist’s wet dream … But we need to have voices in the media that are speaking to the fact that this is a breaking situation. People need to calm down about speculation.”

Accelerationists are those on the political fringes – right and left – who want a civil war to burn the country to ash so they can start anew from the rubble. Notably, the term “Civil War” began trending in the wake of the Trump shooting.
Social media was instantly flooded with hyperbole, lies, conspiracy theories and uninformed nonsense about the shooting. The commentary ranged from suggestions on the right like those of Georgia representative Michael Collins that the president, Joe Biden, solicited the violence and should be charged with a crime, to those on the left suggesting that the shooting is a hoax meant to bolster Trump’s flagging poll figures.

Reasonable questions about whether the Secret Service missed something become conspiracies about whether Biden deliberately withheld competent protection for Trump, said Jonathan Corpus Ong, a disinformation researcher and professor of communications at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

“I think it’s normal for people to be speculating, and kind of like trying to make sense of what happened,” he said. “I think it’s important for any journalist or any reader to be very critical of what they see in the media and what they’re reading, to take it slow as well … I think we would not want to be swept up with fear, because that would get us into a state of distrust in other people as well. It’s important to be vigilant with what we consume, and also learn when to step back from fear-mongering narratives.”
Factchecking the deep fakes

AI further complicates the reaction to breaking news events.

Some images from the event are bound to become iconic, like the photograph taken by Evan Vucci of the Associated Press of Trump, fist raised and ear bloodied, an American flag waving behind him as Secret Service officers sweep him from the area.

But others from questionable sources could be swiftly fabricated. There’s value in comparing pictures from multiple sources at the event, or noting which agencies are distributing them, Ong said.

“You would like to see videos and a news account and analysis, to have multiple sources and to be corroborated and verified by multiple experts, in order to make sure that it is authentic in the age of deep fakes,” he said.

The emotional, historic nature of the moment lends itself to manipulation confirming existing biases, “that trigger very strong emotions of fear or anxiety,” Ong said. “I think that’s what we need to be looking at. And be wary of.”

Before the FBI had identified 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks as the “subject involved” in the shooting, speculation about the gun and the identity of the alleged shooter had begun. Posts began moving through social media almost immediately, suggesting that the shooter used a BB gun, or alternatively that the weapon was a “ghost gun” built from 3D-printed parts.

Police later said they recovered an AR-style rifle at the scene.

Neither claim could be immediately substantiated. Each claim serves a partisan narrative, either that the shooting was a hoax or evidence of lax gun regulations.

Similarly unsubstantiated noise emerged from rightwing spaces about the identity of the alleged shooter.
“These are the usual responses that we get from the accelerationists in the far-right channels … you’ve got people identifying the shooter as antifa, or as a trans person, as a Jewish person,” Rogers said. “You’ve got the usual suspects being trotted out. And then on the more QAnon channels you’ve got ‘this is the left trying to bait us into a civil war’.”

The one thing Rogers found most disturbing was a pattern of mass deletion of posts in the far-right Telegram channels she follows in the minutes after the shooting. She said they do that in case it was one of their own.

“Telegram aficionados know that people are watching and potentially, if there was a connection, if there’s anybody on there that did actually have facts, it’s not like they’re going to let that stuff stand.”
>Libshit media upset over their dwindling relevance and inability to censor everything with AI super god like the futurists promised
Boo hoo cry me a fucking river.
>The emotional, historic nature of the moment lends itself to manipulation confirming existing biases
>questionable sources
>But others from questionable sources could be swiftly fabricated
>deep fakes
>The emotional, historic nature of the moment lends itself to manipulation confirming existing biases
>lying rightards
>That's not the shooter, liar. That's a 4-year-old video from Arizona.
>MAGAshits upset over their dwindling relevance and inability to be humans due to their lying
Boo hoo cry me a fucking river, proven subhuman liars
>People are talking as things are being figured out!!!
Holy shit. This never happens. WTF?
Why is this news?
probably for the good of the country to ask for rational calm when things are this superheated
Its important, you could have a bunch of retarded magafags chimping out and screeching that libs tried to murder Trump when it turns out it was a Republicunt all along.
their immediate gut reaction was that the person who tried to shoot their presidential candidate in the head while he was speaking at a political rally was probably a radical from the opposition party, yes. the fact that droves of lefties all across social media's first response was to bemoan the fact he wasn't successful couldn't have helped the situation much. but you seem to think it's unreasonable conservatives had that reaction -- we should be thankful the motives are temporarily unclear now for the sake of our country.
Good post. Very good post.
>lefties all across social media's first response
Who you're believing to be leftists
Social Media is full of foreign bots with the goal to divide America, so they would be screaming idiotic things on both sides.
I give credit for the moderated tone many Democrat public figures took, including President Biden. The rhetoric on much of social media was utterly insane.
>but you seem to think it's unreasonable conservatives had that reaction
It is. A presidential assassin is statistically more likely to be a nutjob than a member of the opposition.

There is a difference between wishing someone was dead and trying to kill them. Fuck off.

And you want to talk unreasonable reactions, let's talk about when Pelosi's husband was almost killed in an attempt on her life and the right's immediate response was to blame an imaginary gay lover when that time it WAS just his wife's political opposition.

The right is not reasonable. Fuck you.
>right's immediate response was to blame an imaginary gay lover
And lament that he didn't finish the job.
and yet here we are. yet another act of leftwing terrorism
Registered Republican and the guy who made the donation is an old man with the same name from Pittsburgh not from the shooters hometown.

Nice try though.
According to whom?
you somehow got out of what i said some claim the right is generally or uniquely more reasonable, and not what i actually said - their initial gut reaction here is reasonable given the current state of this political climate. And then you give an example of how violent and politically partisan the current climate is but somehow seem to disbelieve that the rhetoric around this, like people openly celebrating political violence, could ever have an affect on that.
>Call Trump literally Hitler
>A threat to our democracy
>Oh no this attack has nothing to do with that btw thoughts and prayers for Orange Hitler!
Fuck off, shill
>I don't have an argument so I'll just call him a shill.
Bruh I remember Maxine Waters telling people to show up outside Republicans houses. I remember Ted Cruze and his family being surrounded by a mob in a restaurant. Sen. Paul having the same experience on the streets of DC. The same for Tucker Carlson at his house. The same for two Supreme Court Justices AND an assassination attempt on one AND when a leftist shot up a baseball game.

And now you want be all
>No we had nothing to do with it
>Thoughts and prayers for Trump, get well soon!
>their initial gut reaction here is reasonable given the current state of this political climate.
And it isn't. You somehow missed I said that. Reasonable would be to assume it was a nutjob. They jumped to conclusions based upon personal and political biases.

>Call Trump literally Hitler
>A threat to our democracy
He is.
>Oh no this attack has nothing to do with that
It didn't.
>btw thoughts and prayers for Orange Hitler!
Fuck that shit, I'm praying the stress kills him at this point.
You're an extremist and a threat to our democracy
>You're an extremist
I'm a realist. I've been actively rooting for Trump to die since he came out downplaying COVID despite everyone with a functioning brain able to tell it was going to be one of the deadliest pandemics of the modern age. He had the most powerful platform on earth and he used it to get people killed. Him being removed from this mortal coil would be a massive net positive for this planet.

Doesn't mean I wanted anyone to kill him. Nobody should have to give up their life to clean up that piece of trash.

I think it's fairly reasonable to want the world to be a better place.

>a threat to our democracy
Trump dying doesn't threaten our democracy. The election would go on without him. If anything it strengthens it. First god damn president to fail to do a peaceful transition of power. Fuck all the way off and spare me you having any interest in democracy. I'm sure you'd gladly accept the abolishment of the Democratic party and have thought or said far worse than I'm willing to here. You don't get to support vermin like Trump and act like you have any right to any moral high ground. Nobody's here to humor your bullshit.
>You don't get to support vermin like Trump and act like you have any right to any moral high ground
I do, actually, because I wish Joe Biden nothing but success and good health even though I would never ever vote for him. He's my President too and if he is successful America is successful.

You've been radicalized. Gut check. Inflection point. Work on it. Be a better person.
one side is threatening political violence for the past 8 years, repeatedly called the opposing side a genocidal monster, has tried to impeach then jail now shoot.
leftists deserve the rope they don't deserve mercy they should pay for their crimes to humanity.
the left are scum.
Oh wow pelosi's husband is such an important political figure right? the only thing he's fcking known for is insider trading.
fuck off you deserve the rope. I hope a guy in his undies comes into your home with a hammer and tries to mario stomp you
>I do, actually, because I wish Joe Biden nothing but success and good health even though I would never ever vote for him
That's not how politics work, dipshit. If you honestly believe someone implementing their policies would be bad for this country, you don't wish them success if you care about this fucking country (which you don't, but I digress). Likewise, if you believe someone is killing people, you don't wish them good health. You wouldn't wish the shooter had had more life to live, I'm sure. Then again, you might be one of those as long as they're killing "the right people" it's fine folks.

As I said, fucking spare me. God damn, do I wish clowns like you would just shut the fuck up. We've been dealing with your ilk for years at this point. We know you don't have a sincere bone in your body when you say bullshit like this and then the second the shoe's on the other foot you laugh it up, mock your opposition, blame them for their misfortune, and then take all political advantage you can get.
you're a terrorist. You'll be investigated Your posts will be brought to light and you'll go to jail and hopefully executed for treason.
people like you are the reason for the divide in america not trump and the world is frankly better without you in it.
>fuck off you deserve the rope
Thanks for proving my point. Can't take it when the other side shows an ounce of spine, can you? Cope and seethe.
>We've been dealing with your ilk for years at this point.
People who don't wish death on their political opponents?

And I'm a pacifist. Eat shit.
>People who don't wish death on their political opponents?
God you're a clown.

And I'm not wishing death on my political opponents. There's millions of Republicans. I'm wishing death on a specific person for their specific actions.
Posts that aren't mine? The Internet is not real life, dipshit. It doesn't reflect how real people think or behave.
isn't that you? leftists speech is allowed on reddit twitter you've been allowed to one sidedly screech for political violence for so long. Now that you've actually radicalized a lunatic you're here pretending you did nothing wrong.
It's fine though I hope you rot, Frankly it should've been you dead instead of those two innocent people at the rally. The world would be a better place.
Don't think the world panders to pissbabies like you forever because it doesn't.>>1315262
you show what you are from your words and actions not whatever label you put on yourself but it's so pathetic you unironically believe calling yourself a pacifist makes you one.
and I'm wishing the same on you for your specific actions so we're even right. or do you think you're the only one allowed to wish people die. You're doing the same on a daily basis, you're the scum of the earth so there you deserve a piece of the malice you show to others
>And I'm not wishing death on my political opponents
You said you hope Trump dies. Pretty cut and dry anon. You're a bad person, just a bad a person as Don Jr for making fun of Mr. Pelosis attack.

Be a better person.
>Posts that aren't mine?
And you aren't addressing despite them being your political allies. I'd tell you to clean up your own god damn messes before you think to criticize anyone outside your fucking sphere, but frankly I think you're just a spineless two-faced liar, so it wouldn't be worth the effort.

Those are "real people" too, just like I am. More fucking real than you.

>you've been allowed to one sidedly screech for political violence for so long
I've screeched against political violence. Just cause a bullet took a tour through Trump's ear, you think I supposed that? Fuck off dipshit. Political violence just makes our society shittier. Fuck the shooter, I'm glad he's dead.

Also you don't know what pacifist means, which is fitting, since you'd probably kill your political opposition if you thought you could get away with it.

>You said you hope Trump dies.
Yes, because he's human scum, not because he's my political opponent.

Do you think being opposed to someone political means you can't make ethical judgments about them? So if a Dem turned out to be a serial killer, you'd offer them well wishes? Who the fuck are you kidding? Seriously, fuck off with this disingenuous bullshit. God you're spineless.

>Be a better person
I'm already better than you. Take your own advice.
>addressing despite them being your political allies.
Not my politics ally.

>before you think to criticize anyone outside your fucking sphere, but frankly I think you're just a spineless two-faced liar, so it wouldn't be worth the effort.
There you go again, demonstrating what a shitty person you are.
>you think being opposed to someone political means you can't make ethical judgments about them? So if a Dem turned out to be a serial killer, you'd offer them well wishes?
Yes. Because Biden and every single Democrat of note has wished Trump well and a speedy recovery after the shooting. Because they aren't fucking scum. Don't be scum.
>Biden and every single Democrat of note has wished Trump well and a speedy recovery
>Democrat of note
Damn Destiny, you gunna take that?
you think you're being rational just because the world is sometimes hard but this is a level of mental gymnastics that I KNEW the left goes through but I just never had confirmation with anyone on the internet before.

you really do need help, you don't kill people who oppose you. that is actual third world thinking that turns us butt-ugly real fucking quick.
>you don't kill people who oppose you
Yeah. No kidding. Learn to read, dipshit.
>I've screeched against political violence.
>also i wanted him to be unalived
Anon i get you're retarded so please just kill yourself you literally have 0 common sense and you'd be better off dead then breathing and harming others.
>I'm already better than you. Take your own advice.
>i'm a pacifist who wishes death on people
>i don't condone political violence i just promote it and wish for it.
this is why kids shouldn't be allowed on line. Please just go outside and get ran over by a car you'll save humanity the problem of cleaning up after your mess. Your parents are probably shitty assholes for raising a pampered piss baby like you.

Be better be kind to others and treat others how you want to be treated. I am kindness i am a pacifist I did nothing wrong. I'm also better then filth like you
>also i wanted him to be unalived
What are you 12? And people can die without political violence.

>i don't condone political violence i just promote it and wish for it.
Oh no. It's illiterate.

>I'm also better then filth like you
You can't even read. And you shouldn't call people filth, filth.
>no u
>but but but it doesn't count because i'm a braindead libshit hypocrite
Ok terrorist please go turn yourself in pre-civil war if you don't want to be the first traitor to be executed
Shills mad.
It doesn't count cause you're not people.
and leftists have the nerve to call others bigots lmao
No such thing as being bigoted as stupid animals, no matter how much PETA whines.
>both sides
I will now vote for Trump.
I agree, in moments like this it's important to fact check everything you see and hear. Unfortunately we live in the age of misinformation and people use it to further their agenda and ideals. It can be really hard to day to filter out all bullshit and noise when looking for the actual facts of a situation.
>I never said I wanted them dead
>>I've been actively rooting for Trump to die
Way to few people realize that there is active disinformation campaigns being used online, weather by an opposing political group or other nation states. Most people don't even think about it and they just agree with whatever media gets served to them in their algorithmically tailored echo chamber.. and the bad actors know that.
Smart people know to look for the the source and don't trust anything they haven't heard of before.
>both sides
>Very vile people
And there will be people who will vote Democrat. When more voted for them last time and considering Repubicans Against Trump, then those who ensured a 'Red Wave' wasn't a trickle, we'll know which of those Republicans aren't the vile ones
>Republican voter Gen. Chuck Yeager refused to endorse Trump
>a Republican who voted Trump in 2016
>the same in a comment on a vid on YouTube who said he won't be voting Republican again after what that video he commented on was about: what happened at Charlottesville - 'Very fine people on both sides' - a year later. Is he the only one?
He has been forgiven his sins. He is not a vile person.
But but but
Trump having a bullet go past his face will win him the presidentiary
Presidents get shot at all the time, so its an important indicator of how he'll do in office.
Wait, I'm hearing that it literally has nothing to do with the job. Is that true fellow Trumphumpers? Does this mean Trump's chances didn't go up?
>Just cause a bullet took a tour through Trump's ear, you think I supposed that?
You cause this young boy to go insane. You helped. Take credit.
>Constant urinalist agitators ask for a rational calm?
Nope. It's not looking good is the real problem.
Did you actually expect elected Democrats to act like a mirror of Republicans and just say Trump and the Republicans deserved it?
>You cause this young boy to go insane. You helped. Take credit.
Trump posts on this board?
>you gotta fight like hell to take your country back
Trump probably should have said something about aiming better.
>You cause this young boy to go insane
>Look what you made one of us do
Nah. You walnut-brained gerbils might be easy to brain break, but I'm not responsible for whatever you get up to after you snap. Take that up with whatever shitty excuses for role models you call masters.
have you even been on the internet the past few days? if elected Democrats are representative of these people, i don't know what the fuck to expect any more. the country has never been this unstable.
>I'm already better than you
If you spend hours of your time getting into heated arguments with anonymous strangers on the internet, you have no right to call yourself better than anyone.
>the country has never been this unstable.
Maybe past 1993, lmao. This shit doesn't even stack up to the Vietnam era, let alone the more serious periods of political, economic, and social instability.

Now if you'd said the instability has never been this dumb, you'd probably be right.

Nothing about this argument was heated, lmao. On my end, anyway. If you're mad, that sounds like a personal problem. Maybe reevaluate why what I'm saying is making you angry. Meaningless rambling shouldn't bother you, so I must have struck a nerve.
>anonymous people on social media said mean things about Trump!
>their names are variations of all the buzzwords conservative media taught me, so I know they're libs!
Its like shooting fish in a barrel with these retards.
>Nothing about this argument was heated
You can't go two sentences without calling people vulgar and derogatory names. You've repeatedly stated that you wish death on your political opponents. You've strawmanned every post you've replied to. If this is you being levelheaded, I'd hate to see you upset

From reading your posts, you sound like a very angry and hateful person. You clearly hate the people you're replying to. Why are you spending your time talking to them? Why are you spending hours of life doing something that makes you angry?

>Maybe reevaluate why what I'm saying is making you angry
I'm not angry at all, more confused. If you truly believe the people you are replying to are liars, idiots, and extremists, wouldn't you be more at home posting on forums consisting solely of your own faction?

>Meaningless rambling shouldn't bother you
You admit your own posts are meaningless rambles? Why would you waste hours upon hours of your life spouting out meaningless rambles? You could unironically write a book and get it published with all that wasted time, if you want people to read your words
I think it's awesome that the conservatives who regularly talk about putting entire segments of the population into concentration camps are doing "words are violence" rhetoric at the democrats for saying stuff like "orange mango hitler."
Yeah, nobody should've said the muslim ban/mexicans are rapists guy is a fascist even though he's saying "immigrants are poisoning the blood of the nation" because someone might try to shoot him later
>You can't go two sentences without calling people vulgar and derogatory names
Yes. And?
>You've repeatedly stated that you wish death on your political opponents.
Yes. And?
>You've strawmanned every post you've replied to.
Now that's just a lie.
>I'd hate to see you upset
I very much doubt you could make me upset.

>From reading your posts, you sound like a very angry and hateful person.
Nah, I'm cool as a cucumber. I'm a very disrespectful person, but disrespect is earned.

>You clearly hate the people you're replying to.
It's more like I view them as dirt.

>Why are you spending your time talking to them?

>Why are you spending hours of life doing something that makes you angry?
I'm not? That would hardly make any sense. Use your peanut brain.

>wouldn't you be more at home posting on forums consisting solely of your own faction?
That sounds like a sad existence. If you feel like you need an echo chamber to be happy, that's really pathetic.

>You admit your own posts are meaningless rambles?
No? Obviously they have meaning to you or you wouldn't be mad.
Also, I will once again clarify I wish death on a specific political opponent because he had a hand in propagating mass death and eroded public trust in medical systems. The political opposition is incidental.
>said mean things

no they just glorified and gave reasoned justifications for an attempted political assassination
>I'm a very disrespectful person who likes to spend hours talking to people I view as dirt for entertainment
Well okay then. If this is what makes you happy Anon, then continue to spend your one life on Earth doing this
Cheers, m8.
It was a liberal who donated to democrats with ActBlue on Biden's inauguration, this election would have been his first and he likely registered Republican just to not vote for Trump. Get your facts straight chud.
>And there will be people who will vote Democrat.
and those people should have their social media investigated and if they have any anti trump sentiments should be arrested for being domestic terrorists and butchered.
No but the fact he can get struck by a bullet, walk off stage, then fly to next convention the day after shows he’s better than someone who can’t walk down stairs, remember their VP/others names, and can’t be disturbed after dark shows he’s a little more fit for the job..
>and those people should have their social media investigated and if they have any anti trump sentiments should be arrested for being domestic terrorists and butchered.
You're no different than the leftoids wishing death on a former president. Look in a fucking mirror. Dumbass.
>the OP article
And then there are those like >>1315495 who are either too illiterate to read the OP article or refuse to do so. And considering >>1315495's post, it's easy to figure that one out.
So: >>1315495 is a retard or living in a certain river in Egypt?
You decide, certain people in /news/.
I wonder when Cartoon Network is giving up 9 minutes of silence for Crook.
It has to be coming soon.
Naw, most of the Left are pretty ok, just as most of the Right are. It's the small minority of fucking dishonest hate mongering nutters in both sides that you should watch out for. They both try to act as if they speak for their side and their opposite number represnt all the others, but they don't. They just want to create division, because divided people are easy to lie to, control and manipulate.
listen to this post
>most of the Left are pretty ok, just as most of the Right are
Labour Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer contacted Donald Trump by phone. King Charles III has written to Donald Trump.
What does that say to you, considering the OP article, o fucking dishonest hate mongering nutters in both sides as >>1315562 so eloquently put it?
Come to your own conclusions when said fucking dishonest hate mongering nutters in both sides reply - with emphasis on Lie - the way they inevitably will, certain people in /news/. Or those fucking dishonest hate mongering nutters in both sides can stop having wrong opinions. Because your opinions have been proven right so far haven't they?

No matter what you do, you will lose big time. Either your ass will land in prison for being a communist, or your skull will be used as a potty by the cartels you let in.
Good post
> be Democrats
> spend eight years calling for Trump's death
> someone tries to kill him (again...)
> "hey guys, we really need to turn down the rhetoric!"

Fuck you.
Yeah, I'm sure if Obama, Hillary, or someone got minecrafted by some weirdo you and most Democrats first response in the immediate aftermath would be "probably a crazy, possibly in my own party" not "probably a maga extremist chud". I totally believe that.
nope, they'll still chalk it up to "right wing extremism"
Remember that slightly left-leaning kid, Jared Lee Loughner who shot Gabby Giffords? Well he legitimately was mentally deranged and according to his friends, his mental condition degraded considerably, but the left ignored all of the facts and claimed that Gabby was shot by a "right winger".
>blaming the left for a republican shooter
you mean democrat donor thomas crooks?
yes. The left has proven themselves to be dangerous, even more so since 2016.
>Yeah, I'm sure if Obama, Hillary, or someone got minecrafted by some weirdo you and most Democrats first response in the immediate aftermath would be "probably a crazy, possibly in my own party" not "probably a maga extremist chud". I totally believe that.
Nah. When left wingers are targeted, it's usually a right winger. A Dem killing Lincoln. Redhats trying to kill Soros and Pelosi. CIA killing Kennedy and MLK and just a shitton of people abroad during the Cold War, not to mention a billion attempts on Castro.

Remember, leftists are under threat of right wingers. Right wingers are under threat of right wingers and crazies (right wingers).
nice procecution complex truth of the matter is the left are the most dangerous and violent extremist group they even have the media downplaying their domestic terrorism. So when trump comes into office I support terrorists like YOU being executed enjoy your last months before death row
Stop being a waste of carbon.
The dude that bashed Pelosi in the head was a cuck weedbro Democrazy that Paul tried to rape.
>The dude that bashed Pelosi in the head was a cuck weedbro Democrazy that Paul tried to rape.
You sound like a threat to Republicans.
Anybody remember when Democrats (including Biden and Harris) said it was cool for leftwing arsonists to attempt to murder a 17-year-old boy just because he tried to put out their fire in Kenosha?
>CIA killing Kennedy
This was a leftist. A communist named Lee Harvey Oswald
The judge shouldn't have excluded the proud boys evidence so he could have had a fair trial
No he means confirmed radicalized republican Thomas Crooks >>1315668
Everyone agrees he was radicalized, if you're trying to sell me the idea that Trump convinced him to kill Trump and it wasn't the result of left-wing rhetoric then I'm going to have to disagree with you
the right has been talking about "voting from the rooftops" ever since obama. fuck em.
Why do people still believe that the GOP and Dems aren't working together to move the political pendulum towards authoritarianism.

Doesn't matter how many wars they start, how many lies they tell to our faces, or how fake their acting jobs are - there will still be morons who can't think their own thoughts and need the government and media to do it for them.

The "assassination attempt" was clearly a false flag and was orchestrated by those who select the US president, aka the Jesuits.
I don't know why it seems so implausible, Trump is pro-Israel and pro-WEF and that pisses off a lot of the republican "radicals".
So, in your mind there are Republicans, Republican Radicals, and Trump Supporters.
Pro-Israel, yes he was. Considering his support from jews was negligible even after his support, will it continue? Who knows.
And the pro-Israel angle was concocted by radical leftists to attack Trump in the first place since the US has for some unknown reason been pro-Israel since it was stolen in the 60s.
Pro-WEF though? The WEF invested heavily in ousting him.
trump put his son in law with a personal relationship to netanyahu in a white house position. you need better lies
Trump is owned by the Rockefellers and is a Jesuit trained puppet just like Biden and RFK Jr. They're all playing for the same team. US politics are theatre.
Jesuits aren't relevant anymore, this isn't the 17th century
There are hundreds of distinct right wing factions from the Freemen to white supremacist prison gangs. Not all of them support Trump.
Thoughts, >>1315573 ?
>muh proud boys

>Jesuits aren't relevant anymore, this isn't the 17th century

I'm sure the military order of the Vatican, the same military order that operates the universities that all three presidential candidates attended, isn't relevant anymore.

Groups tied to the Vatican that have to be kicked out of 83 countries for toppling governments just up and disappear right?

The current pope is the first Jesuit pope, because the Jesuits aren't relevant anymore, right?

Fauci went to a Jesuit university, and so did John Kerry, and so did Robert Redfield, and so did Alejandro Mayorkas, and so did Andrew Cuomo. and so did Paul Manofort and so did Steve Bannon.

Remember those elections in France last week? Macron went to a Jesuit university. So did Marine Le Pen. The Jesuits haven't been relevant since the 17th century though, right?
It's all coming from one side. I mention my vote for Trump and people become rabid, saying I'm a nazi. Seems like the left just gave up on talking about these things to people. I just had a 5 hour long conversation with my mother who exists completely in the msnbc/CNN bubble. She exists in a completely alternate reality. I try to tell her that when we win, Trump will not be merciful victor. He is like an oldschool messiah straight out of the old testament. I fear for my democrat mother, I love her despite her sins and I could never defoo her like some of the others anons have done with their liberal parents, but I fear what will happen when Trump wins.
Man the lack of self-awareness in this post is impressive. 10/10 would read again.
you're literal leopards ate my face material
>It's all coming from one side.
This part is true. The rest makes you look like you're ready to try to snipe Biden or something.
And don't get me wrong, I'm voting for Trump, but if you're not larping as your headcanon MAGA strawman, you're a bit off.
Don't give up anon, you can eventually bring her around.
>A Republican votes Trump in 2016
>The same in a comment on a YouTube vid says he will never vote Republican again after what he commented on - a video about Charlottesville: 'Very fine people on both sides' - in 2017
He has been forgiven of his sins.
>Republican voter - who certainly voted for his previous superior officer during WWII: then Supreme Commander of the Allies in Europe and who proved the opinions of inferior subhuman rightards more than wrong in WWII then later US President Dwight D. Eisenhower - Gen. Chuck Yeager refused to endorse Trump
So whose opinions are wrong: a USAAF air ace who later - and successfully - promoted the idea of 'I Like Ike' by voting for his previous superior officer, first to fly at Mach 1 and as test pilot ensured US technological superiority in aviation, or yours? Choose wisely, >>1315952
i just hope the next guy to take a shot at him doesn't miss.
>Trump is owned by the Rockefellers
And yet is still worshipped by some on /pol/.
Trump is still pro-Israel and has a Jewish son in law you know, o white rightards in /news/
>Remember that slightly left-leaning kid, Jared Lee Loughner who shot Gabby Giffords?
Loughner was a registered independent and claimed Mein Kampf was his favorite book. He was a fringe conspiracy theorist that that hated the Federal Reserve because money isn't backed by gold or silver, believed the moon landing was fake, and believed 9/11 was an inside job. He believed that the government was trying to change the rules of English grammar as a way to mind control people. This guy was a certified lunatic, but I don't think there's much to suggest he was left-leaning. Also, to use the logic that some are using to deny the Trump shooter was a "true" Republican, why would a "slightly left-leaning" person shoot a Democrat in the purple state of Arizona?
>Trump is still pro-Israel

ALL American politicians are pro-Israel, after Mossad killed Kennedy and made it perfectly clear they better do what they're told.

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