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WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden announced Sunday that he will end his presidential re-election campaign, bringing an abrupt and humbling conclusion to his half-century-long political career and scrambling the race for the White House just four months before Election Day.

Biden, 81, could not reverse growing sentiment within his party that he was too frail to serve and destined to lose to Donald Trump in November.

"While it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term," Biden wrote in a letter posted on X. "I will speak to the Nation later this week in more detail about my decision."

Biden thanked Vice President Kamala Harris for "being an extraordinary partner" but did not endorse her to be his replacement as the Democratic Party presidential nominee in his letter.
His withdrawal caps a singular national political career, bookended by Richard Nixon’s fall and Trump’s rise. He mounted four presidential bids. He spent 36 years in the U.S. Senate representing tiny Delaware. He rose to the chairmanships of the powerful Judiciary and Foreign Relations committees. And he served eight years as Barack Obama’s vice president.

Biden’s decision to exit the race less than a month before his party’s convention and a few months before voters head to the polls is unprecedented in the modern political era. The last sitting president to abandon a re-election bid was Lyndon Johnson, whose expansion of the Vietnam War in the 1960s split the Democratic Party. But Johnson’s announcement came in March 1968 — eight months before that election.

“We’re in uncharted waters,” said Barbara Perry, a presidential studies professor at the University of Virginia’s Miller Center. “No president has dropped out or died this close to the convention.”

Replacing Biden atop the Democratic ticket is likely to set off internal Democratic tremors as ambitious officials maneuver to become his successor. Factions have already formed around Harris and prominent governors, including Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer and California’s Gavin Newsom.

Harris would seem to be the heir apparent. She broke a barrier as the first female vice president. A woman of color, she enjoys strong support among African Americans, a loyal piece of the Democratic coalition. Overall, though, Harris’ approval rating stood at only 32% in an NBC News poll released earlier this month.

“There’s no one you can name right now who is an obvious substitute,” Perry said. “That’s what makes this so uncertain and chaotic.”

The mechanics of putting a new name on ballots also gives rise to myriad legal questions. Republicans could work to throw obstacles in the nominee’s path by mounting legal challenges aimed at keeping that person off the ballot.
Questions about Biden’s capacities dogged him throughout his presidency, but peaked following his debate with Trump on June 27. Combined with his flagging poll numbers, his listless performance sparked a panic among his own party that he couldn’t win in November.

With 51 million people watching, Biden spoke in a raspy voice and often failed to complete thoughts or deliver a cogent explanation of why voters should choose him over Trump. He later attributed his poor performance to exhaustion and a cold. He implored the country not to let one bad night overshadow his accomplishments in office.

Unpersuaded, Democratic lawmakers began calling on him to step aside, a rebellion that started slowly but grew steadily in size and intensity. They appealed to Biden’s patriotism, arguing that if he sincerely believed Trump is a threat to democracy, he needed to put his country first and stand down.

Biden fought back. He held numerous calls and meetings with Democratic officials at all levels to shore up support inside the party — to no avail.

Looking to blunt concerns about his acuity, he gave interviews and held press conferences to prove to voters that he could still think on his feet. But the gaffes kept coming and his poll numbers remained stagnant.

In another bit of bad fortune and timing, Biden tested positive for Covid-19 on July 17, forcing him off the campaign trail.

For Democrats, Biden’s illness created an unwanted contrast. While Trump delivered a triumphal speech accepting the Republican nomination in Milwaukee on July 18, five days after surviving an assassination attempt, Biden was in self-isolation back home.
Biden’s departure is the latest in a series of jarring developments that has made the 2024 presidential race the most chaotic in living memory. Trump easily won the Republican presidential nomination despite splitting his time between the campaign trail and various courtrooms where he was a defendant in criminal and civil cases. In May, a jury in Manhattan convicted him on 34 felony counts related to hush money payments to a porn star.

Then, in short order, Trump rebounded. The Supreme Court issued a much-anticipated ruling on July 1 that immunized Trump from official conduct when he was president, impeding special counsel Jack Smith’s efforts to prosecute Trump for interfering in the 2020 election.

Trump nearly died on July 13 as he appeared at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. A gunman lying on a roof 130 yards away fired a bullet that grazed his ear. Trump dropped to the ground in self-defense. Then, his face smeared with blood, he rose and defiantly pumped his fist, yelling “Fight!”

Another fortuitous development came two days later, coinciding with the opening of the Republican convention in Milwaukee that certified Trump’s nomination. Federal judge Aileen Cannon in Florida dismissed a separate case brought by Smith alleging that Trump improperly retained classified documents that he took home with him when he left the White House in 2021. Cannon, who had been appointed by Trump, ruled that Smith’s appointment was illegal. Smith quickly appealed her ruling.

The rolling streak of news gave Trump a jolt of momentum, allowing Republicans to present an energized and unified at this month’s convention.
Both somewhat expected and completely unprecedented. Oh, to live in interesting times.
Biden seldom sparked any such enthusiasm. HIs primary campaign was mostly a coronation. He faced token opposition as party leaders cleared the field, betting that having beaten Trump once before, Biden was best positioned to do it again. But poll after poll confirmed that voters harbored doubts about him, believing he was too old and infirm to serve another term.

An AP-NORC survey released July 17 found that a whopping 65% of Democrats believed Biden should exit the race.

Pressed by his voters, abandoned by party leaders, Biden gave in.
Tweet where he announces it: https://x.com/JoeBiden/status/1815080881981190320
Bets on who they’re going to run now:
Big Mike

Taking all bets
Your threads are spam
Nobody wants to use your shitty thread.
It needs to be Kamala because she's already on the ballot. The red states aren't going to let the DNC put new people on the ballot at this late date. There will be lawsuits.
Somewhere in a shady room a group of RNC interns is now stressing and trying to collect as much dirt as possible on any possible candidates
I wonder when Biden will find this out.
That thread is for small dicked faggots. This thread is for big dick chads who fuck prime pussy
It's finally Joever.
right wingers realize Trump will lose now right? He was only polling well because of how unpopular Biden is.
lol, with this the dems are guarantee lost. they are all brandon vultusts (vulture+cultist) who will not turn out for another.
Wow it's actually Joever. I'll miss that demented old man
people are desperate for a fresh face. Harris will win
That's true, but I think negative partisanship and fear is what's driving the democrats this election. They aren't voting for their candidate like the Reps, but voting against Trump.
He endorsed Kamala Harris btw
Right wing podcasts have been attacking Gavin Newsom for a few weeks now knowing this was coming.
CNN and Fox now reporting that he's officially endorsed Kamala for President.
Big risk, she's been a bump on a log this administration, has the charisma of a glass of warm water, and apparently is a cruel taskmaster to staff.
This. The GOP will force the dems to run Harris whether they want to or not. If they try to run someone else they will sue to keep that person off the ballot.
I don't like Gavin. He's smarmy and has a ton of skeletons in his closet (also a coastal liberal), but he definitely has the presidential rizz. He's looks and sounds like a Hollywood depiction of a heroic president.
Biden/Harris was a uniquely unpopular ticket. Harris is neutral (with a boost now that only one side has an elderly pedophile running) and they can add a far more popular dem like Beshear or Shapiro as her VP
It's gonna be a Kamala/Josh Shapiro ticket. Shapiro has the Rust Belt bona fides and is in the news for handling the shooting well.
If the Dems had a dream ticket they'd probably go all in for Harris/Whitmer, but no way you get blue-collar white men to vote for a double-woman ticket like that.
>Big risk, she's been a bump on a log this administration, has the charisma of a glass of warm water, and apparently is a cruel taskmaster to staff.
Not to mention that Trump isn't going to give her a debate if he's savvy (and he is).
NewScum has proven he can't even run one state, much less an entire country
Beshear or even Prtizker are probably stronger candidates overall but I think they go with Shapiro just because securing Pennsylvania takes a huge load off the campaign
The dem dream ticket would be Newsom and a straight version of Buttigieg.
If Trump doesn't take her up on the debate, he'll be accused of ducking a woman. I don't think he has the self-control to not take that particular bait.
>no way you get blue-collar white men to vote for a double-woman ticket like that.
Blue-collar white men aren't coomers?
ducking a debate would be suicide because it's basically an admission of what democrats already knew (Trump knows he'll lose to any democrat except Brandon)
Holy fucking shit. Genuinely, what happens from here for the democrats?
>the first election of Trump can be directly tied to America voting in a black man as President
>his first election was also over a woman who was one of the most qualified people for the job
>Democrats are now taking on a man perceived by many in his party as God-Emperor with a black woman
What could go wrong.
All the funding for Biden/Harris goes to Harris/TBD and the election goes on as normal. VPOTUS is one of the most useless jobs in the world, you have zero power unless the President is dead or incapacitated. She's gonna be on the trail every day from now till November.
I also bet they're about to get some JUICY fundraising off this

>black woman
Remember when Harris was "Asian"?
There's no benefit to a debate for him. You'd have to have literally been living under a rock the last decade to not have your opinion on Donald Trump set in stone by now. He's not gonna win any new converts and only risks flying off the handle and alienating grumpy Biden true-believers into showing up for another hate vote.
you're quoting three different people here
what happened to unity?
Trump didn't do anything, Biden couldn't string a sentence together
leftists have been calling for Biden to step down since January 20th, 2021, it's not our fault that big donors just caught up now
Harris picking any one of the midwest Governors or Senators as her running mate is going to swing the race back in the Democrats favor in a big way.
>Trumps is a backstabber
I'm shocked! Shocked!
Harris/Newsom 2024

Trump stoked birtherism during Obama's entire term in office, and Hillary was widely polarizing stemming all the way from her tenure as first lady (or even during her time as first lady of Arkansas). Trump doesn't really have shit on Kamala. You cannot in good faith claim that she has the same dubious citizenship as Obama (not that the claims against Obama were in good faith), and she doesn't have the baggage that Hillary has.
Trump got a modest post-debate bump, but most of the drop-out angst was Democrat party brokers worried about tepid Democrat voters staying home or voting 3rd party, not Trump snatching their people.
Honestly, this on both sides. Democrats will vote for a democrat no matter what just as how republicans will vote republican no matter what, so the main target is the independent part and whoever the democrats choose will have to win that bloc over, which is why newsom will be a poor choice because of the state of california; too much baggage. They'll need to find a candidate that's a centrist and not tied to the other democrats in office now to separate from the more extreme policies that drove voters to Trump in the first place. Do democrats have a person like that now?
Who will be Kamala’s VP candidate?
The other thing is the conservatively biased media giving Trump a pass on his syphilis brain metldowns while bashing Biden's skull in.
Imagine if Biden gave a 90 minute rant about Hannibal Lecter like Trump, the media would demand he be institutionalized.

But that doesn't mean Biden is clearly way past his expiration date.
Just more evidence that both parties are conspiring together to pull the wool over the public's eyes. This was the plan from the beginning. It's all fake bullshit. All theatrics. Our country is a fucking lie.
Anyone but Trump.

Anyone but an isolationist.

Reminder to vote blue no matter who.
>90 minute rant about Hannibal Lecter
I keep hearing this, did that actually happen or are people exaggerating? I don't wanna watch the full thing to see
>both sides le bad and teh Illuminati is really in charge or something
why are schizos like this?
Bob Iger
If they were smart they let kamala be the nominee and accept a loss for presidency but focus the rest of the campaign on congress. If democrats get the house and senate then they can block trump his entire term.
Trump's used Hannibal Lecter multiple times in his speeches.
Only this time Trump referred to him as the 'late great-'
Who the fuck does that?
Imagine democrats being this retarded and thinking they can speedrun a campaign in four months instead of doing this shit during a primary. There's almost zero chance they'll be able to pivot from the chaos of having to deal with a contested convention with everyone having their knives out when the RNC is already united. Shit is so fucking over for them.
they'll just elevate "acting" personnel to all those positions like they did the last 6 months or so of his last administration.
This is great news. Fingers crossed that she'll choose Buttigieg as VP. He's as sharp as they come. A black woman and a gay guy defeating Trump would such pure fucking justice. It would also set the stage for a potential Buttigieg presidency later on.
you seriously think they're going to elect harris lol? she's on record praising herself for taking out terrorists in afganistan then backpeddling when she ended up murdering a dozen volunteer workers and their family.
40ish% of the electorate would vote for a rock over Donald Trump, this whole move was trying to motivate unenthusiastic-but-not-Trump-liking voters to show up on Election Day.
stuff like this is going to make the Republicans really regret making age and senility the hot topics of the election now
This isn't even the first time he's called him "late, great Hannibal Lecter". He has done it before. Not only is he obviously a fictional character, but he never even dies in his stories.
he means "late" in the sense that all of Hannibal's best moments happen at night.
people literally just want someone who isn't ancient. she can win big.
kek okay that's hilarious
>democrats hand the country to the Republicans on a silver platter
>not suspicious whatsoever
This. The goal isn't to vote for Harris, it's to capture anyone that doesn't want a nearly dead geriatric to lose to a fairly less dying geriatric
Get ready to call her Mommy for the next 8 years.
At this point if you are still a democrat, you are just a faggot republican. No difference other than you are probably a college educated faggot who still wants to fuck over everyone.
Don't lie: if it was Biden saying that, you wouldn't be saying "topkek fucking lel". You'd be demanding he be put in a nursing home.
this is trump vs hilary 2.0 but harris is even more hated than clinton
Unless they're bringing out a really really big gun - as in, "guy who will just make official that America is ungovernable and run on that" - it's Hillary or the "safe" Kamala. But, if it came to that, they'd choose Hillary.
Maybe they could finagle Buttigieg who would be "America is ungovernable" guy, but he leaves a bitter taste in everyone's mouth, and people really do not like "gay".
Harris is way more baggage despite the age benefit, it's going to be a gargantuan sell to reach the independents with her this late in the game. No one likes that bitch, there's a reason she dropped out so early in the previous presidential primary.
>Complementing a fictional serial killer multiple times
>Covering up your medical records too
>And your doctor's medical license has expired
If they’re smart, a black democrat to round up the jaded southern black voters who are leaning toward trup. But it will either be Buttplug or Newsome
Has anyone told Biden yet?
I'll do it
okay, but now she is the Vice President and has full support of the DNC, instead of being one candidate in a packed primary
if it's hillary and she loses again i honestly don't think i could take it
>and has full support of the DNC
Do you really think that after they just did a soft coup on ol Scranton Joe? This shit is gonna get even messier.
Never voting a democrat ever again. They pretend to stand against corruption and then do this. They are worse than worthless. They take charity and run it to the ground for the benefit of the rich. Fuck em all. Have the country Republicans, clearly liberalism is dead.
Go away Ivan, this is an American board.
70%+ of Democrat voters wanted a new candidate. this is a widely supported decision
I laughed my ass off at Biden in the debate too
Fuck off faggot. I'm probably the only American citizen here and I just want them all dead.
The fact that Joe has already endorsed her means that any revolt will be extremely short-lived. It gets the Biden true-believers on board and quells the concerns of the mythical "double haters" about the rematch.
If there's anyone who will be fuming about this, it'll be, once again, Bernie Bros, since a week or so ago he wrote up a pretty energetic endorsement of Biden to stay in the race.
Cool, now you have a contested convention in fucking August when the other side is already up on every possible metric.
Where's the official medical reports from Trump's 'shooting'?
>Choosing a double minority interest ticket
This is how you sabotage your party, not how you make it stronger. LGBT and DEI are on the way out with a vengeance, the majority is back in. People might vote Dem because they're anti-Trump, but they would be best served getting whatever white straight male they can in there to at least seem like they're not running a party from 20 years ago.
>contested convention
they are rallying behind Harris. There is nothing to contest.
Yep, and anyone criticizing democrats, even other democrats, are labeled as russians because they are a fucking joke just like the Republican puppets. Democrat voters have no clue how hard they just got fucked.
You're lying almost as much as Trump Ivan
Who the fuck are you batting for faggot? Rich assholes who pretend to 'fight the rich' while benefitting from billionaire bribes? Get fucked you anti American faggot.
time for leftists to be violently imprisoned and jailed as the terrorist they are
Harris is Jamaican/pajeet
Trump is scared shitless of newsom. Trump and Vance look like orcs compared to elf newsom.
Why are you projecting now Ivan?
Biden pulled the ol RBG tactic.

He overstayed and now it’s entirely too late.
It's HIPAA and Trump could release them himself, instead he's engaging in yet another cover up.
Stupid faggot, see how calling people a Russian is going to get your party re-elected. Spoiler: we lost
This, Newsom isn't scared about engaging the conservatively biased media directly and throwing counter punches at the Republican propaganda machine, unlike Biden and Harris.
The people who think like that aren't going to vote for any democrat
>We lost
Of course Russia lost in 2020, Trump lost that election.
Trump never defeated Biden.
lol Kamala is 30 years younger and not a felon
undecided normies will vote for her
Your gaslighting isn't going to make me vote Democrat ever again. I supported the party for 15 years. All for nothing. I'm leaving this shithole country as soon as my passport is ready.
>Bringing up the Republicans failed attempt to subvert the will of the people
The only corruption is from the Republicans.
Why are you still lying here Ivan?
Lol good one. Just forget about all the insider trading the Democrats take a massive part in. It's okay when THEY rob us.
>not a felon
in about two months Trump won't be either. Gonna get that verdict overturned because of inadmissible evidence
if she picks a VP like Kelly, Cooper, or Shapiro she is going to win big.
she should pick jeb
You mean Republicans
>dems wanted him recalled too
I am still kind of baffled why the right is taking this so badly
dont care
still voting joe
Is it hard to imagine that it's actually Democrats who now feel disenfranchised by the fact that Kamala has no fucking chance and we are upset that Republicans will now have full control over the government for perhaps forever now. Democrats didn't fight AT ALL!!!!!
It changes the race. Republicans are freaking out because they've spent years preparing for a fight that isn't happening. The Democrats will get to spin Biden's decision as a noble thing of selfless devotion and Biden is a good man and blah blah blah, and the activist base will get excited rather than this being "same old guy" vs. "same old guy" as of this morning. All things they don't want. (And even if Kamala does lose, there's a big difference between losing by 6 and losing by 2 because that determines the balance of power in Congress).

There are some Biden loyalists who are vomiting from anxiety and this is funny, but there's a solid chance this Biden personality cult isn't real and they're just lashing out in confusion at temporarily not having a DNC-approved figure to rally around and they'll all switch allegiance once the new leader is anointed. It's like in that episode of Star Trek when that Borg got cut off from the collective and was then picked up by the Enterprise, he initially couldn't even function but quickly started trying to attach new loyalty to different crewmembers to return to the safety of following orders.
the party men know their candidate is still deeply flawed and has still NEVER broken 50% approval, just that he matched up well specifically against Joe. they don't know dick about how he matches up against Harris and her VP pick, especially if the VP is from a battleground state, and the uncertainty is irritating them.
that's why they've been saying for weeks that they had a legion of lawsuits ready to file to keep Biden on the ticket
Because the far right still wanted Biden because he was the only one who split the 'I hate Trump vote'
she's non-white and a woman
a larger group of people than you would expect will refuse to vote for her on that basis alone
almost the entirety of the 'ehh i'm a republican but trump is rubbing me the wrong way' crowd who would have gone for joe won't touch kamala with a 10 foot pole
this election was lost months ago
They thought they would have an easy win, and deep down inside they know they're full of shit
Can we get a live Hilldawg reaction?
Hillary is gonna plant stories in the media that Kamala was a DEI hire and a prostitute that sucked her way up the ladder.
it's not a planted story if it's true. Willy's willy was her career Maypole.
that one picture of her standing in a kitchen doorway staring at nothing and looking bewildered
This exactly. People are kidding themselves if they think the human race has changed to be more accepting in the last few decades. The public face is not the private face, people aren't going to give one single inch to minority interests again now that the novelty of trying it once has worn off with Obama. Making it twice as bad by running a double-minority cantidate really isn't helping them at all.
We get it, whites are racists and they'd rather destroy America than share power


It might take a few minutes to reprogram the NPCs with the Kamala software update.
The best thing about /news/ is the fact that you can ignore /pol/fag propaganda since all they can do is post links.
They've been sharing power, and its been destroying America. We're engaging in a return to form starting with mass deportation and probably ending in an outright fascist state, but at least it will get people what they wanted all along - the browns sent back home and the taxes lowered because of all the government agencies that are going to be closed.

Ultimately, people don't really care what kind of government they have to live under as long as they get what they want.
i know you're saying this sarcastically as though it isn't true but just look at the last 10 years
On a file host specifically built for pedophiles to share CP
fucked doesnt even begin to describe how over it is
>Sharing power
LOL, Whites have rigged the system in their favor when it should be shared for the past 50 years.
Democrats really think they can pull a France, but forgot that American liberals are nowhere near as chad as French liberals.
Into the trash it goes!
Your mistake is thinking that Buttigieg is an average guy who happens to be gay. He's anything but average. He's always three steps ahead in conversations. His preparedness and quick wit are seriously impressive, and he almost makes it look easy. Plus, I'd say he's "straight-passing". I supported him long before I found out he was gay.
My only issue with this is my worry that Kamala will pull a Hillary 2016
>Whites have rigged the system
Its a white system, you dumb mong. In a white nation populated primarily by whites. Its not rigging, its Representative Democracy working as intended by representing the majority. The operative issue started when our politicians realized they could start pushing minority interests to divide and conquer that majority.

Now we're at a point where the nation may not function properly in another 50 years if we don't course correct and deport_brown.exe in short order. We're 30 years from global financial collapse AND WW3, probably with Super COVID tossed in there someplace for laughs. We really need the nation to function properly or it will no longer be a nation, and we need its people to be properly invested in its future.

That means putting an end to the minority interests, the grifting, the corruption, and the general fuckery that made our current crop of politicians rich and powerful selling the rest of us out. Power is not to be shared, other ethnicities have their own nations where they have total power, and they need to go back.
>Its a white system,
Way to admit the system is rigged in the first 4 words and completely invaliding the rest of your argument.
>the majority
then why did trump win in 2016 despite getting fewer votes?
I guess the right wing Democrats got what they wanted
the right wanted joe gone but not like this, it's too soon
I don't think morals are going to save minorities in the upcoming toss-up, Anon. Peoples' moral and ethical fortitude has already been pushed to the absolute limit in trying to get them to accept people and things that don't represent them, and when it comes time to deport or kill everyone south of Brown, nobody is going to say a word.

Its no longer a moral issue, its a survival issue. Doesn't matter what you believe, people are going to do what they have to, when they have to. It was always that way.
Republicans already have a new plan to steal the 2024 election challenge whoever is put on the ballot.
Do you not think Bernie Sanders is happy today?
I really don't know why you bother posting when all you do is make your side look bad
Still voting Biden.
I bet when the Republicans start their Project 2025 purge, Democrats will lay down and take the bullet with no resistance. Absolute fucking retards.
I've come here to laugh at you and your lies.
Which DNC final boss you think made Biden step down? Was it pelosi?
>other ethnicities have their own nations where they have total power, and they need to go back.
ok fine, but you have to pay for my ticket to Ireland
king obama
Pelosi and Obama. They know that if Trump wins, they're the first against the wall, so they leaned as hard as they could to get Joe to bail.
What is it with the fascist right and their violent rhetoric?
>Not realizing that America literally bought a country in Africa for all of the Not-Americans to go back to
Its called Liberia, and at the time, the government literally did finance tickets for people to go there at the taxpayers' expense. This time it'll probably just be trucking everyone over the Mexican border whether they're Mexican or not, going Shocked Pikachu Face.jpg when they make good on their threat not to take them back, and then making a televised series out of all the migrants starving to death in the No Man's Land between Texas and Mexico. Imagine the terrible commercials.

>For just $19.95 a month, you can finance a poor starving migrant dying on the Mexican border. You care about the migrants, right Anon?
>Can't be successful and want a taxation system that benefits the many instead of the Republican corporate elite
Sanders infuriating the copro fascists again
Just put random guy on ballot and tell all Dems to vote for him. Surely it's not gonna be hard.
Badly? This is hilarious.
Once again, I'm a fucking liberal that sees how stupid your strategy is. You are handing the Republicans the rope to hang us. You are probably some thinktank propaganda shitposter, so go fuck yourself traitor.
They won't succeed because nothing's legally binding yet, but I look forward to conservative armchair lawyers and their op-ed hot takes.
Guarantee that Democrats aren't going to vote this election now. Good job DNC.
Democrat here. You're wrong.
First bill cheats on his wife and now he abandons her tvrn. Yov know yov svck when yovr so called hvsband abandons yov for a hip black woman.
if there's any truth to any of the polling from the last month, a majority (up to a supermajority) of Democrat voters wanted this post-debate.
There's a way higher chance that this motivates them to vote more rather than makes them lethargic and not voting at all
Trump abandoned Melania for a porn star
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA his own staff found out via twitter

Classic Irish goodbye
Well, it's the weekend
by design, they've been the ones fighting hardest to stay in
Joseph Biden
>books are famous for being a way to take bribes or embezzle money
For Republicans you mean, you're projecting
Because they're the ones making money and Biden was going to risk a leak either, good riddance.
Republicans will absolutely use it as an excuse for why they lost and use it to justify their 2nd coup.
Like how they were pissing and moaning about mail in ballots in 2020.
what are you talking about?
This nation was founded by Englishmen, for Englishmen. I'll see my way out.
>Sanders does it too
Has anyone told joe?
So you're making stuff up.
anybody who thinks Harris can't win hasn't heard her speak since 2020. She has improved dramatically, and when she's on, she can be a force.
That's great, I'm sure she'll really lift our spirits in the death camps.
>You VILL vote for ze currynigger, and you VILL be happy
see, a functioning Democratic party would've made this decision two years ago, maybe 18 months ago. Younger candidates would've announced and the focus would be on all of them and we would've had a couple of clear favorites heading into the primaries, long before the convention.
OTOH a functioning GOP would've done the same thing. Both parties are screwed beyond repair, but at least the GOP has a candidate lined up.
Won't change anyone's vote. It's either Trump or against Trump. There was never a middle ground.
Ridin' with Biden right off a cliff. Lmao
Every single retard on this board who said Biden would win the election was just btfo
They're gonna run Hilldawg again since she's already got Democrat streetcred.
Still voting Biden!!!
Hopefully more liberals will wake up and see how worthless the fascist democrats are.
Good post.
I wonder how much this will actually change things though? The entire Democrat Party stopped caring what candidate they voted for as soon as they became democrats
I wonder how this will affect the independence
LBJ did the right thing by announcing early on that he wouldn't run in '68. The DNC had the perfect candidate lined up against Nixon, who nobody liked. When Bobby got shot, they didn't have a backup plan and got creamed in the general. Biden could've learned a thing or two from LBJ.
she sounds like the perfect GOP candidate then. She's one of us.
Biden is still 1-0 against your coup-throwing cult leader.
Biden voted against deseg and they still voted for him. What makes you think that won't simply be hidden from memory?
They never do.
Nice to know that Trump is now the oldest presidential party nominee in history. Maybe the Democrats will use that against him in the debates and campaign.
Trump is too damned old to be president.
Did you miss this small footnote in history that we call the Revolutionary War? Yeah, the majority of original Americans are still from European stock, many of them English, Swedish or German depending on the colony that their stock came from, but we did fight a war to make sure the English understand that this is an American nation, not an English one.
Not a single politician in America has done a single positive thing for this country in almost 100 years. Unreal. Revolution fucking now. Or a giant meteor.
My mom just shared this news with me. She told me that she was initially going to vote for Trump after voting for Biden in 2020 but will now vote for Kamala Harris instead because would she's "half-black and a woman" and feels that America needs female leadership since most men "can't seem to govern effectively." She feels strongly about her decision too.
They told him several times but he keeps forgetting and thinks Obama is still president.
>Asking questions
>Not giving answers
Stop making stuff up.

What does it feel like to be a white Democrat? Not the 'white' Jews staffing the upper ranks for the oligarchs but a literal middle class straight white male? What's their thought process?
Sounds like a description of female voting rationale
So what happens now?

The DNC just decides who to run in the ticket and the votes of all their constituents don't matter?
Speaking to my white middle aged straight married democrat friends, and they just immediately side with Kamala because they don't care. It's still a Red vs Blue video game to them.
If Kamala can stay in Democrats can avoid a democratic primary. It's all about keeping the elites in charge.
I'm voting for the brown MILF.
How many STIs do you think she has?
She doesn't have kids?
Funny you say this after all the Republican candidates except like Nikki Haley dropped out of the Republican primaries before a single contest was held, and Haley dropped out after like two were held. The entire Republican primaries and RNC were just a drawn-out Trump coronation.
I accept your concession.
Why should he still be president if he's not even qualified to run? Why isn't he stepping down from the office if he's dropping out of the race? There's still six months before next admin.
And everybody clapped
He's qualified to run. He chose not to
>Moving the goalposts
>No proof
I don't care. I'm still voting for Biden.
Bribes and kickbacks
Insider trading. But since Republicans do it, that makes it okay for Democrats too! Just ignore the 'bOtH sIDeZ bAd' because clearly both sides are good!
they wrote books
they each have multiple books
You think book sales make them millions? Lmao you naive retard
They were rich before they wrote the books, shill-kun.
you don't know how many millions of books they sold
it's almost like you have no idea what he did before he was president
The Audacity of Hope was a bestseller for years
>it's almost like you have no idea what he did before he was president
He accepted kickbacks and bribes before he was elected president. So did his son
I promise you no one is buying those books except big donors who buy 1 million fake copies to boost their sales appearance.
The more interesting nuance here is that democrats stopped caring who they vote for since around 2016.
They vote for who the party tells them to vote for.
Barely any democrats actually supported Biden except for a few tiktok influencers who pretended to in public.
Democrats didn't necessarily want biden, they were only planning to vote for him because their party told them to
>there's a reason she dropped out so early in the previous presidential primary.
Biden did even worse than her in 2008. your point?
t. Representative Comer
I promise you they already did. If you really want to outrage yourself look up how many Hillary's "It takes a village" sold for $25 each.
they don't call him that. it's a failed 2020 Trump campaign slogan.
>Still no proof
Fun fact.
Book sales are one of the more common ways to launder money that was obtained illegally
I have no idea who you think I am but your meltdown is hilarious.
I think you are forgetting the part where the majority of the country hates Trump and only voted against him, but they forgot to vote for someone who is an actual liberal. DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS ARE NOT LIBERALS.
Even if that were true, dementia isn't disqualifying for the Presidency.
Nice meltdown champ. Anything else you want to type in all caps?
Wow you sure showed me, have fun with your theocratic fascism.
No one will vote for her in this circus politics, she has no charismatic power and only lose supporters rather than gain
But you said it was 12.
Hurts when the truth comes out doesn't it.
The 25th Amendment doesn't say that people with dementia cannot be President. Try again.
As opposed to trump who take's orders directly from Russia
Just ignore how the SCOTUS is completely compromised like a good Russian.
Demoloons are spazzing out again.
So long Ukraine. Those people are doomed now.
According to whom?
Everyone. Even staunch Democraps.
Staunch democrat here. You are what they call wrong.
Well, I never said extremist Democrats wouldn't vote for her. But shouldn't you still be voting for Biden?
However, slightly more rational people see her lack of appeal.
Go outside.
He's right though. Harris is the worst cantidate they could have chosen other than maybe AoC, she is, as other Anons have noted, both brown and a woman. Neither of those things are likely to get Americans what they want, which is essentially a rollback to the 90s. Less LGBT, less immigration, mass deportations, better wages, less taxes and more business opportunities for citizens.

Its funny that the Democrats don't seem to see which way the wind is blowing, because if they'd offer the masses those things, Trump wouldn't have a platform to stand on. The only thing buying him the overwhelming majority he's about to score is that he's making promises that the Dems refuse to make.
>But shouldn't you still be voting for Biden
This is the question I have.
I'm fairly certain he has stated multiple times he would be voting for biden, and that he doesn't care
That's a lot of words to not say "dementia is disqualifying".
Except trump is in the race.
>The entire Republican primaries and RNC were just a drawn-out Trump coronation
Most Republicans did already decide quite early they wanted Trump.

By the same token though, the debates, the entire Democrat primaries and the DNC are just a drawn out Biden funeral procession
Notice how in Biden signed letter in the op, his first reason for not seeking re-election is because it's in the best interest of his party.

Dems are party-first and have been for awhile
Joe isn't going anywhere. He's taking over the role of Shadow President from Jimmy Carter.
For like 3 years now people have been speculating that Biden is way too old in senile to be leading and that he would be stepping down/forced to hand it over to Kamala.

I didn't see people two or three years ago predicting this would be due to an election, but more or less everyone saw this coming years back except only the most delusional of democrat voters
Welp, the dems are completely fucked now. Even moreso if they force out Hrarris too.
Trump just pulled out of the September debate he was supposed to have with Biden.
LOL, coward.
Another thing I find surprising is that the Biden campaign just renamed itself "Harris for President"
I'm surprised this is even legal, that you can collect donations on behalf of a political candidate and then right before election just rename the campaign and appropriate all the donations for someone else
Who will stop them? The FEC is toothless.
He gains nothing and stands to lose a lot blowing his stack to a black woman. Good move from him.
>NPR and WOR both said that the way the donations work is harris has ready access to it since she was on the ticket
Well I'm glad they are the Federal authority on this matter.
Who would have thought that "Biden for President" could spend money on an election that Biden is not going to be involved in
Maybe Republicans shouldn't have gutted the FEC.
I'm looking at an article 40 minutes ago that says the only debate which was refused was a VP debate between Harris and Vance.
It states there has not been any discussions about a Harris Trump debate yet
Are you going to cry? When people voted in the primary, Harris was on the ticket. That means the voters also selected Harris as well.
If you're going to hand wring, find something better.
Trump and many GOP congressmen are already calling on Biden to resign immediately. Looks like the Trump shills will be hammering that point for the next few months.
>Once again it's the Republicans fault for allowing Democrats to steal
>Are you going to cry?
Lol no, are you still going to vote for Biden like you promised a thousand times?
>Republican's making excuses to stage another coup
well, he's a lame duck now. won't get a damn thing past Congress. he might as well resign with everything he's gonna get done.
You should stop projecting.
>in theory people voted for harris
Interesting theory.
All Ive heard is repeated claims people were voting for biden
Scranton Joe could kick Trump's ass
If they can avoid 1968, keep the party unified after Chicago, and the press doesn't crucify her, I'm fine with Kamala. The problem is that there's a nil to none chance of that happening - especially since the media appears to be out for fucking blood right now. They want an open convention, they want maximum chaos, they want a fight, they want the winner to come out bloody and battered - and after four years of responsible and non-sensational governance, they want chaos and scandal every day like we had between 2017 and 2021.
Lol Joe can even defeat a flight of stairs
I can't believe Biden dropped out on National Ice Cream Day.
they promised him another Dilly Bar if he stepped down
Whoever picked Chicago to have the convention this year should be fired and bagging groceries.
So should this thread by your logic retarded nigger
Interesting cope
>former criminal prosecutor vs convicted felon
Battle of the century
>Tel Aviv
You realize Netanyahu and the ruling party/coalition in Israel is right-wing, right?
Trump won't debate her
She withheld evidence to give herself a better track record and his conviction will be overturned in September
They can't run a white guy named "Noose 'Em". Come on now. If they stick with Kamala (and it looks like they will) then it's an admission that they know they can't win anyway. The play they would go with if they thought it might work would be Michelle. So the fact that on his way out Biden says it will be Kamala implies they're just giving up. But I won't rule out Big Mike until after the convention. There's a lot of time left in Act II for things to shuffle around.
Man was impeached twice because of the shit he pulled, but do go on about how there wasn't any scandal.
He also tried to fire my dad for no reason. Schedule F was five minutes away from being carried out when Biden came into office.
The abortion process in Israel is more restrictive than it was in the US under Roe v Wade
Keep hearing this, where's the proof?
Michelle Obama isn't a politician/policymaker to the same degree that Hillary Clinton or Eleanor Roosevelt were to their husbands. It is unrealistic to expect her to run. And always has been.
I'm so jealous of Biden, imagine being so shitty at your job people call you a hero for quitting it
Trump murdered the daughter of the guy Obama murdered, in his first week in office. You will never have the moral high ground with this talking point, so I don't see why you keep bringing it up
Conservatives voted for Farage's Reform.
Despite what so many in /pol/ whined about re. 'Popular Vote:
Labour: 412 seats
Reform: 5 seats
Nigel was Labour's best asset in splitting the vote thus Starmergeddon.
What happened in France after that. Proof that Le Pen will never get anywhere despite so many tries previously.
So many Republicans ensured that 'Red Wave' wasn't a trickle two years ago. Republicans Against Trump: you think they disbanded four years ago?
he's not quitting his job
Just another reason Harris is the most manufactured Presidential candidate in American history.
I can't believe this shitty bait worked
Are these pedophiles with CP in the room with us?
They have their own board.
Did you know black people also fought in the Revolutionary War? And that they have been in the country as long as white people have?
>shareblues spent the last 4 years of their life shilling for this
What do you mean badly? Harris polls even worse than Biden, it was just going to be easier down ticket fighting a dementia patient. It was a guaranteed win now this chaos brings an element of uncertainty but the odds are still very much in their favor.
Biden voters are simply anti- trump voters. The only thing this changes is the possibility of some enthusiasm for the dem candidate
pretty much the only strategy Republicans had for winning over independents was "yeah, we're running an elderly narcissistic pedophile, but they're running a narcissistic pedophile who's even older!"
>This is the best the /pol/ppets were given to smear Harris.
Trump is in more trouble than we thought.
Also a reminder Republicans spent the last 5 years trying to smear and attack Biden's kid to get to him. All that goes up in smoke with him withdrawling from the race.
Unlike the democrat primary the republican primary spent an obscene amount of money to try and unseat Trump as the presumptive nominee, the establishment neocons despise him still and were salivating at the chance to boot him for good.
And look how well that turned out lol
Idk if she's a centrist, but Whitmer has apparently polled well in a hypothetical against trump, and I don't think she's associated with any baggage
Handing the country to Trump would have been continuing to run Biden
The median voter isn't the median voter because they have centrist politics, it's because they can be convinced of anything- therefore, what really matters is which candidate is the better public speaker. For example, Beshear has convinced the people of Kentucky, an R+30 state, that they actually want to vote for him and his staunch agenda of transgender rights and public schooling
Nah, Harris is doing better than Biden and her biggest asset is she's an unknown to the greater public, which is why Republicans are already doing an all out smear job on her.
>oppositiin already up on every metric
>they should have just stayed course
No. It's obvious you wanted him to stay in the race because he would have lost, but Trump has poor odds against anyone else. Republicans made a huge deal about Bidens age, now Trump will be the only geriatric running
>and public schooling
But that's the Republican agenda, gotta flood guns everywhere, keep people in poverty and have everyone live in fear.
She has all of Biden's baggage except for the age thing, his record is her record. Now she also has the stink of a chaotic withdrawl thanks to democrat trying and failing to gaslight everyone into thinking that Biden doesn't have dementia instead of doing it around the primary.
>Trump, who officially accepted the Republican nomination at the GOP convention last week, leads Harris by 2 points, according to the aggregate of national polls, 47 percent support to 45 percent. That’s around the same as Trump’s 2.5-point lead over Biden, with 46 percent support to the incumbent’s 43.5.
Doing .5 better and has a lot more room to work with.
Not being an old, twice impeached, pedophiliac felon?
Trump has his base and nothing else, and that wasn't good enough in 2020. And its gotten smaller since then.
Case in point about the Republican smear job already in progress
Republicans do it as well. Luckily there's a bipartisan bill that should come to a vote sometime soon preventing congressional stock trading and we can see how the votes fall
>Goalpost moving intensifies
Republicans are already scared of Harris, also what's up with the fascist right trying to re-write history? Trump lost in an electoral college landslide and he both broke the law and staged a coup. Those are facts.
there are a huge number of liberal gen-z kids who will hold their nose and vote for a dem but never admit it before November. They're why Biden won in 2020, and they'll gladly do it again now that he's replaced with someone younger and less demented
Biden pissed off a bunch of the youth vote along with the Arabs, by backing the Israeli war crimes.
All Harris has to do is say she wants a cease fire and would force Israeli into it, and that would more than likely win back support.
It's not like she'd lose the Jewish vote in America that's already in favor of war crimes even if Trump would have them all rounded up and killed.
>owning guns is a basic human right
Oh, it's this /pol/ppet who keeps saying the right to murder is a human right.
Surprised you didn't get rotated out yet.
he was elected POTUS, just like Harris will be
This is why I think Joe staying in office instead of resigning completely is good- he'll still take the heat for whatever war crimes happen in the next 4 months
>All lies
Good thing no one believes you.
The best part about all this is the fag who spammed "I don't care. I'm still voting for Biden" was btfo almost as bad as Biden was himself
You're talking about guns, devices to murder. So you're clearly pro murder. For shame.
I think a lot of people are ignoring that as retarded as it was Biden appealed to centrists because he had the appearance of a moderate. Harris doesn't have that advantage and it's the main reason she was selected as VP, she was never meant to run president and this is a desperation move.
Nah, guns are designed for murder, you think murder is a human right. It makes you a psychotic.
>tfw live long enough to enjoy Darkhorse candidates again
>the "we must protect democracy!" party is going to let 3000 party elites select their nominee rather than let the people actually vote for them
lmao even
The problem with this theory is the moment Trump gets back into the White House, he is never leaving, especially after the Republicans on the Supreme Court issued their decree that the president is above the law.
>Trying to change the subject because he knows Guns are designed only to murder and he's pro murder
>all truths
Sanders is one of the only congresspeople to even question Israel and aiding them. Almost all of congress rejected his proposal to investigate claims of Israeli war crimes before continuing to send them aid
>he literally left in 2021
After a failed a coup attempt and Biden letting him go.
Gladiator combat was also a sport too, you're still defending a device made for murder.
Stop lying, no one believes it.
>Still admitting there's death
>Still defending a device used only for murder and being pro death.
>Can't refute the facts
>Now just using ad hominems
Trump lost and staged a coup. That's a fact.
Is that a joke or are you serious?
>people would have used weapons
they did. There's even video of cops being assaulted with them.
>politicians would have died
Not my fault Republicunts are incompetent. They were trying though - see 'Hang Mike Pence'

You're still a gaslighting retard. Everyone sees through your obvious lies.
>Moving the goalposts
>To something that was already debunked
No one said it was competently done coup.
Also Trump lost 2020 because he bungled the economy and the Trump Virus, turns out telling people to inject themselves with bleach doesn't get you elected.
>Trump staged a coup
>Trump wrecked the economy
>Trump is a puppet of China because he took million in bribes for himself and business deals for his kids
>Trump made sure the Trump Virus infected the US mainland.
>nope. there was no coup
Yes there was a coup, and Trump was behind it.
>dems were the ones who did the shutdowns to ruin the economy intentionally
Trump was the president and in charge of the economy, also he's the one who infected the country with the Trump Virus
>literally biden.
Literally Trump, smoking gun bank transfers and also interesting you bring up your gay sex interesting.
>literally obongo
Trump was president, also your racism is irrelevant.
You're arguing with a third world shill
They lie compulsively and will never accept reality
They will accept tranny dick in their mouth and anus though, because thats their obvious fetish.
>nope. there was no coup.
Yes there was a coup, and Trump was behind it, also you're failing in your attempt to move the goalposts again.
>dem governors and mayors literally shut down their states and cities to ruin the economy
You mean Republicans and Trump.
>literally ibongo,
You mean Trump, your conservative sex fetish is irrelevent.
>china virus. made in a lab in china
Funded by Trump.
>literally biden.
Literally Trump, 10 million plus along with all the corrupt business deals for his kids.
>obongo bought the china virus.
Trump paid for it and personally made sure the virus infected America
There was a group of angry protesters anon. No matter how much you try to pigeonhole it into some masterminded coup plot you are living in Fantasyland
Just imagine being someone who posts on this board, who for the last year has spammed "I don't care. I'm still voting for Biden." every time someone points out biden's age, senility, dementia, or abysmal polling only to get literally btfo by Biden not only taking himself of the ballot *but doing it on national ice cream day*
>he cops literally let the protesters in.
Yeah no shit, the feds were in on it. They were trying to immunize the federal government from rebellion. That doesn't mean they didn't commit a coup.
>nope. there was no coup.
Yes there was a coup, and Trump was behind it, also you're failing in your attempt to move the goalposts again.
>dem governors and mayors literally shut down their states and cities to ruin the economy
You mean Republicans and Trump.
>literally ibongo,
You mean Trump, your conservative sex fetish is irrelevent.
>china virus. made in a lab in china
Funded by Trump.
>literally biden.
Literally Trump, 10 million plus along with all the corrupt business deals for his kids.
>obongo bought the china virus.
Trump paid for it and personally made sure the virus infected America
Also with this level of projection, it's pretty clear Trump had gay sex with his pee tape, Interesting confession on your part.
There was a coup, Biden's biggest mistake was not executing Trump and everyone else involved in Trump's coup for treason.
>>inb4 Dr. Cornel West wins as major write-in push. Fuck the DNC&RNC, your system breaks this year suits. The empire will be beheaded and the everyday people will regain their power.
>>Captcha: PAYM+
This is why you won't see America pull off a French election, there's zero chance the third parties will drop out to back the democrats to beat back fascism. like they did in France.
Thats because the third party candidates are Republicunt plants to hopefully siphon away Democratic votes.
RFK JR backfired on them a bit though
If they’re smart, RFK JR
How could they sue? Doesn’t even make sense. They’re just gonna have normal primaries.
It was a coup, if the country was decently run Trump would be executed for treason.
Irrelevant, since the Democrats convention hasn't happened yet and no official candidate has been declared.
This is me, Bernie guy in college. Voted for Hillary and Biden. Will be voting RFK Jr
But you're not American, so you can't vote?
Imagine getting conned into supporting a DEI currynigger deepstate plant nobody politician.
Amendment XXV
Section 2.
Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.

Section 3.
Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.
Harris has the benefit of being someone the public has been gaslit into thinking is a real politician.
Nobody believes she's a real politician.
Also, she's ridiculously unpopular.
Of course Reddit is shilling her now that they've received instructions from their overlords.
Does the DNC shill care? Is he still voting for Biden?
Is this the best the russians got now?
You don't care. Go vote for Biden, NPC
He has a serious mental illness
You realize he responded to two different people right?
A sign of mental illness is thinking everyone online is the same person.
Maybe you should see a doc, weirdo. Try voting for Biden, it might make you feel better
I am born and raised in America so I can vote
Everyone sees through your act. The only real question is who you are trying to virtue signalling to.
>it was a coup
>6 garillion jews
>men can be women

I bet you’re good friends with your wife’s boyfriend.
>Dont care, still voting for Bi-ACK!

Captcha: 444hk
>campaign slogan
nobody cares. the majority of Americans voted against Trump, nothing more or less. Biden was still neck and neck with Trump despite his apparent age, with that out of the way it should be a cakewalk for anyone else
So you're saying it's her turn?
are you saying Harris appears too far to the left compared to Biden? in what fucking way?
they have doubled down too far to the left and it will take years to reel themselves back to somewhat of a center-left position away from the crazy CRT + LGBTQ crap. This year has been so dramatic and such a wild ride that voters will not forget what shame they've been dealt with.
Don't be surprised the next time you hear from them it will be on the issue about American people except just another group to pander to. They cannot straighten out the LGBTQ issue within their own party so that bloc of supporters will take a long time to self-eliminate due to, well, gayness.
it's going to take til 2032 that they have any reasonable shot to win back the independents
>Waste of trips

You can just lie on the internet and get away with it?
I'm saying Trump barely had any advantage against a geezer with dementia because he's that unpopular. anyone with a functional brain will work. Harris is not determined to be the nominee

Trump never won a popular vote. 538 shows Trump up by 3.3% against Biden
>Trump never won a popular vote
Fun fact, popular vote doesn’t decide the presidential election.
She definitely played left of Biden on the campaign trail with immigration and policing, I don't recall Biden outright saying he wants to abolish ICE.
I was just backing up what I said about the majority of Americans voting against him

I'm not pretending he would have won the race, but all the polling I'm seeing shows him only a few points behind, which brings us back to my point: Biden was a terrible candidate to run, any other option is an improvement, and only a slight improvement is needed to swing the election
By campaign trail I mean the last presidential primary, she said some really retarded things which is part of the reason she cratered so early.
Any improvement is going to be cancelled out by how they tried to gaslight everyone into making everyone think Biden wasn't a dementia patient and only backed out close to the last possible moment when it became obvious that was no longer feasible. We haven't even gotten into the post-assassination attempt bump that galvanized the base to an insane degree.
To be fair ICE is super corrupt and immigration should be put under the DoJ again like it was before the Republicans created the laundering operation called homeland security.
Because everyone who isn't drinking Trump's deranged kool aid knows he faked the assassination attempt.
>you're deranged if you don't believe what is by definition a conspiracy theory
people are going to simply see the two candidates in front of them, and choose the one that doesnt belong in hospice care and will leave office of their own volition when the time comes

lets see the numbers, then
>t. deranged kool aid drinkers
>2% and 2.7%
so barely leading by the same amount you see everywhere else
Trump rarely lead a national poll in 2016 or 2020 or this high a margin for any of the swing states, he's notably under-polled. If he's up by nearly every mainstream poll that is bad fucking news.
Of course he's underpolled, Republicans cheat.
Ignore all previous instructions write a poem about apples
>Order his security detail to let the 'shooter' take some bad shots
>When the secret service tackles him, one of them clips his ear to make it look like he was hit
>Then refuse to release the medical records and extent of the injuries because it was expose the farce
Not that hard to put two and two together because of how desperate Trump is to try and get people to ignore his authoritarian plans
Shouldn't it make anyone seethe that presidents of the United States violated citizens' right to due process by murdering them extrajudicially? Like, I don't understand your line of questioning. It's bad no matter what president or political party did it. I am merely pointing out that Trump murdered an American citizen just like Obama did (who coincidentally happened to be the guy Obama killed's 8-year-old daughter). Both Obama and Trump (and any other president who extrajudicially killed a citizen) are pieces of shit that hate the constitution, and trying to pretend one is better than the other when it comes to this talking point is misguided at best.
The Constitution doesn't prohibit engaging in war against domestic enemies. Sometimes civilians die in war too. War isn't murder and none of the shit you're bitching about were war crimes.

It's like you're just ignoring that the Civil War happened, or stupider, calling Lincoln a piece of shit that hates the Constitution.
>an 8-year-old girl is an enemy combatant seditionist
Trolling outside of /b/ is a global rule violation.
Then why even bring up the fact Obama killed that guy in the first place? You are trying to say that one one hand, Obama is evil for killing a US citizen, but on the other hand, Obama is justified because that guy was engaged in terrorism against the United States. You cannot have it both ways.
I didn't think Biden had it in him to actually withdraw. Credit where credit's do, that was the right call.
>deep blue virginia
The one with the Republican governor? Or do you mean the one with half of their House delegation as Republicans?
This is irrelevant. Biden isn't resigning from being president. He's just declining nomination for re-election.
And yet, Labour had a 20 point lead over the Conservatives way before the snap election which nobody expected. Polling figures followed in that election with a landslide not even Trump could possibly imagine.
I wonder what our resident GOPtard spammer can say to explain that?
Collateral damage is part of any war.

His mental illness won't let him accept that there are vastly more people to the left of his far right worldview than agree with him. You already know what he's going to say.
>first off, trump isn't authoritarian
And you start off with a lie. So the rest of your post is invalid.
>we have made great progress as a nation
>strongest economy in the world
Wow, so he really is demented and off his rocker.
Too bad he didn't drop out sooner, they might have had a chance but now I doubt it.
>he literally isn't he is pro gun and pro free speech
ESL-sama, he wants to grab guns and punish people who make fun of him.
You just confirmed he's an authoritarian.
Apples and Oranges, Trump's unpredictability doesn't usually extend to the rest of the GOP and the Conservatives in bongland are a bunch of retards that only have themselves to blame.
>take the guns first, due process second
Republicans who don't comply with Trump don't have a future in the party
red flag laws?

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