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A new report from CNN reveals more evidence that Trump vice presidential pick J.D. Vance once believed accusations of sexual assault against his running mate.

Earlier this month, Mediaite reported that, in a 2016 MSNBC appearance, Vance said he believed Jessica Leeds’s accusation that Trump groped her. Sarcastically noting Trump’s tendency to lie, he said, “This is sort of he said/she said, right? And at the end of the day, do you believe Donald Trump who always tells the truth? Just kidding, or do you believe that woman on the tape?”

On Tuesday, CNN reported that Vance repeatedly expressed similar sentiments online.

In October 2016, after the Access Hollywood tapes were released, Vance tweeted a since-deleted post asking, “What percentage of the American population has @realDonaldTrump sexually assaulted?”

Vance also reportedly liked tweets that read, “Maybe the Central Park 5 could take out a full-page ad to condemn the coddling of thug real estate barons who commit serial sexual assault,” and, “I wish there was a 2nd Vice Presidential debate just to see [Mike Pence] deny that Trump said he grabbed p*ssy.”

On Facebook, he shared a Washington Post op-ed by a Southern Baptist Convention leader, who condemned conservative religious leaders’ support of then-presidential candidate Trump “following the disclosure of his sexually predatory recorded comments.” Vance posted an excerpt of the article that read, in part, “[Trump] has reaffirmed who he is over and over again, even during this campaign—from misogynistic statements to racist invective to crazed conspiracy theorizing.”

The unearthed social media activity—piling atop a mountain of examples of Vance once railing against his current running mate—has fueled ongoing conversations questioning his convictions and speculating that Trump may be regretting his vice presidential pick.

Link to the video of Vance saying Trump is a sexual predator.
Apparently growing a beard makes you even more evil if you're a Republican.
he's right
The guy comes off as a bit of a turncoat, not gonna lie
>Republican VP Nominee, J.D. Vance Repeatably said Trump Is a Sexual Predator
JD's wrong about Donald CP Trump:
That thing's far worse.
>citation needed news
Into the >>>/trash/ it goes! Youre gonna have to do better than than that, Kamala cucks!
>MAGAtards refer to each other as 'Pedes'
>1319951 1319975 supporting that which leered at a ten year old girl
Trumptards proven to be pedo enablers
Interesting how Republicans ignore Trump admitting he's a groomer, while accusing everyone else of being groomers.
Projection much?
who cares trump can go ahead and rape all the leftists to death for all I care. call it population control it's a demographic of current and future sex predators anyways better rape em to death while he can to save the kids
What is it with the fascist right and their double standards?
leftists are self-projecting hypocrites therefore they deserve to be treated how they treat others with rape and violence.
Trumptards proven to be pedo enablers
good post
Insecure Democrats quickly calling everyone they don't like groomer
>citation needed
see >>1319850
Only the best people!
Why are you offended?
>J D Vance was a inbred hillbilly who watch only watch main steam media
>became a millionaire politician and realized 'yeah, women will literally let you grab them in the pussy'

even millionaire politician AOC has a fuckboi she grabs by the cock
AOC is a millionaire now?
He was an anti Trumper in 2016, he'll betray anyone to get ahead. Basically your classic conservative.
Daily reminder House members make $174000/ year.

What a mistake this Republican VP nominee is, he is sabotaging trump. What a mistake, what a disaster
Kamala Harris said she believed Biden's accusers. Biden himself said women don't lie which means he believes his own accusers. And you all still voted for him anyway (except that half of you were too young to even vote in 2020).
this >>1320508
and she's married and has other income. She's either a millionaire or she's terrible with money. Since she's a leftist Millennial woman she might just be bad with money though.
>Making $174k a year makes you a millionaire
Wow, Republicans just showing they're retarded and sexist on top of their usual racism.
>reading comprehension this bad
Leftoids, everybody.
True! As always!
>le heckin updoot!

the shitposts are getting out of hand
>Directly point to post where you won't be a millionaire any time soon due to all the costs of running for congress and the office of it.
You made an attempt.

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