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this is why I always vote in every election and always vote straight ticket republican
Stop ban evading, gun schizo.
take your medz, schizo
Updating list of spam threads by the ban evading /pol/ppet spammer.

It's clear he's changing IPs to get around the 5 thread limit to spam and to now ban evade
paste the article text newfag
This is not your board.
You don't get to make rules.
You don't get to control who posts threads.
You don't get to control posting of article text.
You don't get to keep false lists of "spammers" who are actually multiple different people unless you can prove its the same person with something other than schizo-rambling.
You especially don't get accuse others of samefagging while crying about Post IDs

All you can do is bitch and cry and moan and get clowned on, day after day after day, because your personal samsaras are apparently posting agitprop here until you die

You have zero control here, stop pretending otherwise
>every thread showing dems are bad is spam reeeeeeeeeeeee
not in the rules, troon
mega based. MAGA. this board needs flags. all the pro trump anons are American. all the anti trump fags are not
Go inject bleach you Jewish space laser bamboo ballot conspiracy voter closeted racist
nah, I'm going to make sure I vote so anti gun cunts like harris don't win office. I always vote and always vote republican because I hate dems so fucking much. I walk in. hit the all GOP button vote and leave every time. don't even need to show ID
So you don't deny you injected bleach or believe in Jewish space lasers.
You also didn't deny you are a closeted racist (no surprise there!)
Now say that again without crying or ban evading when 28 of your 34 spam threads all got deleted.
The mods have clearly decided /news/ isn't your place to shit up with your low quality propaganda.
This is why I love this board! /pol/ appears and there is a MOD=GOD who is like gandalf "YOU HAVE NO POWER HERE" and demolishes /pol/!
>No it isn't
>No they haven't

Reddit really might be your thing, 4chan isn't sheltered and safe enough for you it seems
>space lasers
I didn't know Himeko was Jewish?
>miHoYo of China doesn't have a problem with the NingguangxBeidou & KaeyaxDiluc shipping/slashfics/yuri/yaoi fan art etc
Perhaps you still don't understand? Humanity never conceals it's desire to see retarded opinions blasted off /news/...:
...and I'm no exception.
>Trying to gaslight this, when his spam, that amounted for over a 4th of all threads on the board got nuked by the mods. >>1320276
/pol/ mad today.
>making a list of anonymous users on an anonymous board and crying about how multiple people are really just one person and expecting people to believe your schizo nonsense
>"What if we had post IDs? Surely that would prove who's actually spamming"

Every accusation from the left is a confession
>He wants to turn /pol/ into /news/ after he as caught changing IPs to spam over a 4th of the board
Nice try /pol/tard, /news/ doesn't work like that. Also, are you done use their reddit-teir buzzwords?
>constantly complain about spamming
>cry and bitch about any preventative measure that could help cut down on spamming
The only logical conclusion is you're not mad about spamming, you're mad about competition out spamming you

But keep making lists of anonymous users making anonymous posts and shitting up the board by crying it's all the same person, that will definitely help your psychosis allegations
>Get's exposed as an IP changing ban evader
>Still trying to pretend IDs would do anything other than give you another way to pretend you aren't the spammer.
Keep crying that all your spam got deleted.
>I would welcome post IDs to not only deny retards of the right to accuse others of 'samefagging'
>flags in /news/ - only geographical location allowed with permab&s for those using VPNs/proxies etc - I would also welcome
>hit subhuman hypocrite called out hollers:
>Call out lists are absolutely an ActBlue tactic
Every accusation from the right is a confession
Absolutely this!
>I like /news/ because tranny janny deletes everything that isn't communist propaganda because its a tranny
top kek, reddit is more your speed, troon.
remember biden is winning ;)
>reddit trannies absolutely seething about any threads that are not chinese propaganda
remember, biden is winning and does not have dementia
I am a genuinely persuadable voter in a swing state (AZ). This really puts me off. I wish democrats would stop affiliating with these orgs. I would vote for whoever they put up against Trump if they just do not talk about guns. I'm not even a gun owner.
>all the pro trump anons are American
/pol/ is like 30% white tops. We already know this.
because taking guns is the number 1 priority of the dems. nah scratch that, personally enriching themselves is number 1 and number 2 is taking guns. dems would lower taxes on billionares to zero and torpedo universal healthcare and baby murder if it meant they could ban guns. banning guns is that important to them
so why do you fear the flags?
I don't. I would welcome flags on every board.
>personally enriching themselves is number 1
For republicans sure
>and number 2 is taking guns.
>For republicans sure
10% for the big guy. the fact biden, sanders and obongo have never had real jobs in their lives and own 8 mansions each
all that insider trading pelosi and finestine did
banning guns is literally the biggest. priority for the dems after personal enrichment. its why brandon tweeted about it every week, why he fucking said he wanted to ban guns in a press conference about nato for some fucking reason and why harris has said she wants to ban guns in both her first rally and her first ad. dems want to ban guns so they can put Americans in concentration camps like FDR did and its the only thing dems care about besides personal enrichment
Dems haven't pushed a gun regulation initiative since fucking Sandy Hook.

You'd think if it were a number 1 priority, it might come up more than once a fucking decade.
Maybe not on the federal level, but I'd have to verify. However, state and local Dems are usually trying to push anti-1a policy.
>get thoroughly btfo'd
>pretend to be bored
keep seething tranny, we both know you have no argument and no dick
reddit spacer, brandon passed the first gun law in 30 years. did you forget? what about the fact 3 more dem states got awb or the fact the dem governor in nm banned ccw illegally, or all the bruen response bills, or how just this week mass passed a big gun law and wrote up a second one that would have a searchable registry and confiscation?
they also reintroduce that anti gun bill from sandy hook literally every year federally tranny.
I said the dems were anti gun, reddit spacer, not good at governing. they raised taxes on the middle class, had the 3 highest years of illegals entering the US, doubling the number of illegals in the country, 2022 and 2023 saw illegals skipping their court dates sky rocket to the point where 69% of asylum claims processed resulted in removal for absentia in 2023 and biden and the dems only passed like 13 laws all of last year
>>get thoroughly btfo'd
>>pretend to be bored
I bet this makes you furious huh. Here, take my concession. You won, you beat me. Does that help? Didn't think so. You're boring.
thanks for your concession. how does it feel to be so stupid you can't articulate an argument after you have been thoroughly humiliated? must hurt to know you can't even shill well
Not really
Get that last reply faggot, that'll help you save face on an anonymous image board for sure
Let's see, nope it didn't do that either. Wow you're bad at this

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