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>2-person relay teams
>each of the top 3 teams had a male cyclist


Transgender athletes won first, second and third place at a recent women’s cycling competition held in Washington.

The annual Marymoor Grand Prix kicked off on Friday at the Jerry Baker Memorial Velodrome with at least three transgender athletes taking part in a 2-person relay of the Elite Women’s division.

According to results made available on Jerry Baker Memorial Velodrome’s website, the top three teams each had one biological male. They included Jordan Lothrop, Jenna Lingwood and Eva Lin.

Fox News Digital reached out to the Jerry Baker Memorial Velodrome for comment.

Lingwood, who placed second, was previously referenced in an amicus brief filed by Hannah Arensman, a 35-time winner on the national cyclocross circuit, to the Supreme Court in 2023. Arensman revealed that she had retired from cycling after being forced to compete with Lingwood and another transgender athlete.
Several cycling organizations have put in place restrictions and regulations on transgender athletes.

In July 2023, the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) announced that it would no longer allow transgender cyclists to compete in women’s divisions if they began transitioning after puberty.

A few months later, USA Cycling announced similar restrictions, categorizing transgender athletes into "Group A" and "Group B" categories based on the race.

Group A athletes must provide medical documentation showing a testosterone level in serum that has been below 2.5 nmol/L for at least 24 months, completed 90 days prior to the first race.

Group B athletes must complete self-identity verification request to document the change in gender identity 30 days prior to the first race.

In a comment to Fox News Digital, Independent Women’s Law Center Director May Mailman responded to the results, saying, "Males accelerate 20% faster and are 30% stronger than women with similar body mass. So this isn’t a competition, it’s a joke. Female athletes are in a tough spot, faced with either turning away from what they’ve worked for or engaging in a hopeless endeavor. To support women, the adults running the show should make women’s sports for women again and stop the madness."
Wanna hear a joke. Batman?
Women. haha
Hahaha. Fuck real women. The future is males on hormones. We will breed them. Feminism will die.
Death to all women!
Updating list of spam threads by the ban evading /pol/ppet spammer.

It's clear he's changing IPs to get around the 5 thread limit to spam and to now ban evade
>t. mindbroken trooncel
based, keep up the good work
>everybody who isn't a newfag from r*ddit is a tranny
nice cope
Hi samefag. No one likes you or thinks your insanity is good work.
>democrat shills when someone else posts something that isnt propaganda

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