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JD Vance ignited uproar from a particularly vocal fanbase on the internet this week, as some Taylor Swift fans say the Republican VP nominee might "need to calm down" after a video resurfaced of him slamming childless women who own cats.

"Hell hath no fury like a certain childless cat lady who has yet to endorse a presidential candidate," one X user posted in response to Vance's prior comments, which have recirculated after he and Vice President Kamala Harris have emerged as opponents on the 2024 presidential campaign trail.

Resurrected footage, shared Monday by the editor-in-chief of MeidasTouch Network, shows Vance on Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight" in 2021, criticizing multiple Democratic figures as "childless cat ladies" and saying people without children don't have a "direct stake" in America's future. Vance made the TV appearance while he was running for the Ohio senate seat he eventually won.

The video had more than 25 million views on X as of Wednesday and Vance's "childless cat ladies" comments had sparked an uproar from Swiftie fans and beyond.

Swift, who endorsed now-President Joe Biden and Harris back in 2020, has not yet endorsed anyone for president in 2024.

"When it hits you that Taylor Swift is childless and has cats... The armageddon is coming for him," one X user posted Tuesday night.

Another user posted: "Vance attacked childless women who love cats. Taylor Swift would probably like a word. Release the kraken (meowww)."

One fan suggested she use his comments "right back at him" if she were to endorse Harris, while another lobbied for Swift-inspired "Democratic fundraising merch."

Internet users drew the connection between Vance's comments and Swift because she has three cats and proudly posts about them on social media.

Swift, 34, is not married and does not have children.

Considered one of the most famous people on the planet, Swift is dating Kansas City Chief's player Travis Kelce. The pop superstar and NFL player took their romance public in October 2023.

Earlier this year, Time Magazine played into Swift's cat ownership pride when it named her Person of the Year.

Her one request for the 2024 photoshoot: "Can I bring my cat?
>a certain childless cat lady who has yet to endorse a presidential candidate
LMAO yeah because I'm sure her handlers would have let her endorse Trump before this comment. Taylor Swift is an establishment shill, and like all establishment shills, she will endorse the Democrat candidate.
>celebshit gossip
Into the >>>/trash/ with your tabloid garbage!
>one of the reasons why a prayed for 'Red Wave' wasn't a trickle
Well, in Soviet America pussy grabs you. In more ways than one.
The 19th Amendment will be far more lethal than JD Ponce and Fucker Carlscum being attacked by hordes of cats.
>hit cat ladies hollering all over the country
>hit rightards holler in /news/
Just have kids, lmao
>/r9k/ reject manbaby that is a wifeless rightard spammer on /news/ will never marry, thus have kids
Why are you so mad?
>1320733 is so mad at not only its threads being removed thus projects at those whose threads/posts aren't removed, but is a wifeless /r9k/ reject manbaby
I'm glad that someone is encouraging more women to vote, just as Madonna did previously. 19th Amendment and all that jazz. Democrats stealing power from rightards >>1320267. That makes me happy that this fact makes something else - not me - mad.
Childless cat ladies are never going to be cool
They’re the female equivalent of basement dwelling incels
Pretty based of you to use a Custom Robo pic tho ngl
Why are you literally having a meltdown right now? What happened?
swift was always an industry plant. her parents are rich hedge fund managers and she made some whole fake documentary about being anti trump in 2020. everyone already knows she is sucking that biden cock
its because >>1320731 and >>1320734 lives in new delhi and is mind broken because xe is a drug addicted tranny
Why is 1320738 literally having a meltdown right now? What happened?
Its because 1320738 and 1320747 live in new delhi and are mind broken because they are drug addicted trannies
Uh oh, bot malfunction!
top kek at the seethe on this tranny. biden still winning?
Triggered tourist 1320798 that thinks not linking is an error is malfunctioning
Top kek at the seethe on the tranny that is 1320810, are you winning, daughter?
Top kek at the seethe on this ESL eurotrash extremist.
>Top kek at the seethe on the tranny that is
Weird sentence structure gives it away.
Top kek at 1320836
Weird extremist rightist that needs to be on /news/ is what gives it away
I'm not right wing though, samefag.
>poster IDs in a certain board
Curious how 'samefag' doesn't exist in that board. Gee, I wonder why...?
They should wonder why I'm not opposed to post IDs added to /news/.
>childless cat ladies angry about vance's childless cat lady comment prove vance correct

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