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California Gov. Gavin Newsom, buoyed by a recent US Supreme Court decision, issued an executive order Thursday calling on state officials to begin taking down homeless encampments.

The move to begin dismantling thousands of encampments throughout California comes after the high court ruled last month in favor of an Oregon city that ticketed homeless people for sleeping outside. The ruling rejected arguments that such “anti-camping” ordinances violated the Constitution’s ban on “cruel and unusual” punishment.

“This executive order directs state agencies to move urgently to address dangerous encampments while supporting and assisting the individuals living in them — and provides guidance for cities and counties to do the same,” Newson said in a statement. “There are simply no more excuses. It’s time for everyone to do their part.”

The order calls on state officials “to adopt humane and dignified policies to urgently address encampments on state property.”
California has the largest homeless population – more than 180,000 people – in the nation, according to a 2023 homelessness assessment report to Congress from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.

An estimated 653,100 people were experiencing homelessness nationwide – a jump of around 12% since 2022, according to the report.

California’s policies following the Supreme Court decision are being closely watched by other cities and states, and Newsom’s order has drawn the ire of some homeless advocates and elected officials.

“Newsom could have issued this order before the (Supreme Court) decision. The only difference now is that states and localities are free to confine and arrest people even when there is no shelter available,” said Chris Herring, an assistant professor of sociology at the University of California Los Angeles.

“So before the Supreme Court ruling cities were in the position where they would have to provide shelter offers before removing encampments. Now … they will be able to carry out these encampment sweeps with the very real threat of issuing people incredibly expensive fines of which people cannot pay and often results in a warrant or an arrest or can result in incarceration.”
Dumping Trump,
No longer ridin' Biden,
No you cant, Kumala Whoris,
Now im doing the needful with Newsom!
Surely he knows this doesn't do anything right?
it fills the county jails with thousands of homeless, temporarily. Three hots and a cot. They've been doing catch-and-release with homeless for more than a century.
>Surely he knows this doesn't do anything right?
Incorrect on multiple fronts.
1. Rounding up homeless people creates a public spectacle that makes it seem like he's solving the problem.
2. Homeless people often have their tents and other property destroyed during camp raids, meaning they'll have less of a visible presence going forward
3. Removing homeless people makes shit look better temporarily until they move back in
4. It doesn't require him to actually provide housing that might actually be near voters that would take offense to dirty poor welfare queens moving in

Frankly the only thing it doesn't do is immediately kill them, thus permanently solving the problem, but he's not courting Republican voters, just California Dems, so there's no need to go that far.
>Republican: "Lets kill the unfortunate!"
Simply evil.

The Nimbys and the pro-insurrectionist traitors are fighting ruthlessly for The "Deserves Zero Sympathy If They Got Ran Over By A Bus" Award.
>create mass homelessness via democrat policies
>outlaw homelessness
bravo california, problem solved
>>create mass homelessness via democrat policies
a massive lie and Republicunt cope?
on this board?
>increase poverty with inflation
>reduce available housing with mass immigration
>enable addiction by assisting access to drug paraphernalia
>defund police, increasing financial damages and business closures due to criminality
>shutter businesses with authoritarian covid measures
yep, sounds like democrat policies

The thing you have to remember is Republicans are demons that don't view the less fortunate as people, but as parasites being punished by god for a lack of morals and work ethic. If they actually wanted to contribute to society, they would be doing so, and if they were doing so, they would be rewarded. If someone is beneath you, it is because they deserve to be morally. If someone is above you, it is either because they deserve to be morally, because they cheated with the help of Satan, or because you haven't fully risen to your proper station yet.
libtard headcanon is wild
>increase poverty with inflation
Republican policy initiatives caused inflation. Democratic ones cut it back down to size.
>reduce available housing with mass immigration
I'm fairly certain that a greater % of California's construction workers are immigrants than home owners.

Which is to say there would be less homes available without them, not more.
>enable addiction by assisting access to drug paraphernalia
Literally every fucking study that has looked at it has concluded that providing safe drug paraphernalia doesn't increase addiction and can even reduce it by providing it at sites which also provide or direct people to addiction services.

I don't understand why reality makes you so fucking booty-blasted, but you need to get over it.
>defund police
Didn't fucking happen even though it should have. California cops are famously corrupt shitbags, with multiple criminal gangs operating within their police departments and them being responsible for literal fucking terrorist acts to prevent themselves from being regulated.
>shutter businesses with authoritarian covid measures
Every god damn country on earth implemented covid measures. If you consider it authoritarian, your definition of what authoritarian means is useless for political analysis.

Or put another way, you're a fucking idiot.
My brother, I didn't come up with any of that bullshit. I just listened to the words coming out of your fucking mouths.

You should try it some time.
>Republican policy initiatives caused inflation. Democratic ones cut it back down to size.
who's been rubber stamping spending for the last 4 years?
>I'm fairly certain that a greater % of California's construction workers are immigrants than home owners.
you do realize that immigrants occupy housing under than homes, yes? most homeless people aren't prospective home owners to begin with.
>Literally every fucking study that has looked at it has concluded that providing safe drug paraphernalia doesn't increase addiction
the studies demonstrated that the needle share programs in CA correlated strongly with adverse results. hence why CA is now in the process of shutting down those programs. too little too late
>Didn't fucking happen even though it should have
they actually did. it was called measure J and it correlated with a significant increase in crime
>Every god damn country on earth implemented covid measures. If you consider it authoritarian, your definition of what authoritarian means is useless for political analysis.
every single democrat state yielded demonstrably worse economic outcomes compared to republican states. you're super low info and every single one of your arguments is based on unfounded bias
Child, you need to face reality.
cool, you got btfo. i accept your concession
seems like a better system than DEI frankly
Do you have a source!??
Fuck no they don't have a source. Nobody wanting to compare red and blue economies to defend red ones is in their right mind, let alone operating with actual data.
>The Dailybeast
Ewww, who left this >>>/trash/ here?!
needle shares yield adverse results:
immigrants taking housing:
california crime rates:
covid numbers:

i accept your concession
wait, is hair gel killing the homeless? because that would be mega based. that or send them to canada for MAID. we also need to spike all the fentanyl with that chemical that gives you Parkinson's
>democrats intentionally cause mass homelessness and mass inflation
>kill the homeless
if brandon didn't cause the inflation, he wouldn't have been kicked out of being president
I'd have used a real source (nyt for example), but I figured people like you would be incapable of reading beyond the link and nobody else stuck the meat in there. Braindead children such as yourself require extreme measures to get points across.

You're welcome to google it if you care, which you don't. All the major news agencies covered it.
>needle shares yield adverse results:
Your source literally concludes with saying that needle programs reduce drug fatalities, the spread of disease, crime, and should get increased funding and that there is a wealth of data to back this up.

Did you even fucking read your own fucking source?
So you admit you posted an illegitimate source to troll the thread and waste everyone's time? Okay, just so as long as nobody's confused.
Good. Get rid of them. The rat vermin made a decision to live like filthy fucking animals. It's no one else's fault so they can't mess up the city.
I would have preferred to legalize blood sports and round up all the homeless and force then to participate in death games, but i guess this is the next best thing
>So you admit you posted an illegitimate source to troll the thread
Nah. Story's real even if the source is shit.
>and waste everyone's time
I was attempting to save time instead of trying to convince someone too dumb to read a story that it says what it says, but you're proving exceptionally dumb even by /news/ shitposter standards so you couldn't even take the help.

And just as long as nobody's confused, you admit to being incapable of using google.
I thought so too
from the study:
>However, estimates also indicate that SEP openings increase drug related mortality. Most notably, I find that SEPs increase drug-related mortality rates by 11.6 percent and opioid-related mortality rates by 25.4 percent, and provide some evidence that SEPs lead to a higher rate of emergency room visits and in-patient stays for drug-related complications.

needle shares correlate with increased mortality. they're a harm multiplier, not a harm reducer. as for HIV reduction- yeah, dead people don't transmit HIV. needle shares are a failed policy. that's why they're being shut down..
I would rather have 1000 of them than 1 maga traitor.
The study also says that data isn't fucking conclusive and doesn't match data in other regions and that clean needle programs can't be the only thing you do to fight drug deaths, pointing out more money should go to rehab clinics.

We also need safe injection sites and ready access to narcan, neither of which this study brings up for some godforsaken reason.

Also, I'm more inclined to believe the increase in drug deaths the study found was more caused by the rise of fentanyl than fucking safe needle programs. The study itself *attempts* to mitigate that rather large complicating factor by comparing counties that started clean needle programs with similar drug overdose death rates beforehand with counties that didn't, but that shit's a big brick being chucked in the fucking pond.

It does not help that this
>isn't fucking peer reviewed.
Frankly if it didn't come across as at least a good faith effort, I wouldn't have given it the time of day.
even if needle sharing worked, it doesn't, it should be banned because we should intentionally give all drug addicts aids so they die off. add the chemical that causes Parkinson's to all drug needles
narcan also needs to be banned
i'm 99% certain the entire purpose of needle shares was to increase mortality rates. the democrat ploy to solve homelessness is to kill them with kindness, literally
Do you have a source for that??
Politicians don't want to solve homelessness because it's a giant grift and an easy way to funnel billions in tax dollars to bogus programs and nonprofits full of fake jobs. The more money they spend the worse the homeless problem gets, and then they propose the solution is to spend even more money on the same stuff that didn't work before.

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