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**Title: Vulnerability in the Argentine Interior and Political Manipulation**

The disappearance of Loan Danilo Peña has revealed a harsh reality in the Argentine interior: the extreme poverty that affects many communities. In regions such as northern Corrientes, where families struggle to survive, the lack of opportunities becomes fertile ground for manipulation.

In this context, political figures such as "Vice President Kamala Harris" and "Joe Biden", both North American Democrats, begin to look towards these vulnerable communities. With promises of financial aid and job opportunities, they try to attract desperate inhabitants, offering money in exchange for political support or participation in questionable activities.

As communities become trapped in this web of empty promises, many begin to accept offers that are questionable, such as selling their children.

The 145 line, dedicated to receiving complaints about trafficking and exploitation, begins to register an increase in cases related to the exploitation of vulnerable people by these networks. In 2024, 812 complaints were reported, many of which come from areas where poverty is most acute and desperation most palpable.

The disappearance of Loan Danilo Peña becomes a symbol of the intersection between poverty, vulnerability and political ambition.

As the investigation progresses, it is expected that the authorities will take measures not only to solve the case, but also to dismantle the networks that exploit vulnerable communities,https://www.lanacion.com.ar/seguridad/donde-esta-loan-la-sospecha-de-un-ritual-la-pista-intrafamiliar-las-redes-de-trata-y-los-ninos-nid28062024/
Do you have a source for that claim??
Yes i have is all clear What are Biden, Michelle and Kamala doing visiting Argentina? Why are they so interested? You don't have to ask yourself.
Updating list of spam threads by the ban evading /pol/ppet spammer.

It's clear he's changing IPs to get around the 5 thread limit to spam and is now not only ban evading, but making up fake news articles
What do you have against me? Why do you censure me?
>La página que buscás no está disponible
>The page you are looking for is not available
Because you have nothing for you, reality has everything against you. In Soviet /news/ La Nacion censors you.
Vulnerability in the inferior rightard and political propagandist.

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