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Pro murder gun fetishists on suicide watch.


Former President Donald Trump called for gun confiscation in cities during a rant on Fox News demanding cops “stop and frisk, and take their gun away.”

Trump called in for a lengthy and rambling interview on Thursday morning’s edition of Fox & Friends, during which he went off on a 5-minute off-topic tangent, made false attacks against Vice President Kamala Harris, and talked about Chicago, host city for the Democratic National Convention (DNC).

In a lengthy rant about crime in the city, Trump endorsed the confiscation of firearms from residents and a strict “stop and frisk” policy:

>TRUMP: First of all, you — I know the people in Chicago. I know the police, because I built the building there. I spent a lot of time — the building, it was a — it’s a great building, a really great building.

>You’ve got to let the police do their jobs, number one. Number two, you have to do a policy of stop and frisk. When you see a guy coming down the street and you can — the police know every one of them. They know their middle name. They know where they live. They know every one of them, the local police, and they’re great.

>You got to let them do their job, stop and frisk, and take their gun away. You’ve got to do it. If somebody has because they have all these guns — you know...

Chicago is currently under a federal consent decree “based on the findings of the Justice Department’s investigation and the Task Force’s report that revealed a pattern of civil rights violations.”
they are talking about chicaco so he's talking about criminal gangs you disingenuous fuck
>Pro murder gun fetishists on suicide watch.
pro murder are the abortionists.
Trumps judges got us bruen. dems have said if they get control of the courts they will overturn heller and ban guns.
anything short of a vote for trump is a vote for gun control
Why are you ignoring the fact Trump just said again he's going to let the cops grab your guns?
because you are only posting it to try to get harris elected and harris if elected will confiscate guns. dems have already said they want to pack the courts. they want to overturn heller. Trump got us more gun laws being taken off the books since his presidency than in the 60 years prior to him being elected.
anything short of voting for trump is voting for heller to be overturned and a full gun ban
Remember how the maga cultists bullied Kyle Rittenhouse into voting for Trump and gaslighted him into believing he would be pro-second amendment?
who appointed alito, thomas, gorsuch, kavanaugh and ACB? And who appointed keagan, sotomayor and KBJ?
Except Trump just said he's going to grab your guns, you aren't fulling anyone.
Trump didn't appoint Alito and Thomas. Also, Trump banned bump stocks after the Las Vegas shooting (SCOTUS has since overturned the ban, but still, the fact he did it in the first place makes him not as pro-2A as you claim).
its literally the position of harris walz and every single democrat politician and judge that the 2nd amendment does not protect an individuals right to keep and bear arms and that guns can and should be confiscated
meanwhile trump appointed judges keep striking down gun law after gun law
anything other than a vote for trump is a vote for gun confiscation. schumer already said if h has 50 senators and the house he is nuking the filibuster, packing the courts and banning guns
Rare Trump W.
But Trump is on the record of saying he wants to grab your guns.
That's a step above Kamala and Tim who just want universal background checks and red flag laws.
I can't believe Trump is the anti-gun candidate now.
scamala has said she wants a buyback program for "assault weapons", fuck off
That's clearly not as extreme as 'deploying the police to grab your guns' like Turmp says he will do.
I can't believe Trump is the anti-gun candidate now.
harris and walz both said they want confiscation of ARs you paid nonAmerican shill. the stance of the dems as a whole is that heller and bruen should be overturned. dems literally do not believe people have an individual right to keep and bear arms. I literally don't give a shit what the GOP does or says, I will vote straight ticket gop because fuck the dems
good post
red flag laws are literally deploying the cops to murder and take the guns from innocent people
"buybacks" on "assault weapons" is literally mandatory gun confiscation
Why do you always samefag, gun schizo? Like, you don't even attempt to hide it. Yet, you always accuse others of samefagging
not even samefagging, keep seething. the thing you keep calling samefagging is if I reply to different posts with new posts because if you reply to more than 2 or 3 posts in a single post you get banned
No, I was referring to you replying to your own post with "good post"
I was replying to a different person's post, moshie
>harris and walz both said they want confiscation of ARs
Where? I didn't see that in the speech, also that's only one type of gun.
Trump wants to grab any type of gun and unlike buy back, you get zero compensation. Which is typical for Trump.
>gun schizo's whining thread was deleted
Donald Trump tried to steal the 2020 election with has fake electors scheme and through verbal and physical pressure towards his Vice President Mike Pence during the January 6th insurrection.

He organized 7 different groups of people in 7 different states to lie and claim that they were the duelly elected electors from their state legislatures.

Trump then went to the White House and watched the riot unfold at the Capital on TV, sipping on a Diet Coke, while members of his administration, staffer after staffer, even his own daughter asked him to call off his supporters. Trump refused for hours.
wasn't my thread, bitch boi
>Where? I didn't see that in the speech,
>also that's only one type of gun.
its literally the most popular rifle in the US and I will let literally all abortions be banned, all illegals be put in camps and all homosexuals and trannies also be put in camps before I turn in any guns
>Trump wants to grab any type of gun and unlike buy back, you get zero compensation. Which is typical for Trump.
Trump's judges got us bruen which got a NJ judge to rule banning AR-15s is unconstitutional.
again, you are a paid, nonAmerican democrat shill who is trying to get a gun grabber elected by trying to convince people to not vote for the guy who was quite literally the most pro gun president in the past 100 years
i still get nightmares from january 6th, i can't believe one(1) white woman was killed by a cop, can't you believe that, it was a literal traumatic mass massacre
dude, I don't give a shit if he shot pence in the head himself. I fucking hate dems and will vote for anyone on the GOP ticket no matter what they said or did
>John Lott
>Pro Coup terrorist who pushed the Big Lie
Terrible source, try again.
Lott is an American hero you tranny
You mean he's a traitor like the rest of the MAGAs, who now want to grab your guns.
because of trump my state has concealed carry. if it was up to harris it wouldn't and guns would be banned.
I'm voting straight ticket GOP every election
Former DOJ officials detail threatening to resign en masse in meeting with Trump


Witnesses in today's hearing revealed details of a dramatic Oval Office meeting on Jan. 3, 2021, in which top Justice Department officials banded together to prevent Jeffrey Clark, an environmental lawyer at the DOJ, from replacing acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen.

Trump was keen to install Clark, an ally, in order to wield the powers of the DOJ to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

The meeting took place a day after Clark had told Rosen and acting Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue that Trump had asked him to consider replacing Rosen. Clark doubled down on claims that there had been fraud in the election and acknowledged he had had continued discussions with Trump, despite assuring the pair a week prior that he wouldn't engage in conversations with the president.

On Jan. 3, Clark told Rosen the "timeline had been moved up" and that Trump had offered him the top job and he was accepting it. Following that meeting, Rosen called then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to set up a meeting that night with the president. Included in the meeting were White House Counsel Pat Cipollone and Steven Engel, assistant attorney general for the Office of Legal Counsel.

Ahead of the meeting with Trump, Donoghue assembled a conference call with assistant attorneys general and asked what they would do if Clark was installed as head of the department. He testified that those in the meeting "said they would resign en masse."

Hours later, the tense meeting began.

Rosen said Trump "turned to me and said — 'Well, one thing we know is you, Rosen, you aren't going to do anything. You don't even agree with the claims of election fraud, and this other guy at least might do something,'" referring to Clark.
"I said, 'Well, Mr. President, you're right that I'm not going to allow the Justice Department to do anything to try to overturn the election. That's true," Rosen recalled. "'But the reason for that is because that's what's consistent with the facts and the law, and that's what's required under the Constitution.'"

Donoghue eventually joined the meeting and recalled Trump asking, "What do I have to lose?" in replacing Rosen with Clark.

"It was actually a good opening because I said, 'Mr. President, you have a great deal to lose,'" he testified. "I began to explain to him what he had to lose and what the country had to lose and what the department had to lose, and this was not in anyone's best interest. That conversation went on for some time. Everyone essentially chimed in with their own thoughts, all of which were consistent about how damaging this would be to the country."

The conversation turned to whether Clark was qualified to run the Justice Department.

"It was a heated conversation. I thought it was useful to point out to the president that Jeff Clark simply didn't have the skills, the ability and the experience to run the department," Donoghue testified.

"I said, 'Mr. President, you're talking about putting a man in that seat who has never tried a criminal case, who's never conducted a criminal investigation. He's telling you that he's going to take charge of the department — 115,000 employees, including the entire FBI — and turn the place on a dime and conduct nationwide criminal investigations that will produce results in a matter of days. It's impossible. It's absurd. It's not going to happen and it's going to fail.'"

Donoghue said Trump asked him what he would do if he replaced Rosen with Clark.

"I said, 'Mr. President, I would resign immediately. I'm not working one minute for this guy,'" he replied.
Engel echoed that: "'I've been with you through four attorneys general, including two acting attorneys general, but I couldn't be part of this," he said he told Trump.

Donoghue told Trump he would lose his "entire department" if he moved ahead.

Within 24-48-72 hours, you could have hundreds and hundreds of resignations of the leadership of your entire Justice Department because of your actions. What's that going to say about you?" Donoghue remembers asking.

According to Donoghue, Cipollone was supportive of the DOJ and said Clark's plan to send a letter to states about election fraud was a "murder-suicide" pact.

Donoghue said Clark would be "left leading a graveyard," a statement he said had an impact on Trump, who ultimately decided not to fire Rosen.
literally don't fucking care. still voting trump and straight ticket GOP

Show us on the doll where the "Dem" touched you.
SNI this goy gets it
>still voting trump and straight ticket GOP
So >>1333514 wants to vote for the GOP's straight shooting cult leader to deny its cultists the right to just shoot. Far be it from me to discourage you from shooting yourself in the foot when you vote for that cult leader of yours.
This is fucking hilarious
Trump is advocating for what the schizos have been claiming Dems are for - authorizing cops to stop, frisk, and confiscate guns from citizens on the street, and the local shills are desperately fighting to keep Trumps cock in their mouths.
Trump is a rich NYC pussy who has never held or fired a gun in his life. He's not a ally for gun rights. Gun grabbing is literally his first and only response, and the only thing stopping him is his handlers trying to convince him its political suicide to follow through.
The gun schizos on this board literally have no one on their side.
This is what was always going to happen, they're backing the guy who is going to grab their guns because they refused to make any concessions in order to keep a majority of their guns.
How about: we're keeping all of our guns and you and Trump can both cry about it. See also: stack up pussy.

>because they refused to make any concessions in order to keep a majority of their abortion rights
FTFY. You made no concessions to right wingers about abortion so now you get no abortions. Womp womp.
So you're going to start shooting the police when they come to grab your gun per Trump's orders?
Not very law and order of you.
So you support the police infringing on people's rights?
Not very progressive of you.
Supreme Court already declared the presidency is above the law, you're going to vote for Trump to grab your guns.
But it's always been Republicans, starting with Reagan in California in the '60s.

Banning guns has always been the Republican way of keeping power. You cannot overthrow the government if the people are armed.
I thought Republicunts were all about the police infringing on peoples rights.
They're still bitching about people asserting their right to not be murdered by the police (BLM)

Back the blue. They can hold your guns for you.
I see you guys got a new astroturf campaign going.
If every time Republicunt hypocrisy gets called out is its own campaign, we're going to get tired real quick.
Why are you going against Trump anyway?
But we aren't Trump's campaign.
>no actually its REPUBLICANS who want to ban guns
Literally my favorite astroturf campaign.
Well ol' Trumpy's gotta find something to put on the bald head he's scared of admitting he actually has, just like those dentures are doing him no vocal favors of late, with his slurred speech
It's what Trump said, I don't think you know what the word astroturf means.
Its not what Trump said
>Hint: What he said is right there in the article

You're shook. The convention was a flop. Now you're flailing around with "achually its the GOP who want to grab guns!"

Lincoln Project is not sending their best.
>>1333572 can't read. The GOP aren't sending their best.
>>You got to let them do their job, stop and frisk, and take their gun away. You’ve got to do it. If somebody has because they have all these guns — you know...
>Don't believe what Trump just said about grabbing guns!
>His crowds are bigger!
>And Kamala's are all AI!
>Red on Red action
Republicans in a civil war
Just said? God, if that wasn't months ago it was years.
But it's the difference between taking guns from violent felons let loose on the people, and disarming civil society so that tyranny can have at em. Disingenuous of you at best to try to obfuscate that fact. We all know who is evil in this mess, you should figure it out before the lines get drawn one day.
>There's a difference
>Trump wanting to ban bump stocks
He would take the Constitution and shred it so he could have a fringe on the roof of his golf cart.
This strategy didn't work and wont ever work. No pro-2A person is ever going to vote democrat. This shill campaign is a waste of money.
is it wabbit season already
>No pro-2A person is ever going to vote democrat.
IDK, the non pro school child murdering section of gun owners support safety policies.
>gun nut schizo thinking that everyone else is a mentally ill single issue voter just like him
So all conservatives are pro-gun?
>Idk if all conservatives everywhere are pro-gun
But if they're conservatives, then they must be.
>says >>1333667 the schizo that can't decipher simple questions
>>1333665 isn't a schizo and can answer a simple question - which I appreciate - so what's your excuse >>1333667 the projecting troll?
>1787d ago
Also, it's still better than Trump sending the police to grab your guns.
>guys a push-poll has a favorable result for the people who paid for it!

Is that what was being discussed? No? Okay, your response is completely unrelated.

Huge if true! Quote?
literally every gun law ever and taxes and the open borders
you are posting >(you)'s again crackhead bot. do they not pay you if you don't get any >(you)'s back?
trump said to stop and frisk blacks, which is based. you are trying to lie and push this as propaganda to get pro trumpers not to vote so harris will win and ban guns. Trump's courts have killed more gun laws than in the 60 years prior to trump's presidency
>they refused to make any concessions in order to keep a majority of their guns.
NFA, GCA, brady bill, AWB, hughes amendment, biden gun law, dozens of state gun laws
dems have never, ever acted in good faith. they don't deserve shit and all gun laws will be overturned
>>because they refused to make any concessions in order to keep a majority of their abortion rights
>FTFY. You made no concessions to right wingers about abortion so now you get no abortions. Womp womp.
goos post
per harris's order and will those be the same cops who sat outside uvaldie while kids died?
sulivan act was done by dems, NFA was dems, GCA was dems, mulford act was majority dems, hughes amendment was dems, AWB was dems, brady bill was dems, bidens gun control law was dems, every state gun law in the country was done by dems
its always dems. you are a lying reddit spacer
blm is a terrorist group
good posts
also a good post
lincoln project isn't republican
trump is responsible for more gun laws being struck down than any other president
good post
straight up a lie
good post
also very good posts
>1333696 has a melty as it's denied it's right to a (you) as it continues to be paid less than pennies as a shill in /news/. less when it doesn't get (you)s. And is still voting for that which will take away its guns while it stomps its own voter's 2A rights into the astroturf >>1333429
Now this is samefagging
I swear to god 1333710 is a bot. If you start using the same words over and over to respond to it, then it starts using them
yeah at best of times it writes like chat gpt. I think it might be an ESL indian using a translator app and that is why all the text is always so retarded. if you don't give it >(you)'s it has a melt down and it also flipped out when it was pointed out half the US gets water from wells
>goos post
By a birdbrain
Get a room you two [who don't have the right to (you)s] that is carpeted with artificial turf which is known as astroturf: which is an actual product amd not a mere word overused by the likes of these schizo faggots who clearly need a room carpeted with that which will give them rugburns to hell and back while they swear to a retarded god and also that which isn't orange
>no harris who has consistently said she wants to ban guns, her vp said he wants to ban guns, her president said he wants to ban guns and everyone in her party said they want to overturn heller doesn't want to ban guns
what a lying queer
good post
>1333725 the projecting schizo isn't okay at being unable to answer a simple question which >>1333665 can
I'm okay with >>1333665. But >1333725 never will be. Okay, >1333725 the schizo
>that's the difference between the left and the right. We have our own opinions
What a hilariously oblivious piece of projection. A conservative telling other people to think for themselves. Absolute clown shoes.
Are you done same fagging?
If you want your guns grabbed by the police, you vote for Trump. He announced it.
not samefaggot. trump is a racist. he only wants blacks to get their guns taken by the police. which is fine. harris wants to ban all guns and overturn heller. you are anti gun. you are pushing this shit because you are paid to get harris elected so she can ban guns
good post
>certain groups of white supremacists that have commited far worse offences than mere 'crimes', and not only with guns they legally own
They're gangs too. If you say they're not, then all other groups - regardless of race - aren't gangs either. Both white and black etc are gangs or neither are. Can't have it both ways. And if one aren't allowed to own guns, the others aren't either. The 2A applies to all or none. And criminal gangs - and far worse: terrorists - don't have the right to own guns. White or otherwise. Fact: There have been far more terrorist atrocities committed in the US by white rightists than Muslims.
Question: Should white criminals - individuals or groups - have the right to own guns?
being racist isn't a crime. meanwhile the vast majority of shootings are done by browns and blacks
Kamala WAY more pro-second ammendment.
Gotta go with Kamala and that doesn't make me a dumb goy who will fall for anything.
so >1333739 admits Timothy McVeigh murdering 19 children wasn't a crime: and he didn't need to own a gun
So he who shot at Trump had the right to own that AR-15? That shooter was aiming at something orange, so that makes it all right then.
>you aren't fulling anyone.
Arguing with a poo or bot.
Not a good use of your time anons.
It's a good use of time proving the bot that >1333739 loves white terrorists. A terrorist shooting at someone that is orange. So being racist isn't a crime.
harris doesn't believe individuals have a right to own guns, shill
good post
>1333744 believes terrorists have a right to own guns, and thinks there's nothing wrong with a white man aiming and firing an AR-15 at that which is orange
>Uh oh, I can't refute the facts, good thing there's a typo!
Cope harder as Trump grabs your guns.
trump is directly responsible for more gun laws being struck down than any other president
Weird how you misspelled Mitch McConnell.
Trump's instinct is for gun confiscation.
when has mitch been president? or are you saying mitch controls trump? because I'd vote for a mitch puppet over a gun grabber like harris
trump is directly responsible for more gun laws than any other president
>Trump's instinct is for gun confiscation
Gee, I wonder why?
>almost assassinated by white man with an AR-15
*jewish tranny
fixed that for you
>1333756 thinks terrorists have the right to own guns and that a white man had the right to own and use an AR-15 against that which loves Israel and Jews in that country: they are also loved by conservative christians in US
>reduced to ad hominems when it knows is losing the argument
>1333756 can never fix anything
Damn, why do Republicans hate gun rights?
damn why do paid democrat shills keep lying in bad faith?
Neither do, Trump was pro gun control twenty years ago and only says anything about it now to get votes. At least Harris isn't fucking senile.
Trump's court picks have resulted in more gun laws being struck down since he was in office than in the 100 years prior.
harris is a chinese agent who wants to ban guns. all dems want to ban guns
Trump is pushing for gun grabbing right now, you can't cover this up.
harris and walzs have both said they are in favor of gun confiscation. all 4 of the last 4 dem nominees to the scotus are anti heller and believe the 2nd amendment doesn't protect the individual right to keep and bear arms
plus trump will ban abortion which is funny as fuck because it pisses off anti gunners
be very quiet, i'm hunting polfaggots
>harris is a chinese agent
lmao, You have to go back.
I'm sure you have that on the record for this election cycle. Since we have Trump on the record for wanting to grab guns.
they literally mentioned wanting gun control at the DNC and both have previously stated they want to confiscate ARs. you want to ban guns
All I saw was common sense stuff, Trump wants the cops to grab all you guns.
see, you are talking in bad faith and want to ban guns. I just want common sense abortion control, common sense lgbt control and common sense illegal alien control
>All I saw was common sense stuff
Funny, thats all I saw in regards to abortion regulation and Roe V Wade getting struck down
you want your rupee for each post
we aren't playing zelda, retard
>changing the subject from Trump confirming he's a gun grabber
I accept your surrender.
good post
who was responsible for bruen?
You don't even get rupees, you just get the black plague from shitting in the street

>now he's going to run away crying while accepting surrenders that don't exist
You must be Israeli
u mad
good post
u maaaad, u maaaaaad
>Still trying to change the subject from Trump saying he's a gun grabber.
who was responsible for bruen?
not at all, my desi friend
i got dirt on you doggy
>now they're shillteam posting
Do you guys hold hands? Or are you fully docked when you shill like this?
>Being this mad about Trump being the real gun grabber
>being this mad that inspite of trying to claim Trump is a gun grabber, he's done enough to BTFO gun control that leftists will never be able to win a gun control court case above a state level ever again.
Who's really mad here? The side who can't stop winning in court and striking gun control down? Or the side that keeps getting their gun control laws struck down?

Me thinks the gun-luddites doth protest too much
not at all, my desi friend
2 good posts
Why would you side with the guy who is going to outright grab your guns and then police can kill you with impunity
>Why would you side with the guy who is going to outright grab your guns and then police can kill you with impunity
Because you're a fascist faggot who wants the same thing, and you don't actually believe Trump is doing any of that
>Because you're a fascist faggot
I'm not a Republican like you.
we don't sign our posts here
because he isn't going to do shit, he is going to add more good judges and he got concealed carry in my state for the first time fucking ever. meanwhile if god forbid alito and thomas both die with harris in office all guns will be banned
good post
So you think he's lying to you? Interesting.
>also very good posts
which no longer exist because they were very bad posts
which no longer exists as it was a lie
a. proves it isn't a samefag, crackhead bot
b. seems like you want to shutdown the truth
I know dems want to ban guns and trump is saying we should stop and frisk blacks and exclusively blacks which is based
you seem upset, my desi pal
i appreciate the projection faggot
>seems like you want to shutdown the truth
you seem upset, my desi pal
So you hate the 2nd amendment then, interesting claim.
we don't sign our posts here
how so?
stfu pussy
again, we don't sign our posts here
that's what i thought
You said it's alright for the police to stop and frisk with intent to gun grab.
to stop and frisk blacks and illegals
you're brown, hypocrite
Now watch >>1333838 claim it isn't brown, so I've got the required response for it in advance:
[citation needed]
nah, I am normal. and please stop signing your posts, its against board culture
>you're brown
>I am normal
So >>1333849 doesn't deny it has a skin color darker than white people. Hmm.
t-t-t-triple mad
white is normal, crackhead bot
when the 2nd amendment was written it only applied to white men. the founder had no way of knowing about blacks and illegals
All >>1333865 had to say here >>1333849 was 'nah, I am white'. The fact it didn't in >>1333849 speaks volumes about the veracity of its subsequent 'claims' after its initial post. Clearly the result of thinking that isn't of an actual white person. Said subsequent 'claim' that 'Normal' = white? [citation needed]
white is normal, crackhead bot. I noticed you went back to the >(you)'s. do they not feed you when people don't reply to you?
Now see what the crackhead bot is reduced to when it's cornered? When all it had to originally say 'nah, I am white'. A nerve clearly touched, it's own insecurity exposed. And when its own lie proven, reduced to its usual script. Just like a bot. Or someone that isn't normal. Any claims by it to the contrary? [citation needed]
Where does it say that?
>Where does it say that?
first off, it doesn't even say "Shall not infringe" it says "shall not be infringed" ESL shill. second it says
>the right of the people
who are the people? white men of course
>not one word about 'gangs' or 'colored' people in OP article
>a schizo ITT is lying, and not only about the article
White people can commit crimes too. Just ask Trump the felon.
>click on browser's 'Menu', 'Edit' then 'Find in this page' and type in search bar 'white'
>not one mention of the words 'white' or 'normal'
Any excuses by that which lies about being 'normal' are just more lies.
text, history and tradition. who were the armed men who fought in the revolution? what color were they? what color were the founders
learn 2 dog whistle
Doesn't say it, doesn't exist, L2N a strict constitutionalist newfag
>Any excuses by that which lies about being 'normal' are just more lies
The subnormal liar will never learn
>who were the armed men who fought in the revolution? what color were they? what color were the founders
>The Monument to the 1st Rhode Island Regiment at Yorktown Heights, New York was erected on May 13, 1982, on the grounds of the First Presbyterian Church to commemorate the valiant efforts of a Revolutionary War unit composed predominantly of black soldiers that fought on May 14, 1781, under the command of Colonel Christopher Greene.
>An engraved plaque on a large stone marker calls attention to the patriotism of the First Rhode Island Regiment; 140 out of 225 soldiers were Black, the largest percentage by far in any of the integrated armies.
The first martyr who died for America's independence was a black man.
You're arguing with someone who is either
A) A literal retard
B) Falseflagging

2A applies to all citizens (who are in good standing).
A history and tradition carried on by the Buffalo Soldiers
Commemorated in the song by Bob Marley. Speaking of commemorating, there's a very good reason why there's a P-51 Mustang with a Red Tail as part of the aerial re-enactment group the Commemorative Air Force
Specifically of the Tuskegee Airmen
And on one day in March 1945, they in their mere piston-engined planes brought down three faster Messerschmitt Me-262 jets over Berlin:
From muskets in the War of Independence to .50 cal. Browning machine guns, that's black people ensuring your rights shall not be infringed. Indeed: you owe more than your soul to them, gun schizo. That is if you're as American as they were/are. One of the Tuskegee Airmen Enoch 'Woody' Woodhouse III was at the 80th anniversary of D-Day this year. He says 'You're Welcome', schizo. As do those like him in the past.
As those like Enoch did to those 'superior' Me-262 jets, your retarded opinions have been fatally shot out of the sky. Good.
Abortion is good and awesome.
Are you saying all criminals are black men and we owe our soul to them because good black men died with honor, or are you saying that under the auspice that all black men are criminals? Because conlating either idea with honorable black men, as to leave criminals armed while disarming civil society is ridiculous.
text and history. it was whites who owned guns, you nonAmerican
is this chat gpt?
>no statue for 200 years
sounds like they were made up
lol no
a. samefag
b. blacks literally were not the people the 2nd amendment mentions
>war of independence
>cites blacks in the civil war and WW2
when they send crackhead bot they are not sending their best
lol no
>an orange thing said - after that which included an atrocity by a white man against a white woman - 'There are very fine people on both sides'
>there are also very vile people on both sides: on the color spectrum as well as political
>white criminals exist
>white terrorists exist
Am I saying anything? Oh, I dunno:
>white men died with honor on Utah and Omaha beaches on D-Day fighting against white rightist terrorists. later black heroes in P-51 Mustangs brought down 'superior' jets piloted by white rightist terrorists 80 years ago
>white terrorists would have murdered by hanging another white man if they'd found him at Capitol Building two years ago
...you tell me.
>text and history
Where does it say it in the Constitution?
Are you saying Crispus Attucks, the first casualty of the Boston Massacre, wasn't black?
>USAAF sent their best around 80 years ago
>three Messerschmitt Me-262 jets brought down over Berlin by P-51 Mustangs with Red Tails in one day proves they were the USAAF's best when those pilots of mere piston engined planes proved white pilots of 'superior' jets were actually inferior
>no wonder Commemorative Air Force has a P-51 Mustang with a Red Tail in their collection
Wherever the crackhead bot is from - and those black people who fought for Freedom in the War of Independence, Civil War & WWII prove the retarded bot is a nonAmerican - they're not sending their best.
that is literally the standard in bruen, nonAmerican
he never existed and was made up
plus the first martyr would be someone who died at lexington or concord
>Where does it say it in the Constitution?
>not one mention of the words 'white' or 'normal'. Nowhere
>black people used muskets in War of Independence
>black people used early rifles & revolvers in Civil War
>black people used Browning .50 cal. machine guns in the P-51 Mustangs they piloted in WWII
>well documented by historians
The US Constitution and history are not on the foreign crackhead bot's side
>this nonAmerican retard is citing WWII as an example of text, history and tradition when bruen specifically says 1790s or 1860s
they are not sending their best
>he never existed and was made up
Why do you think any and all historical examples of blacks shown in a sympathetic light are made up?
>plus the first martyr would be someone who died at lexington or concord
The Boston Massacre predates Lexington and Concord by 5 years.
>blacks used guns in War of Independence
>blacks used guns in Civil War
>blacks used guns in WWII
>a bruen is irrelevant
>black citizens of good standing in US have the right to keep and bear arms
>so many Walther P38s, PPKs, Mauser C96s, Lugers etc brought back from WWII as war trophies by US troops: including those who are black. They - both black and white WWII veterans - have the right to keep and bear them
>WWII veterans in New York: of both races
the school which didn't teach history when a brown thinks otherwise aren't sending their best
>Why do you think any and all historical examples of blacks shown in a sympathetic light are made up?
because they always are. why else do they do the whole >we waz kangs and replace cleopatra who was an inbred greek with a black?
>The Boston Massacre predates Lexington and Concord by 5 years.
I am well aware, but people actually fought at lexington and concord. the boston massacre was just a protest
You're arguing with a compulsively lying troll, who is barely sentient enough to be a person.
Don't bother engaging with them, you're wasting your own time.
Why go through the trouble of making up some black guy dying at the Boston Massacre? Paul Revere made an engraving of the event, and depicted Crispus Attucks as one of the victims. What did Paul Revere personally gain from making up some allegedly fictional black dude?
>people actually fought at lexington and concord. the boston massacre was just a protest
How does that make the victims of the Boston Massacre any less martyrs?
Don't argue with schizoposter
what a seething samefag
>Why go through the trouble of making up some black guy dying at the Boston Massacre? Paul Revere made an engraving of the event, and depicted Crispus Attucks as one of the victims. What did Paul Revere personally gain from making up some allegedly fictional black dude?
no clue what a jewish silver smith would gain
>How does that make the victims of the Boston Massacre any less martyrs?
because they weren't fighting back like at concord
if blacks contributed to American history in any meaningful way, why did they have to race swap hamilton?
>if blacks contributed to American history in any meaningful way, why did they have to race swap hamilton?
ChatGPT is getting worse
>/pol/ppet spamming threads again
He's mad about the fact it's Trump that's going to grab all the guns.
top kek at the paid democrat shill bumping the thread to try to slide other threads
>/pol/ppet confirms he's mad and spamming threads
rules for thee but not for mee
The golden law of Republicans.
Rules like the rule of law, violate and loose those rights. Democrats want armed criminals and disarmed civilians so they can take everyone's rights away. Communist scum they are
>violate and loose those rights
lmao, you illiterate fucktard
only one side actively talked about confiscating guns, and it was Trump.
schizo delusions don't count
>Armed Criminals
So you're in favor of gun grabbing and agree with Trump that the police should be able to gun grab at well.
Good to know.
meanwhile in the real world the DNC platform is gun control and nothing else >>1334046
>Democrats want
Republicans want a felon. So much for the 'Party of Law and Order' when they want that which has a criminal record.
meanwhile in the real world the RNC's platform is gun control and nothing else >>1333429
new york is a third world country with a kangaroo court. trump isn't guilty of shit in the USA
Trump is still a felon and the 'Party of Law and Order' are proven hypocrites. That which lives in a third world shithole seethes about what happened to its cult leader and impotently hops around like a kangaroo
nope, gunna be overturned, nyc kangaroo courts aren't real and even if they were is was a victimless crime
yep, going to be convicted, New York's courts are more than real and >>1334465's orange cult leader is a criminal
lol no, even NPR's jewish lawyers said the irregularities are likely to result in him getting off on appeal
>so >>1334516 knows even more about the law than the SCOTUS, she can bend reality to her will by coming to her orange boyfriend's aid in court
lol no
the scous said he probably isn't guilty, tranny bot
>the scous said he probably
a 'scous' would say that as it's a fact the 'scous' don't exist. If you had legal knowledge surpassing certain justices, you'd know it's SCOTUS and they don't do 'probably'. But you know less than a freshman in law school, so it's a lol no for you re. your orange boyfriend.
Not him but he was already convicted. he's just waiting for the sentencing.
when did the scotus say that?
>typo missed a letter
>focus exclusively on that because you have no other argument
top kek
the official act decision. its why nyc moved the sentencing after the decision came out
>the official act decision. its why nyc moved the sentencing after the decision came out
What do you think is going to happen? He's suddenly going to be acquitted?
>focusing on that it knows nothing about: the law
>it doesn't have an argument for anything when its opinions in a backwater part of the internet won't affect reality
That's why your illiteracy makes you inferior, because someone who knows the law has university-level English. You don't. 'scous'? Top ESL kek.
he is going to win on appeals. even the lawyer on NPR said the DA did a bunch of irregular shit to get the conviction that would not hold up on appeal
want me to delete and rewrite my post 8 times like you do, crackhead bot?
>want me to delete my post
top kek, you are one seething troon
>he is going to win on appeals. even the lawyer on NPR said the DA did a bunch of irregular shit to get the conviction that would not hold up on appeal
Source for any of this?
NPR's live coverage of the verdict, you sealioning retard
It sounds like you heard a talking head on a news program being interviewed and thought that was the source.
dude is literally a law professor. are you saying NPR is right wing?
>I don't know what a pundit is
You shouldn't even be on this board
Gun owner here - take criminals guns away fuck them
remember how leftists including the ones on /news/ called Rittenhouse a terrorist and said he never should have been allowed to defend himself and Harris said she would take his gun away so nobody else is allowed to defend themselves from leftwing terrorists?
I remember

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