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‘Freedom to Live Without Fear of Gun Violence’ Takes Center Stage at DNC
4 minute read
By Chad de GuzmanUpdated: August 23, 2024 10:40 AM EDT | Originally published: August 23, 2024 12:00 AM EDT
The Democratic Party has put combating gun violence at the forefront of its campaign, with the issue given primetime exposure on the final night of the party convention in Chicago on Thursday, as survivors and relatives of victims took to the stage to tell their stories.

Former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-Ariz.), who was one of 13 people wounded (another six were killed) in a 2011 shooting while meeting with constituents outside a supermarket in Tucson and has since become an advocate for gun control, recalled how Joe Biden “checked in” on her consistently as she recovered. “Joe is a great President,” she said. “Kamala will be a great President. She is tough. She has grit. Kamala can beat the gun lobby. She can fight gun trafficking.”

Preceding Giffords at the convention stage was Rep. Lucy McBath (D-Ga.), another gun safety advocate with a personal connection to the issue: her 17-year-old son was shot dead in 2012.
“Our losses do not weaken us,” McBath said on stage, surrounded by a group of survivors and relatives of other victims. “They strengthen our resolve. We will secure safer futures that we all deserve. We will organize, we will advocate. We will run for office, and we will join with Americans from small towns and big cities to keep our communities safe, and we will elect leaders like Kamala Harris who won't just empathize, but will act.”

Abbey Clements of Newton, Conn., spoke on surviving the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting. “I carry that horrific day with me: 20 beautiful first-grade children and six of my beautiful colleagues were killed,” Clements said. “They should still be here.”

Kim Rubio of Uvalde, Texas, whose 10-year-old daughter died in the shooting at Robb Elementary School in 2022, said: “Parents everywhere reach for their children. I reach out for the daughter I will never hold again.”

Melody McFadden of Charleston, S.C., whose mother Patricia Ann Geddis was shot and killed by her abusive partner, and whose niece Sandy PaTrice was killed in a 2014 shooting in Myrtle Beach, said: “Ten years of waiting, and Sandy's murder is still unsolved. I’ll keep calling and I'll keep fighting.”

Edgar Vilchez of Chicago, Ill. who witnessed his classmate get shot in a drive-by shooting in 2022, said: “They say schools are for learning, and I did learn a lot that day. I learned how to run, how to hide and drop. That what happens in the news can happen to me. But I learned something else too, that we can write and must write a new story if we choose to.”

Wrapping up the segment on gun violence was a video that reasserted the campaign’s theme of “freedom,” in this case the freedom “to live without the fear of gun violence.” The clip featured Harris supporters touting how the Vice President will be a gun safety champion: “I have full confidence in Vice President Harris,” one said, “that she’s dedicated to and committed to finding a solution to end gun violence.”
The Biden-Harris Administration signed the 2022 Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the most significant gun safety law in decades, created in 2023 a first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention—which Harris was tapped to lead—and has implemented a number of executive actions, including to crack down on so-called “ghost guns.” Meanwhile, “protecting communities and tackling the scourge of gun violence” is one of nine chapters in the DNC’s 2024 platform passed this week, which pledges that Democrats will establish universal background checks, ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, require safe storage for guns, end the gun industry’s immunity from liability, pass a national red flag law, and increase funding for law enforcement and health research into the crisis of gun violence and the potential for community interventions.
Correction, Aug. 23
The original version of this story misstated what happened to Edgar Vilchez’s classmate. He was shot, but not killed.

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>Meanwhile, “protecting communities and tackling the scourge of gun violence” is one of nine chapters in the DNC’s 2024 platform passed this week, which pledges that Democrats will establish universal background checks, ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, require safe storage for guns, end the gun industry’s immunity from liability, pass a national red flag law, and increase funding for law enforcement and health research into the crisis of gun violence and the potential for community interventions.
this is why I vote straight ticket GOP in every election. I don't even know or care who the republicans are, I just fucking hate democrats
>Meanwhile, “protecting communities and tackling the scourge of gun violence” is one of nine chapters in the DNC’s 2024 platform passed this week, which pledges that Democrats will establish universal background checks, ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, require safe storage for guns, end the gun industry’s immunity from liability, pass a national red flag law, and increase funding for law enforcement and health research into the crisis of gun violence and the potential for community interventions.
but /news/ said the dems were pro gun
because that isn't the goal
>this is why I vote straight ticket GOP in every election. I don't even know or care who the republicans are, I just fucking hate democrats
This. I'm not a single issue voter but for the handful of issues I care about Republicans are the least terrible so its them straight ticket.
good post
but trump
I got jannied. None of these proposed laws will stop urban youths from shooting each other. Even if all the scary guns disappeared today, there wouldn't be a noticeable change in the number of shootings because almost all of them are inner city gang or drug related.
Good headcanon
You realize nearly all gun violence in Chicago (for example) is committed by blacks (against other blacks) with illegally obtained weapons right? Banning clearly doesn't work and neither does mandatory minimum sentencing, plus it's racist because it disproportionately targets the demographic of the people commiting the violent crimes!
/news/ is full of mentally ill leftists that lie for a living.
Let me guess, your source for this is the FBI, which you simultaneously think is the deep state.
/news/ is full of mentally ill rightists that love being lied to by that they love which loves lying for a living >>1333429
Literally every local news article and nightly news segment about a shooting confirms this along with court records.
You don't think the local news reports on every shooting that happens, do you?
10000000% accurate
thank fuck
This is the dumbest fucking bot you retards have ever deployed.
The leading causes of gun death in the US are suicide and handgun crime. Banning assault webbins will do nothing to stop the poor from blamming each other over fent. Banning all guns wont stop suicide. Tragedy is inevitable, there will be a criminal at some point that decides to kill innocent people. Maybe increase school security instead of having a single mall cop eat donuts in the front office. Yes, I do advocate for a couple of armed guards at school, no, I do not think hiring an extra cop and giving him a rifle is more difficult than enacting a nationwide ban on firearms. Dems always whine about how we have simple immediate solutions to problems, but when presented with the absolute simplest and most pragmatic solution which doesnt happen to fit their end goal, they screech that its more complicated than just ban gun
How long have you had the mental illness?
Cute that your slimy disingenuous ostrich ass ignores the part about court and arrest records. You can continue to deny reality for whatever benefit you think it gives you but it's a pretty pathetic way to live.
good post
it isn't headcanon. dems have never attempted to stop black gang violence. that is why they are going after AR-15s which are basically never used in gang violence
good posts
kek the bot is still trying to push its shitty thread when dems want to ban guns
good posts
you aren't American
all good posts
post medical credentials
What mental illness is this?
have you never been told you have done a good job in your life? wow, I can see now why you are a tranny.
this is why I vote GOP
because dems want to ban guns
But dems have only said they want to make it harder for illegals and crazies to get guns, not take them away.
Republicunts have said they want to take guns though. Trump literally said, "I like taking guns away". >>1333429
I can never quite tell if you creatures are actually this stupid or if you just think everyone else is.
>But dems have only said they want to make it harder for illegals and crazies to get guns, not take them away.
that is a lie
> will establish universal background checks,
a registry for confiscation like the UK, Aus and NZ
>ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines,
aka, a ban on any rifle made in the last 60 years
>require safe storage for guns,
a ban on having a gun accessible in your home for hd which was already ruled as unconstitutional under heller
>end the gun industry’s immunity from liability,
this is so they can sue gun makers out of existence with frivolous lawsuits like in the 90s
>pass a national red flag law,
literally gun confiscation from innocent white people with ZERO evidence behind it.
> and health research into the crisis of gun violence and the potential for community interventions.
this is literally just giving taxpayer money to anti gun groups
its the latter. they are hoping to get enough people not to vote for harris to win and ban guns
Seems like Gun Schizo loves slippery slopes, like the one that leads tranny dicks through his taint and into his asshole.
name on fucking time dems passed gun control and then didn't demand more gun control, tranny
>name on fucking time
non-American shills aren't doing their best
oh no my keyboard dropped an E. I guess that saves you from answering the question, troon

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