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Elon Musk has used his large platform on X to promote a theory that a free-thinking “Republic” could only exist under the decision-making of “high status males” – and women or “low T men” would not be welcome in it.

On Sunday, Musk re-posted a screenshot of the theory – which appears to have been conceived on 4chan in 2021– on the social media site.

The theory, written by an anonymous user, suggests that the only people able to think freely are “high [testostrone] alpha males” and “aneurotypical people”, and that these “high status males” should run a “Republic” that is “only for those who are free to think.”

“People who can’t defend themselves physically (women and low T men) parse information through a consensus filter as a safety mechanism,” the post reads.

“Only high T alpha males and aneurotypical people (hey autists!) are actually free to parse new information with an objective ‘is this true?’ filter,” it adds. “This is why a Republic of high status males is best for decision making. Democratic, but a democracy only for those who are free to think.”

“Aneurotypical” is not a word but one can assume the original poster meant neurodivergent people.

Theories like this, which promote hegemonic masculinity, are often criticized for being sexist, exclusionary, not realistic and “toxic.” They are popular in alt-right communities.

“Interesting observation,” Musk said, in response to the post.

The screenshot of the theory was uploaded to X by an account called “AutismCapital” which often posts memes that appeal to right-wing individuals and support Musk’s endeavors.
It claimed the theory was “also known as the Reich effect” - seemingly a reference to Robert Reich, the former Secretary of Labor, who wrote an op-ed in The Guardian last week claiming that Musk is “out of control” and needs to be stopped.

Much of the account’s Sunday content was targeted at mocking Reich while defending the billionaire.

It is unclear if Musk re-posted the theory because he agreed with it or because it critized Reich. It’s not unlike Musk to dabble in controversial theories and misleading information on his social media platform.

The SpaceX founder often takes the stance that controversial, and sometimes offensive, posts on X are part of “free speech” and should be allowed on the platform – even when it includes false or misleading information.

That is, in part, why X was blocked in Brazil on Friday. Musk refused to comply with a legal order in a long-running battle that ignited after the social media site failed to block accounts accused of spreading fake news.

The Independent has asked X and Musk for further comment on his repost.
How come every time I read a headline here, I know it's going to be complete nonsense?
Well Elon has been dancing for clown world for the last few weeks.

Something snapped inside him... some say its katemine abuse, other say he knows he's about to be busted for a SERIOUS crime he's committed (he's done so many its hard to say WHICH one.) Maybe he's realizing he's fucking done if Trump doesn't win and pardon him...
Checked. This I believe and why Elon has multiple passports.
Is he wrong?
You retards genuinely belong in mental asylums.
Yeah. Dude is a DEFINITE flight risk. He'll be living aboard that SpaceX jet of his just in case the Fed's raid him.

His longtime business associate and fellow insane tech billionaire Peter Thiel came out as an FBI informant not long ago. Wonder what he was squealing about?

Maybe Thiel spilled the beans on Musk to the fed?
Yeah, sorta. Its much more complicated than Musk thinks. He views himself as an alpha when theres ample evidence to suggest he wouldn't qualify to be part of this ruling class.

While I hate woke bullshit too I don't think his insane plan has any merit.
>he views himself as an alpha
No, he views himself as autistic. Which makes him immune to the herd mentality that plagues progressive wokies.

It's important to understand that most democratic voters are peer-pressured by their social groups to vote one way or another because they view issues like abortion, open borders etc as a moral issue rather than a practical issue.

This also makes them clinically retarded, because when a person cares more about how they look than the health of the nation, they begin to sacrifice the things which actually matter, like the safety of their neighborhoods.
Or not slaughtering the billionaires that have been greedy for decades now?

Cause the more you let them get away with it the more they'll take. Thats the lesson I've learned over the last 40 years.

Thomas Jefferson seemed to understand that eventually the people would need to spill blood to stop the greedy. We're there. We pasted the point. Its time.

Is that what you mean?
>muh billionaires
You're suggesting killing the one guy who has done more for free speech than Thomas Jefferson.
>You're suggesting killing the one guy who has done more for free speech than Thomas Jefferson.
1. James Madison wrote the Bill of Rights
2. If I were suddenly transported back in time to when he was alive, I'd be of the position that Thomas Jefferson (and James Madison for that matter) deserve death.
3. Elon has literally cooperated with government persecution of dissidents to keep Twitter operating in autocracies. It would not be a stretch to say people are awaiting death because of him.
How many times a day does Elon reply approvingly to fake news stories that appeal to his own biases? Dude's one of the biggest sheep on earth. 5 year olds are less credulous than him.
> Elon has literally cooperated with government persecution of dissidents to keep Twitter operating in autocracies.
Did you miss the part where he basically gave everyone internet?
There is literally an Amazonian tribe that is doing nothing but looking up trap pornography and shitposting on reddit thanks to elon musk
>Did you miss the part where he basically gave everyone internet?
Yes. I did. Can you show me where he gave me internet?
>There is literally an Amazonian tribe that is doing nothing but looking up trap pornography and shitposting on reddit thanks to elon musk
Owning an ISP is not "giving" anyone internet, nor does it make up for actively participating in authoritarian crackdowns.
> “People who can’t defend themselves physically (women and low T men) parse information through a consensus filter as a safety mechanism,” the post reads.
Pretty insightful tbh
Lol. Imagine believing Elon Musk is a prophet. Only pajeets worship Elon and drive Teslas. Free speech my ass.
Starlink, you fucking retard.
Starlink is overpriced and it primarily a toy for his superrich yacht buddies who subscribe to his $30,000 a month service for their super yachts.

Whoopied doo.

Elon didn't invent or advance satellite communications. He didn't invent reusable landing boosters (he even admits that Spacex is carrying on where Dynasoar left off in the late 90's.) Elon wanted to buy Soviet missiles when he first started Spacex but he meet a REAL engineer who convinced him otherwise.

Elon is an immigrant troll. Nothing more.
>Massive cope because retard forgot starlink exists

>who subscribe to his $30,000 a month service for their super yachts
It costs $120
>Massive cope because you want a for profit ISP to have fuck all to do with promoting free speech
Bitch, people know what Starlink is. Quit acting like a corporate dipshit that's constantly blitzed out of his mind while running an ISP is god's gift to human rights.

Are you even using Starlink? No? Shut the fuck up.
>Bitch, people know what Starlink is.
Nope. You had no idea >>1337757

>Are you even using Starlink? No? Shut the fuck up.
I dont live in the middle of the Louisiana swamps, the Amazon rainforest, Botswana or the Ukrainian frontlines so no.

Keep seething.
>You had no idea >>1337757 (You)
Bitch, if you thought that was me not knowing what Starlink was and not me mocking the idea Starlink is the same thing as Elong "giving everyone internet", you're an absolute, fuckwit.

>I dont live in the middle of the Louisiana swamps, the Amazon rainforest, Botswana or the Ukrainian frontlines so no.
Ah, so you WEREN'T given internet by Elon. I accept your concession.

Also, Starlink is blocked on the frontlines, fuckwit. Cause Elon's a traitorous cunt.
>was and not me mocking the idea Starlink is the same thing as Elong "giving everyone internet
Thats what starlink does.

>Ah, so you WEREN'T given internet by Elon. I accept your concession.

>Starlink is blocked on the frontlines
>Starlink was first requested during the Battle of Kyiv in early 2022. Starlink is free for the Ukrainian military, and since its activation, Starlink has been used to carry out military operations in Ukraine and is still in use on all front lines
My dude, you thought starlink cost $30,000 a month.

You clearly have absolutely no idea what the fuck you're talking about. You're just randomly lashing out at Elon because he's on the "other team" politically. Peak low-T behavior.
Elon Musk is not a good person. He has poor character.
Based. I hope he goes full NRx and abolishes Democracy all together.
>Thats what starlink does.
No. Starlink sells people internet, you fucking idiot.

>SpaceX has continued to restrict the use of Starlink Internet services outside the borders of Ukraine, including in Russian-occupied territories in Ukraine.[80] It has done so using geofencing, which consists in accurately limiting the availability of the service to only certain areas.[39] SpaceX has also limited Ukraine's ability to use Starlink for military purposes such as drone control.[81]
Literally cannot be used in or near Russian held areas, ie the frontlines. And no drones.

>My dude, you thought starlink cost $30,000 a month.
My dude, more than one person is shitting on you. Shut the fuck up, bitch. And you had no idea Starlink is blocked on the front lines. You're just sucking Elon's cock cause he's on "your team" politically. Typical sheep behavior.
>No. Starlink sells people internet, you fucking idiot.
ahem >>1337757
>Can you show me where he gave me internet?

>Literally cannot be used in or near Russian held areas
Good post
Why do you interpret sells and give as meaning the same thing? What particular brand of brain damage is that?

Shut up, bitch.
Yeah selling is not the same as giving.

His whole argument is BS. Making it sound like Elon invented the internet. Kek.
Wait but I thought Chuds and right winged views were the consensus as their "the real Americans" who the public overwhelming support.

Is Elmo and Friends conceding that they are indeed a fringe minority?
>Elon Musk suggests support for replacing democracy with government of ‘high-status males'
Well, as Brazil has just made Muskrat their bottom bitch: >>1337919, you're lower than the sub-/r9k/ incel manbabies here in /news/, Elon.
Other governments smell blood, Musky-boy.
Take your meds.
this is how he always was, he just had everyone sucking his cock off praising him as a super genius savior of the world before people knew what kind of person he actually was
Just answer the question:Is Elon's opinion the minority of the majority?
>put company in known anti-free speech country
>known anti-free speech country tells him to either comply or go away
>Have a pissfit on Twitter
>country doubles down
>Fold like a wet paper towel
I'm going to make a guess here that Elon is going to rope eventually. His ego mixed with his need for attention mixed with his greed mixed with him believing he's FAR wiser than he actually is will not work out in the long term. Especially when his "role model" (it's sad he idolizes a human at all at his age, but okay) out of billions of humans seems to be Donald Trump. Also his personal life sounds like a mess. 12 kids (one being a transgender), a father that regularly BTFOs him and is currently single after a divorce.

Please pray for this man.
Its crazy these musk bros thinking he made starlink, or tesla, or the boring company,or paypal, or twitter. He just buys these companies he's after they become succesful. Dude is a clown and an idiot. Yes he has made some investments that paid off, doesn't make him smart just lucky, but he was born lucky into an emerald mine family. He has invented nothing, just riding the coattails of great inventors and using his money to promote himself as a genius off their work.
>Its crazy these musk bros thinking he made starlink
It's crazy that googling this reveals that musk founded SpaceX, which in turn founded Starlink.

You faggots don't even know what you're talking about you are so gooning so hard on your hate boners
You seem to confuse founded with made. The previous post was about how he used his money to pretend he was an inventor and rides off the coattails of actual inventors. Then you go on to call me a faggot and then make that exact same claim. He didn’t invent rockets for spacex. He didn’t invent anything for space x. He used his money to hire other people who had already invented things and then put his companies name on their inventions.

Thank you for proving my point, musk bro.
Calling Brazil fascist for asking musk to fact check misinformation on Twitter, peak conservative maga cult.
Absolutely. Have you ever met an autistic person? Even the “high functioning” ones still need their parents to buys them clothes and remind them about basic hygiene
>You seem to confuse founded with made
So your argument is that he didn't personally make rockets or satellite internet, he just founded and directed the vision of the companies that were successful in accomplishing these achievements?

Whatever helps you sleep at night, retard. It really sounds like you are backtracking your argument into one of pedantism and semantics after you realized you were wrong.
When did you start simping for corrupt billionaires?
>which appears to have been conceived on 4chan in 2021
Yes as we all know elitism and monarchism were invented by 4chan
Nope just the conspiracy theories Elon Musk thinks are real
Please learn what fascism is before you make even more people cringe through your abuse and misuse of that word.
Leftists are children. They need a parent figure to fact check the information they're exposed to.
you sound mad you can't lie to brazil anymore
If it were up to me, Brazil would be disconnected from the internet entirely.
Go check the drug laws in Oregon post, where conservatives go on about how cigarettes and alcohol should be controlled by the government to stop the people from hurting themselves. Go look at all the conservatives cheering on mass government control and nanny state, then come back here and tell us how democrats want to give control to the government. Your bias is hanging out but a few clicks over in this site will show you how conservatives love government control and any state that controls the things they think liberals love. Anything to own the libs, even giving up your own freedom
I really don't give a fuck what those faggots think. They can share a cell with you in the gulag.
Good post.
China never allowed X to exist there in the first place. Musk was told to obey like a parent figure who wouldn't allow the petulant egotistical child its toy - a Tesla Gigafactory in China - so he meekly had to. Or Else.
>conservatives love government control

I see it’s lying out of your ass day on /news/
>he just founded and directed the vision of the companies that were successful in accomplishing these achievements?
Dude gave some engineers cash to make shit that already existed so he could sell it for a profit. Wow. I can't believe Elon Musk invested money in someone. That's the sort of shit you'd only expect from...your average fucking bank.

If Elon were directing the vision of anything, it'd have failed, just like the Cybertruck and Twitter did. The only thing he touches that succeeds is shit he doesn't micromanage. Fuck's sake, dude gutted Telsa's charging network team so he could do AI/robot and that was like the most successful and forward thinking part of his company. Dude's a complete fuckwit that has simply failed upwards.
Exactly how long do your Elon gooning sessions last for, my dude?
>If Elon were directing the vision of anything, it'd have failed, just like the Cybertruck and Twitter did.
This part's actually kind of funny too.
He purchased both Tesla and Twitter from someone else, you can decide for yourself how they're doing
He was the person who founded and still leads SpaceX and starlink and those are doing great.
It's almost like your post was a self own typed by a helmet wearing retard
So you refuse to read the posts of your fellow conservatives because that will go against your bias narrative? Cool cool cool , stay ignorant bros
Elon musks always going to sniff his farts. Cheering on the oligarch as he uses his money to buy success. Then you point to that success as proof of his value while dismissing the purchase of that value as the reason he acquired it in the first place. Keep cheering on the rich as they profit off your ignorance.
>Dude gave some engineers cash to make shit that already existed
Pretty sure SpaceX invented the reusable launch vehicle.
Holy shit your entire post is one malding falsehood.
You having melty or something, lefty?
Continue malding over the fact other people are accomplished in their lives.
People like you are a hoot.
>He was the person who founded and still leads SpaceX and starlink and those are doing great.
Brother, he's a bank account with enough digits in it. If you call that leadership, you need to sort your life out.
Yes, he had enough money to make his vision become reality. If you think that's easy, look at all the lottery winners who wind up broke after trying to run their own businesses
Also, no, he's not a bank account.
>Had to bend to Beijing
>Had to bend to Brazil
Billions can't buy you everything. Not even credibility.
One of the many advantages of not living in a tent and smoking fentanyl behind a Starbucks, desu
>If you think that's easy, look at all the lottery winners who wind up broke after trying to run their own businesses
Yes, Elon Musk is very good at managing money. And nothing else. And in that I include his personal and professional life.

What exactly is your point?

>Also, no, he's not a bank account.
Beg to disagree. Dude has literally fuck all technical training regarding any of the businesses he owns. He is 100% just a bank account. A big one that can afford massive fuckups like the Boring Company and Twitter and soon Tesla.

>One of the many advantages of not living in a tent and smoking fentanyl behind a Starbucks, desu
Elon Musk famously lives at work and does a fuckton of drugs though. I mean I suppose his office at Twitter HQ might be better than a tent depending on how much it's been stripped down to keep the lights on, but I wouldn't count on it.
Yet Musk couldn't manage to beat Brazil's courts
What a bizarre thing to brag about.
>Elon Musk famously lives at work
And there in lies the difference, you unemployed fentanyl addicted tent-dweller.
>is Beijing's bitch
>is Brazil's bitch
Musk can never brag about being 'High Status'. He's not even a male. He's a faggot.
I'm sure he'll read this post and cry himself to sleep tonight.
Having to kowtow to Xi and bend over to Brazil will make an egotist cry 24/7
>Elon is crying
Honestly, he probably gets joy out of seeing how you helmet wearing tards are consistently malding
I get something far more valuable: schadenfreude out of Elon's L and his fanboys coping on his behalf but knowing he will never acknowledge his fanboys' existence because egotists only care about themselves, nobody else. And said fanboys doing so for free.
It is fun watching him self-destruct. If only he'd kill himself like he almost did after the whole Dave Chappell show booing incident...
This twitch kid trying to come troll with the big boys and keeps trying to make “malding” happen. Keep at it little buddy, you’ll get there
What makes you think unemployed people can afford fentanyl?
The fact that the west cost metropolis where I live is filled with homeless people smoking fentanyl on the corner.
Apparently the fent pills are crazy cheap like $2-$3 or something, easily obtainable by a hobo from pan handling, public assistance, or good ol petty theft
you morons are obsessed over random tweets by a billionaire who regularly trolls with shitposts.
>not allowed to shitpost in China: so much as thinking of having a wrong opinion about China would result in his Industrial Credit Score going down the shitter (just like Xitter has in Brazil) and his Tesla Gigafactory being seized by the CCP faster than he could say 'I was only pretending to be retarded!'. X not allowed in China is the price Muskrat had to pay for that factory's existence: and not allowed to have wrong opinions about China is the continued price he must pay in perpetuity
In Soviet China, trolled is him.
What the hell is happening with a poster with no reading comprehension?
Learn proper English already chang, for fucks sake
And yet a 'Chang' - Xi Jinping - doesn't allow X to exist in China. Those with salad for brains have never learned that. But, if he wanted that Tesla Gigafactory of his to exist in China, Muskrat had to admit that Xi was right and X had no right to exist there. Like his fanboys, Musk is no 'high-status male' but is the bottom bitch of a 'Chang': Xi Jinping.
Said fanboys are doing this for free. For he being punished by Beijing & Brazil, I'm getting something far more valuable: schadenfreude.
Sure buddy, I’m sure that is “ fentonal pills” they are smoking and it only costs them $3 or $4. Great job cracking this case gumshoe! Maybe next they will be smoking the marijuana
Cause Xi isn't stupid. He doesn't allow any American apps in China. Too risky.
>people who are smart and strong (me) should be the only ones to run the country, unlike those people who are stupid and weak (my critics)
>no i dont know what dunning-kruger effect is

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