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The 14-year-old suspect in the Apalachee High School shooting has been charged with four counts of felony murder and is scheduled to make his first appearance in Barrow County Superior Court on Friday morning, state officials confirmed to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Colt Gray is accused of shooting two of his fellow students and two teachers at the school Wednesday morning. Nine others were injured.

Gray is being held in the Gainesville Regional Youth Detention Center, Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice spokesperson Glenn Allen confirmed. Additional charges are expected, the GBI said.

Gray will be tried as an adult, officials have said.

Friday’s 8:30 a.m. hearing will be virtual, with the teenager calling in from the detention center, Allen said.

Two of the victims were identified by the GBI as students Mason Schermerhorn and Christian Angulo, both 14. The two adults killed were assistant football coach Richard “Ricky” Aspinwall, 39, and math teacher Christina Irimie, 53.

The GBI said it will be handling the victims’ autopsies.

“This is day two of a very complex investigation, and the integrity of the case is paramount,” the GBI said in a statement. “We ask for the public’s patience as we work to ensure a successful prosecution and justice for the victims.”

No one answered the door at Gray’s home Thursday, though a pickup truck was visible in the open garage. The house is about six miles from Apalachee High.

A Christmas wreath still hung on the front door. There were no law enforcement officers, signs or police tape to indicate that the property had been searched by the FBI the day before, though a sheriff’s office patrol car cruised by the house around 10 a.m. Thursday.
Late Wednesday, the FBI said Gray had previously been investigated. In May 2023, the agency received several anonymous tips about threats to commit a school shooting that had been posted to an online gaming site, officials said. The threats did not specify which school or when it would happen, but photos of guns were included.

Federal and local law enforcement tracked the post to Jackson County, where sheriff’s deputies continued the investigation, which led them to Gray, who was 13 at the time.

“The father stated he had hunting guns in the house, but the subject did not have unsupervised access to them,” the FBI said. “The subject denied making the threats online.”

With the information investigators had at the time, there was no legal basis to pursue any charges, the FBI said. But the Jackson sheriff’s office alerted local schools, and Gray was monitored, the FBI added.

What resulted from that monitoring has not been disclosed by officials.
These LGBTQ school shooters must be stopped.
To the post directly above this one:
Substantiate the claim that this shooter is LGBTQ.
PROTIP: You can't. Therefore, until proven otherwise, it is safe to assume he's heterosexual and cisgendered.
You don't deserve a (You).
100% of school shooters are LGBTQ as school shooter is a gender in line with gender theory.
Eat a dick, euroscum.
The mug shot shows its a tranny
>long head hair makes someone a tranny
Jesus is a tranny?
The comment shot shows you're a retard
Why don't you post a newer picture?
From an APnews article I just read
>Louis Briscoe told The New York Times that when he learned of the shooting, he called the boy’s mother, a friend and co-worker. She told him “Mason’s gone,” and his heart dropped.

>“Nobody should have to go through this type of pain,” Briscoe said.

Republicans, for the love of fucking god can you just work with the rest of us on passing common sense gun control? Your flat out denial of this problem is literally getting children killed.
What is this Georgia Bureau of Investigation I keep seeing? Do they supersede the Feds?
>14 years old
>juvenile detention center
>likely still in puberty
>will be tried as an adult
What’s the point of having age differences if it’s not about age but about severity of crime they determines being tried as an adult?

Look at his actual mugshot he’s clearly a tranny

Also, I feel bad for the dad who was also arrested for second degree murder because he bought the rifle as a Christmas gift to the kid
>common sense gun control
1. Stop embracing mentally ill tranny culture
2. Stop medicating young kids who just need to exercise and run around instead of sit in a boring fucking classroom 8 hours a day 5 days a week for their entire life
2a. Stop forcing association with bullies and other people via the same school as above
3. Teach boys to be men again through strong organizations of other quality men, like what the Boy Scouts used to be
4. Give boys masculine role models to look up to instead of demonizing all men
5. Abolish social media
You will do anything but address the real problem.
>common sense gun control
Is code for “take your guns away”
The second amendment protects all the other amendments, my commie friend. The government isn’t your friend and has proven time and time again that they will kill you with no due process and no accountability. The second amendment was written to arm civilians against their own tyrannical government.
Not until Democrats state publicly that gang and cartel members are the primary and largest source of illegal firearms and crimes with illegal firearms.
Take away all the nigger on nigger violence and gun violence statistics drop to so low it would be a non-issue.

A BB gun shot ricochets in the direction of a school and the libs count it as a “school shooting” to plump their numbers.
Itt brown polfags simp for white people and spam their tranny obsession
Strange except owning a gun there's nothing related to "freedom" you can do in the USA that I cannot in a country where no private gun ownership exists (in my country if a private person wants a gun it has to be kept at a gun club)
We've not had a school shooting, ever.
>Strange except owning a gun there's nothing related to "freedom" you can do in the USA that I cannot in a country where no private gun ownership exists
Lol. Which country are you in? Let's take a look at your speech laws.
>crying about brown people not taking the side of anti white ultra gay politics
Keep seething gringo my people and familia have solidarity and protect eachother and there is nothing worse than a traitor to his own people and culture,
Netherlands, what do you think I cannot say?
No actually the largest source of illegal guns come from good guys with guns.
Maybe if you locked up criminals in prison, they wouldn't be able to get guns.
How about we lock up the people who keep giving criminals guns?
Well, that is already illegal, so I guess you're going to have to start locking up criminals one way or the other. Of course those aren't the people you're really interested in disarming.
Lots of things that go unpunished are "already illegal", Anon, you don't make any sense.
Yes, like assault, thievery, and murder in blue ghettos.
>blue ghettos
Ahh so you're a partisan idiot, got it.
Well Republican controlled areas do tend to prosecute crimes.
fun fact, school shooting happen mostly in america, i wonder why
Because our leftists still need reasons to try to ban guns.
>what do you think I cannot say?
Things Americans can.
Are you allowed to say the Holocaust did not happen in the Netherlands?
No they don't.
It's obviously an issue with the way American schools are run.
How many NYpost headlines do I have to read before I agree with you?
You don't have to read any. It helps not being a fucking retard.
Yep, he was based.
Sure they do. Not that there's much crime.
Schizos BTFO as they try desperately to translplain that the shooter wasn't another white incel chud with an assault weapon
They must have some sort of humiliation fetish to constantly be so wrong about everything so loudly.
Can you provide any evidence he is white or straight?
>shill can't provide any proof that they're white or strait
So I guess local news shill is a gay, transexual panda
Go back to your groomer discord and r3ddit boards.

-phobe suggest fear, it’s not fear, it’s disgust
>the r/thedonald tourist is telling people to go back to his home
How cute
>r/chomos redditor still seething about r/thedonald from a decade ago.
Speaking of cute.
angsty white leftist male.
Good the leftists are destroying their own, we all know liberals is a party of far-left white predators pretending to speak for others while using that as an excuse to attack dox and destroy property.
You're a retarded libshit who should be anal raped for supporting the far-left rape school rapists
>gay anal rape fantasies
wow, it's true there really are russia shills here
yes yes me ze russian me dream of raping pathetic white american male booty with a carrot until they scream and break.
Low quality bots are more justification for IDs on this board.
There are no bots here and we're not making this board into /pol2/ just to placate your fears.
You'll always be a tourist here even after 9 years.
democrat AI bot kys.
Funny how libtards talk about bots they're making AI preach for Kamala its almost like your a bunch of hypocrtical self-projectors who should be anal raped to death until your anus gets torn and shredded
>rightwinger can't stop talking about their hardcore anal fixation
Maybe you should just Grindr that out of your system and come back when you can stop infecting this board with your gayness.
>right wingers
>being gay
I don't think you're functioning property libtard, make up your mind.
gay rapists. it's a russia thing
leftists are homophobic now too eh. they should be raped with corncobbs.
Right wingers are too stupid to understand that wanting to put their penis in another mans asshole and fuck them makes them gay.
you can be gay weirdo, just make sure your partner consents
far-leftists are too stupid to realize they're being homophobic when they insult gay acts. stop being a bigot do better, or you'll get a zucchini shoved in your ass until you tear.
Show the newest transexual picture lmfao
one apple and a bag of turkey stuffing into your anus for you.
it's okay to have a little sugar in your tank, just stop being so insecure. oh yeah, and pause
Its weird that the right wing schizos are so triggered by another white incel chud shooter that they're just threatening everyone that doesn't agree with them with homosexual rape.
Do you think guns are the only reason you're "allowed" to say that, even here if you just say it nothing will happen, if you publish it and say it in a conference or something then yes you can get legal problems that you may not have in the US, and that is the biggest issue you can come up with to support something that is killing your kids and turning schools into bunkers with armed guards? I was hoping someone would come up with something a bit more substantial but we actually have more personal freedoms, Pulp Fiction was right police cannot search you unless they have hard evidence, not like the USA where cops can just claim smelling something...
>they should be raped with corncobbs
homophobes like you deserve to be raped, a carrot is too merciful for you, you should have your anus stuffed with spoutted potatoes.
ay yo
Why are faggots and trannys so obsessed with putting objects in their ass? It’s like their whole identity
can't beat em may as well join em, now open that ass up and let flacid biden have a nice squeeze inside.
You should probably get all the urges out before you come here to shill, if you know what i mean
Biden isn’t interest if their age is double digits
No, I don’t know what you mean. Explain.
You are obsessing over anuses and simultaneously trying to talk politics
leftists talk out of their asses, maybe if they get anal raped enough and have a carrot stuck in it they can become normal human beings
Many countries have guns without mass shootings, the main difference is that the U.S. is run by psychotic Jews that construct a society where everyone is alienated from each other. That’s the relationship between guns and talking about Jewish power
Those are some interesting hate facts
why do american retards feel the need to talk about a consitution they've never even read
>>the Netherlands aided the nazis in the holocaust more than any other country
Based maybe we should listen to them more. You know the Nazis instituted gun control too, so I’m for it
Because whether or not they've read it, it's theirs.
Not yours.
You have no say over their country, and your opinion has been acknowledged and ignored.
>we need flags
No shit. Eurotrash wannabe Democraps spread more propaganda than Russians.
da comrade
Republicunts continue to chimp out that another white incel used an assault rifle to murder children
Do anything about it? No, the children have to die for Republicunt freedom to prosper.
He is a troon. Cry harder.
i don't know if he was, but you certainly are a poltroon
Definitely a troon.
LGBTQs just can't stop killing, raping and spreading disease.
>not so much as one mention of certain words in the linked article
It was all heavily implied, queer.
No amount of shooting will make Harris likable.
Why I'm glad I'm not a yank personified

>you cannot spell implied without the word lied
Along with
I loves me fascism too.
>gets stabbed
God save le queen I mean le king
Guns banned in Britain was after a white pedophile brought four of his then legal 'toys' to school for a 'Show and Tell' that the children would never be able to tell their parents about when they left school: because they would never leave that school alive. And all because that white pedo wasn't allowed to be near children again.
Yet, since Dunblane, children are able to return home from school alive. The government which banned guns in Britain since 1996 says 'You're Welcome'. A Conservative government.
funny how americans say this when it comes to them, but they're blatently happy to try and run other countries how very american of you. go fuck yourself and get anal raped by an onion.
kek at the nonAmerican seething that it will never own a gun >>1337739
This poster says it best: >>1337615
>biden and harris giving taxpayer money to rich anti gun donors
>This triggers schizoposter to the point of psychosis therefore I enjoy it
>republican controlled areas
No American talks like this. Why do you euro cucks care so much about this
>weedhead bot is linking random posts again
>it denies being a poster elsewhere with the excuse 'random post', as it has done so numerous times previously
>I'm sure the mods can check the post logs, thus the weedhead bot doesn't have the right to deny it was the one making the following not random posts:
weedhead bot likes a little girl. weedhead bot admits to being a pedo
No one would care if america entered civil war and you were kidnapped and kept as a greasy leftist's human pet
Source - your ass
Nazis were a bunch of fags and the fact that they instituted gun control makes them even more faggy
If it's in America, it's America
Fuck your faggy politics
They all don't care about you and take advantage of you daily. The uniparty does what it wants and shills like you buy into it
The Nazis shut down the first day movement and in doing so bought the west another 80 years of survival before fagdom came back again in force.
Follow your leader faggot
Yes I've been to Argentina many times. Great selection of Bavarian Taverns!
How is /news/ so full of jew propaganda we know the shooter was trans had she/her tags on Twitter profile. Fact.

Angsty Transgender Mentally Ill Psycho, like the last 6 school shooters
>right-wingers perpetuate baseless conspiracy theory that this shooter (and most school shooters) are trans
>fact check is published in response to refute these claims
>right-wingers: "Very suspicious timing of the publication of this fact check. Hmm, curious"
Right-wingers are beyond retarded.
>right-wingers: "Facts don't care about your feelings!"
>also right-wingers: "Stop posting fact checks that prove my talking points wrong!"
Who in the left wing media is saying that?
It was reported that the shooter expressed frustration that trans people were increasingly being accepted in society. To suggest that he was frustrated about a lack of trans acceptance in society is a bad faith misinterpretation of what was reported.
News Schizos giving bad faith misinterpretations?
Perish the thought. Who knew that those lying faggots would be lying faggots?
If he were trans, why would he shoot up a school over the increased acceptance of trans people in society?
Forget it, shills be shilling
Facts mean nothing to them, only their retarded schizo thoughts and tranny fetish
>third world retard seething about a country she doesn't even live in
democrats aren't American. tranny
He hated trannies. Its one of yours.
are you enjoying your muscovian rupees
Why are trannys so violent and mentally unstable?
We need a tranny registry to keep society safe
Wrong board
what is a woman then? bet cannot answer that without a TL;DR lol
fun fact, america is overwhelmingly safe in per capita terms compared to other countries despite having the highest per capita number of guns on earth
>gets banned from plebbit
>comes to /b/ to whine
you have 2 choices:
1) suck a log of shit
2) go back to plebbit
so you were logposter all along
>The shooter is a white male incel
>Oh yeah dem? Tell me what is a woman then
This is a 'gotcha' to Republicunt retards
I always find these kinds of comparisons weird. America may be relatively safe compared to a bunch of dogshit poor countries around the world but, personally, I hold my country to a little bit of a higher standard. "Doing better than Congo" is not the standard I hold the U.S. to. Mentally ill people going on mass, indiscriminate killings is a fucking issue. I think its a little weird to ignore glaring problems with our country just because we're better off than third world hellscapes on the other side of the globe.
I enjoy that instead of addressing anything I said you immediately pivoted to arguing with the strawman in your head. I don't know who you're talking to that made any arguments about taking away rights or FBI watchlists but it certainly wasn't me.
>Angsty White Tranny

More intrusive thoughts by rightists
Apparently the shooter's mom is a methhead and his dad probably is also.
>Mentally ill people going on mass, indiscriminate killings is a fucking issue.

And yet the Mainstream Media studiously ignores the FUCKING MASSIVE INCREASE in the prescription of psychotropic medication made by Wall Street pharmaceutical corporations.

America is being drugged up six-ways-to-Sunday, is it any surprise that some people flip their shit after being prescribed a potpourri of psychomeds by stripmall therapists?
Sounds like a classic Republican family
A better question would be why nobody actually cares about mass shooters unless it's a white guy.

There are mass shootings caused by black people every single weekend, why the fuck does nobody care about those?
>And yet the Mainstream Media studiously ignores the FUCKING MASSIVE INCREASE in the prescription of psychotropic medication made by Wall Street pharmaceutical corporations.
A phenomenon seen in other countries that don't have constant mass murder.
>why the fuck does nobody care about those?
No real shock value, no manifesto to plaster everywhere, and usually less fatalities. Also, the media doesn't care about dead Black people absent some scandal. Mass shootings arising from either attempted assassinations or personal disputes are just run of the mill crimes that don't rise beyond the level of a local news story.
>the media doesn't care about black murders
What false premise are you people attempting to set up here?
They seem very vocal when it's a white guy but not when it's everyone else
leftists kinda got btfo itt. it was funny to see the meltdown
Gun schizo btfo by >>1339779. It'll be funny to see the meltdown by rightards.
>>FUCKING MASSIVE INCREASE in the prescription of psychotropic medication
>A phenomenon seen in other countries that don't have constant mass murder.

I don't see any stats for other nations but you're probably right, though the answer isn't draconian gun control, it's putting a stop to wildly over prescribing psychomeds purely for profit without regard to how this affects society.

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