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Donald Trump announced in a speech on Thursday that, if elected, he would form a government efficiency commission, a policy idea that Elon Musk has been pushing him to take on. The former president claimed the tech billionaire had agreed to lead the commission.

Trump made the attention-grabbing announcement during a campaign event at the Economic Club of New York, but gave no specific details about how the commission would operate.

He reiterated Musk’s argument that such a commission would cut unnecessary spending, while also saying that he would massively walk back government regulations.

“I will create a government efficiency commission tasked with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government, and making recommendations for drastic reforms,” Trump told the crowd.

Musk and Trump have forged an increasingly close alliance over the past year, as the SpaceX and Tesla CEO has thrown his full support behind Trump’s presidential campaign. Musk’s backing of Trump has consequently given the world’s richest man a direct line to influence Republican policy – and, if Trump were to actually create an efficiency commission, sweeping powers over federal agencies.

Musk’s potential involvement in Trump’s proposed commission would create obvious conflicts of interest, as his businesses, such as SpaceX and Neuralink, are both regulated by, and have business with, numerous government agencies.

Musk reposted news of Trump’s plans on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, which he bought for $44bn, and suggested he would accept such a position. “I look forward to serving America if the opportunity arises,” Musk posted. “No pay, no title, no recognition is needed.”
Musk raised the idea of an efficiency commission with Trump during their interview on X last month, with Musk offering to “help out on such a commission”. Musk has frequently pushed for deregulation and opposed government oversight into his businesses, while at the same time facing investigations and lawsuits over a range of allegations including breaking labor laws, violating animal-welfare protections and engaging in sexual harassment.

Although Musk and Trump formerly had an acrimonious relationship – Trump once referred to Musk as a “bullshit artist”, while Musk said Trump was too old to run for president – the two have formed a symbiotic relationship in recent months.

Musk, who frequently engages with far-right activists on X and promotes anti-immigration content, has attacked Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, as a communist, while his allies in the tech community have poured money into a Super Pac backing Trump.
Trump is going to be in jail soon.
So are you.
I'm not a convicted felon.
Him getting sent to jail will lock in an election victory for him.
All the more reason to vote for anyone but trump. Taking this moron's advice on anything is a sign of mental deficiency.
I don't think there's an electoral process amongst federal inmates
There doesn't need to be. Being imprisoned isn't a bar to being elected president. This is by design, to prevent tyrants from imprisoning their political opposition.
you are here
I didn't defraud any banks or try to usurp democracy like Trump did.
Well you probably didn't defraud any banks, but then again, neither did trump. You're certainly usurping democracy, though.
Sorry bud, hurting your feefees isn't a crime.
Election interference is, apparently.
you realize the right wing is the fragile snowflakes right. don't cry over walz' taco choice now
You're not going to blow off your crimes by calling them hurting feelings.
>Donald Trump announced in a speech on Thursday that, if elected, he would form a government efficiency commission, a policy idea that Elon Musk has been pushing him to take on. The former president claimed the tech billionaire had agreed to lead the commission
As the Spartans would say in their Laconically Witty way, 'If.'
>He reiterated Musk’s argument that such a commission would cut unnecessary spending, while also saying that he would massively walk back government regulations.
This is not why people voted for Trump in 2016. They voted for Trump in 2016 to build a wall. Where's the fucking wall Don? You're not even promising a wall anymore you fucking shithead
And this is what we call 'oay to play'
2016 taught us that youre going to have to clear out a lot of career democrats before anything gets done. It's why lame duck Biden is working so desperately to entrench as many beaueucrats as he can before his term is up.
>government workers = automatically bad
Why are you like this?
Because I'm not retarded.
about that...
Peelon, dRumpf, e-celeb threads.
I hate how news is a board for seething CHODES to spread r/politics articles about stupid bullshit.
Can you queers go die from AIDS?
That's pretty unlikely given our demographics.
Didn't Trump say Elon was a bad businessman whose companies only survive off government handouts?
good finally the world can be at peace.
So Elon Musk buys his way into the Trump government and then starts privatizing stuff and then funnels it to his companies.
Classic Republican corruption.
He hasn't done that, though. Probably projection based off all the democrats solar and wind power schemes.
>He hasn't done that
Yet, never underestimate Republican corruption.
>Things that I pull out of my ass for $500
>Trump to put Elon Musk in charge of "government efficiency"
>the inefficiency of Tesla Cybertrucks
Yet, DankPods has never had anything go wrong with his Nissan Leaf:
I bet he's not the only one who can't find fault with that particular electric car, either. Ultra-cheap, too.
>it's real in my mind
How's pelosi's stock portfolio doing?
How's trump's stock portfolio doing? >>1339080
I'm not sure how that's supposed to show me that it's actually the Republicans who are corrupt.
>How's pelosi's stock portfolio doing?
>How's trump's stock portfolio doing?
pelosi isn't trump. that's the difference. if one is corrupt, the other is. if the latter isn't corrupt, the former isn't. can't have it both ways.
No, no. You see, Pelosi has a (D) by her name.
She can't be corrupt.
Uh, yeah you kind of can have it both ways.
I hope not!

I want him to go to prison.
Imagine being a mind controlled drooling faggot like the entire right wing voter base.
So why aren't we investigating Trump's kids?
>comes to right wing site
>to cry about right wingers
Faggots are left wing
Trump is the best squatter in history living rent free in dimly lit liberal heads.

Trump Derangement Syndrome, so many cases.
>JD 'Weird' Vance
>wears women's clothing
>wears eyeliner
>personally chosen by Trump
Right wingers are faggots
then how are you a right wing faggot

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