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>The relationship between Kamala Harris' team and Joe Biden's White House has been increasingly fraught in the final weeks before Election Day, 10 people familiar with the situation tell Axios.
>Why it matters: Biden's team wants Harris to win the election, but many senior Biden aides remain wounded by the president being pushed out of his re-election bid and are still adjusting to being in a supporting role on the campaign trail.
>"They're too much in their feelings," one close Harris ally said of the president's team — a sentiment shared even by some White House aides.
>Some on the Harris team say that top White House aides aren't sufficiently coordinating Biden's messaging and schedule to align with what's best for the vice president's campaign.
>Biden gave an impromptu press conference in the White House briefing room Friday just as Harris was about to do an event in Michigan, ensuring that her event would get less TV coverage than it otherwise would have.
>Earlier in the week, Harris criticized Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) for not taking her call about the recent hurricanes, only for Biden to praise DeSantis soon after for being "gracious" and "cooperative." (A person familiar with the situation told Axios that Biden hadn't been briefed on Harris' comments.)
>Biden has been eager to boast about a robust jobs report, helping to end the strike by the longshoremen's union and other perceived victories recently. Harris has been trying to focus on voters' pocketbook concerns, including inflation.
>One person involved with Harris' campaign told Axios: "The White House is lacking someone in the room thinking first and foremost about how things would affect the campaign."

Only 3 weeks left and it's all falling apart lmao. You know it's bad when even Axios is reporting on it.
Trump 2024
Pol is always wrong
Biden is voting dRumpf. You should too.
>Despite the sore feelings among some Biden aides, much of the president's staff is actively rooting for and trying to work toward a Harris victory.
Bait thread
>Trump Was Wrong Again
ftfy Trump Was Always Wrong, Trump Is Always Wrong. Trump Will Always Be Wrong
>the number 1 thing Maga fears is the fact that many conservatives don’t like Trump
And the fact is the OP's opinions are wrong.
You're a fag
a fag
stop signing your posts
The paid trolls are getting desperate.
When Kamala wins, do the troll farms face mass execution for their failure?
Sar, I do not now of Trump wins I will be living longer.
Naah if Kamala wins it means they get to work overtime making shit up about how she's coming to take the guns and sending illegal migrants to rape the children.
The duality of Anon
He laffs last laffs.....ummm. Revenge is a dish best served.....ummm as I was saying
If Kamaleon wins we get sent to Ucrane front
Ivan, you're already being sent

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