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A Chinese citizen registered to vote same-day in Michigan and cast a ballot. He later admitted his crime but the secretary of state refused to rescind his ballot and stated that it will be counted.

This raises larger issues about how democrats claim that illegals can't register to vote. They supposedly that this is supposedly mpossible
Chinese Student Accused of Illegal Vote Tried to Retrieve Ballot: Report

A19-year-old international university student from China who is not a U.S. citizen—and accused of illegally voting in Michigan—reportedly asked for his ballot back after casting it, according to local news outlet WLNS-TV Channel 6.

On Wednesday, Washtenaw County prosecutor Eli Savit and Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson published a joint statement regarding the incident: "Following an alleged violation of the law involving a non-U.S. citizen voting at an Ann Arbor early voting site on Sunday, October 27, the Washtenaw County Prosecutor's Office has authorized criminal charges."

The male student attends the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and his name has not been made public.

He's accused of falsely claiming to be a U.S. citizen when he registered to vote on the same day he cast his ballot, WLNS reported. The student was charged with one count of attempting to vote as an unauthorized elector and one count of forgery in order to register to vote.

Newsweek reached out to the secretary of state's press team, the Washtenaw County sheriff's office and the Michigan attorney general's office for comment via email on Wednesday evening.

Benson's office told WLNS that the student's ballot was put through the tabulator and will be counted in the coming general election, as once ballots are processed, it is not possible to retrieve them.
good post
What will Democrats say in response to this? Literally CCP members voting in the election.
the only thing democrats love more than rigging elections is treason
Disagree. Democrats seem to love smoking fentanyl more than any of those things.
Safe to disregard as fake news
>What will Democrats say in response to this?
They were caught immediately. The system worked. Not sure what you're bitching about. Votes are anonymized to protect voters from retaliation and same day registration exists to protect your right to vote generally, since people can unknowingly be unregistered to vote by shitty Secretaries of State.

They were required to provide photo ID to register, btw. So not sure what magical policy you would suggest to fix this except probably expel all Asians to Canada or something dumb and racist like that.
Democrats control Michigan and the border.
They let this person in to vote.
The solution is to not let Democrats run elections. Hope that helps.
>They were caught immediately. The system worked
Correction. Nobody caught anything and he turned himself in and the secretary of state refused to rescind his vote and stated it would be counted.

Literally nothing worked here. It couldn't have gone worse.
>They were required to provide photo ID to register, btw. So not sure what magical policy you would suggest to fix this
Lmao. So the protections in place didn't work.
Pretty sure what's been suggested is verification of citizenship. That would have fixed this, but democrats love having rigged elections and didn't go along with that reasonable suggestion
I'm voting for Trump, Harris is just too extreme
but you don't even live in the US.
>Democrats control Michigan and the border.
The border...with China?
And murdering babies
>Nobody caught anything and he turned himself in
So he was caught. Anyway, you can't argue the system failed when he was caught before the point at which the system is designed to even catch anyone.
>and the secretary of state refused to rescind his vote
That is a literal impossibility. Votes are anonymous, you fucking idiot. By design. I told you that.
>and stated it would be counted.
Because it has been cast. You expect them to pause the election and fingerprint every ballot until they find his? Assuming he even touched paper and didn't vote electronically?

>So the protections in place didn't work.
Sure they did. The vote has been protected from being identified.
>Pretty sure what's been suggested is verification of citizenship
They did verify that he wasn't a citizen. That would have been done by the Secretary of State had he not outed himself first.

Very obviously voter registrations aren't checked instantly.
the machines are compromised as well, I hope libshits like>>1358101
get arrested for treason we're seeing actual election fraud from the left by stopping people from even voting.
>They did verify that he wasn't a citizen. That would have been done later
So... They didn't very he wasn't a citizen? Are you even a human?
>So he was caught
Well, he decided he would tell people he was able to vote illegally
>Anyway, you can't argue the system failed when he was caught before the point at which the system is designed to even catch anyone
I agree, the system is designed to allow people to register and vote illegally. It's not designed to stop that. We are in 100% agreement.

This article has even demonstrated that even after a vote is determined to be illegal, it can't be recalled.
You've admitted this. Wide scale illegal vote could happening and you yourself agree that the system is designed to protect those votes, they cannot be recalled after they've been cast no matter how illegal or how many of them there are
I'm replying to myself, but I'm just going to repeat this one section because it's all that needs to be said about election security
>This article has even demonstrated, and you admit, that even after a vote is determined to be illegal, it can't be recalled.
>You've admitted this. Wide scale illegal vote could happening and you yourself agree that the system is designed to protect those votes, they cannot be recalled after they've been cast no matter how illegal or how many of them there are
ITT: schizo talks with themselves to bump their own shitty shill thread
>This article has even demonstrated, and you admit, that even after a vote is determined to be illegal, it can't be recalled.
Yes. Votes are anonymous. By law. And have been for the entirety of modern history because we can't trust you fucks not to leak who voted how and then terrorize them for it.

The system is not, has never been, and never will be designed to pull illegal votes that have already been cast out of the system. It is designed to prevent illegal votes from being cast or, failing that, catch and prosecute those that cast them so they can't do it again and so that people are disincentivized from voting illegally.

>Wide scale illegal vote could happening
And everyone involved would go to jail.

You seem to be illiterate.
>You seem to be illiterate
"They did verify that he wasn't a citizen. That would have been done later"
That means they didn't verify he was a citizen. You literally contradicted yourself within two sentences
>It is designed to prevent illegal votes from being cast or, failing that, catch and prosecute those that cast them so they can't do it again and so that people are disincentivized from voting illegally.
Luckily, this random Chinaman was enough of a good person he notified the unaware election staff that he was actually a Chinese citizen who just voted in the election.

Literally all this has done is just proven that anyone with any form of ID can just register and vote no matter how illegal it is, and their votes will be counted.
>he secretary of state refused
I don't think "refuse" is the correct word for doing something that is impossible.
You know what's not impossible? Verifying eligibility to vote.
This whole story is fishy. We are supposed to believe that a Chinese foreign exchange student spent so long researching Michigan State voting law just so he could figure out a loophole to bypass safeguards and then cast a vote and then decided to immediately turn himself in?
No way. It smells like trump shitting on my dick again.

The obvious explanation here is that trump got his pals in China and Russia to help him out and set the stage for when he inevitably loses the election. They told this person exactly what he needed to do to bypass every election safeguard, check, and balance, and then had him turn himself in right after doing it before it could be detected. Newsweek already had there reporters on the scene and taking statements, which if you don't thing that's suspicious, I don't know what is
My thoughts exactly.
good post.
It's so obvious. trump is setting himself up with excuses to have another coup.
Trump supports really are garage.
It's over, MAGAtards. Good
chuds are btfo by this post
good post
I was pretty sure there was a Trump official on record for saying they wanted to repeal election safeguards too
>That means they didn't verify he was a citizen
That's also not what I said. Like I said, you seem to be illiterate.

>Literally all this has done is just proven that anyone with any form of ID can just register and vote no matter how illegal it is, and their votes will be counted.
Actually only specific forms of ID are allowable under Michigan law.
Your exact quote was "They did verify that he wasn't a citizen"
Are you claiming they verified he wasn't a citizen and let him vote?

No, in reality the system is intentionally vulnerable, and these so-called "safeguards" don't work
I remember when I was a democrat voter their party was against illegal voting.
I've lived to see the day that they claim everything is "working properly" when we have no way to prevent Chinese agents from voting in our elections
Big nothing burger
EVERYTHING was cheaper and better under trump and the world a safer place.

EVERYTHING is more expensive and worse under democrats and the world a more dangerous place.

It is by far the easiest decision there is, the easiest choice that can even possibly exist in politics bar none.
And yet every single democrat voter fails it by default for voting democrat, this FACT means that democrat voters in terms of intelligence are literally a insult to humanity itself, more animal than human intellect, there can be nothing dumber than a democrat voter given this beyond obvious choice they all DELIBERATELY fail.

You are the pinnacle of what is even capable to be described in the concept that is stupidity and low iq, you are a insult to every thinking human because of that a insult to humanity itself.

Prove me wrong, you literally cant.
>What will Democrats say in response to this?

The same thing they've been saying for years: "voter fraud doesn't happen!"
>The system worked.

wow, good posts
>a chinese national is getting his vote counted and he literally only got caught because he turned himself in
>the system is working as intended
an actual chatgpt botpost
>he literally only got caught because he turned himself in
You have evidence he wouldn't have been caught if he didn't turn himself in?
stop signing your post
they literally let his vote count
are you having a melty?
The truthful fact of the matter is that a Chinese citizen voted in our election, and nothing prevented it, no body caught him, his vote was counted, and after it was all done, he decided to turn himself in
good post
stop signing your post
Nothing you're saying is incorrect. The mistake you're making is either intentionally or ignorantly using this story as a means to validate the blatantly false conservative claim that voter fraud happens on a mass or outcome determinant scale. You could find 50 different stories of a random guy committing voter fraud. That still is not evidence that mass voter fraud happens. Conservatives are lying when they say this. So far, dozens of investigations, audits, senate inquiries and forensic accounting proves that it doesn't happen. Its like saying 500,000 Chinese people are hit by trains in America everyday and your proof is a news article about one Chinese guy getting hit by a train. None of it logically follows.
>Nothing you're saying is incorrect
Thanks, you didn't have to follow it up with an imaginary strawman you concocted just so you would have something to argue
Im glad this guy told officials he illegally voted.
I wonder what percentage of people who do this actually tell election officials they illegally voted.
Its not an imaginary strawman. Its the arguments being made in this very thread. Simply stating discrete facts isn't an argument of any kind, anon. It adds nothing to discourse to make a descriptive statement then pretend like prescriptive ones are beneath you because nobody in this thread is arguing whether or not this chinese guy voted. They're arguing what this story represents in the larger context of voter security. Not sure why you'd bother posting if you planned on being so indignant about having that conversation.
>I wonder what percentage of people who do this actually tell election officials they illegally voted.
Well, according to all of the audits and investigations into voter fraud, almost 0%.
>Its the arguments being made in this very thread.
>Well, according to all of the audits and investigations into voter fraud, almost 0%.
My point exactly. Almost 0% of vote fraud cases are discovered by the guilty party telling election officials. This is probably the only one. Every one was discovered by things like cameras recording it happening or people getting arrested for other crimes and FBI finding stacks of fake ballots at their home, like what happened to that democrat politician earlier this year
>Almost 0% of vote fraud cases are discovered by the guilty party telling election officials.
Except this is just your feelings. You don't have any evidence of this whatsoever.

>Every one was discovered by things like cameras recording it happening or people getting arrested for other crimes and FBI finding stacks of fake ballots at their home, like what happened to that democrat politician earlier this year
That's absolutely false. It also depends on what kind of voter fraud you're talking about and at what stage. If you're finding ballots at people's houses that they aren't supposed to have then voter fraud actually hasn't happened yet. If you're talking about fake or invalid ballots being cast and counted then the evidence shows that this almost never happens. You can't provide any evidence otherwise.
>Almost 0% of vote fraud cases are discovered by the guilty party telling election officials. This is probably the only one.
>Everyone was discovered by things like cameras recording it happening or people getting arrested for other crimes and FBI finding stacks of fake ballots at their home, like what happened to that democrat politician earlier this year
Most voter fraud is discovered by dipshits talking about it to other people, in the case of people using stolen identities of legal voters, or by Secretaries of State doing their regular voter registration sweeps, in the case of illegal voters (which basically do not exist, I think Arizona found like 2 over a 7 year period, albeit they found a few more people that shouldn't have been registered though they hadn't casted votes).

*Election* fraud is usually what gets found in other investigations, and that's technically a different thing and way more common than voter fraud in the first place. Albeit thankfully still rare as shit.

And even within voter fraud, there's several different kinds of shit that can happen. In order of frequency
>People filling out other people's ballots illegally, like the dipshit controlling husbands admitting to that shit after seeing that "lie to your husband about who you voted for" ad or the ghouls in North Carolina that went around "helping" old people fill out their ballots.
>People that became ineligible to vote voting illegally, usually by mistake
>People voting in person as another registered voter which generally occurs within a household
>People that shouldn't have been registered to vote getting registered somehow and then voting on top of that before they can get cleaned from the rolls
>Ballot theft which I genuinely can't think of any cases of. Which makes sense given it's both the highest risk and the highest effort way to do voter fraud.
100% a bot post
>we investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong
dems intentionally mad voter fraud hard to find. this guy only got caught because he turned himself in. most of these reports about voter fraud happen because someone gets caught doing a different crime and just happen to be voter frauding too, but the cops weren't looking for voter fraud

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