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Only 4 more days of this nonsense thankfully.

Trump suggests Liz Cheney should have 'guns trained on her face'
By Susan Heavey
November 1, 202411:43 AM EDTUpdated 27 min ago


WASHINGTON, Nov 1 (Reuters) - Donald Trump called former lawmaker Liz Cheney "a radical war hawk" and suggested she herself should face combat with guns trained on her, drawing condemnation from critics who said his comments showed he would target his enemies in office if he wins the presidential election.
Former President Trump, who faces Democratic U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris in Tuesday's election, also called Cheney on Thursday "a very dumb individual" and noted that she and her father, former Republican Vice President Dick Cheney, refused to back his third presidential run.

"She's a radical war hawk. Let's put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her, OK? Let's see how she feels about it. You know, when the guns are trained on her face," Trump told supporters at a campaign event with former Fox News television host Tucker Carlson in Arizona.
Trump has repeatedly vowed to investigate or prosecute his political rivals, including Cheney, as well as election workers, journalists and left-wing Americans, among others, and has said the military could be used against what he calls "radical left lunatics" if there is unrest on Election Day.

One of the most high-profile Republicans to turn against Trump, Cheney has endorsed Harris in the Nov. 5 contest, saying she crossed party lines to put the country before politics and calling Trump a "danger."
He's making threads again
>Liz Cheney should be killed
>"U-Um..why are you making this thread..?"
I hate you cultists so much. Such low IQ.
>Liz Cheney: Our young, mostly male soldiers should face gunfire to protect Western feminist values!
>Trump: How would she feel if she were the one facing gunfire?
That dude is a player character, he's just bad at the game.
He didn't say that. He said "Let's put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her, OK?" That, by definition is a command. Not a suggestion.
>if i take away all the context this looks really bad

anyone still falling for their deliberate lies at this stage honestly shouldn't have the ability to vote.
>That, by definition is a command. Not a suggestion.
Lol it ends with a question mark, its not a command retard. It's by definition a rhetorical question
he literally did the "if you're so eager to send young men out to die you should be willing to into battle yourself" meme. democrats pretending the anti-war line Americans been saying since vietnam protests is the same as calling for someone's assassination. it's disgusting how dishonest these people are.
if you were wondering if russia shills post here, look above this post
Pretty sure that law doesn't apply to this situation, eurofag.
You're fucking retarded
get in the cube
He's right. You are a legit retard. It's not a crime to say that people who support war should see a battlefield
he's you samefagging, and russia can stop supporting war whenever they want
What the fuck did this mean?
Might wanna see if you have mental health issues.
i wouldn't worry about it russia shill
Googled it.
>The Cube is a British gameshow.
Eurotrash confirmed. Go back to stealing kitchen knives and imprisoning people for Facebook posts, faggot.
the shill sure is projecting a lot today
It's kinda tragic some people still can't deprogram themselves from the Russia collusion propaganda. We sometimes forget there was a period of nearly three and a half years where these people quite literally believed the sitting President was a compromised Russian asset. They never got their post Mueller report debriefing, and the media that ran and carried unverified conspiracies all those years hasn't taken an ounce of accountability for all the damaged they inflicted on the American public as a whole.
just be less obvious and i won't have to call you out. or even better, stay on your own internet
So if tRump say, "should someone kill ......?"it's OK because he he framed it as a question, it's ok? Anon is typical ignorant chud.
Same thing but Kamala.
Okay, bro. Take ya meds and quit your shitposting.
Yeah, the law doesn't apply to billionaires. Just normal people.
Why is Elon and Trump still conspiring with Putin then?
Yes, if Liz Cheney wants our boys to fight more wars her ass needs to go ok the front line and have 9 barrels aimed at her to see if she's so keen on sacrificing them for no fucking reason.
Which war was Liz advocating sending Americans to die in ? I'm sure you can find a quote to match Trump's on-video quote.

It surely wasn't Trump making random shit up so he could talk shit about someone vocally against him, right?

Arizona attorney general's office probing Trump's violent comments about Liz Cheney
At an event Thursday night, Trump said the former congresswoman wouldn't be a "war hawk" if guns were "trained on her face."


Nov. 1, 2024, 3:39 PM EDT
By Alex Tabet, Rebecca Shabad and Dareh Gregorian
Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes said Friday that her office is investigating whether former President Donald Trump’s violent remarks about former GOP Rep. Liz Cheney broke the law.
When the Iraq war started, Eminem had a song about Bush with the line
>Strap him with an AK-47 / Let him go fight his own war
does this mean Eminem was calling for the assassination of the president?
Dems have always said things like this, it's just that now the parties switched and Republicans are the anti-war party now. Which is why Dick Cheney is a Democrat and Tulsi Gabbard is a Republican.
Your species is cancerously stupid.
I find it incredibly amusing how excited Democrats are to get endorsements from literally Satan and Satan's daughter. I guess the young ones can't remember 2000 and any Republican willing to jump ship will do.
It's nice to see the neocons go home.
The vast majority of people who remember 2000 are voting Republican now. Democrats don't want to accept that anybody with life experience is against them
>all soldiers are criminals engaged in a crime of violence
I think it's true and honest bipartisan politics when MKULTRA Victims sponsored by the FBI graze both Presidental Candidates with bullets to get normalfags to vote.
The Cheneys had this reputation in DC fuckin forever, zoomzoom. She's a known neocon warhawk worked in the state department under GW. He's not making up random shit; you are. You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
Trump didn't say soldiers originally, stop using the military as your puppet
>Which war was Liz advocating sending Americans to die in ?
All of them.
Neocons are trotskyist (google: New York Intellectuals) warhawks. They want to relentlessly invade foreign countries and/or create foreign revolutions to "spread democracy" and launder money through military spending.
This is why we spent 20 years in the middle east, toppling countries that weren't responsible for 9/11.
This is why they keep trying to argue that Iran is behind Trump's assassination attempts.
This is why they are willing to let American citizens die in North Carolina post-Helene, but spend billions of dollars supporting the sovereignty of Israel.
Neocons are the cancer killing our country, unironically.
>All rightards are the cancer killing our country, unironically.
You're not wrong. Most of the GOP is made up of neocons.
Thankfully right wing populism is anti-war. :)
Both candidates proved they cannot fix anything. One candidate is going to make it easier for people that are already rich, cut services and rights for poor people and women. It’s an easy moral test. One side generally wants the lower classes wiped away or to enslave them or they can’t make up their mind.
You mean anti-interventionist and isolationist to a crippling degree, with the exception of israel's national defense
How can anyone alive in the past 20 years say this with a straight face when Trump classified all his drone strikes?
I'm not wrong in saying that Trumptards are also the cancer killing our country, unironically.
Welp you were right about it being defended and forgotten.
and tried to slide off the catalog
politicians are not people. ergo Trump did nothing wrong
Politics in general is cancer. Politicians are liars and rich douches. Its all about the money. Its a personality cult at this point. The media itself doesnt help, especially news channels. The people should have more control.
>populists come together to overthrow the incestuous deepstate
>this is a problem for democrats because.. well it just is, okay?!
nope, trump voters are making America great again. dems are the cancer killing the country
>Trump is not a person
Fascist logic is wild.
i hope kamala does something about all the foreign shills
I'm not wrong in saying that Trumptards and their retard populist cult leader are the cancer killing our country, unironically.
I'm not a democrat
why would harris do something about her supporters?
shills triggered
yes, I agree, you do seem very triggered
case in point
Oh look, the republican fascist is trying to 'no u'.
>mfw crackhead bot is having a melty and linking random posts in random threads near me
republicans are anti fascism and pro freedom. dems are fascist because they are anti freedom and fascism is left wing
right is more freedom and human rights, left is less freedom and human rights
>Trump: "Liz Cheney should face the horrors of war before throwing away the lives of future generations"
can't make this stuff up.
don't blame him, he's paid to act retarded
turn your monitor on
reddit spacer, I think your bot is broken again
ass status??
yeah the bot above me is 100% broken
>the bot above me is 100% broken
Thanks for admitting you're the 100% broken bot, >>1358837.
Didn't point out exactly how far above, thus you're talking about yourself.
Was. They're all endorsing harris.
>republicans are anti fascism and pro freedom
LMAO, no one believes you here
Your party is literally celebrating the Cheneys.
Virtually the entire country is united against madman Trump. Anyone who disagrees is part of the Trump cult.
nah, that's you, turn your monitor on
yes, I understand you are so into the party that you believe 1+1=3
the entire country hates harris and the dems and likes trump, retardo
you are an retard
but any politician advocating for war SHOULD be put to death
also getting rid of jews and other browns would make war a thing of the past

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