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how can they expect us to ride in this heat -edition

>Motorcycle tips & tricks
>Motorcycle pics, webms
>need new greentexts
>Motorcycle anime girls, irl girls, frogs
>Motorcycle ghost accellerant techniques
>don't buy chinese motorcycles
>don't buy EV motorcycles, bring a chair for your beachdate
>take the stickers off your bike
>Pass the MSF class, wear earplugs

Lots of people click these Links

jannie's think this is reddit

>Twist of the Wrist II


Previous thread was shit >>27752664

How to clean your exhaust https://files.catbox.moe/1zrsd4.mp4
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thx for including the ingredients in this bred op
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Comfy thread
I think the Royal Enfield Shotgun 650 looks cool, if only it had 40 more hp
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>God I love motorcycles bros

10/10 would ride to chicfila and have milkshakes with
There is nothing wrong with being gay.
t. Harley rider
there's everything wrong with it
I want the suzuki girl
1st 4 Harley
shes ded

>mostly leader bikes
>few Yamaha bikes
>mostly p-twins

WTF BROS I thought they love Yamaha in Japan
Yamaha chads, are we lost?
Rather drive as Harley real gnarly than a fag bike
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12am and its lookin like daylight
>"the good looking"
I dont see my bike anywhere
CFMoto wants their spotlight so they’re funneling Jew bucks to Yamaha so they can release their “cool” bikes first.
conditioned response bro
>heckin' eagle screechers
wow man real tuff are you a real prole or just pretend to be one aroudn the boys
i feel so sorry for ever has to interact with you irl
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What bike anon?
I fucked up and hadda lay her down
What's the best place to buy 2024 model Kawasaki fairings without having to do a walk of shame at the same dealership I bought it from? There's no parts or breakers for it on Ebay
"I hit a deer"

no one cares, no one is going to ask
you are never going to see these people again, they arent going to go home from work and say "lol some fag wrecked his bike and had to come in and buy fairings today"
lol bro just ride it with busted fairings, sand out scratches, or pick up one of these lil guys https://www.harborfreight.com/80-watt-iron-plastic-welding-kit-60662.html
what bike?
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his legs are so T H I N N
against a garage door at night
*enhance pic*

i called dibs.
>i called dibs.
Fuck of hes mine and its definitely a man. You can tell because of how defined his knuckles are. Theyre meant for combat.
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>mfw theres a gril in dbt
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ahh finally, a nice thread. I will be posting my bike.
>WTF BROS I thought they love Yamaha in Japan

Japanese anon, come here and elaborate

Why do you guys love Kawasaki so much? Is it because they used to bomb Americans?
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>Is it because they used to bomb Americans?
Good OP.
Yeah but is there a measurement or something to help you know how high to put the beam?
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Women don't want me, how do I have sex with motorcycles?
I am serious.
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Isn't Ashley a female name?
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>Isn't Ashley a female name?
where did you even get this data?
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she doxxed herself with her milkshake
What the fuck. When did poos start making such pretty bikes?
I'm unironically considering one just because they're so pretty and also cost pennies. If (when) it breaks I can just use it to finally learn how to wrench, right?
>is there a measurement or something to help you know how high to put the beam?
kek, so helpless
Not necessarily.
That's the cashiers name why would they print the users name on the receipt?
Her milkshake. Also pls don't be creepy to R3 anon, she's pretty cool and I want to hear how her leather shrinking technique worked so I can apply it to my old riding gear.
NTA but don't they put your name in your cup on zoomer coffee shops?
Stop being a coomer Rajesh.

find a job with motorcycles - fix them, sell them, wash them for money
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when you order online, they put your name on it when you come to pick it up

have you ever been outside irl
>don't be creepy to R3 anon
this is me being nice
Sorry anon, but unlike you, a boyfriend / cutting off my balls just wouldn't do it for me.
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I can't unsee it. Is it just me? I'm not a Honda hater
>when you order online
>a drink
I only go to the butcher shop and grocery store and neither one of them practice this
just you

well its 2024 everywhere else in the world
Holy shit, thanks
Suck my turds
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oh shit, you were right.
not seeing it
Why don't you pretend to be unicorn anon again. Poser
is she still warm?
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Honda actually.
Fuck off already you mentally ill faglord.
I am forever.
And honestly I’d fuck anyone up in this thread. Ur all troons.
>Ur all troons.
you cant even do wheelies or skids though...
>find a job with motorcycles
don't, it fucking sucks. Maybe if you're a blood transporter or motocop it's a different story, but working on bikes for money is ass.
Try being me u dumbass.
I'll fight u right now, bitch.
I'll fuck you till you live me you faggot
A faggot cuck who larps as other anons here who have bikes?!?!?
filtered instagram cringe
Yeah lol. Shitposting while eating lunch. The struggle is real
U won’t do shit. Get a Harley and get off my thread u shit knob
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Harley riders just mad pride month is almost over
i got u senpai
U worn do shit
Walk on home boy
Thanks bruh.
Please see >>27754970
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He should hide hos face. Kids uggo af. I see why his cousin/wife cheats on him
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Don't lump us all in with the tard please.
Some of us are ok, I promise
I think that edit is pretty good. Thanks anon.
It’s a girl right?
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Hahahahahahahah. Fuck yeah anon
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Same energy.
the thing that really outs you as a homosexual and most likely pedophile, is your haristyle. Real men dont change their haircut, they cut their own hair (#0-1 buzz cut). I cant imagine myself or a man like my father going to a "stylist" and then proceeding to list all the length and style requirements that need to be met for it to be consider it a successful haircut.
Lol, kek, rofl, lmao, lmfao hehe, haha, jajaja
Gotta be hard with kids like that ruining the culture right
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Lmfao curse thjmb approves
Fair point my guy, fair point
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I think I want Kawasaki now.

What Kawasaki should I buy?
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zx10rr. not the regular single r verson get the double R verison.
I'd like to but I'm poor.

Used ZX-6R or newer 4R is the best I can do probably.
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Nearby pawn shop has a 999 lol, didn't know they came in black
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>no CBR650R
z900rs se
R7 is a better bike HAHAHAH
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I can't afford it.
I can buy the ZX-25 brand new tho.
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i JUST posted this squirrel
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3 weeks of riding to work in dummy heat, then a conversation with one of my coworkers reminds me that I have picrel hanging in my closet- never actually tried it. Do I just soak it in water and chuck it in the fridge/freezer before I take off, or are there any other tricks to making them work?
Z500 since you're poor but even broke brothers deserve to ride nice bikes.
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no you didn't
I really like the Ninja 500, but I don't want to upgrade after one year, I want to keep my first bike and ride it forever.
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It's so fucking stupid I hate it it's unreal
Why can't they just make it normal?

I have no skills, I've never designed a bike, but even I know how to make it better, what's their fucking problem retarded fucking bloody bastard Honda
brother youre retarded, just get a double R. Wtf are you doing?
no, double R is expensive
I can see you have never designed anything.
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listen to me now TAKESHI, tell your boss you know how to improve your bike, gain the promotion for this, and make it happen
I don't need any money for this, you can keep all the glory for yourself but you must speak to your Honda boss and make it better, this is your mission
Fags have a parasite which causes them to be the way they are. Which is why they practice sodomy, which spreads the parasite.
fuck you honda shill
post the study and your preferred make
Discord tranny thread.
post the one where the cop gives him a copy of totw2
Discord tranny thread
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TAKESHI, we don't have much time
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Discord tranny thread..
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A discord tranny made this thread
>let me tell you about my trannies bro!!!
kek, stupid ass
dumbass paid 20k for this
what bike?
20,000$ + 3,500$ for the fast charging DLC
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Donnie's mom gave birth to him in a chevron bathroom. She scooped him out of the toilet and then took him to a fire station where she abandoned him.
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Discord tranny thread
Imagine being a grown man and your life revolves around chat rooms and cartoons.
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i just wish Honda had a better designer
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Discord tranny made this thread
imagine being a grown ass man and topping out at 85 LMAO
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>please notice me
kek what a bitch
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>get fleeced for 20,000$
>spend the rest of your life seething about trannies and 250s
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No one said anything about 250s but he brought it up because he used to pretend to own pic related til I ended his larp. That was 3 years ago and he still thinks about it all day every day kek what a mad little bitch.
>didn't even bother to clean up the AI generated garbage.
No thanks.
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>its not that tranny, its this one!!!
I suspect Billy was adopted too cause why is he a ching chong ping pong but everyone else in his family is white?
What got the retard's panties twisted this time?
Why would someone pretend to own that clapped out shitbike?
upside down on his e-scooter loan (20,000$). venting his frustrations at random discord trannies and zx4 owners is how he winds down after a long day of pizza delivery
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me > honda
wtf nust happened here
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>4 years straight
the absolute state of e-scooter cucks
Holy shit that's legit mental illness.
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It's actually hilarious to read some of his posts. Look how hard he tried.
Where we at with the Honda Navi?
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I think the R7 is the best looking for under 10k
do you agree anon?
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It's giving how do you do fellow motorcyclists
I'm a grown ass man and I can't even sprint any faster than 20mph, 85mph is insane
Wow little bitch got real quiet all of a sudden.
that's not a Suzuki SV650
if i was you id just go fuck up the guy that tricked you into buying a zero for 20k. the 250 kid and your disco trannies had nothing to do with it
said the 250 kid
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Ok, I’m confused. Help my retardation. So >>27755346 actually owns the Ninjer 250 and a random anon was pretending to be him for whatever reason, then just doubled down when he was proven wrong? Explain.
Kill yourself AI faggot. If I see 1024x1024 I wish I cancer on the person that posted it.
Are you talking about the worm pill?
I know righ, it has pretty swingarm, radial brakes, light weight baby
That doesn’t answer my question
Should have asked your question without the AI. You're a nobike anyway.
That doesn’t answer my question
>those narrow shoulders
>skinny arms
>thicc waist
That's a tranny
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what is better

SV650 or R7?
R7 is made in Japan and can wheelie in 3rd
sv650 is a buyer's remorse bike. Look at the used ones for sale. The listings all say "third owner" or "fourth owner"
Nah it's that it's a good entry into cycling
It's a jack of all trades, master of none bike
You get an SV650, find what you want to like doing, and then get a bike that does that, but better
It's a fine first bike but yeah when the power gets boring, it's not a sporty bike at all so you end up wanting to move on.
>front brake loses power mid pull
>issue persists after multiple bleeds, zip-tie method, forcing the ABS to cycle on dirt
>buy master cylinder rebuild kit
>haven't actually done the rebuild yet
>suddenly, the front brake works perfectly
what the fuck
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>go to /dbt/ meet
>some tranny wrecks your bike
Maybe air bubble moved out the way by itself
I wonder if I should rebuild it anyway, I'm not sure if I trust it not to shit out on the highway or something
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>don't want an old one
>don't want to pay 6k for the new one
this bike is doomed
How can that bike even lean that much?
I just decided I'm not gonna go to work tonight. Instead I'm gonna ride to trader joe and get snacks for the beach date I'm going on tomorrow. Any suggestions? Someone here turned me on to the canned salmon and now I get it all the time.
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took off the rear pegs, not like im gonna get any hoes on the back anyway
>ironically enough the cute girl at work asked for a ride home and I had to say no
>>ironically enough the cute girl at work asked for a ride home and I had to say no
Sorry bro but thats sounds like something you made up. You gain nothing by removing the pegs anyway.
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it looks better, also i had the rear seat cowl on anyway
I think she asked as a joke, she was complaining about having to walk home
Is this satire? I'm new
>honda = homo
checks out
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>not like im gonna get any hoes on the back anyway
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pegs can't help it, it's ugly anway
you know what you have to do

(sell it and buy an R7)
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more like incel but thats worse right, i’ll take homo at this point
hello r6 and based rear peg remover bro
why would I buy a slower, uglier and more expensive bike?
back NOW
>Real men dont change their haircut, they cut their own hair (#0-1 buzz cut).
Poorfag incel talk.
>not like im gonna get any hoes on the back anyway
Iktf. Yesterday I got to talk to a girl thats a new rider about her bike and help her back it out of a parking spot because she parked downhill (It was a Nighthawk 250, so it was easy). We exchanged contacts and I stalked her online and found out she's a single mom of two. Oh well, there's more out there.
so how do you specify your haircut parameters without sounding like a tranny though?
>and more expensive bike?
how's that?
CBR must be 9500, and Yammy is about 8900 or so
You're right it does look better with the pegs and peg brackets removed.
One of my rear passenger pegs flops around cause my front one broke so I poached the rear one while waiting for the replacement front peg to come. When the replacement came I put it on the rear position but I didnt realize the front peg is lacking the little nub that allows it to stay in the upright position.
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ever been surprised by a piece of missing asphalt? Fucking gypsies
^^This is what being chronically online does to a nigga
gypsies steal tarmac there?
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I don’t like the headlight, and I really like the aesthetics on the 650R (besides the tail)
bullet dodged, good shit anon
based poacher, are you ordering another or whats the fix gonna be
i like how you avoided answering the question. It just proves specifying haircut parameters is impossible without sounding like a tranny or some nu-male instafaggot
I just go by length, and the place I went to stored the cut with my number.
Going jesus mode rn.
That's pretty bad. Worse I have had was random missing concrete right where an on ramp and the freeway merge.
Also seen an 6 or 8ft 2x4 on the freeway.
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>I don’t like the headlight,
you what
It's "road works" when they just take out a piece and still somehow keep the road opened. I was bamboozled by blinking light car hiding the warning sign.
Saw someone claim tiny asphalt cracks can slash tires yesterday, thought its pretty interesting considering the shit you actually have to deal with even @ out of city speeds
so tell us all why you put -on your handlebars 'Ashley'?
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>I just go by length (an integer)
>the place I went to stored the cut
ok got it, you dont just go in an state a singular length (only non tranny option). that means you already defined your haircut specs at some point. the question is, what words did you use to define your haircut. My argument is that those words you used at one point, outed you as a tranny/nu-male who has never touched a wrench to your stylist.
hey that's my bike
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These are real CBR hours
are cbrs part of the cb leg legion or nah?
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Last night I said I'd report back if this was pozzed or OK. It was OK. A little bit of an anticlimactic ending, but I guess they wanted to keep closer to what really happened.
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hi ride more anon, funny how we both stuck to the same color scheme
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Hoonda master raec
free bike
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Honda gang rules this board
R7 sissies go away, except that guy that did 30000 miles in one year
it's fully insured, go for it
The fix is swap the pegs. And actually my chick has been asking for a solution to reposition her pegs. Eventually (maybe) I'm gonna install some kind of passenger peg extension and I'll swap the pegs then.
>nooo you cant post my meemaw!!
>I'll tell on you!!!
I'm not interested in seeing it at all. I read it flashes back and forth. I hate that shit.
get an old ninja
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My four year old lost control on a mulch pile jump and sped into a thicket of vines and wild blackberries this afternoon. He was mostly unscathed and demanded to keep riding.
he cute, he small
Beautiful bike. Anyone has any experience with these?
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had my visor up riding and caught a wasp of some kind in my helmet. stung my face twice before I got it out, crunched my sunglasses in the process lol good ride
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I got utterly btfo by some 70 year old boomer squidding in shorts on a GS today
what did he do to you? did he overtake you on your zero? or worse... beat you off the line
post sunglasses
how do I stop crying when my bike gets wet? I cant cover it up all the time
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Not zero anon
I was talking to him at the gas pump, left before him and he caught up to me zipping through traffic and buzzed by. Tried to swerve through lanes like he was but it was kinda scary so I just sat in the HOV like a little cuck
My dad has his wrist fused kinked back
He told the doc it was so it would be easier to type but really it's so he could still comfortably ride, he used to rally race
No shame in getting smoked by an old-timer, they've been doing it longer
Just hope that you, too, some day, will smoke some kiddo in your 70s
Better than a harley unironically
Pretty rude
Is Indian build quality more reliable than Mexican?
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sorry, I was trying to frame the post to fit the gif. I'll delete it if you want
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>*pulls up to a drive-through*
Get the ninja 650 or versys 650
No way
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Shotgun looks better and apparently rides better. I'd never buy a cruiser, they give me tailbone pain, its int or gt 650 for me.
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Say BMW is the best and accept the superiority of BMW. I'll leave you guys alone. I have to start my ride shortly.
that s1000rr is nuts, just wish it remained asymmetrical front end
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Basically all modern bikes.
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Absolutely skeletal
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HOL UP, you're gs500 anon?
It is. RE sells more bikes in a month than Harley in a year. We'd not pick RE over Honda and Suzuki if they broke all the time. They used to be bad back before the launch of the 650s, the new CEO turned it around. New factory, new design team, they have been hunting people from triumph, Suzuki and all over the place. Apparently service has also improved after the new CEO.
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I really need to get a picture of them together. But the GS500 can't exactly move right now.
Danke, but I ride a g310. Later anon.
I love to ride my motorcycle at gottlose uhrzeiten
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THATS CRAZYY!!!! what a nice upgrade to the legendary gs, I like how you remained blue. I'm happy for you! what exactly is wrong with the GS? I kept thinking you were another anon but now it all makes sense. The new bike is 750cc?
>at night
what the FUCKKKKK
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Pour one out for this gixxer brah taken too early.
for some reason this image evokes my existential dread
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>buying some shit in rural nowhere
>decided to go by bike, weather's good
>road's not as good as expected, last 10 km are gravel
>a bit spooky but fine, don't have any experience offroad but road's straight so it's easy
>last 2 km turns into a narrow forest road, gravel turns into semi-mud with ruts and dirty puddles of unknown depth
>stand there, considering just parking up and walking, among other options, my SV650 is not built for this shit
>a mysterious old man passes by, clearly perma-drunk
>"hey brother, get me over there, to the pond!"
>never rode with a pillion, nevermind with a pillion on such a road, say no
>while I'm shutting the bike off and putting down the kickstand he jumps on the back seat and squeezes my hips with his thighs (in the same manner rider squeezes the tank)
>"don't be a pussy, just go"
>fuck it, he feels confident, he's going the same way, clearly knows his way around bikes, and if we fall he's helping me pick the bike up
>guides me through (puddles were shallow)
>tells where to get on the gas (everywhere, apparently)
>physically forces me to lean where needed (sketchy as fuck)
>we make it to the pond, he gets off and we thank each other
>with newfound confidence and skills I make it all the way to the guy I was going to, then back safely
>old man is there, slav squatting by the pond, waves at me as I pass by
Felt like life's sent me an unskippable tutorial. Thanks, mysterious tutorial grandpa.
I should probably go ride some dirtbikes now, my lapse in skill feels embarassing.
>welp speed
they were obliterated and ejected off of my face I didn't retrieve the leftovers. I also exclusively use dollar store sunglasses so not a terrible loss.
Kek spontaneous adventures make one feel alive again. Riding dirtbikes offroad is way more fun than road riding.
kill yourself
sure little bitch.
That's pleasant fall weather anon.
Little losers posting fiction and other little losers replying to it... on a friday night.
I forget how worthless most of you are.
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>what exactly is wrong with the GS?
Lots of stuff, and it's a slow process to fix it 'cause money and work.
>The new bike is 750cc?
Das rite

What bike are you again?
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Whats the story dbt ?
Why are trackday organisers such big juden? They wont even grant me to do the Grobnik without paying their shitty riding schools bazillions first
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ATGATT? Never heard of her…
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>What bike are you again?
Yamaha YZF-R6 Blue (sometimes purple) +17,000revs/sec/sec
Never skip leg day
Oh it's you R6, sorry I'm retarded I shoulda guessed that.
i4's are the best.
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I love the aesthetic of those 70s european mopeds. I think its the square fuel tank and the flat heavily padded seat for comfy times with a pillion passenger.

Maybe when everyone who has ever listened to Bay City Rollers dies they'll be available for a fair price that isn't being driven up by boomers nostalgic of being a teenager in a beige decade.
I got
>orange chicken
>simpler wines (for my chick)
>cotton candy grapes
>hash browns
>shredded cheese
I forgot to get salmon and croissants.
There are several closer Trader Joes but I go to the PV one because look at this view. Thats a passenger ship on the horizon.
anyone ever tell you that you write like a tranny?
>39 results
LMAOOOOOOOO what a fucking loser
Bros why are Harleys so expensive
I test rode an old sportster 1200 and a new 975 today and they were just so... Overpriced.
"Spontaneous adventures" is a good phrase.
I'm a bit of a clean freak, can't imagine getting covered head to toe in mud being particularly enjoyable. Though I can wait till winter for some clean dirtbike action.
>"Spontaneous adventures" is a good phrase.
anyone ever tell you that you write like a tranny?
An adventure bike is better than your favourite type of bike.
You'd be the first, why?
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i don't see it
Little bitch be like
>mommy mommy! I'm hanging out with the cool motorcycle guys, mommy!
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Gsx8r looks better and is the futire meta of all new piss twin dynamics: low drag for normies

>mfw rin is on my shoulders one future day
>gets sued
>500,000 in damages
Minimum, and its al on film
what's the best bike for a drive through? my tenere world raid does it pretty well desu ne
Most versatile, definitely. Better? Debatably. ADVs are the bike equivalent of Range Rovers, both excel at versatility and comfort, and for both there are people that would claim these are the best vehicles ever made.
Based tranny slayer, reply with a screenshotted (((you))) to this post

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The one the other anon posted
Or an nm4
Then take thw utility pill: ultimate bushwqcker tw200
Or take the harley pill and forevrr make yours yours
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The monsoons are here boyos. It might cool it down enough to ride. Lets gooo
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Definitely a Goldwing so your old lady can put the drinks in her cup holders and feed you fries while you cruise, brother.
honestly cup holders are based as hell
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>old lady

Also whenever the japanese engineer itt shows uo, pic rel
How did japanese politics become gotham city clown world?
I ride every day.
Is there finally a politician pushing for decensoring porn
happens often with womens on motorcycles
Hopefully he bans it everywhwre
this. the panigale is probably the most notable example. it can be done right and wrong. just wish we had more diversity in styling :\

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Gay tjread, post real threadnlink
kinda got his ass
Lol decent question
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Anyone have any good recommendations for a good long ride in the San Diego area? Gonna try drying my gloves to my hands.
I usually just pick a direction and get lost but that hasn't yielded anything good lately, my friend suggested Banner Grade but I wanna hear if anyone else knows any other good rides in the area
Based passionate Poojeet CEO.
>traffic jam out of nowhere goes on for 6 miles
>oh boy let’s see what happened I bet someone’s car is absolutely wr-
>traffic just lets up out of nowhere after I pass some fucking retard semi driver in the passing lane
>good traffic for 20 minutes then there’s another jam
>again as soon as I get past 2-3 semi retards in the left traffic let’s up
Is this the reason there’s so much fucking traffic in the middle of bumfuck nowhere? Some fat faggot semi driver decides to pass another truck he’s going half a mile an hour faster than so it takes him 5 minutes to pass which causes the woman on her phone to slam the brakes and create a domino that causes a 5mph crawl for half an hour?
Dealers get totaled bikes all the time.
Nobody cares you crashed your motorcycle.
buy 2004 model kawasaki fairings instead to make your bike more aesthetic
He made their executive team ride their bikes to office. He based.
Fairings are gay, turn it into a naked bike if you are that much of a fag.

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