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Got 15k no kids what should I cop?
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A chariot.
C5 or C6 Vette
Some faggy piece of shit like a Z3 or >>27773801
Down payment for pic related and spend the rest of your life eating ramen so you can afford it
mudstang cobra gt
wait, shit
Why would you want a car with a cute little pony on it when you can get >>27773908
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Why should he spend his whole life making payments for a rental?
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Why get a cheap copy when you can get the real thing?
Cause your cobra is like 20 years old, OP can afford something better
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Save that money to a marriage
Anon a marriage is a depreciating asset.
If those struts are such a problem, why is the ZL1 one of the best track cars
If it's one of the best track cars, why did it get discontinued without a successor?
Why become a cop?
Thats a really shitty job
If emissions are the reasons, why is Mustang still being made?
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Other suggestions are gay
This is a valid question that Shmuley MacSchizo will squirm away and avoid giving any answer. As demonstrated above.
Well done Camaro Chad.
Kek, cope
>continuing your family line is a depreciating asset
maybe for you
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>Cause your cobra is like 20 years old
I wish it was a terminator, but mine is closer to 30 years old.
>OP can afford something better
He can't afford to outright purchase a 6th gen ZL1. He can easily purchase a SN95/New Edge Cobra and pocket the change.
a used civic wiht 100k miles or something. all you can afford in america these days with 15k
Who cares how much money you have if you're just going to 'cop' it, anyway?
You can have children without marrying. A wife literally depreciates in looks and you're spending money on her. What's the point.
I was joking, don't take things so seriously man.
Get a 125cc classic Italian- or Japanese-looking moped and trawl for chicks
>I was joking, don't take things so seriously man.
Did you need an emoji to let you know I was saying
>I wish it was a terminator, but mine is closer to 30 years old.
jovially or something?
See what I mean?
Shuts him down completely until he can chat with his rabbi.
Because good track cars don't actually sell. It's not the Corvette so GM doesn't give a fuck.
13k of cocaine, a 1k civic that barely runs and a 1k hooker.
A high yield savings account
lightly used supersport bike then put the rest in >>27775191
or buy etfs
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big yikes
Stocks. Fuck a car
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Some bitches
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I will only sire children if trump wins the next election
What does that mean?
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It means put it in your mom's dump truck shitter
>buying stocks during an election year with 2+ years of an inverted yield curve and during an AI bubble
unironically ngmi
Although bond etfs could be a good idea. I bought some last week actually (VCIT)
umm your s&p 500??
"Any suspension, no matter how poorly designed, can be made to work reasonably well if you just stop it from moving."
Also, maybe more importantly, all the investing advice you’ve ever heard was based off of the period between the end of WW2 and the present day. When the US was the only industrialized country not bombed to hell that also lost >10% of its population. Globalization and America power pretty much went up in a straight line along with stonks.

But today that’s unraveling at a power walk. Globalization isn’t going to be more than in 2019 in our lifetimes again and the US blew their foot off with a shotgun by kicking Russia off of SWIFT because they just forced Russia and their trading partners to use something besides USD.

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