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Why haven't you purchased a Corvette™ yet /o/?

>3x more warranty than any other supercar
>Faster than GT-R for half price
>Pulls more G's than a million dollar Porsche 918
>More LeMans wins than Ford GT
>Looks as good or better than [insert latest model] Ferrari, Porsche, Aston Martin
>Delicious FI variably timed V8 power
>Honda-Civic-tier 40 MPG
>Dat sweet exhaust note perfection
>Quickest street legal production car to ever lap VIR (Americas Nuburgring)
>Voted car of the year by /o/, still current reigning champ
>Laps Nurburgring in under 7 mins
>Donald Trump
>Starts at only $50k

By far the best performance value in automotive history ever
>buying new
I'm actually a bit nostalgic about corvette vs GTR shitposting. it seemed annoying then, but it felt like /o/ has since lost its spirit. all the tripfags left and even the annoying no-life designated board shitters like Alphonse and Soviet eventually got a life, and can no longer camp the catelog 24/7.

What replaced them is arguably worse. chinese shills and NotJustBikes brought on the /n/iggers who don't even like cars to shit up the board with anti truck threads. /o/ was at its best when it was just benchracing neets arguing about what car they've never driven was faster.
nobody asked
your mom did.
I actually asked him and appreciate his input
The C7 Vette in the pic is best vette. Better than current gen
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I love my C8 :)
I bought my first corvette a c5 z06 at 19.

I am not even rich. To be fair I lived with my rich GF and told her I need a cool car instead of helping her pay the mortgage. I'm almost 40 and have owned a bunch of vettes. Best bang for buck ever.
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That was always really fucking stupid.
The base GTR isn't comparable to a corvette, and the ones that everyone jacks off about are 200k+
They're comparing a 200k car to a 50k one and acting like it's a big deal that on SOME very specific tracks it's a tiny bit faster.

It's like when porschefags try to talk down on the C8, but the Z06 beats the vast majority of them around a track, and it's only when you get into specialty tuned million dollar gutted versions that porsche finally competes with corvette again.

It's not even "for the money" corvettes are just some of the best performance cars in the world, period.
Because i already have a camaro which has the same engine and looks cooler
The aesthetic got ruined. It's not as cool as it once was.
you aren't supposed to help pay mortgage for someone you aren't married to anyways
seems like the responsible thing to do if you're living with them.
Dude I think about this all the time. I was 19 and bought a c4 z51 vette with the 4+3 , only like 5yrs old, the current generation at the time and middling mileage. I was working as a fuckin busboy at a restaurant and one other hourly part time gig while going to university. I can’t even remember what I paid but it wasn’t a huge loan or anything.
Right now the cheapest 2019 within 300 miles is $37k
I wanna go back bros
I have a 2014 C7 Z51.
Love it.
I also have a 2024 R Yamaha R1.
don't touch the Vette anymore.

1000cc >sports cars
right up until you get splattered from a sudden lane change and spend the rest of your life disfigured.
Actually if you acknowledge that risk you find yourself patiently shooting gaps and getting away from cars.Everytime I hop on I mediate on my death and avoid cars as much as possible.

That being said; the bike dominates sports cars. That is non negotiable. Risk is worth it.
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>the bike dominates sports cars
professional drivers on track.
Me gapping you on the street.

I raced two C8s (one being a Z06) on my R1 and I was trying with them.
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It was /v/ consolewar posting with cars. All it fucking did was drive off a bunch of reasonable/decent posters because it was more than half of the fucking catalog at any given moment. They used bots for sure, because some anon came asking for help with his Chevy aveo(?) little shitbox and the bots came and destroyed his thread.
Too bad you can't see shit out of your sarcophagus Tutankhamun.
You've got that completely backwards.
If you're my spouse that means I'm supporting you for better or worse, so if you can't afford to help with the mortgage you can stay at home and do my laundry and raise my kids. If we're just dating and you're living in my house, you're damn fucking right you're paying rent.
I don't know the technical term for "distance from your balls and ass, to the pavement", but I like a car with a higher ass-to-pavement height. But yeah, the LS does sound good.
so as long as you're only going in a straight line, you can dominate sports cars. and then you still get cucked by some tesla that can launch harder than you.
You must be low iq, blind, a lanklet, or a manlet then.
There are these things called mirrors.
teslas are quick but they don't have the handles to weave through traffic and cannot shoot the gaps like a bike can.

The only vehicle that has given me any challenge was a LS swapped wide body Miata driven by my buddy who does auto cross and spec Miata racing.
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C8's still cost a fortune regardless, LT based engines suck, every vette after the c6 weighs 3500lbs+, the gtr debuted in 2008 and was a better car and continues to be a competitive platform for both drag racing and time attack with a drivetrain still competitive today in a car weighing the same as a camaro. Also a c6's still go for $30k+ with zr1's hitting 60-70k. Basically brand new your only option is a marked up the ass c8 that can't take any modifications without pouring more cash into it, or a c7 you need to replace the engine in or pay 70k for the lt4, a c6 with 120k miles that you also need to build the engine on unless you have a zr1. Basically the only advantage a vette has over anything else is that it uses gm parts and you don't have to pay bmw labor rates. Beyond that you're really not saving money on it vs a used gtr you got for 50k. On the low end, c5's are great for getting into track days or drag racing builds, but your post is basically you mentioning benefits across multiple generations while not mentioning stuff like the fact you need to modify them to really be a super car killer and once you do, its basically a free for all price wise. I notice this board is notorious for this behavior. "Look at ____ that can do _____ (single recorded instance), is faster than ______ (only above ___ trim level with ____ package) and only weighs _____(only the base model), and it only costs _____(only the base model with no markup from the factory). Not to mention the vette is only a good car in the US. The rest of the world doesn't see half those benefits. Thats the reason porsches are the gold standard. If gm fitted vettes with a tt 3.5 v6, we'd be in a different world.
Are we on a racetrack or the streets here? Without going so fucking fast that the downforce elements on the highest trim levels of the Corvette or other very fast sports cars use, and without them running Potenzas or other such extremely sticky tires, chances are the guy on the sportbike will match speed in corners in the canyons, assuming competent rider and driver in each machine.
>i can't turn, but it doesn't matter because i'll only be going fast in a straight line on a wide highway anyway
>still gets cucked by some female(male) in a tesla on their way to their office IT job
the absolute state of squids.
If you're that illiterate, there is no point arguing with you further than this post. S22s or other such sticky sportbike tires are cheap and most serious riders will run them on literbikes because they're toys anyways and not going to be dailyed.
Enjoy being slow while you benchrace from your computer "Well I COULD turn a couple tenths of a G harder!"
See you at the fucking top/bottom of the mountain while I have a water break, fuckin' loser.
this killed by car meme doesn't effect me
I was forged in the fire of bad Seattle drivers, I simply look at the front wheels,cover the breaks and get ready for evasive maneuvers when ever near a female driver.

>you'll die so my basic bitch "sports car" is better

90 in first gear my friend worth it
the video of the nurburgring driver that got cucked by Tyrone's camaro is going just as hard, and his bike is already modified on sticky tires. squids are embarrassing.
the basic bitch sports car is better because it can turn. tesla is better because its faster in a straight line while being able to watch hentai on the screen.
literally fucking just wrote what I quoted you would say lol
Keep benchracing you fucking moron
naw bikes more nimble especially in traffic

99% of street racing is dense pack swimming/cutting it up
You quoted i would say Tyrone's camaro cucked some bike that's driving just as hard? pretty sure you coped about "a couple tenths" instead.
>not only can i not turn, but the only way i could beat that tesla is by trying to race in traffic like a nigger
the absolute STATE of squids holy shit.
>need $90k tesla just to beat a $3k 1000 from 2008
The absolute state of cagers
>starts at 50k
>starts at 199900€
Imagine liking fast cars and not racing in dense pack traffic. Low test and no balls.>he's black
yes and I own a Corvette and a R1 and woul beat you hehe
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the absolute state of bike niggers. truly the double digit IQs of /o/.
Says the single digit IQ that thinks his benchracing ass is out-turning an even moderately seasoned sportbike rider
yes. bike smol. weave better. reach exit first. I win.

Enjoy your track times. in the real world you get stuck behind a slow car and I cut through the gap.

>anime reaction image
yup I win another online argument.
the corvette gets classed in a slower class at autocross than the model 3.

The model 3 is a much better daily in every category except 140mph road trips.
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c8 boomers like you won't race let alone look at me anymore after I gap them so hard.

Why is your 60-130 over 10 seconds LMAO
Agreed, I really wish Chevy had leaned into the retro aesthetic with the Corvette like they did the Camaro, it's looked generically aggressive for the last 30 years.
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dont care
it's cool :)
115 in 2nd
hit 150 so quick it's not even fast anymore

Love me Yammyhoo R1
get owned liberal niggerfaggot
>except 140mph road trips
Corvettes are always old whiteguys going under the speed limit or young mexican hooligans. Neither of which are doing roadtrips at 140mph
It's been like this from the C4 (especially late models) on. The 90s ZR1 was pulling .1g higher on the skid pad than anything else out while being quicker to 60 and faster while also costing less to buy and way less to maintain.
Corvette is actually an amazing daily
because im a poor nigger
hope this helps
uh everyone knows im white 6' 2" n handsome
biden won the debate btw
I would have SEX with that car

I’m not a boomer pedo

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