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I got pic related as a rental from insurance while my Bronco is being repaired for two weeks. Who the fuck are these jeeps for? The car is an extra foot or to higher but isn't made for anyone over 6 foot to sit in comfortably, and the handling is one of the worst I've ever experienced in a car. Does anyone buy this car for actual 'off-roading'?
Have you used it off road? I imagine a car designed for off road use would shine better than on road. But I've never driven one

Lmao no. I mostly see girls(mostly White moms or college aged) use wranglers. Even my nice neighbors have a blue one for utility shit but I can't say they offroad it. I'd love a 392 and offroad that shit but from what alot of people say, the ride quality is annoying as hell.
>t. Shitbox owner
It's engineered for actual offroading which makes it suck to drive on the road, you can't have both at the same time. Higher spec ones include fancy shit like quick disconnect swaybars from the factory. Short wheelbase is good to reduce turning radius and breakover angle, but makes it more unstable at speed. Solid axles front and back ride like dogshit but are the best way to climb over things. Big chunky tires are noisy, but also are good for climbing over things. I'm not a Wrangler fan by any means but I can understand the engineering behind them.
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they're for doing this
Jeep was made for black bvlls to have somewhere to fuck white women with their BBC's
Us whitebois cannot compete
But the overwhelming majority of them will never do anything more challenging than this.
Aint no black man driving that goofy azz tonka truckk shit they want a MANS car they want da SCAT or da CAT u know what I'm sayin nikka?
dunno what you're talking about, you must live in a city
where I live there are dirty ass banged up wranglers everywhere, but I'm not a city cuck
If you saw this in the city >>27777762 you'd probably say that dude never takes it offroad because you don't know any better
also, all that matters is that it's capable, it doesn't matter if people actually DO it, all that matter is that a vehicle exists that's so fucking based that it. CAN do it when you want to
Ok, cool, who cares? That means a healthy used market of ones that haven't been beaten within an inch of their lives.
Hey man some of those parking lots have pretty challenging obstacles

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