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>road6 edition thread!

>Motorcycle chrome, tassels and floorboard procurement
>Motorcycle pics, webms& streamabos
>Motorcycle girls (2d only)
>U-turn avoidance strategies
>Don't buy EV motorcycles! (Zero)
>Don't buy chinese motorcycles! (Zero)
>Sv650 vs r7 vs cb650r discussion
>Motorcycle ghost repellent techniques
>take the stickers off your bike
>Pass the MSF class, wear earplugs
>Doxxing NOT allowed!!!

Lots of people click these links
>https://ridelikeachampion.com <--(non vetted virus link)

>Twist of the Wrist II


Previous >>27775180
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Reposting from last thread
18,000 miles, 1350$, did i get a good deal? Runs good.
Under 1500 for a runner of any kind seems alright. Clean the carb and change all fluids ASAP.
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just found out about this thing, i have a confused boner
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>Don't buy chinese motorcycles! (Zero)
Zeros are made in the United States.
Imagine owning a bike built by gook bug people.
>fatt mutt screws the mirrors on
1st 4 Harley
Ya this is my bike and you won’t do shit I been on this forum for 10 years try fronting that weak ass shit on me. Kids u going to racked tacked and double stacked.
Everlasting faggot still thinking he's a Big Tuff Guy trying to flex his ugly barge of a bike on a forum for social rejects, knowing he'd be laughed off even harder everywhere else. Go smoke more meth, stay up 72 hours, and rot your brain even further, you've clearly damaged it a lot already.
^all the nobike
If I don't have a bike I must have run really fucking fast yesterday to do the miles I did.

Post ur nobike
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>Kids u going to racked tacked and double stacked.
my bike is more racked than yours, its triple stacked!
>post my biek
>everyone leaves
hate it
Already did, the blue one is one of mine. When did I say I would ever "do' anything other than point and laugh at you being braindead braggart? You're such a fucking faggot that even R6 chomo thinks you suck. There's a reason that you drive for a living, you're probably too retarded to do anything else.
>been on this forum for 10 years
i remember calling you a faggot regularly back then.
my how the time flies, faggot.
Dirt bikes are trash and u are trash. Go back to middle school u dumbass before I rack tack and double stack ur bitch ass
More like a Burgerking BK stacker.
Sit down old son before ur put down.
Eat ass Conlan
So I hurt your feefees so much with my mean words that you want to fight me? Fucking lol at this microscopic ego. Didn't you try to flex with that 500 you claim to have had (and presumably sold because trying to actually ride off-road scared you, only ever saw street wheelie pics like nogs do)? You contribute nothing to the internet, get off it if you don't want to be poked fun at.
He's fully revved!
my wife is getting her motorcycle license in WA state
to do this you have to
>take a class that costs several hundred dollars to get your PERMIT
>pay several hundred dollars to take the permit test with no class
>have to go to DOL to get permit put on your license
>take endorsement class that costs several hundred more dollars once license with permit is obtained
>pay several hundred dollars for endorsement test with no class
>get another fucking license that says you have your endorsement

this is about the dumbest setup I have ever even heard of.
When I got my license 20 years ago, I went to a class on a saturday, rode bikes all day saturday and sunday, and left the class without having to do literally anything else except update my license.
>did i get a good deal? Runs good.
Then yes. But do a thorough check-up of parts and fluid replacement.
>Zeros are assembled by fat Mexicans in the United States.
Wew lad.
its pink bro
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Got muh 4rr. Fun ride
i only ever had to take the msf course. it was free because in PA bike registration $$ pays for it

or it used to, idk anymore idc
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>assembles your big 4 bike
>still posting the same old pics and talking shit like a 14 year old playing CoD
You don't own that bike and are a cuckold with a nigger's job.
What are you some kinda gay
It's "Lightish Red".
I like you bike but dislike your posting habits R6bro. Also what happened to its clip-ons?
hurt his widdle wrists
this is all through the MSF as well.
Nice silver frame and television screen cluster. My bike should have came with these features but it didn't but I'm still happy for you.
>I like you bike but dislike your posting habits R6bro.
Same and also he's a discord tranny.
>metal frame
>painted silver to look like aluminium

Got autisticly obsessed with "motogymkhana" (doing circles in a little ceasar's parking lot 3 miles from his house) and wanted more leverage for low speed turns.
I love me some sporty smaller CC bikes but this bike and its price make absolutely zero sense unless you have a handful of bikes already and are just trying to piss money away.
>Also what happened to its clip-ons?
They hurt my middle wrists. Also post bike!
What do you need all that luggage for?
If you unfuck the ECU it becomes about as fast as the Yamaha bike that cannot be named, the GSX-8S, etc.
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there's other reasons too that I havent told you about
>Sit down old son before ur put down
you're a bully
He's a poser who thinks he's TUFF enough to be a bully.
>if "i would have joined but" was a motorcycle
Trauma kit.
sure, but that doesn't help it from being pigfat for what it is. even with a 2WDW tune and some carbon fiber shit you're still over 410lbs.
That and IIRC its front suspension is fucked and for almost $10,000 should be way better.

All that being said, I still would love to own one, the price point just makes fuck-all sense.
looks like a shark. kinda cool desu
at least she hopefully learns how to not get killed by karen while leaving the parking lot. unfortunately about the money but if the knowledge transfer is okay, see it as a bonus.

>still can't decide
>2024 Suzuki Katana Rin approved
>2023 Kawasaki Z900RSSE Remu approved

fuck thats harder than choosing which pornstar i wanna jerk off today

ups on katana: rin, cyberpunk Gameboy style dash, legendary, 150hp
ups on z900rsse: raimu, sound, oldschool styling, analog dash, gold colour
down katan: no raimu as waifu, small tank
down z900rsse: no rin as waifu, less hp
He's a LARPing retard and an even bigger faggot than you, at least you own and ride a bike.
4cyls are heavy, can't do much about that without going full track bike.
Was camping
you aren't wrong, but to me at least, it seems as if they half assed what it could have been.
They just didn't seem to fully commit.
If it had all the bells and whistles and performance capability with fully upgraded everything, I could see paying $14,000 for it.
I don't really want to buy a bike that right off the bat you have to upgrade damn near everything to make it fancy.
but at this point im benchracing so my opinion doesnt matter.
I spent all weekend trying to wrap my bike, just to see if I could do it and I gained a whole lot of respect for people that have the patience for that shit.
I would rather stab myself in the nutsack with a pitchfork than tryo to wrap that thing again.
what an absolute nightmare.
I ended up tearing it all off and saying fuck it.
Even people that wrap cars dont like doing bikes.
>but at this point im benchracing so my opinion doesnt matter.
Well good for you for having the presence of mind to acknowledge this. If only these other nobikes has such awareness.
>4cyls are heavy
A cbr1000 weighs 6 pounds more than a cbr500
I'm definitely not a nobike, I just wish Kawasaki had fully committed to making it the best it could be, even at the cost of a higher price point, albeit that would likely have been detrimental to sales overall.

I might get one for my wife to ride at some point since she wants a sportier bike than the CB300F we started her on.
and for now I have to focus on buying an S1KRR before year end.
Yeah, I got a very good deal on it (good bit under msrp after reg+tax) otherwise I would have waited until used ones started showing up
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>looks like a shark
aptly named the hammerhead
if i had the patience to deal with boutique bike shit, i'd be tempted to order one. really starting to like how it looks
Can someone please explain why Buell keeps using these fucking insane rotors
>All that being said, I still would love to own one, the price point just makes fuck-all sense.
You talk like a cringe dork. If you were a better person, you would earn more.
fuck yeah, thats good to hear you got a deal on one.
hopefully in a year or two I can find a deal on a used one or something.
seethe harder lol
To be fair, a CBR1000 is a halo bike with premium engineering and components throughout, and the Honda 500 bikes are budget beginner bikes. They're going to use more cheap, heavy steel.
Go away dock janny, I am glad you trapped within ~40 miles of your apartment.
Well yes but most i4 are in the premium category only a handful of i4 are the heavier standard sportbike or naked segment
Z900RS is more popular in Japan

Yes, however you now have a big list of things to check to make sure it's in good order.
>Wheel bearings
>Steering stem bearings
>Fork and shock fluid
>All fluids for that matter (engine, coolant, brake)
>Suspension linkages
>Valve clearances
>Lube throttle and clutch cables
>Carb clean and adjust (check forums)
>Air filter
>Clean under the front sprocket cover
And probably more stuff. I'd slowly work through the list, then you'll know it's all good.
Also, I've heard that using a heat gun on the plastics can help remove the white, faded look.
Motorcycle shit on xgames right now.
Lugging stuff.
lol the gas bikes are getting shitted on by the electrics.
If it's Starks vs 450s I'm not surprised, those things are stupid fucking quick and the rear brake as a hand lever is very nice to have for fine control.
Good design team then. Did not know it’s called like the derpyest retard of sharks there is but I saw a shark. Cudos

It’s cool but so is the katana….. I should just buy both
I'd rather my bike made by autistic japs than fat american niggers
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>He's a LARPing retard and an even bigger faggot than you, at least you own and ride a bike.
based, i heard these mop 900s when corn fed with a pipe
75 posts only 14 images

post some bikes
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4 stroke (cucked) dirtbike bros who shift funny as fuck and run from the feds at night without a helmet bros, NOT LIKE THIS!!!! stamped
Kill yourself.
why are H2s and all those supercharged 1000cc bikes kawasaki makes so slow? is it because a gear driven compressor is always relegated to being gay as fuck and niggers are scared of turbos? suzuki #1 btw

Because Suzuki make the best motorcycles by far
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>Because Suzuki make the best motorcycles by far
youre not a suzuki shill though right?

or i will i guess
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triple gang rise up
Would be better if she was thinner (2d)
white pants make everything better
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Ok my viffer restoration project is finally complete. All the brakes, forks, carbs, clutch have been rebuilt and cleaned. Valve clearance done. Steering head bearings replaced for new cone type. New chain stalled. New air filter, oil and oil filter, fuel filter installed. Now it's like a brand new bike.
You jerk off pornstars? Thats gay as fuck bro
I'd buy it for that and don't need one. If needs doohicky mod do that which is easy.
Doohickey is already done, actually. Guy took good care of it - used it to commute to work and that’s it.

What is the acceleration of the H2 again. I know the H2R has an insane top speed that it can actually use. I know James Hillier clocked the fastest ever time around the TT on one
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Doing the Lord's work
109 outside today. Fuck summer.

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