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For some reason I keep fouling the left cylinder plug, idk is it just shit oil, a leaky seal or shit piston rings.
New headgaskets and piston rings, let's see if that takes care of the ticking noise I've been hearing from the left hand cylinder edition thread!

>Motorcycle chrome, tassels and floorboard procurement
>Motorcycle pics, webms& streamabos
>Motorcycle girls (2d only)
>U-turn avoidance strategies
>Don't buy EV motorcycles! (Zero)
>Don't buy chinese motorcycles! (Zero)
>Sv650 vs r7 vs cb650r discussion
>Motorcycle ghost repellent techniques
>take the stickers off your bike
>Pass the MSF class, wear earplugs
>Doxxing NOT allowed!!!

Lots of people click these links
>https://ridelikeachampion.com <--(non vetted virus link)

>Twist of the Wrist II


Previous >>27772369
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I'm buying a motorcycle for touring and road riding and tested a Bandit last week, it was fucking amazing. But I'm kind of wary because it's a 12 year old bike. Last couple of days I tested some new bikes I can get for a similar price like the Mt03, kawa vulcan, z650, RE interceptor. Honda didn't have the cb650 available and the triumphs and bmws are a lot more expensive. But none of them made me feel like the bandit. I felt like a cyborg, like a demigod hurling forward with the roar of the four cylinders and the heat of the engine on my legs and just the smoothness of the pull and the sheer weight and size of the bike is just imposing and I was laughing like the joker all the time. Am I stupid for buying this bike? Should I get a reasonable new one instead? P
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Ktm no issues yet 4k miles.
Get the bandit. If it's your pic related it's EFI'd and the only serious things to check are coolant, oil, and valve shim adjustment.
>t. 40 yr old motorcycle rider
I think the newest bike I ride frequently is 2006
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>girl ask if I'd give her a ride
>spill my spaghetti
>mumble something about my bike not having passenger footpegs
>fast walk away
Good. Don't be liable for someone else if they hurt themselves.
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>mumble something about my bike not having passenger footpegs
>fast walk away
based as fuck
kek my bike really doesn't have passenger pegs and it's kind of a pain in the ass. Saying you don't have another helmet is better because it doesn't sound like a lie. The real play however, is to always have a small pink half helm in your saddlebag so you actually can pack bitches on the fly.
Be honest DBT
Can you hoist a minger on demand?
god you fucking based retard
What compels these faggots to post on every bike video?
yes but I would probably loop
Sounds like your heart is settled. Go for it.
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They ride with all their gear on all the time so they expect everyone else to. It's this weird tendency for people online to act like they're responsible for other people as well. It is what it is
I wanna get a bike and get into riding but idk where to start. Just do list my wants so it’s easier to help me figure wtf I’m looking for
>Love how cruisers look like Honda rebels and Harley irons
>think groms are sick but worry about comfort at my height, would be fun to mod and learn how to work on bikes as an intro to that, or maybe an enduro
>I think I would prefer a sports bike purely just for comfort, to me it seems like I would feel more right in that forward lean almost hugging the bike position that sports bikes offer, but don’t want a sports bike don’t like the look don’t intend to go fast not looking for power
>no intention to go fast, 60 would be pushing it for me, just want to have some relaxing rides away from traffic in scenic routes
I want to be able to attach a rod holder and use it to go fish, access ponds and canals I normally would have to park 10 miles away from just to possibly get kicked out immediately which is why grom seems appealing

Idk what to do. It seems like a grom would be best for what I want to start out with, but the sitting position and the fact it’s so small idk that it would work out. I don’t wanna have to sit up straight the whole time or basically lean back that’s uncomfortable to me.

TL;DR 6’2”, want something I can just causally ride not fast, sit like on a ninja, but prefer the looks of a cruiser, mod a bit for learning and fun use to go fishing too
Get a cheap honda shadow and go from there. You will not regret it
Yes, you are an idiot, get a bike with ABS.
lol fag
What is your deal with fucking abs? learn2ride
What a faggot
I did this when I got a new bike, my manager who was a hottie asked for a ride I said something I can't remember and rode away.
When a chick asks you for a ride on your bike it’s a 100% guarantee she wants you to plow her.
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>When a chick asks you for a ride on your bike it’s a 100% guarantee she wants you to plow her.
besides giving her the ride, how do you get the sex? like what specific actions do i have to do once we get off the bike so that we have sex? pls reply also yamaha.
It just looks so uncomfortable to be in that sitting up straight position like it would ruin my rides
When there is sudden patch of sand gravel or roadkill or some other slippery shit, you are gonna need it. Otherwise just baby you bandit, who cares. I have ridden bikes without abs, but I just trust bikes with abs more.
Buy a corolla.
She was atleast 10 years older and she had no problems announcing how cute I looked couple of times. Good times anon.
Hold on, would it be possible to add foot pegs further back to a cruiser or find one with that?
You offer to take her to McDonalds. Then you ask to see her flat. Then you have coffee, she flashes her pussy at you which confirms she is batshit crazy but you're a 23 year old virgin so you ignore the red flags. You then make out and take it to the bedroom, she will inexplicably put lubricant on the inside of the condom and then your nerves will kill your boner and you will end up going floppy inside of her and lose the condom inside her twat. You will then fail to achieve orgasm, make excuses and leave. You then find out you caught chlamydia for good measure. On the ride home you will wonder if that really counted.
Is there a specific reason why I’m not in the OP????
I own a Jazz manual danke. Honda manuals are more fun.
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Cruisers tend to have relatively foward foot controls that give you a relaxed position. I installed these goofy little z bars so I don't have to lean forward at all if I don't want to. I can comfortably spend hours in the saddle
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Wrong mixture maybe op? I've been meaning to get some Gucci Silkoline oil but I have 60% of deal for Castrol power 1 so idk to follow my wallet or my heart
cute yamaha girl
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trippadubbadubba boner dubs, witnessed
Oof, that sounds really...personal
Your legs go forward on a cruiser, Anon
>first 2-day bike ride tomorrow
it's already 7 hours door-to-door but that's taking the main roads. not sure if I want to extend it to 8 or 9 hours and take the more scenic roads
I know it doesn’t look very comfortable to me this chinese cartoon’s leg positioning looks comfortable >>27775530 but I don’t like the sports bike look

dad got me this for Christmas. Don't really know a good spot to attach it though just stuck it to a passenger peg
I thought those gremlin belles were supposed to be hung from the lowest point of a bike.
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first ever bike how'd I do?

2021 Duke 390 5k miles
nice and safe
It's like sitting in a recliner, and you're about 4 inches taller than what they size the bike to, so you'll have less of a kink in your legs in the first place
Or look into the new Shotgun 650 it's somewhat based around a more standard riding position and the RE 650s are universally seen as beginner bikes with great looks and really good paint and chrome
Shit factory tires and brakes, tho, you'll replace them down the line
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Jesus Christ /deebeetea/...
I think I found something, honda cb’s look about what I was envisioning. Looks like those make good cafe and scrambler builds, gives a similar appearance as a cruiser imo
I think you're right but aside from my oil drain plug I can't see anywhere I could attach it
Bold move buying a European bike made in India as your first. I hope it works out for you.
The recliner is the problem I don’t want to be on it and feel like I’m lounging I want to feel focused
That shotgun looks cool
Same types that bring you safe and effective
>no intention to go fast
Dual sport confirmed
Thats odd, i gave my friend baby mom a ride after he gave her a spin aroubd the neighbourhood, he didntnhave licenae but knows how to ride
Sure dis hold me tight when we were going fast on hihhways lol

Dont be a fornicator, and fear God, make sure thats in your notes
>Shotgun 650
People fucking love the shit out of the Enfields, they are simple, easy to maintain, fucking cheap as balls, and they look great, even up close
Basically it got took over by a motorcycle enthusiast and he forces all of his upper-level management to ride bikes and promotes bikers over anyone else, I know they're Indian but they're also based
Yeah, some stuff they cheap out on, but it's not like Harley where you pay for a badge, with RE you don't pay and get a good bike
You dont need to be the op when youre already an attention whore
But feel free to post more troon on a shoom edits, theyre fuckin hilarious

It wqs over before it even began, how many maple syrup tokens did you redeem?

Not on all cruisers
Vmax, diavell, super croooser, some other exceptions too, i know the new sportster has a relocation kit and it looks dank, some germany company makea it
>bought a touring bike
>hate touring
How do you feel about Starbucks?
All may not be lost...
There's an SV650s at the dealer that I've been eyeing for my first bike. Here is the clincher though, it's 2005 and has over 54000 kms on it.

They're selling it for 4000 leaf bux and I have no friends to get their opinion on it. The past few weeks I've just been itching to get on the bike while the season is still here, do you guys think this is a reasonable buy?
I don't ride with all my gear all the time, so I'm not one to criticize, but you can see from the snaps on his jacket, that it's a motorcycle jacket so why not gloves? Just seemed odd to me, but I'm sure he had his reason. Left for the chase quickly or wanted to be able to draw his gun quicker. Or he just didn't like gloves.
lol yeah fingers crossed. I looked at a z400 and an MT03 first and found them uncomfortable and slow respectively. just hoping it doesn't break
I thought it was weird when they asked me to pay in gift card
Nice bell. My sister got me a bell for Christmas but I think I lost it when I was trailering it to my new home a few months ago. The snow lion bell is my newest one. This time I secured it with a little brass chain I got at the hardware store instead of trying to tie it on with leather strip.
That seems a bit expensive but
Used prices are still high from post-lockdown interest and if it was kept and maintained, it could be worth it
Anything I should look for when I see it in person? That is if they are cool enough to let me start it.

At this point I am close to financing a new SV
it's pretty cool. hotter girls than fucking mcdicks or timmys
Those are cool. The main thing is get your hands on something soon. You won't regret having any bike and you'll always get another one sometime
Needs full service history to justify that price. And at least a 3 month warranty.
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Yamaha XSR900 or Triumph Street Triple
why can't I pick reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
This or offer $3K, firm, and finance through your bank if you can for used, if you need financing
A dealership will finance a $3K sale for a bike that they want $4K for because they know that through financing they'll eventually make $6K
If you don't get the bike, don't bat an eye, it was an illusion in the first place
don't buy new unless it's like $7k pre tax. I'm also a canuck and was looking into SV650s. there are so many 2017+ used models available for $6k, which means you can probably get it for $5k
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>gf left me 3 months ago
>pain and more constant pain
>say fuck this and buy a 2024 tiger
>start riding
>pain is healing

its literally that simple. Fuck bitches, acquire triples
Sur Ronster rode the LiveWire Del Mar S2.

Did you actually go pay in gift cards?
Lmao is this thing stolen or are you trolling
I knew someone who bought a 2005 SV650 for $4k in 2009. Running used bikes always bottom out around $3k no matter what the age. It’s been like this for 20 years.
Bro whwre tf are you from where thats your only option for a sv lmao
Thats stupid price for it, might as well get brand new if youre considering that
They do but it doesn't compare to the flickability of a small bike.
Motorcycles are a great filter for controlling weirdo typea or fake and gay women, like my last ex who refused to ride my cb500x

Sneedless tk say we are not together and no ragrets
I’ll do you one better
You finally self improve enough that women are starting to hit on and check you out. Having been a fat virgin your entire childhood and first couple years adulthood you have no idea what to do about this. You finally meet a woman who does half the work for you and ignores your autism. You know she’s a slut but you don’t care pussy at last. You hang out at your house while your mothers at work. Youre dark red from blushing the whole time and can barely even speak. She gets fed up and straddles your lap. You’re still too nervous to take the hint even though you KNOW. She gets even more impatient and kisses you first. You STILL don’t do anything and sperg even harder, only able to think “my first kiss.” She then starts kissing you more. Rolling her eyes she says to take her to your bed. Sex time. You get her clothes off, she grabs your dick and hesitates. You notice it too. You’re soft as hell not even a chub. You’re so nervous you can’t even get hard. She starts soft stroking you. You get halfway there. She blows you, you get hard. You put a condom on. Instant soft. You struggle to fuck her with a wet noodle. She gets even more fed up. She demands to just suck your dick. She blows you to completion. She climbs ontop of your chest and lays an arm full of cutting scars on it and starts listing off what man was the reason behind each and every one. After she goes through 50+ names while you lay there in terror wondering if you’ve just made a massive mistake she suddenly says it’s time for her to go. So of course you begin dating her like any sensible young man who just got his first blowjob and some pussy. That relationship goes how you expected and when you finally leave her your buddy sets you up with an absolute pig for some easy head to feel better. This pig is afraid of penis. She ends up biting your dick. You cry. You throw up after kicking her out your car. You spend your 20s a ticket avoiding women after.
Get one with abs anon.
You recommend the Silkoline stuff? What about Bel-Ray and Putoline?
holy shit stfu faggot
Oh I forgot the best part of this totally made up story, haha, because you’re apparently handsome when not fat you still get hit on by women often enough to have weekly panic attacks now and vivid flashbacks to the nutjob ex and the penis chomper, so you begin getting fat again to make it stop. Haha imagine if this was real LOL…
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Wheelies to forget the feelies, I'm a khhv though.
Idk where you live to not need abs, stfu nig*er.
I drive a 30 year old bike and it's not hard to maintain
why tf are you censoring the word faggot
it's not like there is no need for ABS, it's just that it ain't the end of the world if your bike doesn't have it. personally i would go as far as saying that for a beginner an ABSless bike would be better as he would experience losing traction due to the wheel locking and learn proper break control
>looked at a z400 and an MT03 first and found them uncomfortable and slow respectively
I read that the 03 engine accelerates faster and revs higher than the 400, but the 400 has higher top speed. Do u confirm?

I haven't tried it but every time I mention 2T oil to a boomer with experience they say "Silkoline M8" (including my uncle who was a race mechanic for 2T speedway bikes) which is why I was going to try it

When I was 25 I moved into a big shared house with my biker group. The leader (every group has one) had a gf that I had known from school. I got the job opportunity of a lifetime and told them all I was bailing soon across the country. His gf said she was jealous I got to leave this small town and she wanted to leave her bf. I said she should just come with me and she said she would. We fucked and I bust in 5 seconds. A week later she hopped on my hornet and we did a midnight dash. That group to this day must wonder where the fuck we went. 12 year wedding anniversary today.
Looking out for other people is not a "weird tendency" nor a symptom of being online.
>why would I larp about busting in 5 seconds
There I skipped ahead.
Kawasaki Eliminator
What do you think about this?
Wish there was more oil data.
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This is the hornet!
Why does going faster give you less MPG? It's not fair. I want to go fast and not have to fill up my tank twice a day.
well going super slow isnt good for mpgs either but yea too fast isnt good
Are you is...why is you is why you are?
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Beautiful ride today
drag being proportional to the square of velocity :(
I like your red and black harley. Thats a nice pic.
>went to a car/bike meet
>qt3.14 gril there
>too scared to talk to her

Seems very thorough but I'm not an expert.
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With a honder, you can go anywhere.
Thanks brother hy
You got interesting stuff there.
Silkolene is like 18 euro, too expensive
How does one become a master of riding and stand out on top? I want to get the BMW s1000xr or maybe the M without the carbon rims but feel like my current skill set wouldn't do it justice.
:^) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=D7V0Oda3DAA
sounds about right, idk how the 03 would do with maintaining highway speed
>current skill set wouldn't do it justice.
On what? The track? Take lessons.
On the street? It's not like anyone could "do it justice" on the street.
A fucken Ninja 250 can't get pushed to it's limit on the street.
I wish there were more solid light low/mid-weight cc options.
I'll do YOU one better.
You have a pretty sweet life up to the start of senior year in high school when you fall in love at first sight with a petite almost-deaf redhead who just moved into your neighbourhood and make it your life's mission to make her your gf, somehow succeeding since at that point you are actually surprisingly well adjusted. You develop a lot of patience due to her condition and also due to the fact that she's scared of physical contact since she's a rape victim and a lot of things trigger her ptsd and make her devolve into a shrieking mess but you still love her to bits because she's a bombshell and pretty fun to hand around outside of her episodes.
Long story short it takes you a solid 18 months to get into her pants only for her to go to some party with her stacy friends, get drunk and then promptly hop on a stranger's dick and get pregnant from it.
When you find out a month later you confront her pretty angrily at her house and for your troubles have her batshit crazy mother try to blackmail you into raising the bastard or she'll accuse you of rape, the little whore is in on it and claims her cheating doesn't count since she "can't remember" and you had unprotected sex with her so it might as well be yours.
You bail and the mum actually reports you to the police and sends you into a yearlong nightmare from which you only walk away with just your reputation ruined and the chance to move on from the whole thing in the ass end of Italy thanks to the mutt spawn being proof you're not the father and her elder sister and her husband vouching for you but you still have to abandon your whole life up to that point as a barely legal adult regardless with only a busted up KLR and a kit bag to your name.
A good decade later the whole experience has left you scarred so deeply that you developed crippling trust issues which are the real reason you're a hardcore advocate of "Never Buying Used" since you can't trust anything less that a full written contract and even then the experience of walking into a dealership half a dozen times to close a deal on your dream motorcycle (Katana) gave you an honest-to-god panic attack and you had to excuse yourself to the bathroom for half an hour just before signing the documents for your bike.
Totally not a real story btw, we're all just having fun here haha wouldn't it be funny if all of us were varying degrees of broken and used our two-wheeled mechanical friends as an outlet?
Who else watching xgames fmx right now?
ufc 303
>have 1000km trip planned out
>involves taking a ferry
>ferry is completely sold out until Monday at 9pm
>either have to ditch ferry altogether (which was most scenic part of the trip), or get home at midnight Monday, when I work the next day
already booked hotel so I'm kinda committed at this point, but fuck I'm dumb
this guy is retarded
Street triple
You don't have a damn clue what you are talking about. Sitting up straight is more comfortable than leaning forward because your spine is essentially stacked up. The hard bone bears the weight of your body and it doesn't take much effort to stay in that position. When you lean forward your back muscles and arm muscles are being actively worked to hold yourself in that position.

Literally every touring and cruising bike has an upright riding position for a reason.
>still first week of riding my first bike
>pass by a group of black kids playing in the road
>ay yo rev the engine!
>clutch in, rev it

Yeah, I'm a bit of an OG nigga myself.
>to me it seems like I would feel more right in that forward lean almost hugging the bike position that sports bikes offer,
You wouldnt. I have cruiser buds that also own sport bikes and their sport bikes stay parked because muh back and muh wrists. To be fair these are older guys. I'm not trying to hate on them just making a point about comfort.
>He doesn't have a pillow on the fuel tank
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good morning sirs
HYB nice Harley and nice dubs.
Another harley fag.
It's just a joke bro. I only do it for the streams bro
bloody basterd
I'm not a fag, the women that I liked didn't like me back.
I like abs, it's niec and makes me feel safu
even bike fags rag on other bike fags
ayo don't be a pussy just buy a real supersport with aluminium frame
20 years old bike, CP2 bikes are better
ayo don't be a pussy just buy a real supersport with aluminium frame and 4cylinders
>real supersport
overkill and no fun in the city
lame for its money
Post your bike tunes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47UCNbtzmRA
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And another one.
I'm 10 seconds in and can already tell you're a flaming fucking faggot
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takes one to know one, see you at the biker bar in your leathers later daddy :x
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Can someone who has more experience with forks tell me what the fuck is wrong with these on the my cbr250? New bushings, seals, and fluid. I pumped them and bled them. Put the correct amount in. I did the forks on my zx6r the exact same way and they came out fine.
To be clear, they are better than they were before but they still are not great and have a lot of sag.
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>at park looking over river
>mounting bike ready to leave
>pajeet comes round corner on harley
>twisting the throttle randomly and looping around the lot
>looks at me
>"hi brother how are u brother yes?"
>gives a thumbs up and flys off into sunset
bless you based pajeet
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what's wrong with amurika?

>no xsr900gp
>no CBR 2024
I could see pulling up to a car/bike meet with that playing.
Notice how everyone else has their helmet on their bike and yours is on the asphalt?
more gay = more based

Good chance the springs are just so worn that they've compressed over the years.
I'd just throw in a larger PVC spacer between the top of the spring and the fork's cap.
That said, it's not unordinary for smaller, cheaper bikes to have a lot of sag.
Next MadMax game better have bikes!
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Notice how there's no mirror to hang it on, and it's a literal shitbike that it will fall off of if it gets bumped?

Thanks, kinda what I was leaning to because everything else looked fine, but wasn't sure...my other bikes are older and there's no issue with the springs, but they weren't made in third world countries or abused like this bike was. I'll try some bigger spacers. I'm not buying springs for a shit bike.
No, but I've been keeping up with MotoAmerica.
>I'm not buying springs for a shit bike.
Check the forums to see if there are any cheap alternatives.
There's a good chance you can get $20 springs from some other shitbike on ebay or from a pick-a-part that will work.
That said, I'd just shove some PVC tube in there.
>not shoving it in between the throttle and brake lever
Shiggy diggy.
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Which one is better bros?
Chaps status: Assless
sorry anon but I gotta go full boomer
usual freeway ramp is a 30 second drive from my apartment so I get to gun it with the riff
Thanks anon, you are the only one on dbt who agrees with me.
Oh nice, thanks for the tip. I'll check that.
What's up hotwing
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I don't know what it is about old movies like Mad Max where it's just men going bat shit time to pillage everyone mentality. It's like something primal comes out watching shit like that. Julius Evola calls to me and is telling me to ride up the mountain, wacking everyone I see with a steel pipe along the way in order to attain pure enlightenment and godhood status.

I dream of mountains anon's, do you as well?
More money and get cbr600rr if you want a super sport. Cbr650r if you want tourer.
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>do you as well?
Nothing to do on the flatlands but dream of mountains.
>Posting songs for riding
It's time to reach maximum gay.

>ywn be a kino sidecar boyracer
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So the Harley sponsored team built a Supper Hooligan bike out of a Pan-America and is wining races. Wonder if HD going to keep being a bunch a dicks or just maybe they'll actually give us something priced competitively vs the Indian FTR.
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Megadeath is peak motomusic
>bikers against child abuse
This is giving me virtue signaling pedo vibes. No good person wouldn't not be against child abuse, why would you need to state something so obvious.
klr 650 with road bias tyres. t7 if your budget allows.

max comfort, decent power, and will handle backroads
I've noticed the same trend considering the number of anti child abuse influencers that have been found out to actually commit child abuse or turned out to be grifters over he past few years.
I was thinking the same thing, but you said it better than I would have.
What is the best bike for togue?
So apparently ktm 890 engines are getting hosed because the camshaft lobes have extreme wear you can't adjust your valves enough to account for..
Something like 10% already having this issue after 20k.
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Night rides are so cozy, I love motorcycles
>Be me
>Have type 1 diabetes (the autoimmune kind, not the fat fuck kind)
>Have to occasionally stop at a parking lot to check my blood sugar

It's tiring sometimes brahs.
How am I supposed to practice lean angles without continuously destroying my pedals?
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I’m finished, just north of 12.5k miles/20k km

Texas and New Mexico was a bad call (to be fair I was looking for snakes, saw some) and Minnesota and Wisconsin were also pretty meh.
Oregon was awesome, surprisingly. West Virginia was a gem, I think Utah wins though.

Worst drivers were found in Texas Florida and S&N Carolina. Although somehow someone managed to roadkill a fucking black bear in Virginia so credit where it’s due to that fucking moron.

Oh and Wyoming is a windy piece of shit that literally ripped my windshield off. (Beautiful though)
I'm gonna assume you mean torque. Dirt bike/dual sport. Cruiser if you're rich.
>klr 650?
Fortnine has forever fucked the price on used klr 650's. Drz 400 or the honda dual sports(crf some shit idk) would be a good choice.

Protip: even though you may think your more dirt biased(or entirely dirt) tyres won't do well on the road, you'll find that knobbies are quite capable on road.
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yeah. It depends on your bike. Part of why I want silkolene is that castrol isn't supposed to be great for power valve equipped bikes. Obviously the soviets didn't have such decadent tech.


I love Mad Max way more than the later films. I think because rather than being post-apoc its just a near future setting where law and order has broken down and the roads filled with wacked out crazies in modified V8s and pimped out UJMs and jap 2 strokes which is a more interesting setting to me.

>Post riding songs


I was vibing to this earlier and thinking about how the mix of 50s rock and new wave would be perfect for doing ton up boy/racing the jukebox kind of activities but on a 80s bike.
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remind me again why is it le bad?
>I'm gonna assume you mean torque
no, togue
You a canadian? Wdym by that?
I'll tell you in 7 months after it starts leaking oil
Outer state reflects inner self...ugly
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just google it, it's japanese word for TWISTIES
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>be me
>in love with low cc two strokes from the 90s
>TZ250, RGV250 etc
>fast, torque, nimble, lightweight, cheap

>the closest thing from today is an R7
That would be touge, you fuckin idiot.

the EPA can never be forgiven for robbing american frens of the RGV, TZR, NSR 250s
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who cares you weeb nerd
I thought you guys were FREE
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do you like this bike? look closely
Now that Chevron is overruled, maybe we can cross our fingers. Fuck the feds
helluva trip anon. Thanks for poastin it

im not american i just have sympathy for their plight due to loving 2 strokes
r7 shill anon you are exposed. I'm cancelling all r7 production and sales and it's all yourfault
There is literally nothing wrong with the swastika and I'm tired of pretending that there is.
>What is the best bike for togue?
a bike you're able to ride is a good start. Maybe a ninja 250 would be best for you.
>ninja 250
I'm not a Jeet
pinarello dogma f12
Would that not be the Sportster S?
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Luv me comfy back roads
They are pretty cool
Jeets don't but n250s. We buy duke 390s.
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I power wheelied down a ramp today, on accident.
I only realized it because while going down the ramp I thought it was odd that my entire bike and body was parallel to the earth and not the ramp I was going down.
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my fellow nakedniggers, are you ready for the whiteboy summer?
not from austrailia, btw
Isnt it winter down there?
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I wouldn't know, I've only been once when I was an infant.
I refuse to visit anti gun countries.
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Yeah it is. Very cold. My hants get numb if it's too early in the morning when I go out riding.
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>its 12c and raining all the time

Good ol british summer tbqh
Sorry cunt you've been sent to Perth, you just haven't realized it yet.
How are you liking the empty 10? I've always loved them but got a great deal on my 09 that I couldn't pass up.
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My condolences britbro
One female friend asked me the same, I just said not this time because she had no helmet.
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we generally get a solid week or two of nice weather, everyone of course complains about it , hosepipe bans and LEVEL 2 HEAT WAVE ALERTs for what we used to call a lovely summers day (20c+)
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HYB! Love the color scheme on the 2024 Yamahas
I'm loving it so far.
Hadn't ridden in two years, and my previous two bikes were both R1's.
Spine couldn't handle the seating position any more so I went with the MT.
To be honest I didn't think I would miss the top end of the R1 as much as I have.
Anything over 130 on the the 10 feels absolutely ridiculous, like you're being shot out of a cannon or something.
I just got my wife into riding, got her a beater to learn on, shes eyeing the MT07/09. Would be a nice excuse to pick one of those up.
How do you like the 09?
part of me wants to just get the 03, 07, 09 just because of autism.
Are you autistic?
I've been in a similar situation (no benis-bagina touching however), where I was afraid of making the first move, but once she initiated, I just went with the flow.
Stay strong, brother.
Women are dangerous.
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Based Chads
What bike do you have?
Ducati Linguini
Are Italian bikes worth it? I heard they're lazy and don't care about product quality, unless it's their cuisine.
I have never ridden one, but my best friend went to MMI 15 years ago and two brand new Aprilias came in to be fixed within a month of each other and both times they found a small wrench inside the gearbox.
anecdotally they are shit, and to me that is all that matters.
Which brand anon?
Is there any difference?
I think Ducati is good after Audi bought it, since 2012. Aprilla is one of the better brands that makes interesting bikes. I think Vespas are cool, but the same scoot from Suzuki is just better. I'd not buy anything else. Personally I'd buy Nihon and BMW bikes before Italian.
I hate these "people" so much. SHUT THE FUCK UP!
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rode, diddnt die
the way you describe it reminds me of my tiger 1050, looks kind of similar too. big tourer without abs. loved that thing and now regret being poor and having to sell a bike to get a bike because it was a keeper. Get it bro you won't regret it.
>anon already travelled the KAPLAN AMERICA COAST TO COAST NEW VEGAS TENDIE RUN by himself
Wtf bros, does this mean its over?
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The only chybesium id ever buy is a papio and only because its $2500 and the one version of it looks kino as a undertail exhoost out the door and id only use it as a throwaway piece of shit thst it is
Luckily ive never actualized this stupid larp either, so ive saved myself chhneaium curae also
Only kne curse remajns
The thunbs
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Not naked but duaal snort
Abd yes i am ready to be a ryan gosling
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Maintenance charge! I got so many accessories fitted to the battery, I get paranoid and like to give it the occasional boost.
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What makes whiteboy summer different from the regular summer?
I have the full fairing version and it makes me feel like a beast riding it
Going to go look at a -94 GSXR1100. Is there something special I should be on the lookout for?
Fuck that’s a nice bike that may be IT
>no clue what I’m talking about
Yeah lol I figured fuck it I’ll post here and let that be obvious so you guys can let me know if I’m being retarded. That being said, I did get some suggestions that look more like what I’m after
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Dont make me tap the sign anon
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nothing ever happens, bro
Sheesh bro. I cant one up that but I can relate.
Your first ever Gf moves across country and you try long distance like the inexperienced retard you are. That goes to shit and you’re pretty sure she’s cheating. When you try to break up with her she threatens to kill herself and tells all your friends and family you’re abusing her and how you used to hit her when she lived in your city and how it’s you who is cheating on her. Almost all of them buy it no questions asked and hate you. You at least learn just how few of the people you called friends were genuinely friends. You go through that hell for a few months before you finally just block her and hope she doesn’t off herself. Her mother contacts you berating you. After that things simmer down. You get a part time job in retail. A month after you started a new girl starts, she looks eerily similar to your ex but different. You have to interact with her one day so you introduce yourself. Every day since she’s all over you, apparently you’re the only person who’s spoken to her. She always finds excuses and reasons to be near you and touching you. She’s always begging to get lunch together or to go to X event together after work. This goes on for months. You don’t want to because you’re a little sketched about the situation with the ex which ended just a few months prior and her looking like the ex doesn’t help. She mistakes you’re discomfort and (fear?) for disinterest and it makes her try harder and harder. One day there’s a horrendous thunder storm after closing and she lets you know she took the bus and begs you to drive her home with puppy dog eyes. You agree. She invites you inside. She keeps saying how you guys have the whole place to yourself, insistently, and how no one else is there its just you two. You eventually say fuck it, figure maybe it will help you get over the ex if you fuck this girl. You kiss her, you end up making out for a good 5-10 minutes.
Then she suddenly asks to stop and her entire mood and demeanor shifts. She seems pissed off suddenly. She tells you you should head out, you guys hug at her door and you go on your way wondering why she switched up after. You get to the light out front her neighborhood and a car pulls up beside you, slightly wedged in your lane so it’s touching your car, scratching the hell out of it. You look over na d the window goes down. It’s her and another girl and they’re pointing their phones at you with the flashes on. They’re taking pics/videos of you. You don’t understand what’s going on, you panic and floor it bust the red light because that shit is weird and you begin to believe it was a set up to rob you. They follow you for nearly 10 miles before fucking off. When you return to work 3 days later she’s told the entire store you raped her. Everyone is singling you out and harassing you. You’ve become a target. This bitch suddenly is being acknowledged and spoken to by the coworkers who previously ignored and cold shouldered her, while you’re now the outcast being treated like shit. She still comes to try and talk to you and tries to threaten this false accusation blackmail you. You then become a total wreck with people after having been what most would have called confident and charaismatic, extroverted even. You no longer trust people at all. Not even friends or family. You worry everyone is out to get something from you, no matter how ridiculous. Because nothing else would surprise you after these back to back experiences of being fucked over.
Years later you stumble onto that coworkers Instagram. You discover what she did to you is her whole thing, she takes pride in doing it, even calling her handle a variation of honey trap (means to lure a man into a sexual excursion to then blackmail him).
Fuck that cunt in this totally made up definitely not true or personal story, honk honk…
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youre taking up too much space on my screen delete all this
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Guys, do you like
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Tell that to ukranians, russians, belorussians, georgians, azebajani, armenians, gazans, israelis, lebanese, houthis, yemenites, iraqis, iranians, burmese, rohingas, BLMs in democrat cities, CHAZers, mexican cartel and their victims, migrant crisis peepoos, afghans, syrians, tibetans
You know what will happens? The bible prophecies, check out ezekiel 38 because its bascially happening with the pawns in chess as per the nations and alliances and casus belli described in trhe aforementioned passage

Also hamas went and did oct7 primarily because of the 3 red heifers, whether you like it or not people believe in this stuff
Its also related to motorcycles because pic rel
If God loves bike why can't he give me a TZR250?
god says shut up retard
What's the point of the versys 650 over a z650 or an z650rs or even a ninja? They say the versys is versatile but then they say it's not for off roading at all, pure road bike. So it's not an ADV but has all the same compromises? Am I missing something?
got let yamaha cancel the r6 and im mad about it, its a good bike
21L gas tank vs 12L gas tank

It's more comfortable. It's a commuter bike. Any bike that's shaped like a horse like that is a commuter bike.
They're good for touring as well.
Yes. I know you can commute on any bike.
bad """music""""""""""
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based and ghost pilled
nice golden forks
nice king
nice toofiddy
nice zook
based anime poster
Great trip bro give us some pics
Topkek, it's the opposite of the R7 dumbass
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how do we respond without sounding mad?
no, it's just bad because it's Suzuki
Shut up dumbass
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Another one goes squish bros.
i wonder if he was hot doggin it
Bikers against child abuse is an actual organization. They work with cops to help children out of abusive situations. That could be by intimidating the chomos to stay away or just taking the kid's minds off it with cool bikes and giving them their own little vest, shit like that. They'll pack the courtroom with the kid's new biker bros so he isn't scared to testify against uncle touchy.
There's a lot of cringe boomer larp and I'm sure they've had legit pedos infiltrate for the reasons you list, but over all they are a force for good.
Where can I buy a loicence and make it viable in the EU?
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One near me too
Newfag, here. I want to get into riding bikes, not really sure how to start. I have a safety/training course booked soon. I guess I'm wondering what sort of bikes I should be considering to buy. I want something that I can ride around on trails. Maybe throw it in the back of a truck, take it camping, ride around some local trails and maybe grab a coffee or breakfast on it. Mostly light off road and exploring. I do want something street legal, though. I don't want a super expensive premium bike, I figure that can wait until later.

Just kinda overwhelmed with all the brands and models...
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consider the Yamaha YZF-R6, it will do everything you have outlined here
>I want something that I can ride around on trails. Maybe throw it in the back of a truck, take it camping, ride around some local trails and maybe grab a coffee or breakfast on it. Mostly light off road and exploring. I do want something street legal,
If not that get a gs500, my friend has one and he says it's good.
are you gonna buy a r6? You're not replying to me
Completely different swing arm, suspension, wheels, rake, and brakes.
That looks like it's a real beast off road, thanks.
That's fair. I just use caution these days. Especially with all the predators that have gotten off because "hunter" groups or people end up ruining investigations.
Hahah i tricked you! The bikes no longer legal to sell for street use (too fast). You'll have to get something else entirely but thanks for replying to me!

seriously though dbt will recommend Suzuki drz or Kawasaki klx, maybe Yamaha t7 but it's kinda big and fancy
Kek, thanks m8 will look into those. Kinda like the looks of the Drz.
SWM Super Dual
>Kinda like the looks of the Drz.
Yea if you get a drz you can larp as Ryan gooselong from no country for old pine trees which I hear is very fun to do
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It's out
This isn't Ryan Fortnine
>plus DLC
Neat bike I guess. I just cant get past the DLC shit.
Currently looking a new bike, I sold my gs500 and I'm looking for something suitable for my height. Any suggestions?
How tall are you? 5'4?
When you hear "died in single vehicle motorcycle crash" what would be the most likely?

Drugs? Crashed in Turn? Hit object?
Nope, 6'2. I want something that I won't feel cramped on.
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>When you hear "died in single vehicle motorcycle crash" what would be the most likely?
Probably got attacked by ghosts
Thoughts on V-Stronk 650, V-strom 800, Transalp, F850GS?

Nice trips BTW.
Drunk and or doing 150mph
Checking those digits
Statistically, drunk boomer on a Harley who wasn't wearing gear, died going too fast in a curve and flew off the road
fml got 2nd official warning for doing wheelies. Cop was super nice but said the two warnings would be visible to the next guy who pulled me over and I probably won’t get out of it.
Time to go offroad for a while
>Probably got attacked by ghosts

he didnt learn his

>>Motorcycle ghost repellent techniques
just stop doing them in front of cops
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Check 'em
Tried my buddy's and it fits perfectly
>V-strom 650,800
Didn't try them yet, I don't know anyone who owns one and the local dealerships don't have any of them in stock
Don't BMWs in general have high maintanance costs compared to ricebikes?
Also, I'd like some suggestions on sportbikes too. I tried the cycle-ergo and the angles are too optimistic.
I don’t get it. I went back and forth on this busy 4 lane riding them for a half mile or more at a time.
Then I’m going down a hill later and pop it up for like 5 seconds max just to feel it roar and that’s when I get pulled over
way too soon junior
same with the 1290, its got too much power for a naked
Bruv, thoughts on gsxr 750 and CBR 600rr?
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Siggs fiddy
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twelve hundo
Kill yourself R6 chomo
I took the Tenere out for a cruise in the Keene area and finally hit 1k miles after two months of ownership. I saw a big group of guys coming off a dirt road including two T7s. Almost dumped it for the first time fucking around doing burnouts in a dirt parking lot but somehow wrestled it from falling. I’ve got enough time on this bike now to say I’m happy with my purchase.
Reminder. If ur bike is mostly plastic ur mostly fucking gay
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>mumble something about my bike not having passenger footpegs
literally me fr fr
which one is real?
Here is a pic of me on my Harley
here's a pic of you on your harley
You're a fucking faggot
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fucking manlet

why would anyone tell a lie on youtube where anybody can see you
So pudgy
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Love it but highway driving is pain. not gonna put a windshield on it though, hate how it looks.
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Even a tiny one helps. Carry a rain jacket with the bike everywhere come fall/winter.

Really made me think
Rolling 4 7’s
Wow this bored is slow. Losers lmao

More like monthly bike thread
>mostly plastic
By volume, weight or surface area?
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Anons are out riding because it's a nice weekend instead of being a fucking faggot meth smoking trucker raising another man's child and posing with his Big Tuff Guy 1000lb ugly ass couch that's probably his dad's
Why are you so fat?
Reminder, you don't own a bike and are raising a nigger's child.
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Found a first gen klr-650 for $1350
Under 20k miles
did i get a good deal? It was red at one point…
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White boy summer involves White boys out living life
Man I'd love to get a riding shot like this someday. Good photo.
R >>27777777

ya all know what bike should get the magic digits right
But can you hoist a minger?
These things are pretty. Anyone have any experience with them?
>the one on the left with the cream and turquoise blue
Fucking eat my ass Conlan
Fucking get
New comfort thread!
>ride the bike how it's meant to be ridden
>have to change rear tire after 2 thousand Ks
no thanks

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