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/SQTDDTOT/: /QTDDTOT/- Stupid Questions That Don’t Deserve Their Own Thread: Please help me Edition.

im trying to get month to month insurance in california and some agents keep offering me $50 plans with a ~$300 sign up fee. and some are like $60/mo with no sign up fees. where are these fees coming from? insurance broker taking their cut?

also some agents have offered next day insurance, some have the 14day wait period. where does this come from? how can i filter it out?

also is there an option for when i am away from my vehicle for 6months of every years? can i "pause" my insurance?

apprently tesla provides near useless insurance through their app. quoted $50/mo for CA minimum coverage and i can pay 1month at a time.

anyone know anything about this tesla insurance for non-tesla vehicles?
im bout to grab this prius and go drive 1500miles to go stick my dick in a girl, and then i wont need the prius anymore
how bad is your driving record lol
pre covid i insured a 20y.o shitbox for 33/mo min california coverage.
inflation adjusted $50/mo sounds about right
i had a moving violation ticket 5years and two months ago and apparently it got wiped from ca dmv at 5 years so when my name is looked up, i have clean record. so thats what i meant by perfect record.
if they ask if i have any tickets in the past 10years can i now say no?

also no vehicle collisions. i did get rear end tapped by a lady 10 years ago. i told her not to report to her insurance but she did anyways, lol. does that count as vehicle collision on my record?
so why are you putting in so much work to find insurance. most if not all offer monthly payments
does this coverage look alright for a renter with no assets, and a 20yo shitbox?
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Zipper merge:
>youre in a lane
>the lane next to you is closing
>people are merging in
>you let one in front cause shit, we’re all in this traffic together
>their lane actually didn’t end yet, 3 meters to go
>after they merge in someone zooms up and tries to get in front of you because >muh zipper
>you want so bad to pit maneuver their brand new 4Runner but it’s dinner time and your children are in the back tired and hungry
>come on /o/ to cope and seethe
Am I allowed to seethe, or do I just need to cope? If I already let one person in, do I need to let in another because I let a sisterfucking bastard bitch merge in 10 feet before their lane ended? Are their rules about this shit? I figured it would go either-or: lane 1, lane 2, lane 1, lane 2 etc. I would normally chalk it up to driving in north jersey, but the bitch acted like I was being an asshole for not letting her in.
Holy shit. I got a 94 on the GMAT essay too. Sad.
Can i really put old oil in a hole in the ground and cover with gravel?
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No, pit them and watch them die. You will be teaching your kids a valuable life lesson: that it's OK to kill people who insult you. This used to be common practice and knowledge, and people were far more respectful because of it. Everyone is a cunt now because it's "wrong" to run them off the road at 80mph and watch their head tear off from the inertia of a 5,000lbs car rolling 15 times. If that's wrong I don't want to be right.
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Who's stopping you?
Martin that post is comfy as fuck, thank you
You're very welcome. I have some additional literature that you may also find intriguing. Really eye opening stuff, actually.
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what the fuck does it do on pavement then?
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I had to get towed home the other day when something happened to the starter. At least, I THINK it was the starter. It didn't respond to a jump attempt and it sounds like the pinion is just being repeatedly engaged without the starter ever turning over.

The thing is, now that I've taken it off, both the solenoid and motor appear to work. When hooked up to power, the motor will spin, and the solenoid will move the pinion. What's fucking with me is that, if I give power ONLY to the solenoid, the pinion pops out AND the motor starts spinning weakly, which doesn't sound right. The coil is testing at about 0.4Ω, which seems low, but I have no idea what the spec on this is supposed to be.

Does this thing actually sound cooked, or should I hassle putting everything back together and putting the battery on the charger for a while? It's a little low, at 12V resting, but that may at least partly be from leaving the ignition on for a quite a while while we tried to wrestle the car back into its spot on the driveway, IDK.

Vehicle in question is a 2005 Sierra 2500HD, BTW.

Could not possibly tell you. It's entirely dependent on where you live. I pay well over double that for the aforementioned truck despite having no traffic record at all, but I'm in California. Meanwhile, my mother in another state pays less than like $30 for a similar vintage. It's bullshit.
im sitting there bored looking at every ither driver so i see 4running zooming up from behind so i veer back over and block him
well i meant is that decent enough coverage for someone who has no assets and cant be sued for all my belongings (theyre near worthless) ?
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>have ZF 8-spd
>shifts too often

Am i the only one who feels this way? Every opinion i come across say the ZF8 is god-tier but it always feels like its racing to 8th gear. My shitbox honda 4-spd felt better even if it wasn't smooth or was at 2300 on the highway
When is it ok/not ok to replace bolts for studs?
I want to replace the engine mount bolts for studs to make it easier to drop the motor when changing belts ect. ive also done this for driveshaft mounts where it bolts into aluminum where I install studs.
yes, they are programmed to get into top gear as soon as possible. your 4-speed was the same but it was also designed not to have to downshift much during regular driving at speeds above 45mph, meaning you can climb moderate grades and lightly accelerate without lugging the engine or dropping gears.
I dislike the ZF-8 because although they are smooth, they spend too much time between gears and they always shift too soon.
I actually prefer the old 4-speed automatics, especially the pre-electronic control ones as they didn't have any shift-smoothing technology and just instantly changed ratios. A 1986 Honda Accord will complete a shift faster than a ZF-8 equipped vehicle.
mechanically they're the same, as long as you get the same or better grade as the original bolt.
there are times when a stud itself would block the part from being removed, in those cases obviously you wouldn't want to use one, otherwise there's no issue with switching a bolt to a stud
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Someone fucked my car, hard.
How do I unfuck this.
right on a crease so PDR won't fix it.
you'll either have to replace the entire body panel if it's a replaceable one, or sand it to bare metal, knock it back out the best you can with hammers and punches, bondo it, primer it, paint and clear it.
>right on a crease so PDR won't fix it.
The car is going to get painted anyways, but I assume the crease is non-fixable?
>you'll either have to replace the entire body panel if it's a replaceable one
Fuck my Life. It's the only, THE ONLY, non-replaceable body panel on the entire car.

Thanks for the input Anon.
the crease is fixable. once it's pounded back the best you can, it'll take some careful bondo sculpting and sanding, but it can be done.
I don't want to bondo it though :(
you're not going to have a choice unless you'd rather melt lead and do it old school. even if you cut and weld in metal, it'll still take some bondo
>My slushbox does slushbox things
Get a proper car mate and you get to shift it when and only when you want
Can anyone ID this supercharger?
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I have a Suzuki Celerio, the king of econoshitboxes. When I coast on the 5th gear on a slight incline I hear a wheezing sound from the engine that only stops if I shift to 4th or just slow down a bit. Is this related to the gearbox? Should I bother with having it fix if I just make sure to not let it happen?
I just had my car windows tinted and i also tinted the front windshield but only the top 4 inches. Can i still use a sun visor even if the tint is fresh or would it damage the tint?
For performance so should you get the smallest wheels possible for lightness? Saar?
How hard it would it be to learn wrenching on a brand new car? I want my next car to be something that I can use to teach myself to make basic repairs and mods. My understanding is that the newer the car, the less likely you’ll be able to fix it yourself.
There’s upsides and downsides whatever you do. Less unsprung weight is good, but fatter and taller sidewalls aren’t the best.

You can do it. It’s just going to be preventative maintenance. I mean so many cars have lifetime sealed and/or “lifetime” trans fluids so no trans fluid flush in your future, but that’s about the only thing. You may need a scan tool when doing brakes because electronic parking brakes. Still gotta do oil changes and coolant flushes eventually. And one thing that’s more important on newer cars, look up maintenance for direct injected engines assuming your car has it, the carbon buildup on those engines can cause big issues.
My camry doesnt have airbags. The lights are on indicating theres no airbag, and I've gotten into two crashes and they never popped.
Is checking my airbags and replacing them something I can do at home or should I go to a mechanic.

Also, do I really need the side and overhead airbags too? I'm not trying to cheap out, just curious if its worth replacing everything since I know airbag replacements are expensive as hell
'98 Suzuki Sidekick Sport 5MT for sale in my area. Needs trans. What cars can I source a trans from?
Unsure if 4cyl or 6cyl but will pursue either. I'd like options for either. I don't know dick about these Suzuki or Geo shitboxes
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need this car make and model
we have all seen one milling around with those specific backlights but i forget the name
Pontiac grand am from.the late 90s or early 00s
Pontiac Grand Am/Gran Prix/etc
Thank you kindly
98 Grand Am GT
Michelle going to OSU in Stillwater, I'm sorry I talked you into buying this piece of shit. You left me because of "the things I say" or was it because I tuck my jeans into my lace up combat boots? Either way, when we went to your grandma's house, your mom got out of the shower wearing only a towel to meet me as we never met before. Remember this is right after I finger banged you, we're in the same room, you left. She's talking but all I can see is her cooter. She's sitting in a chair with her knees to her chest wearing a towel? Plain as day right in front of my face. I acted like I didn't notice and it still fucks with me. I should have banged your mom at your grandmas house. Did Michelle's mom know she was showing off the cooter or was this innocent?
Man. I hate humans. Why can't they just fucking drive straight, why hit my car and then fucking run. I hate people I hate people I hate people I hate people.

Thanks Anon.
Because driving is hard. I'm bad at it
Boys, what do you call the dick tingle/floaty feeling in your dick, when driving over a speed hump or driving through hilly areas?

Used to get it all the time as a kid but occasionally still get it as an adult if I'm a passenger
Pls halp
are diesel trucks all theyre cracked up to be?

looking for a reliable farm truck that can tow my horse trailer, tractors, etc. in the <10k price range for diesels they are all early 2000 f250s/ silverado 2500s/etc...with 180k-200k+ miles. everyone online says certain diesels are basically indestructible but im not sure if theyre LARP'ing or not.

the light does not mean your airbags are faulty it means something is wrong with your SRS system. this could mean a sensor in the 'crash' zones like your front/rear bumper is fucked or it could mean the SRS module (which is typically a little box that goes inside your dash) is toast. basically the light could be preventing your airbags from popping immediately when you turn the car on because it knows the sensors are malfunctioning. ive replaced airbags in my own car without finding the issue sensor and immediately when i turned the keys it blew up in my face. good times.

technically speaking SRS modules are "one time use" so if the car has EVER been in an accident that triggered the airbags, the SRS module shouldve been replaced. without knowing the history of your car it would be hard to say more than that. but it would be not advised to replace the airbags in your car as they may have nothing to do with an SRS system malfunction
They're basically unobtanium at this point. Probably why it's getting sold. There's like one guy selling rebuilds for the die hard fans but they're more than the car is worth. You can barely even find parts for them anymore.
Thank you for the detailed answer!
So the best course of action would be to have a mechanic inspect it right?
Is this board really just fellating underpowered Japanese shitboxes from the 90s that aren't even a bargain anymore because of clout tax?

you can buy a scan tool for like 20$ that attaches to your phone, or have go to autozone/oreilers/pepboys and they will scan it for free with a nicer scanner that might tell exactly what is wrong.

suggest an independent mechanic or a remote mechanic after that.
Aye, this is what I assume. I wondered if the Trackers would be a source but fuck it.

I'm just looking for another project and thanks
so,,, 07 manual ,, brakes are grinding,, so i got drilled and slotted rotors. performance pads,, and new calipers,,, put them all in,, and got spongy pedal,,, so i bleed. farthest to closest,,, and wow. great brakes,,,, but now all my dash lights are on,,,including red brake...
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Air was coming out room temperature on driver's side and cold on passenger's side, so I replaced the blend door actuator. After doing so the issue wasn't fixed. I checked the code reader and there were 40 (!!!!) new PCM codes that weren't there before (sensor malfunction, idle too high, idle too low, etc). How could this have happened? I believe all the wiring was put back together properly, and the PCM is on the other side of the car. Did the cheap part somehow fry the PCM? What should I do?
Clear the codes
forgot to say, tried that 5 times, tried disconnecting the battery and draining power, same thing
No way a blend door actuator is getting anywhere near the PCM electrically. Unless you have cosmically bad luck, most likely you fucked up and didn't seat a connector fully or something.
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So, I've read on multiple forums for multiple different cars that a V6 can't take advantage of an X or H pipe because it's an even fire engine (fires left right left right left right).

But wouldn't an X/H pipe help with scavenging then? Because each exhaust "pulse" makes a vacuum behind it would be able to help pull out the one behind it, even if it's from the other side? I'm assuming I'm missing something here but have no idea what.
On these modern JAP SCRAP cars...
The PARKING BRAKE light on the DASH... also indicates LOW brake FLUID... IDIOT LIGHTS...
Easy to DRAIN TOO MUCH when you're BLEEDIN'...
I just replaced my catalytic converter assembly. Everything went well except one of the oxygen sensors became very difficult to turn about halfway through (not cross-threaded). I couldn't tighten it all the way down, the little washer was just floating loose between the hex part of the sensor and the outside of the area it threads into. I decided to take it back out and check the threads or for an obstruction but I physically can't move it even with my biggest breaker bar.
Is it going to loosen up when the exhaust gets hot and make a leak or should I just consider it now permanently installed?
Califag here, I need a new set of tires, and it's between these two brands
>Vredestein hypertrac all season
>Pirelli P7 AS plus 3

Is this shop trying to fuck me? A/c runs mediocre, high pitched vibrating sound coming from either the clutch or the compressor, on a 2016 crosstrek. It's right on top of the engine? They said there's no good way to change the clutch so they have to change the whole compressor also.
If it's that hard to turn it's probably a feature. It might loosen up some, worth a shot I guess, but I wouldn't count on it.
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Can anyone help me identify the brand of these two cars?
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This is pontiac. Was it a convertible? That looks like the rear end of a solstice
This looks like Rossion, some small boutique builder
Just for the future when you install an o2 sensor make sure to get a tap of the same diameter/thread pitch and use it before installing the new sensor
So,,,, I have excellent brakes,, with all lights on on dash,,, i just continue to drive it,,,,and one morning. no lights,,, all lights are out now,,,,it fixed itself,,,all good now,,,,,,hhhmmmmmm
newbie buyer here. What is all this bullshit on a dealer website? Dealer discount is bait?
>newbie here
Don't buy a hyundai or kia dude
Regardless, these elements of a dealer website are present in other brands. So, I'd still like to know.
They are real discounts if you qualify for them. They are just trying to shift the less desirable models before the lot is filled with next years crap.
There will probably also be additional fees and dealer upcharges that they don't do such a good job advertising until they have you locked in a small room
Those are a known problem. Subaru has a TSB, they recommend replacing the whole compressor, search for 10-84-16R. If you're doing the work yourself replacing the clutch wouldn't hurt to try, but it makes sense that a shop would want to replace the whole compressor as that's what Subaru says you should do.
what are some cheap manuals i can buy to learn on? all the civics i see are 200k miles and/or modded by mexicans
gib reccs pls
leave them out, airbags will kill you
get on car-part.com, there's an option to search cars with compatible parts. you can also try to find an original dealer parts catalog online and see what the part number interchanges with.
also check enthusiast forums, chances are other transmissions will fit and work ok just with slightly different gear ratios and things.
what's wrong with the transmission? manual transmissions are usually fairly easy to repair, and many of the parts can likely be sourced.
You need to connect a scan tool that can read codes from the ABS computer and find out what actual codes are being set.
email 5 dealers, tell them the exact car you want, tell them you're shopping many different dealers and will buy the one that gives you the best price. after you get the best price, email the rest and tell them X dealer can do $X, can you beat that? somebody will bite.
Will installing an inverter kill battery or alternator or something?
Thanks. Just seemed odd, given the location.
Hindsight is always 50/50.
Looking to buy a used car for mom, budget is 12,000. She only drives in the city, never drives highways. She wants something that isn't going to keep giving her troubles that constantly need repairing.

Having said that, been eyeing hondas, mazdas, and toyotas.

But what is better for reliability, a newer toyota with more miles, e.g. 2011 Corolla with 100k miles or an older toyota with fewer miles e.g. 2002 camry with 50k miles
Its pretty easy but bad for the environment. Theres a free drive through oil & hazmat disposal 10 miles from my house. They take up to 5 gallons of oil at a time. Convenient enough for me.
Is there a sport mode? I always put rentals in sports mode. My ZF6 (manual) does not have this issue
2000s Ford diesels are absolute shit that bankrupted thousands of business with high cost repairs followed by breakdowns within 100 miles Chevy diesels are slow and shitty. Diesel Rams with the Cummins engine were pretty solid but much more expensive. For a farm truck just go for a 454 GMT 400, or a 6.0L gmt 800. Or maybe a gas F350. Check which years tho, cause some of those ford engines will shoot spark plugs out of the hood.

Also consider Isuzu and fuso medium duty trucks, those are pretty solid and cheap
>Vredestein hypertrac all season
Go with those I like the name being descriptive. Those other ones with letters and numbers are lame
You should get your mom a boxy little SUV. Either Subaru Forester before 2005, 4 runner, or something like that. Women have terrible spacial awareness, especially when they are short, so they need a box on wheels, preferably wheels that can run over curbs without damage.
Something old will always have problems, something with many miles might have problems.
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Thanks for the reply. Yes I've already tried compatible parts search for the Suzuki. Its not showing anything other than other Suzuki Sidekicks. Figured a Gro Tracker would work since this Suzuki is just the OG Tracker but i gotta be sure. I'm just flipping cars for profit here, this isn't a high priority i just like wrenching and getting paid for it.

Pic related. This car has many trans options but car-part doesn't list those... Ford Probe, Mazda 626 are examples that will work but car-part is retarded. I prefer forums and part numbers as you said, figured I'd start here :/
how can i warm my engine oil up in winter? the oil pressure light stays on for a good 5 seconds when i start it in the morning and i hate it
i dont want to switch to a thinner oil because it's an old engine with flat lifters so i need high zinc and i can only get high zinc oil in higher weights
get a service manual, a basic set of tools, and get started
if you have 0 experience I'd recommend watching all of chrisfix's repair and maintenance videos first, he does a good job breaking down things to the simplest of steps and explaining them well if you've never really turned a wrench
I see scions go for surprisingly cheap often times, I think because it's a dead brand. but they're pretty neat, often manual, and well made.
engine block heater.
also you can add zddp additive to any oil you want
>also you can add zddp additive to any oil you want
i can but i need the engine to not explode
why would it explode?
too much zinc has the opposite effect and corrodes your engine
then use only the amount of additive you want to use
>just put a little bit in and see what happens
anyway i'm going outside to aim a hairdryer at my oil pan
There's a car at a dealership I want to buy but it's a few hundred miles away. I'm also planning on trading in my current car on it. Is it a thing to go to my local dealership and get them to buy the car from the far away dealership, then do the whole trade in process locally?
My thinking is the local dealership can probably get a better deal than me if they're just plopping down fat stacks for it, and I don't want the other dealership knowing he has the advantage over me (because I invested so much time driving so far) and knowing I want this specific car specifically, and low balling me on my trade in. It would be really convenient for me even if it costs a little bit more and I really don't want to have to take a day off work to spend all day driving only to then not close the deal.
What the fuck are you talking about if you ask your local dealer to acquire a car for you then they would know you want it even more than if you walk into a dealership and say you want to look at a car.
Just make an offer on the car you want, see how much they'll offer on trade for your old car, and decide. Don't be retarded.
>Just make an offer on the car you want, see how much they'll offer on trade for your old car, and decide.
But THAT'S retarded. I'm not going to waste literally my entire day to drive to a dealership and walk away empty handed. I would more than gladly pay the shipping costs to avoid the traffic if it weren't for the trade in. My local dealership has already appraised my car so I know exactly what they'll give me for it. The other one won't appraise it without seeing it in person. So if all I have to pay is like, idk say $500 service fee plus whatever shipping is, then that's a good deal.
They make sticky pad heaters that you can stick to your oil pan. Plug it in for 30+ min before you start the car. Also look into specialty oils like 10w-60 racing synthetic. There's also liqui moly molybdenum additives. IDK why you would bring this up in Summertime tho
If a muscle car is a car with a truck engine, why does my manual say not to use it for towing?
Everything seems great except I have a loud vibration and buzz at a specific RPM. My OEM assembly has a big rubber damper on it, is there a "clamp-on" damper I can get or do I have to cut off the old one and weld it to the new one?
Body on frame vs unibody
Tldr chassis construction towing isn't just motor
Is a monkey wrench useful at all? Could it do the work of a wrench set or a socket set
I've only ever had $500 shitboxes so I don't know what I'm doing. My certified preshit is "due" for its routine maintenance. I'm only considering doing this so I don't potentially fuck myself over with the warranty later down the road. Is there a cutoff time to do this? If a car is due for its 50k maintenance, will it still be okay to get done around 57~58k miles? Just as long as the recommended work is done, it doesn't need to be done at the dealership, right? I can just go to Firestone and get all that done there?

My apologies for being retarded.
A pipe wrench? Useful for plumbing.
Oh so there's nothing it can do? I found it. Should I give it back
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You have to look at the paperwork to know how long you can delay stuff and if kia of shithole will cover engine damage when the guys from the quick lube shop drain the transmission and overfill the engine oil which didnt drain in the first place.
The other parts arent truck parts
You mean an adjustable nut roundener? It's really only good for its titular purpose.
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i just had my windows tinted yesterday and by fucking habit i rolled down my front passenger window and now my shit is scratched. im upset. someone say something to make me not care that much
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>1993 Honda Civic
>Fuel pump won't prime until bulb checks are complete
>CEL stays on for an unreasonably long period of time
>Jostling in a particular way usually works, but sometimes it just doesn't prime at all before taking the key out and doing it all over again
>Replace the fuel pump
>Same basic symptoms, except the worst of it takes considerably less time to prime, while it primes (almost) instantly most of the time

When do I start suspecting the ECU?
it's winter in the 1st world
i can get high zinc 10w-50 but i've only got like 500kms on the car since i last changed it so i dont really want to buy more oil
did you blink out the codes?
what are you "jostling"? if jostling something fixes it, i would suspect this part.
very handy for removing damaged tie rods.
Even crescent wrenches are sort of outdated these days. Pliers wrench grips a lot better.
It's the fuel pump/"main" relay I'm jostling, except replacing it didn't solve the issue. The problem occurs during the bulb check phase, as if the fuel pump not priming is somehow holding up the bulb check. Otherwise, no codes.
>It's the fuel pump/"main" relay I'm jostling, except replacing it didn't solve the issue.
this is a real solid clue. I would check the wiring going to it, also make sure none of the terminal pins are stretched so they don't grip the relay well. test each one individual with a wire terminal to make sure they grip solidly.
How do I learn how to do engine stuff? Whenever I watch vids on youtube of people pulling or rewiring engines, it's just a spaghetti mess that makes no sense to me and rarely do they explain it, even thought they act like everything is common knowledge.
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Just bought a '14 Scion tC
The thing drives great, a little bit of rattle but thats just the garbage roads making the plastic floormats slide around

>where's the temp gauges on the dash? if there is none, what are some aftermakrtet guages that install easily so i can track that?
>what can I do to protect the glass roof in case of hail or a smug ass pinecone landing on it and cracking it
>can i jailbreak the OEM infotainment radio to get GPS on it or am i out of luck?
By "terminal pins", are you referring to the wires going into the connector or the part of the connector that plugs into the relay? What exactly is a "wire terminal" in this context, and what do I do if I find a terminal pin that doesn't grip so well?
both, but most likely the ones plugging into the relay as those are more likely to have been messed with
here's a demonstration of loose pin tension:
there the pins are small so he uses a backprobe connector, but larger pins will require a male wire terminal end, just make sure whatever you use isn't too large to actually bend the pins as you test them
Theres an idiot light that is blue for a while and goes away when warmed up. Presumably it turns red when you're overheating. You can plug in an obd2 dongle and run torque lite on a spare android phone to use as temp gauge and whatever else.
Easiest way to learn is to actually do something. Factory service manuals are available online with step by step instructions for everything.
My Merc is every once in a while when I start it up telling me to check coolant. It is behind on service. Oil temp is stable.You guys think it probably just needs a fluid swap? I can't see any signs of a major coolant leak. I mean, outside of what it probably already does, being a German car and all that.
>temp gauges
Probably just has an over temp warning. Look into the OBD dongles and some little thing on the dash, unless you wanr A pillar gauges or some shit.

>glass roof
Pinecones won’t hurt it. If there’s hail, get a good car cover and/or call insurance. Sunroofs are generally pretty tough.

Just get a new head unit and kit for that car
Is the coolant low? Or is that an actual coolant change sensor like oil service life and a dumb Jappo thing?

Lots of vehicles have a sensor on the reservoir to tell you if it’s low. Normally they’re easy to access if that’s what is causing the issue. But if your coolant is low, which you should’ve checked before asking this question, then you may have a different issue
If you're asking if the sensor actually senses the amount of coolant and not just how many miles it's been out of service, then yes, it can determine how much coolant is in there. I haven't checked myself yet 'cause it's got that annoying engine cover on it. I was just wondering if it could be a bigger issue I guess because I've had mechanics look at it before and they all said it was in pretty good condition under the hood, outside of course, slight oil leaks because it's a German car.
Also had that coolant warning. There seemed to be enough so thought it was just a broken sensor. Until one day there wasn't enough coolant which made engine temp get really high. Where did coolant go? Who knows... Maybe it was miracle healing because topping up helped. Hadn't had any more problems with that. When doing other cooling system related jobs coolant will be drained anyway so there is no real reason to do that by itself.
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whats a good stain remover? I've gotten a few products but they often either dont work, or its only enough to cover a quarter of the stain.
that'd be a blessing where I live. Consider upping your rental coverage to max. It'll be worth it if shit happens.
Repill me on sn95, probably v6, 170k miles. Its cheap, its manual, and the paint looks alright.
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name/model of this ferrari?
Translation of the ad is: I thrashed this car, and it has a salvage or missing title in someone elses name and its overall pretty fucked, ac blows cold as long as its cold outside, buy it for $3500 it will probably drive off my property before it blows up.
soak it down with engine degreaser, then hit it with a pressure washer
What is the meaning of this AI generated content?
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2012 Toyota Camry Hybrid
>check hybrid system light was on
>replace hybrid battery
>cleared codes
>took for inspection
>got 10 day temp to drive it around to pass the emissions tests
>bring for final inspection, had driven it daily with no engine lights on whatsoever
>tech says when they turned it on the “check hybrid system” light was on again

What gives? Am I just extremely unlucky? Are they fucking with me?
The only think I did different was vacuum the interior before bringing it in. And the car does have a moisture problem but it’s been managed with desiccants. Do you think the moisture could be deeper inside fucking with the battery? Was it a shit battery I put in?
Ferrari 812 GTS
Fair. But what about sn95s in general? V6 and v8s. Would you say its a fun cheap car?
How much difficulty will I have driving an automatic if I've only ever driven manual? There's a car I like and unlike usual (I'm Bongistani) the automatics are more plentiful and actually cheaper for some reason in that model. Problem is it's nearly 300 miles away and I don't mind that, but I don't want to end up killing someone on the motorway because I haven't got a clue what I'm doing.
Am I just overthinking it?
What am i reading? Did you mean to swap the times you wrote automatic with manual?
Nah. I've never driven an automatic before. It has me spooked.
Well its the same thing minus shifting and a clutch
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what are the chances a dealership changed the oil on a car they were selling?
the carfax said the last oil change was last year exactly, but while in the dealership it said it just did an "emissions check"

would the oil dipstick give me a good indication on the state of the oil or is it better to just change it regardless?
i'm looking to get a new car. my old car was a bmw 128i manual, but it just got totaled unfortunately. i'm looking at the toyota corolla xse hatch vs vw gti s (auto). monthly payments would be pretty similar. what do you guys think? no question which is better performance wise, but concerned about reliability and maintenance costs. are gtis needy? do new corollas have that same reliability?
Look into the mazda 3 turbo. Youll love it more than the two you listed
Anons, a radiator hose blew on my car while driving today. I got that fixed but it flooded the connecter that goes to my vehicle speed sensor with coolant and my speedometer stopped working. My question is: if I dry out the connector should it go back to working properly? Or will it be fucked forever?
2012 Xterra S, 174k, 2 owners, good service record, $6750.

Should I? My 05 CRV is falling the fuck apart and I want to trade it in before I get junkyard pricing. Been wanting to do more overlanding shit with my bois too and this seems good.
Got my hands on a BMW X5, E53 with M54B30 engine. Slightly low compression on cyl 1-3 and very low on cyl 6. Rest is fine.

Pistons and spark plugs are caked in oil probably from blowby so my guess is that the CCV is fucked, but I found out this thing has been run dangerously low on oil. Like, I've put several quarts in and it's still not on the minimum mark. I can only assume that the low compression is due to insufficient cylinder wall lubrication?

My question is, how little oil is too little? I'm assuming there's some oil there as there's sufficient oil pressure but this engine holds like 8 quarts of oil.
i've looked at it too. mazda 3 turbo looks pretty good although c pillar bugs me a bit. it's also more expensive and don't like the color options.
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>mazda 3 turbo looks pretty good although c pillar bugs me a bit
C pillar is a non issue. The cars cameras and safety make up for it. The Head up display will tell you if theres a car in your blindspot or just use your mirrors. Its cheaper than the GTI and it feels like an entry level audi/BMW.
any lyft/uber drivers here?
whats your experience working with them and how bad is it for your car in the long run?
will the money make up for the increased possible maintenance?
It's a Nissan, what are the odds that I'm fucked?
it means you won't believe the highly anticipated 2025 Caterpillar pickup that was just unveiled, it's a game changer.
My mom bought a nice low mile well maintained Xterra a year or 2 ago and they dumped like 10k into it because of engine problems. Taking it to the shop, fixing the EGR and then sensors, turns out maybe head gasket issues and the studs stripped the threads in the block while they were getting it rebuilt or whatever, so then it needed a new engine, and then new ac parts, now the transmission is slipping. They have had it in the shop so much maybe only driven 2k miles since buying it Other than that, its a nice car. Some french company bought nissan and tried to cut costs and maximize profits. I think the mechanics are maybe not very good either. Anyways I drive my older cheaper Subaru pretty hard and haven't blown it up, I can find parts and wrench on it myself in most cases
Probably should wash it with distilled water and compressed air. Coolant has electrolytes that will conduct after they dry
My x3 also has the m54 3.0 engine. It holds ~ 7Q oil They should always have full oil, and it will sludge up if you go more than 5,000 miles between oil changes. It also should run euro 5w40 no matter what the oil change guys tell you about 5w30.

You might be able to flush it out and have it run good enough, but probably needs a rebuild now
Ive taken Uber a few times and it only makes sense if you're an Indian who cant get a real job, you dont mind dealing with jerks and taking directions from your phone all day and you trust the car market to have an affordable Prius when you run your current Prius to death.

I mean even Amazon van driver is better cause Amazon buys and maintains the van, and you move packages instead of jerks
Odds are Somewhere around 350%.

Do tell us what car you bought and what interest rate/payment plan. I hope you enjoyed the coffee while you shopped there
Do VIN check threads just not exist anymore?
>buying a hybrid
>buying a fucking 13 year old hybrid
lmao, you brought this on yourself anon
most dealers change oil when prepping the car for sale, but literally just pull the dipstick and look at it.
>Taking it to the shop, fixing the EGR and then sensors, turns out maybe head gasket issues and the studs stripped the threads in the block while they were getting it rebuilt or whatever, so then it needed a new engine
sounds like your mom needs to find a competent shop not staffed by fresh off the boat squatemalans.
Just make sure to keep your clutch foot under the seat so you don't knock your teeth out on the steering wheel.
Need help.

2008 Ferd, this quick connect at the fuel sending unit is leaking and stinks to high hell like gasoline. It’s the larger one with the blue clip. Has a small yellow o-ring in there but doesn’t look easy to swap out because it’s internal.

Does anybody know if you can buy just the quick connect and some hose clamps and put that on the fuel line? OD of the plastic on the fuel sending unit size is 3/8”, OD of the fuel hose where the barb would go in is 0.330”, so not sure what the barb would be, maybe 5/16”?
Having an issue with the transmission on a completely rebuilt Civic (B engine + trans).
If I do a pull for example in 2nd gear up to 5500 -> 7K RPM, and then shift up into the next gear there is no problem there, but shortly after if I try to downshift back into the gear I did the pull in - The transmission feels like it "locks" me out of the gear, like I just hit a wall when trying to go in.
There's no grinding noise, it just acts like it can't get into the gear. Eventually I'm able to shift into gear if I start going into other gears randomly, just moving the shifter into 1st, 4th, etc and eventually the gear I did the pull in will "open" back up.

I'm going to try bleeding the clutch soon, but any other ideas? There never seems to be a problem shifting UP, but only back down after a pull (like 2 -> 3 -> 2 or 3 -> 4 -> 3).
I asked in /hg/ as well.
I've done this. Ordered the fitting on Amazon, cut the heat shrink clamp off, and used a heat gun to soften the tube. The fitting came off surprisingly easily once heated and I was able to shove the new one on right away. The barbs actually held by themselves once the tube cooled down, but makes sense to put a clamp on anyway
Does the age digit in a VIN refer specifically to the build year or the model year? I have an "M" (which would be 1991) as the year digit in my Chev's VIN, however it's registered as a 1992 model.
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Found picrel at the VatoZone. I’m not super keen on getting the heat gun going on top of the fuel tank which has a puddle of gasoline, so I snagged these quick connects. Hoping it fits because most pf the quick connects say either steel or nylon for the connection end, but this one doesn’t, it’s a 3/8” nylon neck coming from the fuel sending unit.

I’m just glad this car has an access hatch and I didnt have to drop the tank.
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Wrenching on my old Citroën, I'm heaitant to put the bolts back in dry.
Should I use some loctite? Antisieze maybe? I just don't want this car to be a hassle to work on in the future.
I dip my bolts in vaseline before reinstalling. then lower torque spec 30%
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I'm an American who wants a Nissan Versa and only a Nissan Versa, manual transmission. When was the last good year these were made?

Everybody here always cars went to shit after 2018, it's a common-enough car that hopefully more people have experience with.
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anybody own a Scion with the Pioneer radio that has bluetooth and GPS?
for some reason, the fucking bluetooth just doesn't work anymore, and maps doesn't show up despite pressing the Map button millions of times
its like the wiring is fucked or something, even tapping bluetooth makes a sound but nothing shows up

at one point the gps worked but then it hasn't showed up since then
Have you tried the ɯǝʇsʎs button?
you must have really bad breath
Welp, the Dorman one is the right diameter it seems, but the nipple on the fuel sending unit after the barb is too long. The old connector is like twice as deep. So I either return this Dorman one and keep searching, or I hack off ~1/2” of plastic and see if it locks on properly. But if I do that and it still doesn’t seal right, I’m gonna need a whole new fuel sending unit plus the correct hose.
sorry about the flipped image, 4chan strips the exif so it fucks up horizontal pictures

and yes, for some reason some features have been locked, i press them, they make a beep, but nothing happens
Is this a meme?
Use cosmoline instead if you are american
>Should I use some loctite? Antisieze maybe
Do you want them to be more difficult, or easier, to undo in the future?
I don't know, I just don't want them to rust and keep everything in good service
I would put some anti-seize on them but you probably should have figured this out before you took your car apart.
No problem, I haven't started putting it together.
This good? Do I increment torque on each bolt now? Is there any bolt I don't want anti size on?
Hmm the M54 seems sturdy enough though. My main concern is cylinder wall scoring. Former owner said it just started misfiring bad while driving and had to be towed, we thought it was a head gasket at first. I'll try to put a tablespoon or two of oil into the cylinders and see if it comes back to life. If not I'll probably just put another engine in it
Redpill me again. Cheap. Manuel. Why not?
If I turn the key so the dash lights come on but the motor doesn't crank does the oil pump still builds up pressure?
No, the oil pump is driven by the crankshaft, if the engine isn't spinning the pump isn't moving.
Shitty wrap, hail damage, 11 year old beat on ricer car? Why not.
Will AAA do a battery replacement on a 2018 BMW X1? You have to remove a bunch of parts to get to the battery.
I have an old car without a radio, that I want to be able to play music from my phone via bluetooth in. What all will I need for this?
I've found the JL Audio MBT-RX receiver, which looks to be perfect, but I don't know enough about car audio to know what else I'll need to buy.
I know I'll probably need an amp, and definitely some speakers, but is there anything else?
not worth the hassle just get bluetooth speaker
thats what I've BEEN doing and it sucks. easy way to quickly kill the mood when I'm out having a great drive and it dies so I either have to drive in silence or use the phone speakers which sound like shit and I can barely hear
Just get a cheap single din receiver and some decent speakers.
there are no single din receivers that look good and aren't several hundred dollars
You actually don't need amps. Decent head units put out enough power to make you deaf
Satin black and not working a/c in the summer sun. Its about 10X overpriced for its condition
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My stock radio is a 45 year old dual shaft radio that doesn't work
Try blipping the throttle on downshift. During the 3-2 rev it ~ 1.5x and it usually will slot in 2nd easy. Someone probably put the wrong oil in the gearbox so the synchros aren't working very well
see if you can do a factory reset on the radio
also try disconnecting the battery for 30 minutes see if that changes anything
if all else fails, check enthusiast forums, almost certainly someone else has come across the same problem. there may be some coding that needs to be put in via techstream to tell it the radio has the map and bluetooth options.
Call them and ask. Usually if it's a complex install they won't, but you never know.
Dude The Exact Same Thing Happened To Me I Drive Down The Hwy And I Go To Shift And The Clutch Stays At The Floor I Had To Pump It. I Replaced The Slave And Master Cylinder And The Clutch Problem Was Fixed 100% And It Was Cheap Replaceing Both Cylinders
I'm looking at something that looks more like it needs spade connectors to work with, but I can't tell for sure what I'll be able to fit will be the same side as the pins on the relay. All I know for sure is that the new relay seems to always prime eventually if I leave it alone (step away to get some things or whatever and come back a few minutes later with the fuel pump primed), but enough of the time slightly pulling on the relay or putting pressure on points near the wires gets it primed sooner.

If the pins in the connector test okay, can I reasonably assume that the electronics in this old ECU aren't 100% and gets stuck during the bulb test (until it decides to prime the fuel pump) are at least partially responsible? Sure would be nice to be able to turn the key and reliably get the fuel pump primed.
thanks man, ive seen some videos and the only one that seems likely to be the issue is the Parking Break wire might not be working, so the radio thinks im driving and that disables the map and other features because of "safety" or some stupid shit
i'll have to take the whole head unit out and ground the parking break wire attached to the back of it by taping it to some inert piece of metal

really stupid issue all in the name of safety so retards dont run off the road while fiddling with the GPS
a good scantool can connect to the radio and read trouble codes from it, which may provide clues
also are you sure it's the parking brake output? i'd guess it would be the vehicle speed sensor that tells the radio the car is in motion as most people don't use the parking brake. a good scantool can also give you live data for the vehicle speed sensor that you can check for accuracy
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When did Audi get their shit together again with motors? 2013?
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My wife's Honda fit windshield needs to he replaced.
>Honda recommends full mouldings and trim replacement as well
>mechanic says just the glass and beutyl will be replaced/needs replacing
>I can go through insurance if i want
>Honda is 3 times the cost vs. My mechanic
What would you do?
I want to buy a 4-door fox body and make it nice for a daily. Tell me I'm retarded wand what I should buy instead. I want a sedan, but I also like old BMW/Mercs. Wouldn't mind a 190 evo clone. I just don't know if ANY of these are passable as a daily.
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just an update
sitting in the passenger seat, turning on (accessory mode) and engaging the hand brake somehow worked
i managed to finally hook up my phone by bluetooth and drove around so the GPS could get my position

saved me the pain of yanking the whole head unit out
I use my signal towards mergers to let them know that they are staying behind me, as I block them.
If you suspect the starter, you’re probably right. Its job is easier when tested on the bench. I worked at parts stores and cautioned that I could test a starter to verify it s bad but, not to verify it is good. Crack it open and flip the bushings. They are only worn on one side.
really just depends on the motor. the 2.0 were absolute junk, the GDI 1.8 is decent. they've always been hit or miss going all the way back to the 70s
Hope I didn't just make a big mistake. I was getting gas today and just reflexively pushed the button for the cheapest one. It wasn't until I was half full I noticed it wasn't normal unleaded but something called Unleaded88.
It says it's up to 15% Ethanol. There was a label next to it that said only use it if your car is made after 2001 or some sort of hybrid. I'm driving a 2007 jeep, am I going to be ok or could it possibly fuck up my engine?
I went online and put in a request. Dude is on his way. How much should I tip him?
When my Ford explorer needed a windshield, I went to a place that just did windshields and I paid cash. I dont think insurance is worth it when you factor in the deductible and the paper trail.
You can try dilution by dumping a swig of gasoline in the oil, the night before.
Carfax only says what someone enters.
Drench with alcohol. Soluble and volatile for fast drying.
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>Tip the mechanic
kek, what the fuck
Did they change the mouldings and trim or literally just the glass?
He didnt wanna do it lol.
Thats a good question, bro. Pretty sure it was just the glass and they glues it to the existing rubber/plastic. I remember they put blue painters tape on the edge and told me to leave it on for 24 hours.

This is the spot

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I know this is bullshit and BMW is just trolling, but it's not exactly rocket science, I can't see why he'd turn away a 6 minute job. Fucking useless. Your probably best off grabbing a cheap socket set off of amazon if you don't already own one, and just do it yourself.
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Update on the BMW I changed the plugs and it came to life. smokes like a mf but runs and drives well. tried to let it idle for a while but still smokes like no tomorrow. white in color. doesnt smell like coolant so i doubt its a head gasket at this point, but like i said cylinder and old plugs were caked in burnt oil.

what do you guys think? CCV?
can test if ventilation is working by removing oil cap with engine running and if nothing changes its clogged.
You gotta hook up a scan tool and reset the computer too, retard. It's not as simple as removing some bolts and loosening the battery clamps.
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Wait, so you're telling me you not only have to "remove some bolts and loosen the battery clamps", but you also need to plug in one of those fancy schmancy computer thingys that you can find on amazon for 60 bucks? Fuuuuuuuuck, well that really complicates things, only some kind of uber smart technician or engineer could deal with that situation. If only OP had called a professional who deals with diagnosing automotive problems, no doubt he would've carried one of those gameboy things.
Thanks friend. Will look into it
If there's a car I really like that is everywhere on the used car market but only in obnoxiously blue or green factory paint, is it possible to get a darkened vinyl wrap or clear coat to tone it down to a more mature shade of blue or green? Car is a Mazda2 if that matters
>darkened vinyl wrap or clear coat
Not sure this really exists for this use case, as the stretching of the wrap would probably cause the tint to thin out and be lighter or darker in different areas, depending on how it's been applied. Regardless, I think you be better off just getting it wrapped in a solid colour, rather than trying to "tint" the existing one.
Is your car made after 2001?
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ended up pulling the DISA valve, which was covered in oil. figured the CCV system was fucked. removed all of it and seems like we have a winner

just scored a 5000 dollar car for 1250 bucks cuz of a fucking pcv system. thing even has a retrofitted android auto system. unreal
>Am I allowed to seethe, or do I just need to cope?
I just jam out to 90s pop and let those problems wash off.
Pressure times area equals force and those are pretty big, so..
Never going to have sex
So...Get a longer handle?

No shit.
Get a valve stem core remover.
Nice find anon hope car serves you well.
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My car's original radio still turns on and displays everything fine but isn't outputting any sound. Has cunt carked it or would it be a fuse I can replace. Could take a photo of it on but can't be fucked going back outside.
"drive a Prius" and "stick my dick in a girl' don't belong in the same sentence
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i heard used car dealerships just spray the engine bay with WD40 to make it look nice

here's a quick picture of the engine i took earlier in the day, im really surprised a 2014 vehicle looks this new and im just paranoid they're hiding something like rust or a faulty hose somewhere

What im trying to say is, what are the important spots to inspect in an engine bay that could help me understand the state of the car in terms of age and things that are close to breaking or giving out?
I know a few like
>gasket area around engine
>air filter
>any plastic or rubber hose
anything else?
also can you notice anything out of the ordinary from the picture?
it's a 2AR-FE if that helps
For what it's worth, the relay seems to work its best after driving around for a bit. On one hand, I believe metal expands when exposed to heat, so what's probably happening is that connections improve after some use. On the other hand, it's not always quick to prime even after a bit of use, so I still can't help but wonder if the computer is playing a role in this issue.

Either way, the pins in my car don't resemble the pins shown in that video, so I'm only guessing at what needs to be done.
How often is vin-check bro around? I don't want to drop the cash on a carfax for this truck just yet but I'd like to know what's wrong with it.
You can see if your car has an external ampifier. If so it's possible the fuse to the amp blew or the amp itself went bad. If the amp is in the headunit itself, odds are one of the output transistors blew or something similar.
honestly if you're a wrenchlet to the point you think spraying wd40 on an engine will cover up a faulty hose, you should take the car for a PPI to a mechanic. if the dealer is shady about doing that, find a different dealer.
Hello, I hope the driving was for you good today, certainly was for my 20mn commute, got most green lights.
I'm on the edge about buying an 1994 Audi 80 to escape my city's gas emissions' regulation as driving an oldie. There were several engines available on the B4 from 1.6 l to 2.8 V6, with increasing power understandingly. The 2.0e in question is rated at "only" 90hp at 3000 rpm ; sounds in range ? (for a 2 liter engine? ).
these were great cars back in the day, but keep in mind parts will be difficult to get and could give considerable downtime while searching for a replacement. lots of things that don't normally fail on a car will fail due to age.
yeah i dont even own a socket wrench
but im trying my best to understand my car so I can work on it with confidence

it's a bit late for a PPI since i've already bought it
but i did look around it and the only big issue im seeing is the rear calipers on the wheels are a bit rusted
the front calipers look fine though
>but i did look around it and the only big issue im seeing is the rear calipers on the wheels are a bit rusted
doesn't sound like an issue, pretty normal in the salt belt actually
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is there a way to speed up rust removal process?
Im using wired drill with wire brush but there is something wrong with the electrical grid in the garage since the drill spins at few hundret rpm only.
inb4 fix the grid-garage aint mine so dont want to fuck with that kind of stuff.
battery driven ones are also somewhat not an option. the one i got has fucked batteries and even then brushing drains the battery fast even on good batts
sounds like your facilities and tools are completely inadequate. I'd say buy a compressor and use an air grinder but it sounds like the power source is too shit to run one and if you won't even buy a new battery grinder then you won't be buying anything else either
I'd look around the bonnet hinges and the seams in the upper firewall. probably too early to tell in a car that new but if the windscreen seal is leaking they'll generally start rusting out in those areas and it's generally a death sentence unless you really want to spend money
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get a real drill, flap disc on a grinder, or just a wire brush like pic related and lots of elbow grease. make sure to black primer over the top and coat it with fluid film so it doesn't just rust up again.
additionally any tips do deal with pinholes?
once again welding isnt really an option.
gramps suggested using bit of fibreglass and some epoxy. how viable is it?
also ive heard of jbweld whats the proper term for that stuff? not an american so doubt ill find the exact brand.
i wouldn't use fiberglass or epoxy like jbweld, as both will collect salt/moisture and trap it against the metal spreading the corrosion.
if you absolutely can't weld, just clean it up, paint it, and fluid film it
what bout solder?
Don't know how to "read" spark plugs. Is pic related okay? they are a couple years old at this point, and I'm replacing them but do these ashy deposits indicate an issue with the engine?

Perfectly viable, if a little ghetto. Old school trick is to use lead, but that went out of vogue around the 70's/80's
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Rodent deterrent suggestions?

The little bastards got under the hood of my Town Car and gnawed through a vacuum hose.

I've heard moth balls might do the trick and that would be easy. My mechanic also said the little ultra sonic motion detectors with strobe lights you hook up to your battery worked really well for another customer who was having mice problems.
Vinegar but you need to rinse it all off and neutralize with baking soda or it just keeps eating.
In north Carolina how the fuck do you get in ever for knowledge test. They only have walkins for 4 hours a day and theres no availability for scheduling for the year within a 1hr radius for me
the number of years doesn't matter so much as the number of miles
that said, i would guess you've been using cheap gas, other than that, it looks good
wr blue or cw pearl brz?
I put mothballs in a couple of cars but they stink and cause health problems , which is why you only want to use them on things you're not going to use for a long time. Not good for a daily driver Unless the engine bay is completely sealed off from the HVAC and the car is parked outside. You can also just pepperspray your engine bay, ez pz
No retard. We use tire shine for that, not WD-40. Also it just makes things shiny, it doesn't hide anything. If the car runs properly after being pressure washed and tire shined with the engine running, it pretty much means the vacuum lines and electrical stuff is in good shape.
not really a stupid question, but i dont see the need to make a thread for this
does anyone have the old wat racing logos?
like there was a ralliart one, a ford one, etc
If I usually park on a steep hill would that deter thieves from stealing my wheels or not?
Merc is short for Mercury.
likely yes lmao
Is this cam holder fixable?
I can tell you from personal experience moth balls do absolutely nothing other than permanently make your car stink of both moth balls and mouse piss.
The only way to keep mice out is put it on jackstands that are inside of 5 gallon buckets and take the wheels off.
Or you can wrap anything chewable (wiring harnesses etc) with rodent tape.
Or you can keep cats in the area, their piss will repel mice and they'll eat the braver ones.
>They only have walkins for 4 hours a day
walk in?
is reving in neutral le bad for the engine?
Engine don't care.
what causes a pinhole leak in a radiator? mine’s been leaking from the fins or somewhere along the bars that connect all the fins together. manufacturing defect? or was the previous owner just being a gorilla when handling the install?
i have a 2021 sentra with front tires that have slightly different tread depth (one has 5,500 miles, the other about 12,000 miles) but they are they exact same model of tire, so the car pulls a bit to the side of the worn tire. been driving like this for a while, is it likely to cause any drivetrain damage? I know these cars have brake assisted limited slip, which is pretty much an open diff that gets modulated by brake force.

One of many things. Physical damage, also not doing coolant changes will slowly rot the thing from the inside.
Sure. Thread a tube and slap it in.
Thread it in how? I can kinda see how driving a punch or something into it might force that rod back into its proper place, but my punch is too big for that hole and is only tapered at the tip anyway.
Badass. This is why we invest in car knowledge, to score deals like this
Am I blind or is a thread tap busted off in there?
What's wrong with Mexicans?
What are some factors to consider before thinking about financing a motorcycle?
>no debt fag who's never financed a vehicle always paid in full
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That's a cam holder you're looking at. Somehow the exhaust-side rod on the rocker assembly got detached just enough to stop bolts from going in.
Well it looks broken.
Can you make it go?
It certainly does. I just wish there was a clear way to unbreak it.
the radiator is rusting from the inside out, the pinhole is just a spot where the rust made it all the way through, most likely it's much more extensive on the inside.
the cause is not replacing coolant (or using the wrong coolant for the vehicle). coolant should be replaced every 2 years, after this time the stabilizers begin breaking down and it becomes acidic which allows it to corrode the metal throughout your cooling system.
for some reason normies can't replace their coolant and drive around for years with acidic orange sludge instead of coolant.
no, it'll be fine, the diff is not that sensitive.
What could be this strange sand like stuff in my radiator cap? Is it some previous owners stop leak attempt?
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11 charger pursuit(decommissioned) 5.7 rwd. Intermittent no bus warning, wipers come on, cluster goes wild, shifting gets sluggish, TC off indicator comes on, and check engine light for bus communication codes stored to the computer with harder launches and stops with occasionally going off over bumps while turning left. Give the dashboard a good forward bump and the issue clears right up or it clears itself up after a short period of time. I pulled the govebox to see if the bus brick there had anything loose; but it's all good I'm thinking a wire is grounding out where it shouldn't; but I'm loathing pulling the whole dash without having an idea where I should be looking. Anyone familiar with decommissioned chargers and stelantis can bus diagnostics?
my seats are roasted (2005 f-150)

they are the most basic seats ever, cloth/manual track. replacement seats are like 150$ at junkyard and they also look horrible.

how bad of an idea to just buy cheapo aftermarket racing seats? atleast they would be clean.
forgot pic.
I have Motamec MRX seats in my miata, and I find it them far more comfy than the stock seats, so probably not that bad of an idea if you don't mind having to slide in and out of buckets every day. Though with that being said, If price is the main issue for you, then the combined cost of the racing seats and brackets to fit said seats would be more than a junkyard set. You can save some cash by fabbing some seat mounts yourself, but it would probably still be more cost effective to just buy stock seats.

If I were in your position, I'd just get some second hand stock seats.
i mean amazon sells the cheapest jeg racing seats for like 120$ a pop, which is 100$ cheaper than any good condition 2nd hand seat ive found. i feel like i could find a way to re-use the bracket even if its ghettorigged..hmmm...
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If you can justify the cost with the advantage of having fresh seats, then the biggest hurdle will just be dealing with them day to day. I have no issue with mine, and actually really prefer them over the stock miata seats, but some people hate having to "climb" into and out of them. Seatbelts can also be a bit fiddly, but you can make it all work. Completely up to you, bro.
there's no need to replace the whole seat. if you have a pair of hog ring pliers, some hog rings, and a couple hours, you can replace that and have it looking factory fresh, for example https://www.amazon.com/ECOTRIC-Driver-Bottom-Compatible-2004-2008/dp/B08MX95GYP/
How come we don't see any mid-engine or rear-engine rally cars anymore? I'm talking actual rally cars. I know the Porsche 911 Dakar is out and I find that actually cool and parially why I'm asking the question. What's wrong with rear-wheel steer and rear-engine in an offroad/loose road context? Especially when the early days had some winners with at least mid-engines and AWD.
because in late stage capitalism, the faggot MBA bean counters won't allow anything to be built that can't share a platform with 6,000,000 other generic vanilla cars. also nothing can be made that doesn't pass the focus group that consists exclusively of minority women.
does a blown headgasket always smoke? i have a mobile mechanic telling me my 2018 ford (3.5 ecotec engine) has a blown headgasket, but it makes no smoke or anything like that. but it does have a slight sweet smell but its had that since i bought it 3 years ago.
its dead simple to tell if your head gasket is fucked.
>pull dipstick
does it look like pudding? youre fucked
>pull radiator cap, start engine
is it bubbling? youre fucked.

if neither of those things are true youre probably alright and just smelling something else. a bad catalytic converter can smell sweet.
correct. but a few (4-8) bubbles are normal if the cooling system was never properly bled. a better way to test that second method without making a mess in the engine bay is to use a spill free funnel and start the car, then investigate for EXCESSIVE bubbling. EXCESSIVE. but that’s just my retardation trying to play it extra safe.
If I wanna upgrade from the jap and korean shitboxes I'm used to to a C5 vette, would the cost of ownership be more reasonable than one would think? Aside from having to use premium gas and the inevitable insurance hike?
I have 5 wires, 3 from a 3 way switch - black brown and blue, and positive + negative power. I want to wire this up to a motorcycle headlight that has 4 wires - black red yellow and blue. How would I go about this so that the 3 way actually works?
Get a wire diagram and a multimeter. Without knowing why you want a three position switch connected to a lightbulb that may or may not have different brightness settings, what do you expect us to say?
Why does everyone tell you to not lube brake seals?

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