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This is a threat for offroading and offroad adjacent activities.
Post rigs in your driveway, put your phone away on the trail.
Booli SXS boomers.
Talk about all the parts that are falling apart on your trugg.
Post pics during mid repair rage break.

prev >>27789211
My favorite flavor even.
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i put a new air freshener in my trugg i like it
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Had to look it up. Understood
Just bought another XJ for 500, gonna go to the junk yard today and pull another TDI motor and do a second diesel swap
i just spotted another buldge!!! i gotta follow him home and give him a sucky wucky
Don't forget to put it in neutral before going to 4 lo
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based OP
>annoying tripfag from /k/
you should really just fuck off
supposedly this dude is a chomo
Dont send him back to /k/ hes been gone and its nice.
>endless Ukraine posts are nice
Ah, the cancer shows itself
>ran when parked
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K hasn't been "nice" since reddit flooded in
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>he doesn't know
can you maybe give me one of those xjs?
over here in europistan the cheapest okay ones are around 3k.
Honestly its the same here. I wouldn't buy a $500 XJ in 2010 unless it was for parts.
I don't care* ftfy.
Back to your larping
Whatever queer
Now post your offroad vehicle :)
>want factory rock rails for my FJ
>eBay wants a fortune from retarded retailers
>Call 4 different dealers near me
>Prices range from $500to $625 for exact same parts in the exact same county
I hate them bros but I love how these look and how they don't stick out too far, just enough to keep car doors from hitting me and then protection from rocks on the trails.
cummies is yummies
Posted it ITT b4 you did :^)
Cool larp bro! Bet you pretend to have guns too
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Only airsoft
You're trying too hard
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Buy an Affordable Pipe Bender for $500 and some DOM pipe and make your own for $750. Then make another one for your friends truck and charge him $500 and it'll only cost you like $400.
Then use it to make bumpers to further reduce the entry cost. You'll end up spending more overall either way.
There’s nothing wrong with it, my friend lives in Cali and it won’t pass smog
It runs and drives and it’s in good shape other than the grill missing and the paint being faded
where do you live?
gay area in northern California unfortunately
There's a straight area?
I'm the beacon of straightness in this crooked ass town
parts of northern californian are amazing. hop onto the fj forum people post these for sale constantly you will need to fix them up a bit but they go for cheap

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