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>Renault Clio
1.6l, 80k miles, £2000
>Ford Fiesta
1.4l ,110k miles, £1200

my two options right now, which is the least retarded choice?
just need a car to fuck about in
Stick with the bus pass for now.
i refuse bro i cant handle it anymore
Blue colour is much cooler
Clio looks better generally

As far as i know both great cars.
those wheels on the fiesta are hideous.
Also if either of them have any shit like a pod filter, get the other one. Not that it's bad but it's a sign that it's been owned by someone who thrashes it around.
clio looks better

real choice is a 325ti
Huge difference in mileage too. Go with the Clio. If it's just 50% as good as my old Peugeot 106 used to be then it's a great car.
That's a Clio GT isn't it? That's got a slightly detuned version of the Twingo RS engine in it. Exhaust and a remap will free up some extra horsepower and it actually sounds pretty good for a little 4-banger to boot.
From that very limited set of info the Clio sounds better to me.
Check what insurance would cost for either, I hear it's expensive as shit overe there.
Might be worthwhile to check out some grandpa-cars too just because of that.
>First car
Clio is better car out of these two options.
Maintenance matters too so get the cleanest example you can afford so it probably has not been trashed yet.
>325ti at all
Either get a proper 3 series or don't get one at all
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Why are eur/o/s like this?
shit little cars are fun
I'm sure you're having so much fun carving canyons in your 100hp city car on eco tyres with suspension tuned for Stacy and her on the go makeup routine.
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no i mean they're fun all the time because you can thrash them everywhere and it feels like you're going fast when you're not.

there are lots of objectively high performance little cars too.
So... do you dislike those as well?
>triple digit horsepower figure
That's a full blown sports car in yuropisstan

But is your shitbox a high performance small car or is it some npc commuter, designed by a committee, that can't break the speed limit or go uphill?
Yeah, thought so.
my high spec shitbox was dominant in endurance racing for like a decade, against bigger cars, has a large tuner scene, and is pretty quick, yes

i still think shit shitboxes are fun though. Some of my best memories driving are when i was ~16 in a properly shit shitbox just thrashing it. I don't know why you think some new driver needs a sports car or else they're a loser.
If you're
>learning to drive
>learning to wrench
a shit shitbox is the best thing you can have.
>can't break the speed limit or go uphill
I can do either but not at the same time

>not buying the car with extra heat treated hard parts
Get the Clio, lots of fun, a bit faster, easy to modify - generally something you can rag all the time.
>but le racerino version of my 1.0L cuckbox
Nice cope
No, my one is fast. It's the fast one.
what do you drive cunt?
That guy spends 10 hours a day posting the same shit here but never posts a car or tools
I'm not that familiar with that specific gen of fiesta but I know a bit about the Clio. The petrol engines have an appetite for induction coils. The timing belt needs to be replaced every 50k kms alongside the tensioners and accessories belts. The suspension is made out of chewing gum and paper clips so if the roads aren't smooth around where you live you'll be doing a lot of suspension work. Don't buy one with a sunroof, they're all leaking. Also the headlight bulbs burn quite easily.

Why would you even bother to try and modify a NA 1.6L engine. It will be more effective to sell the car and buy the R.S.

You're not wrong but you don't have to be a dick about it.

Funny how everyone owns the fast versions but whenever a car gets posted it's never fast.
Stop being a gay cunt and link the cars. I found the Clio as the GT is rare. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/car-details/202406160808639

I'd avoid this one purely as it's had 11 owners.
Absolute state
Post your $50000 shitbox
>Might be worthwhile to check out some grandpa-cars too just because of that.
Big this. Someone got a list of OAPmobiles with big engines small insurance?
Is that how much it costs in commieland to own a car with an engine bigger than a can of cola?
You tell me.
insurance is around 2k a year for both of them
the cheapest ive ever been quotes was for a gen1 1.6 volvo s40 which is a proper grandad car and that was still 1600 a year
It's OP's first car and he's in the UK, insurance on an RS would fucking murder him.
3rd Gen Clio's are a solid buy by all accounts, I've got an '09 (same model as posted but pre-facelift). They're easy to drive and easy to work on. You'll have to clean the scuttle drains once every couple of years if you live somewhere with high leaf debris but consider it your intro to wrenching. Front sub-frame can be prone to rust but they're relatively cheap to replace.

The Fiesta is 'faster and sportier' but that's all it has going for it, mechanically they've had a larger history of faults; front suspension, water pumps, bent steering racks and inconsistent idling aren't uncommon, they're all cheap and easy fixes. Ford also love their electrical gremlins so it's good advice to learn how to do a system reboot via the diagnostic port before undertaking any work on anything with a sensor.

Another big thing is the 1.6l is naturally aspirated where the 1.4l has a turbo. Turbos put additional strain on the engine and the 1.6l will last a lot longer as a result and with the lower mileage you're doubling that investment (and it's one less point of failure). Whatever you go for make sure you find out when the water-pump and cambelt were last changed, both are at that age where it 'should' have been done but if it's not unusual for this to have been skipped if it's changing hands and if it goes suddenly, the whole thing is scrap. The good news is most people sell them on knowing it needs to be done and will knock money off to account for this.
Slightly off topic but I'm considering seriously a fiesta ztec 1.4 2010, only 30k miles. For £4500. Only 1 owner since new, this was a granny who has now stopped to drive. Going to see it on Sunday. If I like it I will carry out a pre purchase inspection (will pay a mechanic to do it)

Good choice?

Was considering a fit/jazz, but learned to drive in a fiesta.
Are UKfags allergic to horsepower or something? Why the fuck are you all searching for the slowest cars you could possibly find?
Is this just mutts falseflagging?
Yuropistan and especially The United KEKdumb are literally not -allowed- to have nice things.
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>searching for the slowest cars
You forget our roads aren't made for obesemobiles, we'll happily take our compact shit-boxes down narrow dirt-tracks at speeds that would make you crap your pants in your 'vette.
Those are both pretty cheap, can buy in cash, though that is a lot of miles. Would drive and check for issues, especially the transmission.
>wut first car
For your first car I wanted something cheap to run, and cheap parts, cheap insurance and cheap tax. So I decided to go with something not too underpowered, so about 100 hp, but I don't need anything better than that as I don't want to wrap my car around a tree and not spend too much money.

I'd love something better and nicer once I learn to drive properly.
Your slowbox never seen a rally stage. You never sped down a dirt track as to not ruin your car. Stop larping.

Can't you get one of your parents to co-sign the insurance?
Also how the fuck is 100 hp not too underpowered? My first car was a GTI and even that felt underpowered at times despite having almost twice that.
aygos are super gay and all the yaris' and corollas are over priced because paki families love them
fiat pandas are based
My parents don't drive and live abroad
>Assumes 60 down a dirt track is "speeding".
Lol, you got cucked by bushes and dirt.
No one sane does 60 on these, as you can get other drivers going towards you, horse riders, senpai machinery etc. it's a two way track most likely this is what you get in the UK lol
u just sound like a massive pussy lmao
have fun on the highway

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