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sneed edition

previous: >>27835272
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>no links
>no funny meme arrows
bad OP
shit thread
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Ar least the dipshit managed to get dbt in the title.
thread with links
Wheres the map?

IPs: 3
Your thread is shit
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Gookmoot removed IP counts retard. That count is for the files now.
Look, now it's 4
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Based thread. Fuck weebs. Harley. HYB
Trash thread brother
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Big handlebars afficianados society.
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Damn this is a based thread.
When I rode 2T everyone I knew used Motul. Some people tried Walmart Supertech, which is stocked for chainsaws and farm shit, and the only noticeable difference wss more smoke. Probably that indicated something else going on internally. Anyway, my advice is to use anything but "white label" branded cheap shit.
gents... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4tA8WYu2sE
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Im steadily getting better with the clutch and shifting gears. Definitely better when I'm moving compared to starting off. Alot of embarrassing stalls, or Steve attempting to fling me into an intersection. More practice is needed.
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Imagine watching this shit unironically. How fucking dumb do you have to be
I do not care about what corporate suits do for twitter cred or what nerds on youtube say about it.
To be clear, your support the LBGTQ+=> community though?
>or Steve attempting to fling me into an intersection.
Are you a woman or a gay? Who names their bike "Steve"?
I support individual freedom. I don't have to agree with or like how other people live, but I have nothing to say about it as long as they aren't hurting anybody but themselves.
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Because I already have a bike with a female name, and it didn't seem fitting to start harem. I am a pious man. Don't question me anon. Just laugh at me for stalling Infront of the cute cop.
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Correction, stalling 3 times Infront of the cute cop.
I waved at a motorcycle cop by mistake the other day. He hesitated, then waved back, and I felt bad about thinking it was a mistake to wave at him.
Whenever I pass a motocop or a highway patrol speedtrap I tap the top of my helmet as I pass them - most of the time I've gotten a helmet tap back, it's pretty funny
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>Those T7 boys are at it again!

HYB. Yamaha
He was probably just confused anon. Normally he probably gets the finger.
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Have you tried cleaning your head with a fine brass wire wheel on low speed on a drill?
Well if we're on the subject of naming motorcycles I propose this

Naked=Female Name
Vintage=Old Female name
Shitbox=Something entertaining
Dual Sport=Male Name
Motocross= Dealers Choice
Superbikes=Female name (Preferably Attractive sounding)
Street bikes above 250cc=Female Name
Street bikes 250-150cc=either
Street bikes >150cc=Female name
Harley Davidsons and EV=Gay male name (Francisco, Omarian, Keith)
My truck was called Trucky by the old owner so I'm calling my bike Tenny to stick with the theme
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Bikes have to earn a name, you can't just give it one like it's a pet or child. Your bikes name should reflect a memorable event or accomplishment, or else a long running situation or problem. Until it earns a name it's just "my (insert model or make here)"
my bike had to kill it's mentor to stop world war 3 and was awarded the title of big boss
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My bike is called Duck. I bought it next to the river, it stays outside when it rains, and compared to my older ones it flies.
>male name
My better half calls my hurly Rootbeer. Way cooler than Keith
Don't know which dbt gonna get deleted so I'll post it here too
>FB Marketplace immaculate 80s scooter half the price any other should cost
>single picture
>listed a month ago
>profile is a white boomer but is active
How suspicious should I be?
Didn't mean to quote I am hungover please understand
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What makes riding in the forest so kino, bros?
Nature is very relaxing
For me it's the smell and temperature.
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How riding 50cc in traffic feels
Watch Call Me By Your Name

watch Summer of 85 instead since its better and it has a cool 80s Suzuki which one of the character rides fast to escape his feels
At dealership getting first service done on new bike.
> Supposed to be at 300miles
> Pulled in at 500+
Close enough....
kek thats cool. glad that some of them have a sense of humor
posting in the real /dbt/ (no links)
Nobody looks at that shit anyway
>"1.44 MB of shota porn!"
Honestly is there a better feeling than riding? Today I was out just riding around no where in particular. Maybe I just got lucky but it just feel like such a perfect moment[s] today. Clean air, fun bike ride, twists, speeding up on long stretches, etc. I just felt so relaxed and calm while cruising along. Honestly haven't felt that good in a long time.
>Honestly is there a better feeling than riding?
Solo in a small aircraft. Way too expensive, though, so motorcycles are the next best thing.
How do you deal with cops though? I can't enjoy riding after getting my first speeding ticket. Almost lost my license. Im too anxious to go over the speed limit now.
ride a harley. cops wont bother you if you are slow
>get new bike
>paper tags fly off
oops xD
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4chan is an anime website. Not all anime is the same. Some of it is good, even high art, some of it is just degenerate. Same with Hollywood. Some Hollywood films are high art, some are just degenerate.

Just because you enjoy something like Akira, Memories, Perfect Blue, Ghost in the Shell, or Jin-Roh doesn't mean you are some creepy ass dude who watches animes about little girls in high school.
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my suspension guy retired and he never revealed any of his 'secrets' how he valved my motocross suspension (he was always worried I would just do it myself). Now that he retired I might as well learn. I understand most of it, the one thing that I am not clear on is purpose of and how to adjust the float on the Showa upside down forks (these are for motocross). I have seen I think every vid and web page which all dance around it, with out breaking it out into detail. I have see comments on float gap, spring rate, spring size, spring cap size and so on . The main issue I want to address is the harsh impulse from high speed braking bumps (mid to top 3rd gear or faster). Its fine slower than that. I increased the float by removing one of three shims used to set it, and its a improvement, but there are only two very thin shims left. Any experienced suspension people have input?
Who truck+bike combo here? What're riding + driving and how're you liking them? Asking because I'm thinking about getting a truck to haul my bike with. Seems like a used F-150 is the clear winner, but I'm open to anything.
I just realized the reason I barely come to /dbt/ now is that you retards always split the thread
If you're hauling a dirtbike/dualsport you can get away with a 1/4 ton and they're a bit nicer to actually use as a car, but the gas mileage still sucks. Anything bigger, the extra length on half ton beds is the way to go. Single cab is honestly a meme and you should at least get an extended cab, having locking, enclosed storage behind the seats is necessary.
Blame the r6 chomo for making a new thread 20 minutes past, he really wants little wittle links to click on and to type shit nobody reads
Let him do it. If you don't want to put in the effort of providing links why put in any effort at all?
2009 Ford Ranger 4x4 and a 2018 KLR650

Transported a DRZ and KLR in the back with no problems.
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21 Road King Standard
15 Ram 1500 SBRC
Love me hawg.
Love me trugg.
Simple as.
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03 gmc 1500
96 super glide
oil all over my garage floor
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Silverado 1500, Tracer 9 GT. Trucks paid for and its what I got. Gets the job done. Love the Tracer.

In the near future I'll probably also have a second gen SV650.
Also add that the Second-generation Silverado (2007-2013) are the last decent Silverado 1500's. Little use of CANBUS (mostly only on the engine harness, and lack of other fancy electronics. 5.3 v8, without the select cylinder option, and with the four speed transmission is the way to go. They're really easy to work on. People with them are exceeding 250k miles with ease.
Ford maverick and a couple groms
Well I did it, I ordered some Bison gloves. Hopefully they're as awesome as people say.
based gnome
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New shift lever came in. Feels better than the stock lever and I can get my foot around it easier.
Kill yourself.
Based I'm gonna take the rubber off my shift boot and try it out too
Should've gone for a Super Cub's shift lever so you can shift with your heel too. Makes city riding comfier.
Has anyone ever bought a track prepped bike? Anything to look out for besides tittle issues? Is it better to just get a stock SV650 for half the price and ride that for a season?
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For me its the off chance I find something interesting
Track bikes have usually been crashed at some point. Low sides are no huge deal, but look at the steering stops to see if it's ever tumbled end over end.
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for me its the off chance i run my dinner over
1 day
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>sneed edition
first bike. Made the jump because Aussie prices are fucked and the Jews are never lowering them again.
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>tfw can't ride
Can any Australians tell me how much I should expect to pay to get into biking, aside from the cost of a bike? License, gear, insurance etc.
My bike (>>27840806) cost me $7,500, third party insurance was about $180, gear was about $1600 (got a couple pairs of riding pants) and fixing some stuff on the bike was about $250. All in all it totally cost me $9,250 or something like that.

If you wanna get a CBR300RA or an R3, you can probably get a good one for like 4k or 4.5k
A year or month? What the fuck I thought aussies had it bad. That's amazing if it's a year
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I feel like you’ve never actually watched anime in your whole life

PokΓ©mon and dbz do not count
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Fucking love my bike bros . Simple as
>he says to the guy with anime and manga tattoos who's been doing cosplay over 25yrs
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>tfw no Harley tat
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Thip thip thip thip
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why the long face
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Handlebar looks like a Haro Kneesaver
New Panigale being ridden by Pecco Bagnaia at Misano.

Fuck r6fag and his tryhard thread.
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TGIF bros
Does anyone have one of these
Come to New Jersey
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Ford Maverick is the #1 best bike truck due to the low bed height and carlike ride.
Just get a Road King dude

>300cc falling out the back
Yeah no thanks
I can't put 37s on that stock. Wack
Thanks, I'll keep an eye out for that.
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>falling out
Never happened. By the way, I thought you were off the road king.
A bike?
No, nobody here has one
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>No anon i never use WD40, its got WATER in it and it wrecks everything

Its literally called "water displacement 40th formula"
Anyone else know some literal retards?
Chadfe wins again
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I had fun riding this morning
whats with the fog horns hanging off the back?
you aint a real biker unless you haddalayerdown a brand new road glide, hoss
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Thoughts on givin' em the TAPE?
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Based viffer

Why we got 2 threads?
At least I can post my new viffer again.
Old and ancient viffing
Sovl vs soul
>how to blind drivers and get rear ended: method 1
>woah a bright light!
>i must drive straight into the source!
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I couldn’t even consider a Maverick because a bike doesn’t fit in the back
Well, yes, this is car drivers we are talking about
I will now run the bike for 2 minutes and hope that the oil circulates through the system and sounds perfect after.

Pray for me.
Reminds me of me and an ex gf.
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sending good vibes ur way
>anime and manga tattoos
What show?
Fucking unobtanium 20w-40
If you hear the sound again, check compression. then marvel mystery oil right on the pistols may be your friend if you find compression to be too light
Street sharks. Duh
should i buy color coded gear for my bike
same anon again, i just read the problem in >>27840790

If you run a bit of mystery oil into it because the sound is continuing, and it doesn't go away. That's when I would take everything apart again and start using valvoline liberally throughout the system (valvoline is fantastic stuff, everyone should have a jar of it) where you can reach, and inspect for divots or grooves. If it does go away (keep an eye on cylinder temp) When you change your oil, take an oil sample and send it to Blackstone Laboratories (google them, they're great) and let them inspect the oil for flakes. They'll send your engine a bill of health and tell you if you've fucked the engine by not lubricating it correctly or not. Chances are though you'll be just fine, I think.
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Damn, I knew I should have checked the thread before leaving the auto store fot more coolant. Okay, I'll go back and get mystery oil.

I should pour it into the gas, right? Just a few ounces?
Oh I noticed you said mystery oil right on the pistons. So can I just pour it into the spark plugs to avoid taking the whole thing apart?
I hate mothpeople
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What would Holo say if I bought a v-stronk 800?
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Yo, nice viffers. How does the new one compare to the old one? I rebuilt the brakes and suspension on mine so it feels pretty new, but it's still real squishy (by design) compared to my new CB650.
Really, which one doesn't?
You "can" but be careful, anon. That's a dangerous rope to walk because you're putting it into the combustion chamber, at that point. If you do this, it could hydro-lock if it's not soaked through when you try to turn it over.

What I would try first, if you do not want to disassemble anything thinking back on it, is taking the spark plugs out and close off any fuel going to the system. You can add a little bit of your regular motor oil (less than a half teaspoon) into the plug holes at that point, but don't overdo it. Let it soak for a short while and then, with the plugs still out and fuel still off, turn the engine over a few times with the plugs out. Or add the motor oil and let it soak overnight before trying. This should lubricate the walls of the cylinders if you suspect your oil isn't doing it already.
And yeah Mystery oil is good for an additive but if you read the instructions for it, you're using a very light amount for the amount you add to gasoline. So putting it straight onto the pistols just means you need to be extremely light with it, just like you would putting any kind of oil right into a spark plug hole.
fucking autocorrect has done this twice now
wish I was rich bros...
sweet viffer

i have only driven the new one for about 10 minutes to test. getting it registered probably in 2 weeeks. so more in depth thoughts will be done later.

for what i can tell at the moment, the new one is a lot more agile to drive and seems lighter, a lot lighter actually. need to set up the suspention for my fat ass but seems crisp and comfy. seat position is almost the same but you can change the piosition on the new one to high low and change the seat angle.

both sound nice but i prefer the new one, the high pitched turbine gear driven cams is fun but i rather have a low pitch grumble.
we might install a slipon muffler, he had one laying around. gonna test if i like it even more
take out a few loans
as long as the color is black
I just came back with the mystery oil but I like your safer option using regular oil. Instead of pulling the throttle boddies again to avoid fuel getting in, could I just:
>pour a little oil down the spark plugs
>let it sit for a few hours
>manually turn the engine a few times with a wrench
Taking off the throttle bodies is a lot of effort and the injectors are probably full of gas so just taking fuel line off doesn't sound like it'll be enough
Move to America and become a plumber. Tradesmen in our country can afford all the trucks and bikes they want.
but the doodoo??
nice to meet some proper fuckups
Takes a while to make good money as plumber though
Plumber, electrician, diesel or aircraft mechanic, boilermaker, stagehand, lineman, take your pick.
The time will pass either way.
Does that guy who lives in apartment who sold his dirt bike still post here
Doesn't mean he'll pass his test and make good money lol
Fuck off, we're full
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>be plumber
>get called to a house
>fat guy broke a toilet again mid shit
Yeah takes a while to make good money doing anything you retard
Well, at least in that case he can go to bed knowing he tried. If he failed due to stupidity, it would be God's fault, so it would feel better than not becoming rich because he was too lazy.

Probably a garbling of it not being a proper lubricating oil
Not really. But stay mad I guess
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Ok, how do you make good money that doesn't take a while? Care to enlighten us?
>he doesn't know about slangin rock
sell your butthole
You don't pull wire.
No of course not I let the machine do it for me
Go larp in the other thread, nerd.
Manually turning it is the best option if you're sure the fuel is cut off, what is in the throttle body is dry, and the spark plugs are out.
Manually turning it means you can slowly actuate it through its entire range of motion to ensure the oil penetrates
I’m not rich but I’ve got a GMT900 with the afm deleted and a KLR-650 because I live in the middle of nowhere where nobody uses marketplace so I just snag all the good roadside deals lol
Bro you got that scout barely hanging in there. I give you credit for doing it, but that’s too sketchy for me even
>Wake up
>Check DBT
>See this
>Many questions of how and why?
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I own a construction company and make more money than you
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Oil poured (cap full each plug because a lot of it just gets caught up on the head where the spark plug washer sits) and waiting.

I started it up anyway (before pouring the oil) because I'm impatient and the sound is only coming from the right side, it sounds non existent when you go to the other side of the bike and it got me thinking...
Could it be the chain tensioner causing this sound? I put the cams on how the manual said but the chain tensioner didn't really feel like it did anything when putting it back in and I feel like it's broken...
Pic related is what it looks like
>Ethan doesn't post for a while
>some other insecure faggot comes and starts gloating unprompted about how rich he is instead

Karmic. Beautiful.
No because you'll have 3 other bikes soon and you don't want to be pigeonholed into one color
You sound really insecure
lol income larping
>own a construction company
And yet here you are shitposting in the middle of a friday. Must be a shit company with no jobs lol
He is quoting the scene in The Bikeriders where Norman Reedus' character shows up and meets Tom Hardy's character.
Pretty gay desu
I bought a new bike today and don't like it
how bout you post it faggot
Do you have a "lemon law" in your state? Sometimes you get a short period to reverse a car sale.
He's lying
Thats not what lemon law is, you fucking moron.
Didn't happen
gentlemen, what are our opinions on Sidecars? Are they cool and useful or are they gay and cringe?

I always thought they are cool but since I am new to bikes in general I have no idea what are the downsides of it or it if fucks with your bike in any way.
why didn't you test drive it
I think they look gay but is probably much safer and easier for carrying a passenger
>probably much safer and easier for carrying a passenger
idk man, I've seen some videos and apparently turning to the side opposite of the sidecar can be real fucking dangerous if you are not used to it and are using one of those rigid cages.
should have got a r6 dude. Bike is legit insane
i dont like em
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why would anki be mad
>turning to the side opposite of the sidecar can be real fucking dangerous
Put a sidecar on both sides. Simple fix, twice as much storage, or room for a second girlfriend.
that's just a car with no roof at that point...

Imagine someone missed their reps.
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>Does the type of 2 stroke oil I use matter? My local shop has like ten different brands and some of them are double the price per litre.

2 strokes mentioned

A lot of the stuff about oil is witch doctery but it depends on what kind of bike you have.
Useful and gay
Doctor said I need to start looking at bikes where my knee isn't bent as much. Feels bad bros
what do you reckon?
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Like a herald of the Reaper, the cruiser comes for all of us as we get older. Your choice is now between forward controls or floorboards with highway pegs.
Went on a trip through some twisties today but at a snails pace because I'm a looser
What's wrong with your knees?
I want to ride cruisers but all the training places here train you on rockets
lol good frog
Nigga and? Do you think you can't ride a road racing bicycle if you learn on a BMX?
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Quickshifter failed at 2500 km. Now at 6000 km. Most fun bike i've owned.
what bike?
Well, the problem is that I can't hear the sound. if it's the cam chain tensioner, you will hear a definite noise if you've been doing engine work on replacing old parts, and it was changed during the process of removing and adding parts.

I would put that as the next option to look into, whatever you do; do not get impatient and start checking more than one problem at once. If you happen upon the problem while you are trying to multtask, you will have no clue what did it and what to do next, just "one of these things I was changing".
bros, i spent 500 on a carbon fiber helmet and i feel like i got ripped off. i should have got a shoei instead of an ls2 but it was all i could find someplace physical I can go and try the helmets on at.

Did I get ripped off or is this just what prices are now
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2024 STriple
carbon is expensive, this is just life. you either get a heavy helmet that is cheaper and has other options like bluetooth, or you get a lightweight carbon helmet and don't think your neck is going to snap after a 4 hour ride.
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exploding knees
many such cases
Also that LS2 you're talking about, the advant X, the difference between the poly and the carbon is literally 1 once. fuck spending $100 more for that shit. What a scam.
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Pizza bike, pizza was shmushed a little but it's okay
>a little
that's a calzone at this point
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don't care, was tasty
no tips for you peter parker
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Australia is such a shit hole

https://youtu.be/jIH6dcbW9g4?t=725 (stamped)

Thief steals bike, paints the fairings, breaks an indicator, swaps the plates then gets caught. Then it got written off by insurance until repairs were made. Easy enough you think - nope! They came back with picrel on a bike with a condition better than most 2 year beginner bikes

i'd just ride it anyway
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90% of "damages" listed were literally just scratches
Closeout sales happen all the time, just wait brah. I got a carbon-aramid K6 from agv for ~250 when they had their last season closeout this year.

>sizing in store

a) most manufacturers offer free returns even on sales (third parties are finicky when it comes to this)
b) learn your head shape
at least you have cool accents
funny. I had to replace on my ku was a quick shifter too.
that'll be 9000 + tip
they must be sending their insurance claims off to samsung
I actually have a lidpickers report, and that's how I found this one. it was the only one on the report that match my head that was in-store that I could try out.
You may be right and I may just return it. Then just wait for a sale like you suggest, how often does this happen?
why don't you just lose weight instead of spending 300 dollars for 2 ounce lighter gear
lol yea they do, I always wonder what kiwi anon sounds like
I'm a sticc already, the only reason I got it was because it's all they had in my head shape.
I now realize that's a bad way to live but only after I bought it. I'll return it tomorrow if I have enough time.
$600 for the inspection btw.
>I'm a sticc already
post motorcycle body
if its any entertainment i'm 145 at 5'10", if i drop my bike, it could literally crush me
no youre a bitch
nah, shy.
post ur bod mr.gigachad
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>try to lane split on kawasaki h2 hydrogen
>giant hydrogen canisters that would make any floridian harley bagger blush catch into the side of a car
>bike explodes, killing everyone within a 200 foot radius

nah fuck you youre a tease. post your unsocked foot and maybe we can tlak
>no reply
anyway return expensive carbon helmet, wait for deal on better helmets. got it. thx bros
i don't put out on first date
what am i, a slut?
and the problem is what exactly?
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If youre going to go with high end shit, check out 6D street helmets.
cant masturbate to anime girls on motorcycles any more
Thanks anon, I'll give them a look
What's the advantage?
>go to california
>engine runs out
>have to walk 300 miles to the nearest water source to refuel
Made by americans for american heads. Shares high end tech from their motorcross helmet lineup. Light, quiet, properly sealing air flow vents when you need it. None of that shoei/arai mechanical bullshit that changes with every new helmet they release.
1997 + 2000 F150 and a 2000 Silverado (5.3, properly rebuilt 4L60E). Owned the 1997 since 2000 and the 2000 since 2004. Silverado built from multiple donors in 2016. All good, would buy again.

Liftgates are glorious. My 2000 F150 has Hellwig overloads, Timbren urethane boosters and a used Tommy Gate liftgate. Liftgate fits small bikes and I use used U-Haul ramps for easy loading (I ride up them). Will extend liftgate when the weather cools off to take my HDs.

Vintage British, various big twins and Sportsters, Honda 750 Interceptor

Good choices. Keep both forever since truggs are not improving and Evos are immortal. Smart play if you do and haven't rebuilt trugg trans is get a core and upgrade that for the future because 4L60E be like that. If you don't already have a 5.3 they drop right in.
>no foot
Kek this looks like the same chinese rebranded instagram dropship helmets I've seen on 4 different occasions too. It's funny how they're all race inspired
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>look into modern classic style bikes
>Triumphs now have a fake carb, fake engine cooling fins, and a fake exhaust
Who's the target market for this shit? At least Royal Enfields are still air cooled.
Thanks bud, I'll check them out. I don't think they're on the lidpickers report but I think I can trust their measurements
road in the rain today for the first time. was as based as I thought it would be.
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I was so right. Seems the only people who like them are the shills that got free ones
Worst of all the fuel tank has that stupid Japanese flange when a proper Triumph looks far better without.

Liquid cooling makes sense if you want more HP unless going oil boiler like the (very nice) Suzuki Bandits did. Fins do their job regardless but meeting emissions and having better top end life benefit from liquid cooling so Triumph used both.

Making EFI bits look like classic Amals fits since they had to look like something and that's the least ugly option.
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Posted in the other thread as I didn’t realize there were two. I found a very neat old abandoned industrial park in the middle of absolutely nowhere. No graffiti, no broken glass, just a bunch of giant concrete pads in the middle of my trail ride. Very very very cool.
I posted a couple other pics here:
Just stop being poor
>hurr i spent $500 on a helmet
Do you know how much this hobby costs?
you don't need gear if you never get into a crash
Neat. Don't share where it is.
feels sad commuter bike bros
I absolutely won’t loo. It’ll my by hidden baiku paradise.
Yeah, every time some youtuber finds something it gets destroyed.
Wow sorry i guess i had a stroke typing that.
Meant to say lol* and β€œit’ll be my secrete baiku paradise”
I’ll take more pictures tomorrow. It’s legitimately huge. I’d say 5+ acres of just concrete structures that never got finished. There’s also an abandoned mexican restaurant I think nearby (or maybe like tiki themed?) but I didn’t have time to explore it,
When I say middle of nowhere I really mean it, too. There’s a town of maybe 400 people nearby, but it’s more than an hour out from any significant population centre that would justify such a place.
if you never get into a crash then you never learn
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wew. people complain about the UK MOT but at least that focuses on actual mechanical stuff and safety items not if your leather seat is is scuffed.

Also why is Australia so nanny state about this anyway? along with the whole "if you do 10 kph over the speed limit you get 100 points and a 6 month ban" thing
Sure but I see these Shoei helmets that are touted to be the pride of the industry cost less than this one I just bought and I think "Where did I go wrong?"
>Also why is Australia so nanny state about this anyway?
They've been like this for years. The free and loose aussie died ages ago, some would argue during covid and some would argue the 90s and some would argue when their war hero was gunned down for not turning over his guns
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I can't take those cucks seriously after covid. Do they also get cucked on licensing like Yuropoors? like only 300cc to start?
What happened with the anime poster and his rattling engine?
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Also why did he think it was a good idea to leave a bike with the key missing maybe stolen in a mall parking lot chained up with the kind of tiny weak chain you only see illegally locking a firedoor? literally 30 seconds with a hacksaw.

that's 20x as retarded as anything else in the entire video. at least use a proper heavy chain and do literally anything to stop a crackhead from starting the engine wtf.
gf dropped the key in the lot and couldn't find it. women moment

sure but on knowing that why would you leave it there. at least wheel it somewhere less stealable or do even basic security. The entire video wouldn't have happened if he wasn't retarded.
SHOEI helmet you don't have
Helmet you do have and fits
which would you rather wear?
what I don't get is why they wouldn't just ask security or the mall manager to just house the bike inside for the night. Surely it would fit in their garage or shopping cart area.

but also real woman moment dropping the only key they have in the parking lot probably because she was thinking about hair or abbo dick or something
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It's pretty clear from it being driven off with the key (after bolt cutting the $0.99 padlock and the even cheaper combination bikelock) and them finding it in one piece out in the open with a fake plate that all they had to do was defeat average methhead and they failed.

I genuinely and factually believe that an $100 USD ($50,000 AUD) heavy motorcycle chain through the frame and back wheel (or a hefty U lock) would have saved that bike. depending on how strung out the thief was disconnecting the ground wire might have saved it.

Harrison Ford in a 2002 Playboy interview:

>Ford: Yeah. Let's just say I've had a lot of operations on my knees. My neck has degenerative disk disease. They're all the result of movies . I'm not talking about having done stunts that are unwise. They're just athletic injuries that come in the context of running, jumping and falling down. That's why I have the sport-touring bikes. One's a Honda VFR 750 that has been modified with a lot of stuff. I had the carburetor taken off, and changed to fuel injection. I took off 65 pounds of weight by going with carbonfiber rims. It's made a monster out of that bike,

There's also more recent pics of him riding a 6th gen
Weirdly enough, I don't hate it.
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harley davidson
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kek I just know the type of bike (commuter) and brand for you ;)
hyb HYB
all cruisers are commuter bikes and there is nothing wrong with that
>can't stunt on a cruiser
can't help but giggle at how he mogs the scooter everytime, as soon as he sees him he hits the brakes lol
I love my scooterbros but he got BTFO'd
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Blown the fuck outed? You're stupid.
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It was the cam chain tensioner. The release button was jammed and even the slider wasn't moving properly; it put practically 0 tension on the chain. Instead of using my other tensioner from the original engine I have, I just stabbed it a lot with an ice pick and eventually it worked.
Getting lots of smoke on startup but maybe it's because of the oil I poured into the plugs

After comparing a few videos of bad tensioners (one being a zx14r, there's 0 for the 12r ofc), it sounded the same as mine so I went straight to there after your oil method. I can say the engine was definitely easier to spin manually after pouring oil, I don't know if that's good or bad though
Thanks for the help anon
eastcoastin guys are nuts
You still pretending to be other anons?
It's a hobby in first world countries
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Name any reason to not daily a motorcycle and your answer will always be that you’re too pussy
Cool. Post your motorcycle
the whole scraping your elbow on the ground thing while riding a meme billboard bike is overrated
i just want to crank my hawg on public streets
>bong bikes
as expected
Nice Indian scout rogue, honwing
You jelly bruh?
Nah it looks a little suburb boomery for my taste
So you're super jelly.
Now post your motorcycle
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Good night dbt
I don't think I've ever seen a good looking Japanese bike. They all just look so uninspiring to me.
What do you ride?
Nope. I won't post. Haha

And no, I really am not jelly! Just looks like any old dyna. The swept pipes are super duper faggy and that quarter fairing too. But the paint is nice.
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Ahh, he's trolling. Gotcha
I just paid off my bike. It was like 9 grand left on the loan. Today I said fuck it, why am I sitting on this loan, and paid it off.

I wish I did it sooner. Even if I can afford the payments, the feeling of being free from them is so much better than sitting on cash.

Plus now I can sell my bike, trade it, or w.e
Anytime, yeah a little bit of smoke is expected if you just poured oil into the combustion chamber, it will burn off and it will seem like a new engine.
Glad it worked out, anon.
HOw much did you pay for that
Riding a vehicle you actually own just hits different. I would go so far as to say a motorcycle with a loan offers no true freedom. Debt bikes are not true bikes, yet.
I mean, I can agree. if I had bike payments I would be fucking terrified about doing anything other than treating it with kid gloves.
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Still loving my $700 VTR250.

Just put a new petcock, cleaned carbs since the screen had failed and they got shit in them, and got parts to refresh a few more things coming/waiting for install. Also lost 50 pounds so it feels a fair bit quicker than before.
how do i get a deal like this
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POV: you are now stuck behind the bee truck in gridlock
Cool bike man!
That's just irrational. If you crash a $10k bike you're out $10k whether you owned it or got a loan. Or, more realistically, you're going to face the same insurance consequences either way.

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