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My dad just bought a Challenger sxt that looks like this
I like the color sinamon stick and the silver wheels
What do you guys think
>sinamon stick
Most intelligent dodge owner
That's literally the name, IDK what to tell you
Sick car, really glad you can have fun with it, guys! Firm handshake and slap on the shoulder for dad. Made man.
why an sxt they are fucking slow
It’s a sweet looking color
I've always loved those cars and that color (though I'd prefer the Hemi). Congrats!
I initially wanted him to step up to the R/T at least but after thinking about it, I'm glad that he didn't.
These cars are some of the most stolen in the country, especially the Scat packs and above, and he's more akin to a boomer who doesn't know anything about this culture, than younger people like us.
I don't want him to get unwanted attention in a V8. He likes the looks, the SXT is the fastest car he's owned, and that is good enough.
CINNAMON you illiterate fool
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>Sinamon Stick (new metallic orange-red)
>Frostbite (new metallic blue)
>Hellraisin (new metallic dark purple)
>F8 Green (returning)
>GoMango (returning)
>Granite Crystal (returning)
>Indigo Blue (returning)
>Octane Red (returning)
>Pitch Black (returning)
>TorRed (returning)
>Triple Nickel (returning)
>White Knuckle (returning)
Europoors could never come up with names like these
It was me. I was the fool.
Troll thread, niggers don’t have dads.
you know the R/T 5.7L exists, right?
I had an SXT for 3 years. It was a great beginners car.
I traded for an RT and it's a huge difference.
Faster, Fatter, Sexier, and now I get ~7mpg less than on my sxt.
I love it tho.
meant to explain that no one is gonna want to steal an RT lmao.
Unless you got a supercharged, nogs won't bat an eye
I know what you are saying, and you aren't really saying anything I didn't know -- it wasn't my decision at the end of the day. I would have bought a manual R/T if I had a ~$40k budget and had to buy new.
As you said, the SXT feels like a beginners car, except my dad is pushing 50 and has a lot of money and bought this base trim anyway.
So, as you can tell, he doesn't know much about cars, and doesn't care much about them. Just wanted something cool looking I guess.
It's up to him to take this car as an introduction to at least tangentially enthusiast vehicles, drive it for some time, and think about upgrading later on.
Though I feel like the start up sound alone of an R/T would make you fall in love with one and want it. That's the thing about big engines, you don't have to be a "car guy" to appreciate them.
got my RT base model for 28k, and it is a 2022.
A fully loaded 2023 RT is like 36k. Manuals are closer to 40k tho
Good for you I guess, but for 2023-2024 new models, there isn't a single listing for an R/t within 100 miles that's below $40k.
sucks to live in a flyover state
Imma steal dat bitch mane
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>Statutory grape
Any odd color gets bonus points from me.
OP here, if you didn't know >>27939228 was the preceding post.
Points for making me look.
Which raises the question, is Dodge REALLY trying to make a pun with the name or are they simply accounting for their average customer's intelligence?
Anon you are retarded. People stealing the Challenger do not care about what model it is, they steal the body in order to chop it up and sell the parts. The engine is a nice bonus if it is a V8, but it isn't something that the take into a account when stealing a Challenger. All they see is the thousands they get from selling the doors/hood/bumpers/fenders/etc.
Hot af, sinnamon is pure sexo.
Plus the V6 is an incontestable signal that your dad has BWC.
Why does it lose to a v6 in an old nigsan?
>The engine is a nice bonus if it is a V8
This has to be bait kek, the 392 engine or hellcat engine are the primary reason for the theft.
And then maybe the transmission. And then maybe the tires.
If you wanted to sell a car for body parts you would steal the most sold types of cars in the country, i.e. corollas and civics and camrys.
It’s a heavy car, but you get a lot of interior and trunk in exchange.
They do steal those cars too, but their is not alot of money in the ebay market for those as you have to compete with manufacturers already over producing in parts. Cars like the Challenger are both very popular but don't have the parts production of a camry or Corolla, resulting in parts being expensive enough so that black market/ebay can undercut it.
I would like to see more colors on cars. There are too many grey, white and black cars. It's like people are afraid to show color. The color of that Dodge isn't my favorite but I am glad it exists and someone has it. So, I like it for him, nothing wrong with it.

>Hell Raisin

I don't much like Dodge these days but they did have the best car commercial.
I'd rather own a Honda Odyssey and turn it into a bang bus.
Love the colour! You won't lose that in the car park.
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>People stealing the Challenger do not care about what model it is
you are either underage or retarded.
No one is gonna want to steal a V6 challenger lmao
There's nothing worth stealing on a V6 chally, unless it's been modded
yep. the bumblebee and kitty emblems are sort of asking people to try their luck and drive away with your car. nobody looks at an sxt and thinks
but then again, crackheads and other useless drug addicts steal the most mundane shit anyway for a cheap joyride.

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