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Prev >>27919326
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first for NB
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whose here /top boot/
A 2015 Miata with few km should make a great daily driver but I don't know what 126 PK is do I can't recommend it or not.
>waiting on upper rad hose and then I can see if this vvt swap will start
Pray for me, bros
Its HP, I'm retarded. I also missed that the steering wheel is on the wrong side for this country. Thanks for answering.
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G'day again.
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>(NC3 purchase)
>1. Will I be spending lots on maintaining it?
>2. Is it retarded to have this as my first and only car, because it's not really "practical" compared to even say a sedan/hatchback mazda 2/3. I dont have a girlfriend or family, so it will mostly carry myself or a friend.
1. Mx-5's are very reliable and usually relatively inexpensive. Price an oil/air/fuel filter at your local parts store to cross check.
2. Dailyd my first Mx-5 for a decade. Loved it. Main reason I got a second car was that I changed jobs and had to park where nobody cared about opening doors on you etc.
Another great reason to take an Mx-5 into your care, is that they hold their value; there will always be someone willing to buy it if your needs change.
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Hello Tasanon. How are you?
whoever said b6 motors are reliable was most certainly dropped on their head as an infant.
Yeah, great. Went to C&C this morning in the PitCrew. Been raining here for weeks, good to get out again.
nigga they're like 35 years old at this point the fuck are you saying lol. What's wrong with yours?
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Let me guess, SNC keyway fucked?

Time to swap to the superior 1.8
Thanks, Ill keep looking then. I also heard they are easy to work on so it will probably also teach me one or two about cars. I just really like how they look + they are extremely light so less road tax.
Is this the NC2 with folding hardtop?
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i think so
I forwarded your question to someone who knows better than I. might get an answer
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I finally decided to join a local Miata club. Very active with lots of drives all year round.

We had about 18 Miatas that day. Lot of boomers but a gramma with a white ND2 handed me home made cookies soon as I arrived.
yes that is a NC with the PRHT

1.No, you will not be spending lots...NC2/NC3 are cost effective to run, just make sure you change oil diligently using OE filters and good synthetic oil, the MZR motor is bulletproof, even when you're constantly pushing near rev limiter.

Gearbox needs to be warmed up before you start driving. As changing even to second will crunch and make you wince. But just let the water temp build up and don't rev over 1800 for at least the first 15 minutes from a cold start. Id say just let it idle for at least 5 minutes before you take off.

Some say you can change the gearbox fluid to a Ford ATF to solve this second gear crunch but I find warming up necessary before driving in any case. So I just keep the OE gearbox fluid.

You should splurge on good suspension e.g. at least a set of Bilsteins and Eibachs and thicker/solid sways.

This means tyres and alignment is super important, which will be the largest part of your wallet share in terms of ongoing costs in maintenance.

2. Practicality is good for a convertible, the boot space is not compromised and can fit a lot more than you'd think and even a half set of golf clubs.

I daily-ed NCs for about 9 years on aggregate, and can say that as long as you're not doing airport runs, it can do 90% of the trip types as a hatch or small sedan.
Sorry for the crossposting, but the thread was made before the general popped up.
Good reply. This post is meant for
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>bro wants $11.5k for a 2001 NB with a stock engine
>thinks money put into to the car adds value to it
>added a roll cage and some sparco seats and other small bullshit
Some of the hoses are missing their clamps.
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This dude is out of his mind asking 11.5k
>added a roll cage
do you mean a roll bar? Do not ever mix those terms. If he caged it then he totally fucked the value.
Thanks that was very insightful. I think I'll buy one as soon as I got some more money to spare. The one I was looking for was sadly a british import so it was very cheap because it puts the driver on the wrong side for continental europe.
Yep, good choice.

One oddity of design is the double catalytic converter from factory (one near midpipe and other at the extractors). Obviously done for emissions purposes, but can easily overcome and helps release at least 7kw at the wheels at 7.5k RPM by simply installing tuned length extractors (and thus having a single 02 sensor), even on a OE exhaust system. Doesn't sound like much but on a car with such low weight and relatively torquey motor, the extra power at the top of the rev range feels almost VTEC-like.

One thing to not touch is the factory air intake (box) system including sound tubes as the torque curve changes in real world driving and heat soak from the engine bay tends to sap overall power numbers in a dyno environment anyway.

Anyway, keep us posted with your journey
wut? built spec miatas go for 15-20k

this >>27959979 looks like a half-ass job and not worth 11k, but still
I need a recommendation on a good Miata NA battery, Costco doesn't sell the right type. I usually go there.
Napa, their AGM one's part number is literally "MIATA" and costs less than other lead acid ones for Miatas
Link me, so far the napa agm 51r is the most expensive at $300.
Who's a good battery manufacturer?
Only 320 cca
It's also either Eastman or clarions. One is far superior to the other.
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It's been plenty to start mine every time
My Miata pinch welds look atrocious, how the fuck do you guys jack your Miata off the ground?

>Yes I use the specific jack point on the pinch weld, the PO didnt
Hockey pucks
On the pinch weld??
On the jack. It molds to the underbody and does less damage.
Post pics
I want a nice battery that can also handle long cranking.
Something with a 3 year warranty too. Or more.
Does Odyssey make a Miata batt?
jack it up by the front subframe or the rear diff. Then put jack stands on the pinch welds (if you have a soft pad adapter) or the special spot just inward of the pinch welds.
I don't know why anyone would jack it up by the fucking pinch weld on any car, especially this one.
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I jack it up using a Mazda scissor jack from the pinch welds, high enough so I can get the trolley jack under the axles.
Damn, nicest looking wheels ever. I looked far and wide for them earlier in the year and in the end bought some noname used shit instead. But they probably don't ship to yurop anyway.
hello /mg/, what are your thoughts on the 2004 mx-5 miata?
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Thinking of getting one? Great. Watch out for cancer.
I want to learn stick shift and theres one near me that had 140k miles and its just under 5k so it im really tempted
What cancer should i watch out for? Is it reliable or not?
Its either this or a civic and i rather not get the latter...
All Miatas are reliable, it's part of why people like them. The cancer is the community, though interacting with them is purely optional. If it's rust free, then go for it, they make great "learning" cars.
It fits fine with the battery tie-down? I've probably ruined my current AGM and might be on the market for a new one. I live in the souf so the lower cold cranks don't fucking matter to me.
Yeah, it's the same dimensions as all the other batteries intended for the NA/NB.
oh i dont hang out with anyone so thats no problem, im more just wanting to learn. Thanks for the help
I get my miat back this weekend, then she's booked in for a detail a couple of days after. What should I do with my clean and happy (hopefully) miat?
Please recommend me a afr kit for my NB.
Is there an angle that I can check off my Miata to so that I can replace the transmission drain plug without losing any fluid?
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what an excellent drawing. Whoever drew that must have a massive penis.
was supposed to be my nc3
By cancer I meant rust, not the community. Lol.
Don't buy a rusty or poorly repaired body shell or you'll regret it. Pretty much anything else can be fixed by a backyard mechanic, using forums or you tube as your guide.
England got some great colours on the NC. Beautiful blue.
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Do a photoshoot. Post pics.
I will, but its probably taking while because Im also saving some money for a house. I'll ask on some later date here if certain cars are a good buy. Or if it is worth the price at all.
Just a general question, how many kilometers or miles do you think a Miata would last (engine, trans, anything that would cost more to replace than the car itself assuming the car is at most 5k)? I know I should aim for low mileage but the cheaper sellers are all non dealers/garages who have incomplete documentation on the mileage records and no proper certified service record except the government mandated one every 50k kilometers. Also Ive seem some cheap project miatas but honestly they were abominations.
I'm going with megasquirt btw
Just let the fluid drain out and then put it back in?
The number of 250k+ mile NAs I see for sale suggests that Miatas will go for a long time.
That requires me having a clean enough pan I can trust and either a pump or taking the turret off. I don't want to deal with that.
I'm gonna be jacking it up off it's side anyway.
What's the thread pitch on a 5 speed btw?
Anyone painted their own cars here?
Tfw theyr running a 20% off discount code for 9/11
I should buy it. $40 off is no joke
how did you strip the paint off of your car? I've never done it.
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I didn't strip my Mx-5 because it was all original paint and just sanded it back and repainted it. But I've stripped plenty of cars. If you need to strip it's best to use paint stripper, especially if you're a novice. Do one panel at a time, mask the edges, apply stripper and cover with masking plastic to let it percolate. Peel back plastic and scrape. Do not let stripper get onto any other parts or it will ruin them. I'd do all the metal panels this way and epoxy prime them immediately, if it's going to be outside or if there's any humidity. Plastic bumpers will need their own type of stripper. Plastic filler then spray polyester over the epoxy, and when it's mint, two more more coats of epoxy, fine w&d then paint.
Alternatively you could use a stripping disk on a 7" polisher to remove most of the paint and finish off with the random orbit. You'll want to know what you're doing for this method or you could cause damage.
If you don't have access to service particulars or receipts then get a mechanical inspection done, preferably by someone who knows NCs, but any enthusiast workshop or mechanic should know what to look into for most key aspects.

If you're looking for an NC3 specifically, given they're reasonably young still, most should check out okay unless its been abused and neglected.

NC2s can get a bit long in the tooth nowadays, so would require more thorough mechanical due diligence.

But for the most part, the drive trains are tough and suspension is thick and durable...in summary, I think as long as its a manual, generally OE or has quality parts and tyres in use, you're probably on the right track, as I think it would be relatively rare that an NC2/3 be acquired by chance, so perhaps the private seller market may offer better buying as most dealers remarket auction stock with little care or love.
If you can, take the front wheels off and try to assess the state of the front rails at the point where the suspension fork is mounted. That's a hotspot for rust on NBs and could cost a lot to get repaired. I think by now all NB owners have either had that repaired, or are ignoring the fact the rails are disintegrating or live somewhere warm and dry without salt on the roads.
is that a mfg defect in your tire treads on the front tire
I will do this!
Because I saw some 1999-2007 miatas with 200k-300k kilometers (120k-190k miles) for sub 5k but I know some people would dial back the odometer if they could before sale.
Link it
it was just a stone.
>want Miata
>love NC2's smile
>cheapest in my nation is a 2012 model with 110000km
>seller wants €14k for that
I hate this market. I hate this market with a passion. I hate it so much it's unreal.
Same here, saw a very beautiful nc3 2013 pearl white edition
What am I doing wrong here?
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add to cart, go to cart, in the promo section type in PATRIOT and apply
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I mean the part where is says it doesn't fit my car

Pic related does says it fits. The 500cca won't?
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not getting an OPTIMA YELLOW TOP
That 7581R is the correct battery for your NA. 51R is for NC/ND, it's a different size/shape.
I think for whatever reason the spec'd battery size is 46A24L. I'm pretty sure a lot of people put 51R's in there and they fit fine...but some dudes are saying they needed to get a longer J-bolt / tie down.
Is it worth getting the eu cucked 1.8 nc or should I just go for nb? (I can get the cucked nc for about 6000$ and nb for about 4500$ [This will be my first car and a daily driver])
Never driven an NC, but my ex's mom had one. The NC's are easier to live with and arguably better built, but the NB is probably easier to work on and has less to go wrong. I consider them interchangeable and would choose the NB over the NC purely based on aesthetic preference rather than any practical reason.
Hey guys, I need help. Every now and then while driving my Miata does this weird thing where it feels like a fuel cut.
when this fuel cut happens it just does not want to rev. And if I'm a high RPM the car will nose dive as an engine brakes. Occasional have to pull over the side of the road and just wait for it to like till I can rev and drive again. Sometimes this happens every couple of minutes. Sometimes it doesn't happen for days or weeks. I was thinking could this potentially be timing being retarded due to a knock sensor? How can I test this? Could this be preignition?
Exhaust smells rich when it's cold.
It revvs and purrs like a kitten at all other times.
Everything is in decent shape.
You need to provide more information like what model year it is. The difference between an NA and an ND is enormous.
Fuel pump is dying, my slowbaru did the same thing
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>ECU bracket
*Chefs kiss*
Na6 with a nb1 1.8 running on stock ECU.
New fuel pump
Bought used injectors and sent them out for cleaning at Wichita performance
New fuel filter
New used fuel regulator
New used ignitor
New Bosch coils
New nkg plat plugs gapped to .44
New nkg wires
New square top intake
Checked for leaks.
Compression good
Replaced many electrical connectors, fixed bad wiring.

Have not tested the MAF. It flaps. It has not been apart.
I am going with megasquirt next.
I want to first buy a wideband. Looking for recommendations.
I don't think a bad fuel pump or any fueling related issues would cause the car to steeply decelerate like that. It was twice as harsh as normal engine braking would be at those speeds.
I jammed the clutch when that happened. I felt like it was about to lock up my rears.
Fuel cut won't do this.
Feels like engine timing.
That's exactly how mine felt when the fuel pump would cut out.
Was gonna say maybe the FPR but you replaced that. Knock sensor is doubtful. NA's didn't come with one and a stock ECU wouldn't know what to do with it anyways
Alright, I'll test the fuel pressure. I won't have the time till next week.
Does the BP4W have a knock sensor? I don't recall seeing any unused plugs when I had it out.
yes. Above the oil pressure sender.
I just had the weirdest thing happen. Bought a battery at Napa. I'm going to start the car and it wont start now. It would just like start for like one or two rotations and then die. I pulled the fuel relay and cranked it for a bit. Put the fuel relay back in and it started out perfectly. runs fine now. Bad fuel injector relay? Bad contacts?
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drive it
I'm looking at replacing the soft top for my NB Miata. Does anyone have good brand recommendations? I keep hearing mixed things on different priced ranges
Robbins or nothing, if you care about getting the highest quality top for your money.
Why not a factory Mazda part?
Discontinued a long time ago. The dealer would point you to a Robbins if you asked for a new top.
I wish pop up lights werent banned so car makers could still makw cute cars.
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You should just buy an NA. They're still good cars.
vinyl or canvas
i'm in the same boat. my window ripped at where it connects with the top itself pretty bad and it was due for a new one anyways
Also considering spending $2k on a hard top lmao.
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I got the canvas and love it. Pricey with the defroster glass window, but worth it. It stays much cooler in the sun than the vinyl, and also seems quieter inside too, if either of those things matter to you. Get it with the rain rail already attached both to save yourself a shitload of headache, and because your original is likely so hard and brittle it'll crack if you fart sideways next to it. The tension cables should also be replaced at the same time since you're halfway removing them anyway.
this honestly might be one of the few things i pay for someone else to do lmao.
It wasn't hard, just tedious. The worst part was drilling out a handful of rivets. Just give yourself a day to do it and have a helper or two for lifting the top frame on and off the car (it's not heavy, could probably do it yourself but two people makes it easier to not accidentally scratch the body) and for closing the top when you're done. It needs a week to stretch before you can open it again.
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Is this America's version of a kei car? If I was going to drive a single seater commuter, I'd rather one of these Midgets
where the hell do you put the LS3 in that?
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It's like a mobility scooter with bodywork. Top Kek.
If I had something like this maybe I'd bother to remove my hard top. Going into summer here I want to remove it and cruise top down but my soft top is aids

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