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Why would anyone get a truck instead of a van
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You might live in europe, where you aren't allowed to have trucks.

better towing capacity, awd?
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Easier to mount weapons in the back.
God Europe is so fucking gay
Being seperates from the literal goat shit i carry is a major plus. Also sacks of cement are never fully sealed and as soon as you rest one down you get a puff of cement dust in your vehicle. Unless you have a seperate load space from the cab.
Goosenecks are a million times better and trucks are more modular

Those Grand trek fractory tires you can air up to 65 PSI stock and its recommended for full load as well
I have a truck and find:
The HVAC works better in a small cab
Quieter inside.
More adaptable, as I have a large canopy which I use for camping.
Odd shape objects fit easier, such as bicycles.
I find it weird that the loophole only applies to RAMs
Im not saying they're super common, but Id argue I see a RAM1500 about once a week on average
but Ive never seen an F series or whatever Chevy's equivalent is
Only rapists prefer vans over pickups
Show me a new factory 4x4 (real 4x4) van with a V8.
I don't want to share cab space with half the shit I've hauled in my bed. Also since I live on the gulf coast it takes maybe a year or two for work vans to start smelling like mold death traps.
Why not both?
I have never had such a strong gag reflex.
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Tell your BF not to go so deep next time then
I have never been so erect.
Vans are for pedos
Trucks are for cucks

Based. Now press them about the retarded way they measure fuel efficiency in different classes
>gay thoughts out of nowhere
calm down brokeback mountain, not everyone drives a truck
I'm not a rapist and I don't have a small pp
When has a sprinter ever been offered with a V8? The new Sprinters aren't real 4x4 either. They use a shitty AWD system. Nice try.
modern vans handle like..... vans
shit interior
modern trucks handle like.... cars
great interior.
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Vans are based
i learned these cab caps arent factory and cost around $2000. Also you need the cap because the seats recline out the back of the cab
van is far more practical but you'll pick up more PUSSY with a truck.
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Vans are cool but winter is coming.
Stay out of the mountains, vansisters.
I would have thought that the potential for sexual activity is more restricted in a truck.
EG: How would one mount a sex swing in a pickup bed.

It's not only Ram's. I have seen a couple F-250's towing various things in Europe, though usually larger trailers like horse and race trailers.

Rams are just the most aggressive and american looking truck to the average Euro
How is that not just a truck though? What about this makes it a van, other than sharing a chassis and cab design?
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Vans are typically ass for hauling motorcycles

Some of the newer vans with hightops work well, but they’re always expensive compared to a work truck
other than it being sold as a cutaway van from the factory, nothing.

the cab design frees up about 2 feet of space so that frame has been shortened to put a truck bed on it...

It's really simple . Van is for a work . Modern truck is soccer moms
>Vans are typically ass for hauling motorcycles
wut? i see tons of vans hauling motorcycles at track days
where are you gunna put your tools and spares? in the bed? lol

Its even a stereotype that motorcycle gangs have vans to help move bikes, parts, drugs and unsuspecting individuals.
trucks can’t turn without rolling over due to their comically high center of gravity, they’re nothing like cars.
Trucks double as family vehicles, work vans are stuck for work use only and you don't get that seperation between the (shitty) cabin and the shit you're hauling
Vans aren't even cheaper than trucks
>other than sharing a chassis

That's what makes it a van, a truck chassis is different
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>not a heckin sloped hood
>It's not mean lookin
Because people would rather not be a White Van Man

>pic is before he burns your house down by connecting a live wire to ground when re-doing your electrics
>Engine isn't crammed under the dashboard
>Bed is much more versatile
>Gooseneck mounts capable of pulling enough to get the DOT angry
>Vans haven't been available with manuals for like 30 years
Why would you get a van over a truck? It's an urbanoid cope vehicle
Can’t think of even a single advantage a van has over a truck
Trucks are more fun to drive. Vans drive like vans.
>dont have to lay on the engine to reach the back of it
>larger storage area than truck
>can lock storage area without accessories
>storage area doesn't get rained on without accessories
>cheaper parts because unchanged design for 30 years
>cheaper tires because buyers dont care about moose test
>simpler drivetrains without consumer gimmicks like vvt, cylinder deactivation, dpfe, etc

>Hard covered area with side sliding doors is pretty wicked.

>Barn doors in the back are great as well.

>High roofs allowing you you walk from the cab to the back without getting out is triple sick

I have a truck but vans as dedicated tool haulers are generally better.
Because once you cross a certain threshold of testosterone -- generally at the point you could consider natural levels for a male of 18 years or older -- you no longer want to main a slut-repelling utility device, and prefer to drive something with aggression and power that will have sluts guzzling your cock.
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>I would have thought that the potential for sexual activity is more restricted in a truck.
They literally have fuck floors. You can also fuck in the bed under the starts as well.

In what autistic realm? Please show me a kei truck moving 20k lbs at 60+mph. I think you might just be the one to turn the commercial trucking world upside down.
when i was travelling scotland, i drove past a farm and there was a ram 2500 lol. was the only domestic truck i saw. so. many. vans.
Because I can just throw shit in the back and I can tow trailers and I can have a fucking crane
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>aren't allowed to have trucks.
correct. tractors are not trucks.
Vans having the same towing capacity as their truck counterparts and 4wd.
>trucks are more modular
>Than vans
are you retarded?
>Vans are typically ass for hauling motorcycles
Dumbest take here.
They're lowering and easier to load into, and can actually protect your bike inside.
Yeah if you can think it there is probably a bed already made for you or can be custom made pretty cheaply. Lots of perks come with pickup chassis over van equivalents.
Vans suck ass for hauling bikes.
Are you loading some 80cc kids bike?
Or are you talking about a $70k van with an extended roofline?
>top speed of 42mph on the highest trim to date.
Show me a 4x4 van that tows 23k lbs. I'm still waiting on that new 4x4 van with a V8 too.
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Dakar Trucks are the best of both worlds
Transit AWD are sick, I'd love to have one. Trucks are superior dailies but vans are max comfy.
Not sure if want
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Not all vans have 'shit' interiors. Here's the latest Toyota Hiace in luxury Granvia spec.
youve clearly never hooned a modern pickup
no they aren't
they're of a freight truck size
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The boomoids and trustafarians buying the new ones seem to like them. No low range leads to TTD if you try to do off road truck stuff (steep or deep) but the new AWD systems work well on snowy highways and basic bitch dirt roads.
Vans usually don't have 4x4, ground clearance is low and they suck ass to repair, but other than that they beat trucks in everything
your point?
I've always wondered, is the GO!!!! On this and the citroen xsara a sensor for gitanes cigarettes like how jordan used like bitten & hisses for Benson and hedges, or Marlboro used the barcode?
If it's a body on frame actual 4x4 van it is pretty neat.
Show us your truck thats never left the pavement.
Odd choice going with a van cabin considering it has no advantages over a truck cabin.
You've clearly never used a van to haul a bike, or used it for work. I think vans are just better for bikes. I'm trying to think of a downside.
>locked enclosure nobody can just hop in the back and take shit
>covered and weather protecting cargo
>theres plenty of room in most vans (except minivans) for 2 bikes. If you're really that gay just get a triple high Ford Transit. 6'1" floor to ceiling as the tallest version.
>can sleep in the back if you head out to the woods for bike stuff
>cargo floor is 12-18" lower for easier loading.
What the fuck has that got to do with anything? Have you ever driven a van on snowy pavement? Having 4x4 is good for more than just off roading.
shorter vehicle length?
>Can’t think of even a single advantage a van has over a truck
theft prevention. as in a work vehicle parked in front of a jobsite in a shitty neighborhood.
Pickup is better for loading up with a ton of dirt or gravel for landscaping work, or for strapping down a bunch of oversized lumber and sheet goods that would be awkward to try to secure in the back of a van with the doors open.

I agree that a lot of people who buy trucks would be better off with a van, but then again most people who buy trucks would be better off with a fucking Camry so what can you do.
>He doesn't have a ladder rack
>oblivious to the way vans handle
Pickups kick the shit out of vans so hard they're the hardest metal. Go make some crystals you busfagging turds
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>vans handle
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Europoor seethe thread.
>gonna put tools, spares in the bed

>Pickup is better for loading up with a ton of dirt or gravel for landscaping work

If you do that even once a month a dump bed/trailer makes much more sense. A van with a small dump trailer would shit all over a pickup.

I have a pickup for work and still order in loose bulk because fuck shoveling shit
But for a stake bed or flat bed thats extra long anyway, whats the point of saving a few inches?
vans are for poors
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then why am i rich?
kek what's the tow rating 100 "kilogrammes" you fucking fags?
Well since they're built off the exact same truck chassis', they'd be the same as the trucks. Nobody knows what a 'kilogrammes' is either.
>no answer
>google it for me!
Just say you like trucks more because they're prettier and make you feel like a man when women stop laughing at your 5'8" stature.
>15 different vehicles quoted
nigger google it yourself faggot no ones doing that for you
europeons lmao
Anyone that uses a gooseneck trailer.
Because vans don't make weak men feel powerful.
Okay, so that's another point for vans.
I live in Texas, truck country, and that shit didn't help those faggots on bit during the big freeze. My FWD shitbox, on the other hand stayed driving.
You can haul a bike inside a Honda Element, and that's not even a van.
Very based to give niggers with bad backs equal opportunity for stealing your catty
Nice bro. How many lolis do you get inside of that thing?
It's 10,000lb gvw is just enough to get your mom in the back
Suburban easy to carry long pipe and wood, comfy to sleep in, huge roof racks
Silverado easy to carry atv, lawn mower, gas, trash

Cool cats have both lol
Can ride it easy into bed or are you back and fourth dragging it in.
Regular Car Reviews has a good profile of why people buy pickup trucks in his 2001 Dodge Ram 1500 video. Strongly suggest it to figure out why trucks>vans

t. own an f250 and nv200 for work
It's worth mentioning that older trucks pre-nanny safety horseshit and before the only thing sold was crew cab garbage have insanely good visibility. Got a single cab mid-2000s Silverado and I have perfect visibility in every direction, it's awesome. SUVs had better visibility in the past than they do now too, but never this good.

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