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Break in you new boots edition.

>Motorcycle riding tips and techniques
>Motorcycle pics and webms
>Getting too cold to ride already
>Tennyfren HQ
>Vfr electrical issues
>cb500 leg legion association guild clan
>Milkcrate mounting solutions
>r9 bad
>Never buy new, never buy used
>Eyeball cleansing motorcycle girls
>Pass the MSF class, wear ear plugs

MEET, FIGHT, rub noses together!
>(New map! Email dbtmap3@gmail.com with pic of bike (hosted) and location to be added):


FAQ: https://pastebin.com/xu560p4q

>Twist Of The Wrist II

>Street Smarts leading edge (outdated) safety video


Previous: >>28067646
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Bike to grow into or graduate from bike

Really want to upgrade the rear shock on my 23 cb500x but don't know what to get.
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hardly waving, son
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>tfw gf visiting and don’t have time to take cool motorcycle pics
Wish she could into riding, I’m so fucking autistic it’s all I can think about so I’m at a loss for what to do with her that isn’t just exploring on two wheels
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Buy used lightweight bike and learn how to ride, sell bike after comfortably learning how to ride, get new bike you want.
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my boots broke me in
triple fracture
go see a doctor for those foot herpes
Do you have diabetes
a better bike
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MSF class tomorrow
I would look like Jigsaw on a small bike.

Crusier bros seem to not give a shit about a 500 pound bike so why should we?
Lightweight doesn't necessarily mean small, cruiser bros overwhelmingly cannot ride so I don't know if I would be looking up to them if I were you.
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>he doesn’t know
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What happened anon?
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>POV you're a brit whose entire road system is designed to feel claustrophobic and create as many blind turns as possible

seriously I cannot stand how every fucking motovlog in the UK looks like this, its awful
at least in America you can see further than 20 feet in front of you
sand 850gs anon? If that's your foot, you might want to visit a doctor, it looks like you're turning mexican/indian.
Not necessarily looking up but over.

Was thinking of a 800cc sport touring bike but people believe if you're new you get smol bike, but smol bike can't go where I wanna go
Anyone else give nu-Rebel riders the finger??

You're a brandwar faggot and therefore gay.
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The opposite is not much better.
I genuinely just gave up going wherever it was that I was headed to, and went home.
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You can get whatever you want, but if this is your first bike, I wouldn't want to drop a nice and shiny sport tourer.
The only finger you’re giving them is late at night in your shop
I bought a new bike recently and within 10 days of owning it, dropped it in a parking lot. Albeit slowly with only one scratch to show for it, still dropped it.
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It isn't even dirt/gravel anymore. It's been a while since I felt bored on a bike.
remember when gaymu spammed his texts with his vietnamese twink bf and one anon (me) pointed out that the twink was saying gaymus dick was 'just right' and therefore a 'learner penis' and shortly after gaymu took his own life
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>they dont live in twisty heaven where every road has the best of both worlds
i bought my first ever bike (used) this Thursday bro, and I dropped it trying to clumsily move it around the backyard into a better spot

my arms still ache from the amount of strength I had to use, that bitch heavy and im fucking weak and washed up

don't worry about those standstill drops anon, be grateful it wasn't while going 60mph
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I like Harley, Suzuki, Yamaha

I even like Honda, but the nu-Rebel just shows incompetence.

Post the bike

Come stop by the shop, anon. Also, post the bike
Any MT07 owners around? I used to own a FZ07 and was wondering if they still suffer from the same shitty suspension. R7 fags are making MT07s sit on the dealer floors for cheap right now.
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nobody here owns a motorcyle.
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Embrace the wasteland.
Do you still have the dealer's license plate holder on your bike?
It's easy, but good luck anyways.
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They changed it a little bit but it's still cheap and bouncy. I threw 15w in my forks and I like it a lot better for casual/semi fast street riding.
Incompetence how? They made a liquid cooled sportster competitor, years before the Sportster S was a thing. It's just "bad" because ptwin or something?
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This is my second bike after a little over a year of riding daily .-.
>be grateful it wasn’t while going 60mph
I actually dropped my first bike lowsiding it at 25mph
Not a scratch on me tho strangely enough
I didn’t drop it because I’m weak, I dropped it because I can’t quite flatfoot it so when it leans too far to the right I don’t have a lot of leverage to pull it back
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pick the dualsport if you're given an option.
>I can’t quite flatfoot it so when it leans too far to the right I don’t have a lot of leverage to pull it back
fellow short king
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I am average sized and also ideal for racing the fastest motorcycles in the world
>I am average sized
>I didn’t drop it because I’m weak, I dropped it because I can’t quite flatfoot it
anon, i...
What is this pedo shit
Kawi bikes of that type look so good. Just pure classics.
t. homosexual
>I am average sized
sure bro
now post cock to prove your average title
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It’s not a coincide the Rebel 1100 dressed up like a Lowrider S only comes in an automatic

You don’t even know what you’re talking about MT09anon
As far as I knew the "touring" version was dct only because Honda are retarded like that, so I'm assuming you typed S but meant ST.
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>Hellow fellow Harleybros, I’m here to get drunk and smoke cigarettes with you

The state of Honda riders
a honda rebel is meant for asia. im not sure why an american would ever want one
Because they're turbo manlets coping?
What makes a Harley with dorky crash bars acceptable, and this not acceptable? Why do you refuse to understand that the Rebel is basically a Sportster-sized bike and not really trying to be a bigger cruiser?
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Thank you for proving you in fact do not know what you’re talking about
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we Harley riders are STRONG, REAL MEN!
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honda rebel is meant for here. quiet engine. cheap(ish) cause thailand -> asia is cheaper than importing it to the states. cant go fast, cant go far. reliable boring unassuming and most importantly, small.

an american should buy an inline4 or a harley, anything else is mental illness really.
Do you? The regular one comes with a normal transmission as standard.
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>forttwink used my bike as the blueprint used for showing normies how to make a Harley fun
I’m not even mad at him
>an american should buy an inline4 or a harley, anything else is mental illness really.
V4s and boxers are not mental illness unless you try to enduro them.
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Why don’t you go fucking buy one
If I were a manlet i'd think about it, but not having dual disks in current year is a nonstarter for me. One of them or a supermotoed Africa Twin would be my amputee-bike in a heartbeat.
Why did you copy him and put the fairing on after his video?
Those qualify as 'non-asian'

Ptwins embody what mega dense asian societies have done to peoples souls. I shit on the piss twin (and the CP3)
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So we agree the Rebel is for women, retards, and cripples

Is the fairing in the room with you right now, anon?
You seem to have a problem with reading comprehension here. Why do you ignore all the mentions of "Sportster competitor" I have made?
>i cant read
Ptwins make sense in ADVs because then it's like "add another cylinder to the thumper so it thumps gooder :DDDDD". In most other places they are the "good enough and cheaper" half assed approach to engines.
Why is a Vtwin somehow considered ideal and a ptwin considered the cheap option? You can have a more compact frame and/or a bigger gas tank, etc for basically free.
Better torque, better engine note, narrower, better balance.
because harley cvltists NEED to defend their overpriced outdated piece of shit bikes that struggle to stay alive (just like their owners frfr)
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No I think it’s you who is a little touched buddy. Nobody buys a Rebel 300 and wishes they didn’t after 3 months of ownership. Their flagship Rebel, the 1100, that’s a club style lowrider S rip off, and it doesn’t even have a clutch. Honda knows you’ve got to be a real LARPer to even consider something like that.

People who buy Sportsters always regret selling theirs later on for bigger HOGs, they wish they had just kept it as a second bike. The is a facts

You’ve probably never even sat on either. You don’t know what you’re talking about, and frankly you don’t know near as much about bikes as you think you do.

You do realize Harley isn't the only company making vtwins, right?
>Better torque
Depends on the individual motor and bore/stroke/compression blah blah
>Better engine note
I'm assuming you've only listened to euro 5/6 270 twins or 180 twins. Put a normal pipe on a 270 and they're almost the same sound as a vtwin.
Granted, but does width really matter on a streetbike?
>Better balance
Haven't actually had much experience with dual crankpin Vtwins so feel free to school me, but I think any twin is gonna vibrate just a little bit.
Dude you are fucking retarded. One of the fucking pictures you posted shows a rebel 1100 with a fucking clutch lever and shifter.
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That’s a 300 smart guy
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good job genius, now tell me which brand serves their customers the biggest larp to the point they have to screech in this thread about vtwins. hint: it's not the japbrands
Braindead ape
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Sorry I haven’t looked at what’s new for 2025 in the Rebel selection for Honda. Must have got the memo.

Either way, you should buy one
This is how I felt driving in the UK on my honeymoon. Most the roads were only 1.5 cars wide with almost no shoulder because of the hedge rows and you also couldn't see through any corner because of the same hedges.
Much prefer the roads in Australia, even if they've been in disrepair since COVID
That isn't new, that's been standard since it came out.
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They don’t even make the bike I posted in >>28069905 without the DCT

That’s what I’ve been saying this whole time. You’re actually dumb. Another example of why you get the finger and not the wave.

Harley, yeah brother.
I literally acknowledged that in the first reply after you posted the lowrider ST picture. You cannot fucking read.
That’s not an ST, and why I said you don’t know what you’re talking about.
I rode one this weekend at the track. It was a lot of fun. Felt planted and stable. Pops wheelies ez
So what, it's an S somebody spent enough money on to effectively make into an ST? I don't think YOU know how to talk, period.
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Yep, it’s a 2020 with a 114 and sport glide bags that was built long before the ST even existed. You don’t even know what you’re looking at. Thats why you’re shilling a Honda Rebel.
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Are you wanting her to ride her own bike or go two up with you?
I bought a beater 250 for my gf to learn on.
Based, can we see your tummy?
lol at the nosebleed
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>lowrider ST
>doubling down

not a good look for rebelfags
>tipped over pulling into my driveway
Thank you jesus that no one was around to see it.
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>still doesn’t know what he’s talking about

What you want to post is the Super Glide T-Sport
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Alright bros

I will admit, at one time all Harley’s looked the same to me.
How did you manage that?
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Are there actually any rebelfags in dbt? I know there’s a bunch of fags
all cruisers are commuter bikes

>shit brakes
>no speed
>rides like shit

Bikes should be fun
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You could say the same thing about dual sports. You’d be wrong about that too

Post the bike
Going slow and trying to take a very sharp turn when I should have went more wide. My driveway drops a bit too so I fumbled a bit and just right over to the right.
Then I was able to get the bike right up and of course hit the horn a few times, its like 1am here. Only damage is my pride but it's fine, I'll manage. When I pull in tomorrow night Ill make sure I take it a bit more wide and just go on the grass.
Prob the same people that come thru /dbt/ and autistically decide to defend the bike that they found out about on the internet a day ago
I'll take a red sprite please
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I think if you can get an older rebel in absolutely mint condition for $500 it’s based. But financing a $7000 Rebel you’re going to get sick of in 3 months?

Gotta be tarded
Go balls to the wall
I'm gonna molest you
Throw her on the back and take her out exploring.
I love the look of these retro dualsports like you wouldn't believe anon
>I was gonna get cawfee today
stop buying coffee and brew it yourself
is this what /dbt/ has turned into? men who get starbucks just to stare at their bikes by the window?
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museums are cool too faza-sama
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Soo whats everyone doing for Halloween?
I'm hosting a horror theme dnd session with friends.
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That's a nice lookin bike.
>It’s always “post cock” “post tummy” with you people, none of you care about bikes
i care
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my dick is small too but at least i can stick in women
why would somebody krill themselves?
LMAO, i miss him. His twink domination posts made me so uncofortable. `
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Don’t mean to undermine museums, had a lot of fun walking around balboa park and saw a guy doing a wheelie on the bridge on a surron. Mostly just lamenting/moaning that I wasn’t able to ride lol
Thanks anon, please post bikes
Yamaha jacket is class. I need to get a Kawasaki one.
How hot does your ass get with that exhaust? Is it as bad as Ducks?
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Same, Anon, same. I wish my XT wasn’t such a hunk of shit

All he had to do was ask Christ for his love.
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Thanks, it’s quickly become one of my favorites, only recently found out the logos on it are high vis too lol
It’s all heat shielded really well, probably part of the reason the weight is so ridiculous, it’s the engine by my legs that gives off way more heat than the exhaust
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sad. many such cases.
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We’re all gonna make it
RIP GN anon. His cock videos are still up
fr brah
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Based trannythread noticer

>I need to get a Kawasaki one
what do those look like?
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yeah i sure miss my bike
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little FAggot bitch
I hate them.
I remember getting pulled over with a quart pinned between my calf and the door while a fuckin space shuttle was escorted by. Cop asked me, "What's wrong? Are you nervous?" I said, "Yes."
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Wetting your tires is a great way to hide your tendies for pictures
I found a milk crate bros!
>is a sinner faggot
>dies accordingly and goes to hell to burn

It's like poetry
post(ie) bike
Isn't that boot like expensive? How
Anons, quick question: I have 2 bikes to choose from, V-Strom 650 from 2015 up or Kawasaki Versys 650 from 2015 up. Both of them are in same pricepoint (around 24k PLN - 5-6k USD). Which would be better as the only bike? I cannot afford having 2 bikes right now, as I'm saving to renovate a house to move out. I will use them for:
- tourism around Europe (mostly Poland/Czechia/Slovakia so few hundred kms for 2-3 days, maybe one bigger roadtrip a year),
- going to town few times a week, around 20 km one way, not terrible traffic,
- sometimes going for the twisties in the mountains,
- maybe some light TET roads or dirt roads sometimes, when I'm exploring some more remote places.
I really like V2 in V-Strom as I did my license on Gladius which has the same engine, but I've heard Versys is also very good and begginer-friendly. I rode a season on 125cc and passed my license few weeks back, so that's why I don't want a big ADV/tourer with 1000cc.
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yeah bro....highway riders on track bikes are the funniest
It is a perfectly fine starter bike. Honda only has the crf, rebel, cbrf, and cbr. The ergos on the cbr300 and cbr300f are too similar so the rebel is the only one you aren't leaning forward on, same goes for the 500s but at least you have the nx and scl sitting neutrally as well.
It isn't even like the Sportster. They are completely different rides.
the concept of a 'starter bike' is pure marketing. its akin to the 'starter home' which simply isn't used anymore because of obvious reasons. there is no hard and fast rule where a starter bike needs to exist. what should be discussed more is the appropriate level of power one needs given ones riding environment, particularly country.

it would be more accurate to say 'it is perfectly fine if you live in thailand.' to say 'it is perfectly fine as [insert category i completely made up]' is egregious
Isnt the v strom a dog whistle that you're a nazi or something
I know zero people here own the 1100. I have a 300 and 2 other people have the 500. You have to consider how cheap these things are used and the insurance being the lowest out there. Also msg bike in a lot of places.
Pre2017 rebel is slower than a grom unless you got the 450.
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i have one litre motorcycle engine oil sitting around for two years in a opened container. can i use it up, or should i use fresh oil. bike is a newer i4 crotch rocket
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Yeah see i told you
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Dear hotwing, im adding all haters of HARLEY DAVIDSON VTWIN ALL AMERICAN HERITAGE MOTORCYCLES to the list of those i must annihilate with pic rel
Oil can sit around for a few million years without going bad.
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but beeing a racist is a good thing brother
whats with the additives
Yeah you should take pride in your heritage
Just dont be hateful if my aztec ancestors amigo
i'm not hateful of you having ancestors but i know a thing or two about beaners.
Is this Bakuon?
No idea then. It's probably fine.
Starter as in it is fuckoff cheap and inexpensive to own. It meets both. I live 8n Charlotte and it hasn't given me issues but I regret not grabbing the 500 instead for hwy to be less of a pain. I had the option of cb300r, scl500 and rebel 300 when I bought the thing and went with the 300 because it was more comfortable to sit on that the 300r and both were 3k.
Starter home is different since there is a lot more assets tied into it that it doesn't work as a concept, I would say the same for cars in the us as well these days. Bikes are cheap enough you can save for part of the year and never have to finance anything.
If you had it closed properly 2 years won't hurt it. When engine maintenance says to replace oil every year it is simply because they aren't actually a closed system and over time anything within the engine as well will be in the oil after sitting, plus the filter is more than likely due at that point.
vstrom. versys sucks ass unless you get the 4cyl.
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Yamaha always had the most iconic and charismatic riders of them all. Is there a reason for this?
Best manufacturer = best riders.
U guys ever order bike parts from Yahoo auction japan website?
For vfr, vtr, and cubs yahoo auctions japan and webike are the most reliable just use paypal. Old forum knowledge.
im 5"3 and am essentially filtered out from being able to comfortably ride any sport bike
Flat footing sure but there are definitely light weight sport bikes with low ride height. I've seen women 4'9" deal with ninjas.
no because now i have to get a fucking bobber or something
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>he has a small hill
I'm jealous.
>comfortably ride any sport bike
>sport bike
>tall seat
Not really. There is only a 3" difference between an r3 and ninja 400 to something like a rebel. You would only need to get used to keeping your right foot on the rear brake at stops, but honestly you need to learn that anyways.

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