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You can go anywhere with a milkcrate edition!

>Motorcycle riding tips and techniques
>Motorcycle pics and webms
>Getting too cold to ride already
>Tennyfren HQ
>Vfr electrical issues
>cb500 leg legion association guild clan
>Milkcrate mounting solutions
>r9 bad
>Never buy new, never buy used
>Eyeball cleansing motorcycle girls
>Pass the MSF class, wear ear plugs

MEET, FIGHT, rub noses together!
>(New map! Email dbtmap3@gmail.com with pic of bike (hosted) and location to be added):

STICKY: >>23526953
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/xu560p4q

>Twist Of The Wrist II

>Street Smarts leading edge (outdated) safety video


Last thread >>28066083
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Fuck sand.
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yay sand!
>not r3 foot
not interested
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A faggot made this thread.
fatty fatty fell off his bike

try losing some weight next time
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he did his best!
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>Swollen foot
Ok retard.
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repostan for help

red are is wet
thought it was the seals in yellow but yellow area is dry
didnt smell like fuel, could it be still?
whats the purple bolt for, is that a possible source?
this is the right side, so the carbs on the left of this picture, couldnt be a carb leak
What bike? Could it just be rain or puddle water?
haven't ridden it since thursday
it's an old ninja 250
Condensation if you saw it in the morning? there's really only 3-4 possible fluids it could be, and if it hasn't cropped up again then I'd probably just let it be.
I did cover it over night, so thats possible
i'm gonna wipe it as dry as I can and check again tomorro
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It's just condensation. Zero cause for concern. When night falls, your bike cools, when dawn comes, ambient warms up but your bike will be slightly colder, hence the condensation. Pic unrelated.
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>milkcrate posting
nice OP
i guess it makes sense, the liquid was around the fins which are meant to help disperse heat
thanks anon
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HONDERS could be here.
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some local sand lot with a secret shooting range down the hill. pic related was way more intense of a ride
I meant where's the sand but I was just kidding anyway. I love your tw.
O-oh, well thanks fren, thats a pretty slick yam you got i never see them in a Makita theme
brother if you're so obese your foot looks like a slug then you need to sort yourself out

Great pic, I'm trying to up my bike photo game.
austin racing or SC project?
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you do ride motorcycles, r-right anon?
What bike?
Honda Monkey
Just in general
lol @ your life texas cuck
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stupid mother fucker got gaped for 34k on a 24k bike
>the seethe is real
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LMAO i can smell this retard through the screen
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next week its gonna be
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>buying a Harley
Strike one
>buying a NEW Harley in 1980+44
Strike two
>Financing it and getting raped for an extra 10K
Aaand he's out!
A pipe is a pipe as long as the welds are good and the packing is easily serviceable.
man shut the fuck up
Just ignore him, he's seething about someone who isn't even in the thread right now. That is some next level rent-free mentality.
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I'm honored, OP. Thanks.
>She was a virgin when we met
Holy obsessed. Letting an anonymous man live so deep inside your head is just next level faggotry.
>500,000+ posts ago
Dude what is your fucking ping
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Holy fucking kek.
Absolutely mine broken.
Lmao'ing at your dumbass.

Anyway, motorcycles. Here's a few.
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>boomer on pension gets exploited
>everyones laughing
>this boomer just damaged his 401k and retirement plan and you're all laughing
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>Ptwins are... le bad!
Sure kid
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You do polish and wax your windscreen, right anon?
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Im calling it right now, next week this faggot will have gotten rid of the chink pipes
sorry im new to these threads, are you a resident mechanic anon?
i thought you just owned a really big shed or something
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That's based. I wanna find a virgin gf.
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Oh man did you get the 750?
>is actually gravel
Youre not fooling me tractor bike
Also with a tw200 you can literally go anywhere
Sandyvag was riding a pigfat bmw gs iirc, serves him right

Honder boat or honder crane?
Or are you waiting for the gas station coordinates as well? AHHHHHHHHHH

>no atvs
>no 4x4
Idk whether to be impressed, offended, thankful, or sad
I thought multiuse trails were the bees knees, is it better without wanabee cagers and nobikes?
Also i need to research these types of trails in maplesyrup land, how do you find out about em?

My f4i stock can was so based
Modern stocks are emissions gayness
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Im too cheap to get rid of my chink pipe. Lmao.
Bro, get help. Seething this hard over an anon is not healthy.

I'm a mechanic, yes.
I did. Like over a month ago. It was pretty clean. Didn't have to do much to it. It needs an ECU tune for the exhaust though.
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3rd gen mexican
Is it a slip on or exhaust?
Yeah I wasn't here for a bit. Congrats though.
>It needs an ECU tune
Do you notice how much power it lacks at low RPMs? I have to rev the fuck out of mine for launches.
>how do you find out about em?
In Montana we have forest service maps with the trail designations marked. Depending on the area there could be a mix of multiuse(street legal and ORV), ORV only, 50 Inches or less, and MC only.
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>really big shed
No actually texas anon owns a resident refugee leaf conpound where all the northern texans (see albertans) will flee to in the upcoming trudeau post societal collapse
From there we will plan massive amounts of critical strikes to reestablish the great texan caliphate: texas to alberta, aka norther texas, and reunite all the lost bros in between
Not only will our autobahn have no sneed limit, but it will also be side by side the greatest 50ft diameter pipeline, bigger than all other pipelines combined, and you guessed it, gas station refineries all along the way for subsidized petrol refills, free if you lack two wheels aka you only have two wheels to begin with
Trust me on thjs, its going to happen when we become best roommates and create the bunkbeds we were destijed to sleep in

Hes anger trolling, you can tell by his recycled image usages and poor taste in insults
We deserve better trolls, even flakepostinf is stale

Hell at this rate ill probably meet texasanon before the tennyfren legion deathsquad, or that naked suzuki sourthern berta bro
Word is you flaked on the Tenny Terrorists. That true?
Im gonna slay all canadians who are not repatriated as texans
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De-catted mid pipe and slip on. Stock headers, valves are still hooked up. I did the pair delete. I'll have to unhook the valves for the 2wdw tune.

Thanks man
>Lacks power at low rpms
Uuuhh, no....it had way more low end than I was expecting. It just goes, I don't have to rev it all. What year is yours? Mine is 2011.
I don't understand the /dbt/ inside jokes.
>WTF is a shoomer?
>How the hell can one guy be referred to as 'R6'?
>What year is yours?
2015. Either they bought some TSC limitation on it, or I'm just too used to my 1000 VTwin.
lurk more newfag
i actually have a question you might be able to help me with
i got this old bike that had an oil leak a while back, its since fixed but some parts of the engine block are kinda nasty and gunked up with dried up oil

what kind of products are good for general all purpose engine cleaning, and maybe even chain and brake cleaning
i know theres special stuff for each one but maybe a mechanic knows the trade secret of a 3-in-1 type of chemical
Retarded Canadian(?) that refuses to type normally, schizoid
>R6 pedo
Search enough archives like 4plebs and you'll get the idea.
Ducati 999 garage-apartment anon
A leaf with obese thumbs who likes to post walls of nonsense text and flake on meeting other anons.
A fag whose whole personality is riding a bastardised R6, avatar post with anime toddlers, and never post his gymkhana progress.
Gibberish from the flaker.

You'll also eventually see:
>R3/FaZa anon
the resident qt 3.14 whose innocence and enthusiasm gives us hope for a better world.
The resident lolcow, some trailer trash poser bitch who thinks being a trucker is something to be proud of as a white man.
>Zero anon
The other resident lolcow, he paid $20K for a scooter that tops at 80mph and thinks he's hot shit
The Tenny Terrorists are all good frens and we have a couple of mechanics who like to help aspiring wrench monkeys.
Degreaser is degreaser. Everyone has a favorite. I like simple green and brushes + old rags, because I also use simple green as tire changing lube.
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Gonna have to get a car soon brehs. These are some real pre-winter sunrises.
Wish me luck that I don't get a lemon.
i do not give a shit about your living situation
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miss my bike bros. korea is giving me the blues

at least jonny somali got jumped in seoul.
i never knew that
is it harsh on plastics like o-rings or anything?
Those are the more mediatic anons, put hotwing on the list too even thought he's not as consistent.
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and ME! When I'm not getting banned.
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Holy kek. I'm still friends with R6, but we can be friends too. This great northern Texas speak of sounds wonderful.

Huh. Weird. Mine pulls off the line with torque in a similar manner to my Ducati 999. It's absolutely no slouch down low. I know 2015 had some changes from 2011.

I have yet to see any evidence that R6 is actually a pedo.

Kerosene is the answer for both of your questions. Good for chain cleaning and degreasing gunked up areas. Kerosene is an oily solvent and a fuel. For severe gunk, put it in a spray bottle and soak the whole area. Let it sit for however long, overnight if needed or whatever. Depending on the gunk level, pressure wash it off, or wipe it off and then spray it down with acetone or brake cleaner which are both straight solvents and will strip any remaining oil residue. Light oil can just be cleaned with solvent. Don't get it on the paint though.

If you have severely caked on gunk, oven cleaner will get it off, but beware, it can take paint off too if it sits on too long. I wouldn't use unless absolutely necessary.
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>>28067922 dubs

I pace myself

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It's like having two different bikes

Yamaha is the coolest brand ever.
thanks, sounds absolutely dangerous to be spraying flamable liquids near a combustion engine but I trust a mechanic enough to try it
>oem exhaust
>no extended swingarm
>no matte fairings
>no silver swingarm
this sucks
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But Yamaha started taking estrogen and they're no longer based.

Np, just get it all cleaned off before you ride it again, won't be a problem.
>never post his gymkhana progress.
here LOOK!
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i cant believe people ride this
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>retards cant even get my lore right
Supreme thumb vhctiry
Based petroleum state mandate of heaven believer and knower
I am fren with r6 too, hes ok
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>But Yamaha started taking estrogen and they're no longer based.
Sales say otherwise, hehe

Yamaha actually delivers exactly what people want (R7, R9), unlike Suckzuki. (new SVs)
>R7, R9
bad bikes
Yes, some people are very laucky and can ride cool bikes, like Yamaha.
O rings are rubber. Not as far as I know. The more diluted it is, obviously the less harsh it will be.
Stop samefagging it's pathetic
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wow its the first time onsa said something niec about my biek
I love Yamaha but you're one annoying little faggot bitch with your constant faggot cartoon posting
>cartoon posting
bugs bunny isnt even motorcycel related, onsa posting is
based, fren-pilled
>buaaah buaaaah
Shut the fuck up little bitch
Yes, Yamaha bikes are b.a.d.

b - based
a - and
d - desirable
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>stunt bikes
>stunt riders
I'm not, it's fren hours dude
You have to be nice rn
I want a stock RD 400 why every faggot around my area converting them into a cafe racer FUCK
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2024 Honda Rebel 1100 or 2021 Harley Iron 1200?
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Your bike is great, anon! I was jealous, I'm sorry.
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id let you ride it if you want!
I don't deserve your kindness
No, people want the R6 back. R7 and R9 are pure fucking copium.
Kawasaki is based and the only one still developing their 600 platform, but they keep blowing up.
Suzuki is based and keeps pumping out the same amazing minimalist 600/750 platform so I'll be able to find them used for decades. Kind of over priced it you're buying new, though.
I like Onsa too but I think overusing her loses the charm, you know?
I like it because it feels like onsa is in the thread with us.
ngl I admire the dedication
whatever your beef is with milfanon I hope it festers so you can reply to him again in 10 years for some hearty keks
hit him with the 'ol
>how much you want for your $20k bike?
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>be me
>enjoying last warm-ish day and taking twisties through fall leaves
>stop off at a closed bridge and dismount to walk around the creek for a smoke
>as I take my helmet off another bikefag rolls up
>guys got full gear head to toe
>like the real ritzy top shelf shit, leather track suit, shoei helmet, etc
>helmet cam and 360 extender as well
>all on a faded 5+ y/o KTM
>he then tries talking but I can hear the spagehti spilling
>"h-hey, you enjoying the day too?"
>yeah, you?
>"just riding, I like riding."
>right on
>"he-he, well o-okay then,"
>he proceeds to pop a wheelie
>skirt around the concrete barrier over the roadway through a 4 inch gap
>skips across the bridge and hops over some rock along the other side
god speed turbo sped
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"HONDERS could be here" he thought, "I've never been out on a weekday before. There could be HONDERS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his open face. Kickstart my Heart reverberated the entire station, making it pulsate even as the $6 Pabst circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of commuters on a weekday. "With a Harley I feel free," he said to himself, out loud.
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Impossible, this is bakuon general
Posting best girls, also best frens; suzuki honda
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I went with sc

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>Yamaha is developing a V4
>best Japanese bike in motosport these days
>you can still buy an R6 for the track (it meant to be a track bike)
>CP2 is the best engine in its class
>CP3 is unique and crazy-quick (both are better for everyday street use than any racing replica)

Maybe it is copium, but Yamaha gives it to you only because your cuckold-government decided you have no rights to be happy and free.
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We ball
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>"And then I saw the pipe on his Yamaha it was so short like my clit"
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whores matter not. Love is what matters.
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typical long exhaust compensating..

so true

cheers bruther


the gains are crazy pic rel
How do electricfags justify their existence without hearing ICE sounds daily?
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You know what they say about long pipes?
Long pipes save lives
>sell less metal for more money to this goy and tell him it's better bacuse lighter
would dropping some rusty bolts in pine-sol overnight clean them up?
or am i retarded?
they simply dont care, the ones that do put speakers in their EV that make ICE noises
both cases are pretty pathetic tbqh

im saving that, thanks for the kek

yes. I can feel the difference when flicking the bike

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I love my bike.
>im saving that, thanks for the kek
Be honest, does it looks better?
no but it looks funny

what would objectively look better are twin pipes under the tail, sadly they dont make those for new gen R1's anymore
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going from a DRZ400 SM to an S is crazy, this one is so much more fun bros

also I'm a manlet so I have to tippy-toe with one foot. this bike is damn tall.
try vinegar better, with a wire brush after a while
don't let them sit too long or the bolts will get ugly

also you can add salt to the vinegar to make it stronger
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god i wish Pink Ranger had more porno made of her
this doesn't rhyme!
buddy of mine named his pet iguana yellow power ranger, because the iguana was a grunt and yellow power ranger got allways her ass kicked and needed help
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Fuck me lads, I had a dream that a "check engine" light would randomly light up on my bike. It doesn't even have a "check engine" light so I didn't know what to do.
>Fuck me lads
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>inflatable katana baiku for the beach boys
Make anime real again bros
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>>r9 bad
>if r9 bad but r6<r9 than how bad is r6?

umm, yamacucks?
>3 cyl
>more torque and power under 10k RPM than a 600 at 14k
Both kinda shit desu
I'm glad they figured out how to repurpose their same old shit engine
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Stop samefagging!
kys troon
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I'm not troon, I'm Onsa (real)
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>shills yamaha
>says he is onsa
thats bullshit, everybody knows onsa is zookie gal
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Bayerische Motoren Werke Motorrad
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I love fall so much bros.
Chinese made junk
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>ywn be strong enough to lift your bike over your head
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me and my oldest spent a couple hours practicing whols on our pedal bikes yesterday. He has no rear brake and I’m on my wife’s bc my road bike is too tall. Lots of fun.
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welcome fellow yellow drZ S bro. I also have to tippy toe, but I usually just one foot it. are those d606's you're running currently? how do you like them? I'm switching tires and was looking at those
Sounds like fun, klx bro.
I always over-pop and loop on the pedal bike and under-pop and chase on the 230.
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2024 Honda Rebel 1100 or 2021 Harley Iron 1200?
Tuck game weak AF mane
what are you trying to do?
>Another 230 chad
based af
what speed are you getting on the freeway? mine tops out at 74, which is more than enough to use it as a small adventure bike.
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Have fun
Ride 3 days a week for like 30 minutes to an hour tops

Mostly around my small city-state since theres literally no reason to leave as everything is here

Probably ride to go visit my parents 30 minutes away on a mostly vacant backroad

I’m worried the Harley will be a money sink compared to the Honda
The harley does sound nicer however

I feel like I’m getting ripped with the Honda even though I know I’m probably not

Wife says Honda
Everyone says Honda

Except my dad who says I must keep with family tradition and get a Harley as my forefathers have all done
theres no need to tuck there bruuuther
>I’m worried the Harley will be a money sink compared to the Honda

You probably are. HArleys are overvalued.
For the riding you're going to do, may I suggest buying used for both? It doesn't sound like you're going to be very serious about it if it's only 3 times a week and there's no reason to give scalper prices to a dealer. You may even want to downsize your expectations if you're only going to be on vacant backroad traveling only 30 minutes to something sub-1000cc for an even cheaper deal.
For comparison, I have a 250cc dual sport that I routinely take for hour long jaunts on backroads and it easily keeps up or passes traffic.
Nice klx my friend I looped a lot on the pedal yesterday but by the end got a few good ones of 2 or 3 pedals. Kids are at a horse show this morning but my son’s already been begging to do more practice today so that’ll be fun.
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Breakfast poster!
>shoomer diet

>get in the game
>ate 12 eggie
>scoop tots
>scoop beans
>scoop cottage cheese + scoop raspeberrys
>scoop oatmeal and good powder coating film of cinammon
>TWO rye bread
>10 butters
>bowl cerela with milk
>one lemon
Yes, mfw
Also im still hungry after: 11eggie, full cereal, all tots n bean, 4/5 cottage cheeses and raspebrrry

Still no breadophile yet :c
Butters will b good bros, fuck yeah
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As a guy who never knew his father and you want to steer clear, to me kinda weird bros
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My last bike was a 750 honda shadow
When I put my wife on it, I had to haul ass on the throttle to get going

250cc would kill my soul, Anon
I forgot to mention I enjoy placing latinas on the back when I cheat on my wife, in town for about 30 minutes

Are you saying listen to my father like my instincts are telling me to?
>Doesn't understand how percentages work.
At 2400 calories eating that stuff it's still 300%sodium intake.
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You're trying to win right?
Mine is limited to 75 (on the speedo) is actually like 70mph. We may have different definitions of freeway... because I stay far away from those. I stick to secondary highways, state routes and county roads. Two lane, 65ish mph speed limit stuff.

Thanks bro, same to you. It's awesome that your kid is into it. Nice work on the whols and the parenting!
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>cheaper than any car
>barely slower than the fastest Tesla
>no seatbelts, no airbags, no crumple zone
It's amazing nobody has banned it. I need to get into bikes
>It's amazing nobody has banned it
You can't just ban shit because it's fast and motorcycle safety laws have been grandfathered in. They will do a more abstract ban in the coming years, specifically they will set limits on power density. 180hp+/L all motor will be illegal.
Just as good as German empires lel

Here today
It was the Jews tomorrow
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A bike with bags is also the best way to travel if you have time. Adventure bike, sport tourer, Goldwing/RT, Harley bagger, sportbike or dualsport with some soft saddlebags thrown over, whatever. It's all fun, so just pick your riding style and go.

German Farklepalooza and the autism of the shaftdrive-in-a-flexing-singleside-swingarm make for great tourers. Their Rotax ptwins and their i4 liters are kinda generic.
Moin Moin
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I saw a K1300S with Alaska plates at the shop yesterday when I was getting my breakin service done.
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>honor thy father and mother
Father is above the mother if they contravene so yes
nobody fucking cares, autistic chomo mutt. Own a 1000 some time, they're faster. oh wait, you won't because it's bad for being a fucking man child in a little Caesars parking lot in bumfuck Lawrenceville.
>being this nutritionallynilleterate
I bet you think you only need 8 cUpS of WaTeR a day
They won't, they'll ban the concept of power bans. We're in the good timeline now.
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Im adding you to the list
Before all the tennyfrens receieve their doom notice, im servibg yours first
You're too retarded to even type correctly or read a map, why would I be scared of you?
give me opinons of those bikes, first bike contenders

Yamaha FZ6/7/8
Yamaha Tracer 7
Suzuki V-Strom
Honda CBF600
Honda CB650F
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Thanks fren

Have a blessed Sunday
>nobody fucking cares
The United states government cares though
>Im adding you to the list
There's a list??
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>Suzuki V-Strom
This one
>they'll ban the concept of power bans
Why? When the government starts paying for healthcare it will be in its best interest to ban supersports. Really no reason anywhere on earth to have 1st gear end at 75-100mph for a road vehicle.
MT-07 obviously

>Yamaha FZ6/7/8
>Yamaha Tracer 7
>Suzuki V-Strom
it's a Suzuki
>Honda CBF600
old af
>Honda CB650F
Honda without "honda reliability" and an inline 4 without inline 4 benefits
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This image will be on the main stage of the WEF EOY
yea i can see this in a power point slide
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Your welcome bros
God Bless

>theres a list

Theres a trauma kit list
The tennyfren and all canadians list
The list of staff and filmcrew for the up and coming TWIST OF THE WRIST THREE: LIST DEEZNUTZ ON DOSE TENDIES
then theres also the list of noshows during the premier of the aforementioned moviefilm
Then all things considered in breaking the fourth wall of disclosure, theres the list of edits that make the cut for the aforementioned moviefilm
A list for destinations for KAPLAN AMERICAS COAST TO COAST NEW VEGAS TENDIE RUN, currently the o ly mandatory visit for sake of compassionate care is listed as paroleanons 4 corner state - in the event we cannot find him, we will rendevous at the 4 corners before new vegas
The list of shooms ive done to destinations
The list of shooms i have yet to do because of a lack of a deep bluewater boat and abroad
The list of who did i give my baikus to after or before i died
The list of nobikes (YOU DO NOT WANT TO GO HERE)
The list of troons on a shoom
The grocery list

Added to the list of reasons to fear
how do you guys feel about riding in light rain or wet pavement? I've never had any issues but I also keep the trips short. Is it true your tires have better traction once they get hotter?
could you please kys
Making this image is more pedo than anything he has ever done tbqh
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>when the government starts paying for healthcare
lol not gonna happen
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they think its pedo if you post anime girls but its not pedo when you want to be the girl.
I rode an r6 yesterday and it was fucking boring
No power under 8k rpm
Total dogwater
Bro you arent making this any easier
Grip-wise it's a lot worse, but you still get enough traction to get by. When it rains so much you have more puddles than road is where the skid demon lies, you can't brake very effectively in water. Tires do perform better when hot, that's just physics.
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Missing pic rel
Preferably in black and white also to match
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>No power under 8k rpm
what happened after 8k??
>I rode an r6 yesterday and it was fucking boring
i get why they canned the r6
It's very nice out today
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>what happened after 8k??
the big gay, under 8k its just little gay
Don't bully Yamaha owners.
It felt moderately fast but nothing to write home about.
It did turn nice into corners that's about the only thing I liked about it
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>no bully please
he is a fag and he deserves it
>when you wanted to go to a motorcycle meet but slept through it.
Oh well. Last night I glued the threads to keep my new license plate on and fixed the negative wire on my rebels batter that broke at the terminal.
Please for fucks sake don't get the rebel 1100 it has none of the benefits of the rest of the rebel line, it only gives a dct, dash, and some small features but it is totally outclassed performance wise for the price.
What model is that actually? It looks clean.
The other rebels are even smaller, shittier bikes, what benefits? I'd pick the Rebel over a Sportster anytime just for the water cooling.
Yamaha Star. Thank me later
No one buys rebels because they are good but the 500 and 300 are reliable and cheap. The shadow is just better if you want more power, unless you are a manlet or need the dct. Shadow is better for actually cruising on highways, has a vtwin and still has liquid cooling.
The rebels exist to put Honda's existing pee twins in cruiser like shapes. The Shadow is their actual good cruiser. If you like their 1100 get the CRF1100, which is actually an amazing bike.
Well the 300 and 500 work fine as beginner bikes to sell. The 1100 dct exists only because they already had a dct for the 1100 ptwin. The extra hp is just lost on the rebel though.
This is what I am afraid people think of me after I interact with them.
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where R1 anon, ive been pretty present lately
My understanding is that the Rebel 1100 is made to fight the Sportster, while the Shadow is a bigger "actual cruiser".
The Shadow is a 750cc girlbike lol. The one person I've seen actually riding one is a tiny woman.
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finally got it all back together. i hate plastic bullshit
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You can get a Honda, but don’t get the 1100. You will be bullied within an inch of your life by everyone in your life, and people you didn’t even know existed.

Listen to your dad you dumb quat. Get a $2500 Sportster
I've only seen old men and new riders on the older aeros.
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>trees are purdy
>it rains every weekend
it's not fair bros
>rains half the year
>ride anyway
t. PNW
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took the viffer out today. felt good to clear your head for a few hours
tires hot perform better cuz physics? At the risk of sounding retarded can u elaborate?
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As much as I love my viffer I needed rider aids today so I took the other bike. I got soaked in less than half an hour.
Well, the softer the rubber gets the more it conforms to the road and the more surface area it gives you.
The rubber is straight up stickier at higher temperatures. Friction(for a given surface area) = normal force (weight) * coefficient of friction (stickiness).
mine has tc, never engaged so far unless i wheely in first.

nice helm colour, fitting for the biku?
Hate my schubert helmet, fucking waste
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Went to make a quick pass on city streets and accidentally did a mini power wheelie on the faza
Didn’t even know it could do that waow
Checkd checkd checkd
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omg you lucky SOB
did your mom get you the rumble pack too? is she single?
Every time I see a viffer I want one.
Is it the perfect bike for the road? My second bike would be an actual adventure bike, not a pigfat one for everything else.
Assuming that a VFR is more fun on the road than say, a pigfat adv like a vstrom tenny or gs. Thoughts on that?

>Honda without "honda reliability" and an inline 4 without inline 4 benefits
How bad is it really? Definitely not ktm bad right?
You must be 18 or older to post.
Have you sold all your bikes yet?
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finally figured out how to do revmatched downshifts today

what does everyone here think of motogymkhana? looks really cool, really want to try it myself
We know it's you, chomo mutt.
yellow really is the correct color for these bikes. blue/white also looks cool but yellow just looks right.
not only do I have to tippy-toe, I have to tippy-toe on one foot!

e804 in front, e805 on back, I like them but I've only ridden it literally once (bought the bike last week). didn't feel too loose on the gravel and dirt that I tried it out on, and I was told knobbies vibrate a bunch on the road but I couldn't tell a difference between them and the smooth street tires on my SM.
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pretty based, thoughts on kicking the bike in and out of gear while it's running? feels bad right?
Based silver frames Miata haver
So the good news is that the BMW OEM boxes at least do what they say, papers and electronics 100% dry and comfy after riding through a rainstorm. The bad news is it's fucking pouring so I'm stuck where I am for another six hours or so until the weatherman says it's going to clear.
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Anyone else always shift into first with their heel instead of their toes
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thanks for defending me, feels good.
I went to work on my bike for the first tiem today. :3
>Anyone else always shift into first with their heel instead of their toes
never buying used
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what did you do to it?
ive never done that, but i have done clutchless shifting, and found that i couldn't do it smoothly (doubtless a skill issue). i haven't been riding for even a month yet but having lots of fun. still scared of leaning the bike in corners 50kph+.
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ever take a moment to step back and ask yourself why you're doing this?
Beats pussy-footing the shifter into first and grinding the dogs.
What? Why?
Literally just snap the throttle off as you upshift, snap it back. Dead fucking simple.
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Man it's fucking pouring here. Glad I'm comfy inside with covfefe and laptop.
Just feels right. Gotta kick that bish into first every time.
>clutchless shifting
You don't even need to time your shift for that. Just put a bit of pressure on the shifter and it'll pop into the next gear when you cut the throttle.
it jerks me around pretty hard when i do it. i haven't yet gotten the timing such that it doesn't either lunge or drag me. i think maybe im not quick enough on the snapping action on the throttle.
>still scared of leaning the bike in corners 50kph+.
Take your time, I'm really good at leaning so if you need advice you can ask me, here is video evidence to authenticate my claims. >>28067970
lol I think you reminded me of how much I hate the klunk so now I'm doing my best to raise awareness.
You could just turn the bike off and skip it into gear then restart.
post layout
At last i truly see, thanks bros
Now that cars are officially faster than bikes in handling and acceleration, what's the point of riding?
I am a pubic hair away from bagging a 5th gen VFR800 with some bad plastics.

I be no squid or plan to stunt, so I figure as long as I respect the machine it's not gonna kill me. Weight will keep me planted but still enough juice to not get bored a year in ownership.

Do I have my head on straight? It'll be first bike and I REALLY DONT wanna be a consooomer and buy a wimpy bike that cant go on long trecks.
yeah id do it
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I have embraced the meme, BMW at Starbucks.
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Show me how you have your desktop laid out, bonus points for showing the start menu
It's a Mac.
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It really is nice.
I've been a unix guy since college and I don't have a Linux laptop that fits in the saddlebags as well.
Baller, if you're named VFR you probably know what you're talking about.

Is there anything autistic I'm not considering? Some people complain about being top heavy but.. isn't like.. every non-crusier top heavy..
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Just rode it. Was coooool.
Speaking of I have a honda crf300l. What should I do with it. It's everything stock fine or are there some must haves after a while?
Tires, suspension tuning, gearing, and barkbusters are the usual order of the day for a dual sport, but do them as you actually hit the limits of the bike, not just because I said so. Except barkbusters, get those ASAP. Full wraparound style.
>new slipon finished baking in overnight
>pops and groombles nicely now
Why are dirt bikes always 1 cyl?
No real need for any more power. Slimness and keeping the bike light. Compact Vtwins have been attempted, but the Aprilia 450/550 twins were apparently quite hard to control when the engines weren't exploding.
Simplicity and light weight probably. The realest off roaders are always those trails guys, no seat, 2stroke, tiny engine. Anything that deviates from that formula gets shittier and worse at actual off road stuff.
>Rains near constantly
>Cyclone every summer
>Ride anyway
t. Queensland
Weight/size/torque You can get WAY more than enough power out of a 1cyl. Having fewer power pulses also makes the bike easier to control, which is especially relevant in dirt. See this:
If you want twin cylinders you'll need a dakar/adv bike. They're pigfat though.
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anyone else kinda wish they were a girl sometimes
it would be cool to be a motorcycle girl
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just thinking the same thing lol
This is your brain on tranime
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I rode a little bit today. Two 750s, feels good man. Fixed the jacked up plastic on the back of my buddy's bike after the ride. Shit was getting bad and falling apart.
Not for motorcycles, 3D bike chicks are kind of lame. When bikes are involved, I'm 100% happy being a man.
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how the FUCK do I break these in/loosen them up? it feels like I'm walking on peg legs.
I currently can't shift because the ankles are so tight.

you'd think they would have some machine that bends these around for a few hours to break them in before boxing them up, I'd buy those.
Walk around in them and ride in them. Just sit in them and flex your ankles and toes a lot. Bring your shifter up a notch if it makes it easier.
I've worn them for a few minutes at a time, I guess I'll have to keep them on for the rest of the day. I also followed some video's instructions and bent the toe and ankle against the ground, in a bouncing motion, for a few minutes each but it didn't seem to help.
Walk around in them. Put your bike on the stand and practice shifting/moving your feet around how you do when riding.
I know it sounds kind of dumb and repetitive, but you will get used to the feeling as well and be able to ride in them.
Those do look pretty thick and stiff with the straps though, sheesh.
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Look at this
>Those do look pretty thick and stiff
yeah, they're adventure boots, not street bike boots. the guy at the store told me that offroading gear is a lot stiffer because you're way more likely to fall and if you put your foot down the first thing you're gonna break is your ankle. so it's reinforced and VERY stiff.
this almost looks like AI
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Lmao fag
s-shut up!
the benefit of being a motorcycle girl is the mass. Rossi for example was a malnourished towink at like 160lbs. Lots of women are healthy at sub 150lbs. On a supersport it makes a huge fucking difference since they really don't require much effort to ride but they require bravery which the female mind simply lacks. The best rider would be a reverse (-) tranny but there's a stigma. Vaginal inversion surgery isn't a thing yet.
Can't believe nu-panigale doesn't have single sided swingarm. Its gonna make the old ones hold value better.
brehs, why am I (a latino) so repulsed by latinas
yet all the white girls seem to be attracted to me and I to them?
am i secretly white?
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kill yourself
VFR400R is very different - smaller, racier, lighter
center of mass feels alright on mine
id just watch a bunch of heroRR vids on the bike
he seems to know a lot about them
Oh damn that's a super aggressive posture. Full on racebike.
He has a 6th gen, im looking at non-tec 5th gens.
>Bravery is something the female mind simply lacks

Explain Michelle Mouton
>inb4 she da Juan in a million wahman
Manjaw indicates abnormally high testosterone levels.
The SSS is heavier and less stiff though. It's worse in all ways.
>It's worse in all ways.
doesnt matter when the differences are measured in .0000x of whatever units
What boots were you wearing or are you retarded?
I should really buy some moto specific pants.
I own like four jackets, just as many helmets, gloves, shoes, but I've never been compelled to buy pants.
I see nothing worthy of attention but never use RTV like that red shit on bike engines and especially don't slather it on.

Remember sealant extrudes INSIDE too and can find its way where it should not go.
TCX hero 2's.
corner of the panier landed right on that foot, basically putting the entire bike's weight on it in a pinch between it and the ground. I struggled to lift the bike up slightly to pull my foot out.
Most no longer ride. This may be difficult for zoomers to understand but the last year Boomers were manufactured was 1965.
retard question sorry, im totally new to buying vehicles in general
if Im buying the motorcycle, do I need to fill out the back of the title with the squares or is just signing the front good enough?
thanks anon, this morning it was quite dry, so my worries were unfounded

also I had no idea what the red stuff was, it was there when I bought it from an owner who only had it for a year, and the previous owner seemed to have had it like that too

is it something I should be worried in the long run? I'd hate to do anything too intrusive on this bike, furthest I wanna go is carb clean
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I got a scooter today, stoked to learn how to ride
honda honda honda honda honda
my owners manual says not to idle an engine longer than 9 minutes, but what if its not warmed up yet bros??
open the gas cap and light the fumes on fire
Sorry bro, not all of us are relevant enough. Also, most of those have showed their face
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when will the Yamaha vocaroo femanon post tummyyyyy RRRRAAAAHHHGGG
Based tummy pics solicitor
New thread

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