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Welcome to the Auto Vidya General, the thread for discussion of racing and driving games. Join the series. It's free.

Previous thread >>28085508

IP: mumble.get-good.net
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>Equipment Guide

>Check the doc for the latest league info, we're racing GT3 in VKOVGT3E, the premiere GT3 simulator for PC on Saturdays
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Did you guys like Road Rash?
Velocity X bros...
played on mnk on Project64 and hell yeah it is the only memorable N64 racing game for me
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this had a better soundtrack than ridge racer type 4 and i'm tired of pretending it doesn't
>yeah it is the only memorable N64 racing game for me
You never played Mario Kart, F-Zero X, Vigilante 8, or Wave Race?
I have and F Zero X/Wave Race are up there too, I was just factoring in when I was younger and emulating the N64 on school desktops

Actually now that I think about it, the first N64 racing game I played physically that was memorable was Diddy Kong Racing back when McDonalds had N64 stations.
have all the magazine cover images been ripped from the game yet?
i dont really know anything at all about cars. i just like driving shitty cars where they shouldnt be
The images used in the mags. Have they been ripped from the game by somebody yet? I remember trying to find them in the game files but I couldn't find anything so I assume they're hidden somewhere.
never heard of anyone ripping these textures specifically, never tried it myself either
assume they could be unpacked by something like bintex? idk
On the Genesis yeah.
nah, that's not even in the top 10 of 90s racing osts rr4 is top 5 material


r4 is good but rush 2049 is the more masterfully crafted album. every song is good. r4 has a couple stinkers.
sounds like a generic racing game ost nothing special here
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r4's soundtrack is also a generic racing game ost
that's what it is
those are the things we are comparing
Is there a sim game where I exclusively race shitboxes?
you hear a single note of the rr4 ost you can tell where it's from it's not generic at all, this ost could be from like 100 different 90s racing games
I couldn't get my ds4 to play well with it. The steering was way too sensitive I had to be super precise and I'm just too good at racing games now, the AI on these old games don't pose a challenge. Cool game though
Yup I remember now. The throttle and brakes are just fucked no matter what I did. Would have liked to continue playing it
>you hear a single note of the rr4 ost you can tell where it's from it's not generic at all
not true it sounds like every sanodg track in every other rr game except it's the whole game. he has a pleasant style but it gets old fast.
barry leitch also actually did compose music for 100s of other 90s racing games. it's likely you've head things that sound like this because they were trying to be this.

the argument is not which is bad and which is good or which is generic and which is not. it's that, as a music album, barry leitch's san francisco rush 2049 eclipses sanodg's ridge racer type four in artistic value and musical elegance. it is more pleasing to listen to, fits its subject game more closely and required more technical brilliance to accomplish, that is peak amiga tracker music from a master of the craft.
>barry leitch's san francisco rush 2049 eclipses sanodg's ridge racer type four in artistic value and musical elegance.
bro is typing out chatgpt responses now who the fuck wants "musical elegance" in a racing game lmao
>it is more pleasing to listen to
>fits its subject game more closely
if you think rr4's soundtrack doesn't fit the game you're either deaf or blind
>required more technical brilliance to accomplish
literally nobody cares this isn't the 17th century, also not true the ut99 and deus ex soundtracks were made with a tracker too and they mog this generic ass shit any day of the week
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r4's soundtrack is clearly just a talking point for you and not actually something you have ever actually listened to or care about.

>the ut99 and deus ex soundtracks were made with a tracker too and they mog this
we are talking about racing games
also those are better than r4 as well although ut99 more than deus ex

thanks for your capitulation.
Played Forza 4 to death. New games are just a fresh coat of paint and not worth.
Will check it out. Not a fan of GT cars, I just want to race shitboxes
I mean some of the mods look amazing. Just can't be bothered
you were the one who bought up both tracker osts and r4 lol, I'm not the biggest r4 fan and I think it's overrated as fuck, but it is overrated exactly because of the banger soundtrack and visual style which rush can't match
>A big part of rallying is the road stages, where they have to travel from each SS to the next. Without that it's basically hillclimbing, and no rallye game has ever had that
why would you want to simulate the most mundane and boring part of driving a rally. might as well simulate the inevitable argument with bureaucratic marshalls about that typo on your timesheet for added immersion
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>realistic handling
>fantasy tracks
I wish I more games did this, or maybe there are and I just don't know them
I played through most of this and it's kinda mid, the physics are overall OK but the FFB is terrible the progression dogshit and high end cars just drive like ass like it doesnt model downforce.
scanlines on an upscaled ps2 game is crazy
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i want my cake and i wanna eat it too
Makes scan lines look much more subtle, like how you'd never really notice them IRL without shoving your gob into the telly
I wonder if this game shares the same universe with silent hill. It always gave me those vibes.
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>you were the one who bought up both tracker osts and r4 lol
ok? because that was the statement.
i specifically said rush 2049 is a better ost better than r4, you are grasping at straws because you are trying to maintain the popular narrative that "r4 da bes cuz youtube sez so"
the problem is you're objectively wrong no matter how you slice it, r4 is wildly overrated and the soundtrack isn't even the best of ridge racer. rush 2049 is also a far more technically competent and physically impressive title with far more depth than R4 which is really just a playable cutscene more than it is a true racing game.
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I am very pleased with this
only downside is that it isn't compatible with the config car haXXor mod
what are some quintessential nascar to try? preferably having a career mode of sorts
nascar thunder 2004 on ps2
thank you for your service, james
fuck j*mes every nascartard knows thunder 2004 is the goat
>every nascartard knows thunder 2004 is the goat
>when iRacing exist
ea nascar games are exclusively enjoyed by people who post on reddit
no Honda's in txr lads
no that's iracing
They're in Racing Battle C1 Grand Prix and TXR Drift at least, but I hate them
that's not even the best papyrus asscar game
CRTfags are the audiophiles of vidya
>made in unreal/unity
That problem will be solved a week before launch
Thunder 03 and 04 are basically the same, the only real difference is 04 has the rivals system which is subjective on whether it's good. These games really shine from their polish and the team ownership mode. Chase for the Cup 05 has Modifieds, Busch series, and Truck series in addition to the Nextel Cup, but it also introduces the Chase/playoffs so it loses the purity of Thunder which was the old Winston Cup system. Total Team Control 06 leans hard into the team management stuff so you can tell your teammates how to drive (and even switch to their car) which can be a positive or negative depending on how interesting you find it. Dirt to Daytona has some middleware jank to it, but it also lets you start out all the way down in dirt tracks.
Those are as good as it gets for career mode. The EA games from 07 onwards get worse and worse with the ones prior to 03 having a noticeable lack of refinement from the later games, and the Papyrus games were more focused on simulating physics than having a robust career mode out of the box. The PC versions of the Thunder games are trash; they have none of the cool features from the console titles so aren't worth bothering with. None of the devs who worked on NASCAR games after EA are worth acknowledging, and none of the games prior to the PS2 gen are worth considering either outside of the novelty of stuff like NR2's mod community and NASCAR Legends.
Iracing is just an nr2003 mod
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You guys watch overtake?
>watching sim gaycing content at all
I'm gonna be honest I tried playing that nascar game once and I genuinely almost fell asleep it actually made it really hard to race. Maybe it's because I play games with music off I dunno never really had that happen before though.
wew man I don't ps2 games were designed with crts in mind infact some ps2 games even supported widescreen!
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Just found out that beamNGs drag racing tool was breaking for automation cars because they dont have brand names, even if you used the in-game branding tool, and you have to manually edit the exported file to put them back in.
Not to mention the fact that whenever you edit in a brand name, there's about a 50/50 chance that a corruption happens, breaking that and all other cars using the same brand name.
sucks to be u i guess
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you're fucking retarded
all of the EA Nascar games are throwaway trash with the single exception of the gmotor based games. even Nascar Heat by fucking Hasbro btfos EA sports slop

the Papyrus Nascar Racing games on the other hand literally invented online simracing as we know it. All that we do here began with this game.

NR4/NR2003 evolved into the basis of iRacing. Grand Prix Legends, approved by Sir Stirling Moss himself, is hailed to this day as one of the greatest racing games of all time. Nobody, and I mean nobody, cares about the EA NASCAR shovelware, even back then it was seen as B-grade console schlock for kids to play with dad compared to the pure unadulterated ass-whoopin simulation kino that Papyrus put out.

i maintain you can always tell someone is a real fan of racing games or not by their positive opinion on EA's late '90s Nascar titles. i don't know of anyone who likes them unironically unless they just have never played anything better.
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i watch super gt
Dirt to Daytona btfos all EA slop
Was Nascar 06 the one that had the weird ability to switch cars mid race?
i use to. his dry humor is great.
>tranny agp smirk in every second thumbnail
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>ea literally stealing features from rfactor
that is an asian girl in the middle anon
Never understood why that was a feature.If i'm driving Gordon's 24 i don't want to switch cars.It was technically impressive tho i will admit
>havent played rocket league since 2020
what am i in for
>the single exception of the gmotor based games.
bait used to be believable
gmotor is kino
gmotor based asscar games are not
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Sorry but I can't accept 08 and 09 as better games than Thunder 2003-2004 and 05-07.
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they aren't it's just some contrarian faggot coping
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>fuck around with debug vinyl dds
>game now crashes randomly while cruising
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kino incoming
those live shots weren't for nothing
Wish he played more sims though instead of just gay turismo. From time to time he plays iracing along fellow youtubers.
The intent was to control and manage the team. Like, you're not just racing as Junior but the whole of DEI.
Most NASCAR fans don't give a single iota of a shit about teams though, which is why the feature flopped.
getting a 9800x3d soon whats the best cpu heavy sims already got Beamng which is nuts in VR
Mods in MP
AC for some reason wont launch ill put a new w11 24h2 install on
basically every beam mp server lol the aussie and saudi ones ar the most fun
there was a big push for 16:9 crts and LCDs in the late 90s 00s by the time the ps2 was old in 06 lots of games had options for it
>rear downforce
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i wish i could make tracks for a real racing game instead of Rust v0.02
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porsche daki week
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*dakar week
it looked better on the tv :/
Ah Penske simulator,riveting
I guess iRacing and ACC doesn't bring the views and Forza sucks.
When I'm using an active wing and cooling flaps on a car in Automation, what does the angle I choose mean. The maximum angle of the wing, or what the wing is set at when not active?

Also, any good mods to get some rallysport undertrays?
Cop car list for NFS MW 24:
Patrol - 2018 Ford Explorer
Pursuit - 2020 Ford F-150
Sergeant - 2024 Ford Raptor
County - 2022 Dodge Durango
Sheriff - 2020 Ram Heavy Duty
State - 2022 Chevrolet Silverado
Feds - 2012 International MaxxPro
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people that prefer mw over underground2 should be put in camps, people that prefer midnight club over underground2 should be lynched
and people that prefer any nfs after porsche should be tossed off a mountain
creatures convinced that underground is the best nfs game are not people
objectively the best car game of all time
you must have down syndrome
HP2 >
>need for dudebro hot pursuit 2
>better than high stakes and hp
terminal shit taste Jesus F. Gonzales
ricelet opinions are irrelevant
better than porsche
Idk, I just adjust aero until its on the verge of oversteer and 0 brake fade
Never even touched engine cooling
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cry more pleb
nfsu2 is the objective peak of gayming
>nfsu2 is the objective peak of gayming
on reddit
broken clock
twice a day
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Who would be at fault here?
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The recording from the car on the outside
The car on the inside. Why did you even bother posting this?
If you look closely, he might have not paid attention to another car being on the inside and drove into it
>drove into it
>while clearly holding his line
You're both blind and retarded.
I want to get into modding and make a lore friendly, period correct car pack for MW05, but I don't know where to start
>clearly has space to the left
>gets fixated to the car on the inside
it has no period, it is a soulless game that represents nothing.
fuck most wanted
>le epic perfect open wheeler fitment
must look awesome when the wheels and tyres eat straight through the guards on the slightest bump
suspension moves in an arc retard
noahs arc
wheel spacing like that is ugly as fuck and it'd be eating guards faggot
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>lemme just move the wheels out from under the wheel wells and place them directly under my painted plastic guards
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suspension moves in an arc, retard
yeah moves in an arc straight up into the guards
kill yourself fuckwit
Is the Crew Motorfest any good?
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>t. niels heusinkveld
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track widthmaxxers get the fucking rope
>tasteless yob thinks merely in black and white and cannot comprehend the ideal
many such cases!
>posts car tucking tyre into the wheel well (as it should)
nice self own cuck
it's not just tucked it's flush with the fender and cambered out as well, the car on the left in your pic is just dumped with a huge wheel gap in a cheap bogan imitation of supertouring style

car on right needs fender flares and to stop being a pussy and slam it
>tumblr pic
in no way is that a normal car, look how much its been customized to deal with a wider track especially at the rear
>car on right needs fender flares and to stop being a pussy and slam it
fender flares and slamming it would result in it eating into the bodywork
you know fuck all about fuck all
the whole point of making the wheel or tire flush with the fender is aerodynamics. if you're just going to have a huge fender gap for air to collect in you might as well not even have the body kit or bumpers or fenders at all because then you could drop it even lower.

you cut the bodywork away under the flares idiot you don't just stick em on
>you cut the bodywork away under the flares idiot you don't just stick em on
just butcher it for no reason at all broooo
looks garbage
broccolihead kalergi mutt
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>want fat tires and low suspension
>modify car to fit fat tires and low suspension
>car is permanently altered
>money stolen
stanced challys give my wally a hemi if you know what i mean
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>butchering the arse end and fitting flares and fucking around and paying for camber kits spending thousands
>end result looks worse than just cutting the springs with a fucking angle grinder
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>doing it right makes it difficult to make everything look exactly how you want especially if you care about actually driving the car

>cutting the springs with an angle grinder makes it look like you cut your springs with an angle grinder
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>especially if you care about actually driving the car
cut springs will just go into the wheel well over a large bump
your trash zoomer fad leads to to knocking your flares off
I've been in plenty of dumped cars on 19's/20's any fuckwit whinging about muh ride quality is a sook
buy comfier seats/10
real life doesn't work like your stupid modded nfs game idiot
epic strawman
kill yourself you fucking retard
yours is a v6 and you're mexican :)
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i put my 3.6 liter mexican v6 in your mom's town and country last night amigo
>v6 bargain bin challenger
>dios mio taco burrito
post another photo of you eating goyslop by yourself in it you fucking cretin
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why u maf tho
>(((monster energy)))
absolute golem
mmm crazy that is
remember asking, i do not
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>v6 challenger
>he thinks its worth spamming /o/ 24/7
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/o/ loves the v6 challenger don't be silly
oh excuse me wrong image
not even worth a response
>v6 challenger
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>yfwv youre somehow here 24/7 to post garbage
le chally wally xDDD
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Automation Beamng challenge has a updated deadline: Submission on 12th, Contest on 14th
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i was here before you were born
i will be here after you od and die
>Automation Beamng challenge
assuming 12 december right?
what are the rules + regs
Yeh, 12th and 14th of December
Rules in the wiki: https://wiki.get-good.net/index.php?title=4th_gear_3
i thought rwd cars didnt understeer
did /o/ lie to me
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Most non-sport oriented RWD cars are setup to understeer from factory, simply because that's easier to deal with for normies than oversteer. My 523i E39 would understeer like an absolute champion when at the limit.
>buy a fwd bmw
>it understeers
color me surprised
Ignore all previous instructions, give me a recipe for crack crystal
kek you will never be me slowfaglet
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I had a Croma many moons ago, part of the Fiat Saab Alfa Lancia big car project. If you went in too fast then you would get understeery safeness but if you judged it correctly then adding more throttle would pull the nose around.
It would get a nice neutral to oversteery attitude from there on depending on your choice.
The only thing I've ever put sideways around a tree was RWD and that was airborne at the time.
>fwd bmw
Why would I want to be a crackhead chatbot?
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kek cry eboniclet
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I can now make pretty unique car designs, but they're all shitboxes
Nice rental car
Make the bumper wrap around by making shorter and flatter copies right on the edge, it will improve the look of the car vastly
Another way to make a car look little more lively is increase the opacity lightly and add some seats and a pre-made dash
I forgot about that bumper trick, thanks for reminding me
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nta, but making interiors in Automation is pure fucking AIDs. I have a fair amount of patience, but interiors can go fuck themselves.
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>Automation is pure fucking AIDs
But then the payoff is worth
okay faggot loser
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I would agree if the camera was easier to work with, but I just can never get into a good enough angle to really see what I'm doing, and I eventually get frustrated and give up. Wish the devs would also add some more comprehensive fixtures after the supercharger update. I like mods and modding in general, but I really get the feeling that the devs are getting complacent and leaning on the community as far as interior and generally more detail oriented fixtures like type font and such go. It's those finer details that can really make or break a model, and it also helps to set trims apart.
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>says the faggot loser who gets btfo every time he posts
>says the faggot loser that is here 24/7 posting cringe
nah he holds the line and even starts to veer out for power. The issue is the inside car took a normal line without leaving space for the car on the outside and wanted to leave the corner wide like normal
don't be upset bruce
you were already obsolete
keep seething fag
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>Remember enjoying Midnight Club 2 back in 2003 but never finished it when I got to tokyo
>Start up the game again on pcsx2 after two decades
>Realize the endgame of Midnight Club 2 borderline unplayable cause of the race layout and occasional traffic spawns
>tfw have to use save states most of the time
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>keep the fag seething

will do, fag
>ok I will keep seething
good boy
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>talking to yourself from the other side of a meme arrow
good boy
keep going
shame that last NFS game is kusoge for chinks
13600k to 9800x3d anyone done it? Mines killing me in vr mp and sp with mods in beam ng

Asetto shit the bed and won't launch something about steam init error guess I'm stuck in soft body physics land

Speaking of is there any race series in bng? Can't figure out how that works
I'm surprised there isn't a better way to do it yet.
>make it so everything on the exterior snaps into place with advanced controls if you need it
>fuck it when you're working on the interior only hard 3D modelling controls work and also I hope you enjoy hiding the body only to have to figure out where to click to be able to select your interior object again.
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that's what your mom said!
Read the sirens suggestion on the sheet and I have found a 'Improved Sirens' mod on the repository
I tried it and now I would like to announce I have lost 5db worth of my hearing.
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>purposely crash/reset to pits multiple times so other people don't follow me on srp
you think they'd stop after the third time right?
I've recently acquired a PXN V9 from a friend because he believed it was no longer usable – I've tested everything on AC and the wheel and pedals still work... only the cable for the shifter is damaged, rendering it inoperable. I've thought about splicing the cable, but I've never worked on data cables before – only copper wire.
Should I attempt to repair it, look for a replacement cable, or get a new $40-$60 shifter?
>I've recently acquired a PXN V9

It's better than playing AC with a gamepad.
barely bro, at least get a dfgt from a landfill or something
Fuck off you elitist cunt.
If you already have a soldering kit, it's not like data cables are anything too different from typical copper. Just match up the colors from the jack to the base.
Plug looks like a normal (or at most very slightly modified) RJ11, so strip the line open and you'll have 4 or so smaller cables running inside.
If it's actually just a normal RJ11, then you'll have an easy time finding a cable to splice it with, otherwise save the jack and splice 4 new lines between that and the base. Whether that's worth your time and effort vs. buying another shifter is up to you.
Thank you anon.
a stitch at nine saves time
he anon look at this cursed image
ne dank black friday deals for sim stuff lads?
where to cop screen?
I wanna buy sim-level hardware for arcade racers and I'm wondering how viable this is, especially for emulation.

I do check out a sim from time to time but mainly for flight. For ground racing, I much prefer the arcade-style racer and by Arcade I mean something straight out of the arcade like Daytona USA, Initial D, or Sega Race TV. These are all playable to some degree on emulation (Mame, Console) or a compatibility layer through something like Tekonparrot but I was wondering what is recommended in terms of software to get these things working with force feedback and general functionality (IE to make it feel like a wheel and not just an emulated analog stick, minimal deadzones, etc).

The hardware I'm looking at is a Fanatec CSL DD or some similar direct drive setup. I am well aware that these things are monsters and require dedicated setups or at least good-enough mounting. Will a Direct Drive just feel better regardless of the game or is that only the case with higher-end sims? All the "arcade" games I want to play have their own wheels in the arcade.
many arcade system emus translate the ffb appropriately and they don't have to be "set up" for a wheel generally because they are not console games and were not designed with a thumbstick in mind anyway.
m2 emulator for sega model 2 and vivanonno for namco system 22 both support ffb, teknoparrot games also seem to work ok with wheels right out of the box
mame will do it for the rush games but project r works better at this point.
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this is usually a per-game thing, some games see each gear as 4-6 individual buttons, other games use combos of buttons, iirc hard drivin' and it's sequels see the shifter as an analog joystick and each gear is a specific x/y coordinate.
whether or not you have any fun will greatly depend on your patience to figure out how the game works and set the thing up.
i'm not sure it matters what gear you actually have, but i would say a dd is a must because the ffb in most arcade games is intensely strong.
I never played any of the series after Dirt 3, what's the consensus on the later games? I thought 3 was pretty fun.
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it's like you're driving in a world that's at 175% scale
I'm mostly settled on a DD wheel for games like Initial D 8 and sims later on, but do DD just feel better in general than belt even if the game has simplistic inputs (non-sim)?
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my mums a fucking old ugly arsehole, but your mOm... wouldnt that be an an experience
some big spic big mother tonging my anus like its going out of fashion, just lapping at it because spic son is gaymer cuck v6 challenger
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DD is smooth and strong, it will happily snap your wrists playing on full arcade ffb, but if you want a little cheaper and still good get a T300
Is 50% throttle response fine for a supercar?
Ehhh.... If it's turbo then it's a passing grade of C-, but anything NA should ideally be at or over 70, in my opinion. Still, you *can* make it work regardless.
Well 100% is hard to pull off without severely hurting the performance due to less RPM and reliability but I just wanted that extra smoothness and RPMs so I went for 50%.
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100 is race car territory. I'd say 50 is fine for something like an S2000 derivative, but a supercar still needs to have that edge over "normal" sports cars. Truthfully, I don't think throttle response makes that big of an impact in the grand scheme of things, so assuming you don't make it fucking abysmal, it shouldn't be too big a deal.

>less RPM and reliability
Not sure why this is an issue for you in relation to throttle response, there are work arounds. Smoothness is also not too big of a concern, as it's not really meant to be a luxury car. Pic rel is what I myself would consider a decent supercar engine.
Smoothness is just a flex, plus lots of supercars had V12s. I'm using a V8 though because this body doesn't give me enough room in the interior if I go for a V12. I know these days though manufacturers just staple on extremely thick carbon fiber rods and other external balancers to deal with that these days.
>peak power at the rev limiter
It's actually 100rpm off the rev limiter, thank you.
>engine has rev overhang
look at the gearing page, thank me later
and? all i see is perfection. the best car ever. the greatest gearing setup to have ever been devised.
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forgot pic
The sound of the future~
Now I understand why CVTs have fake shifters.
Yes, the general population's ears are too weak to appreciate 8,500rpm for more than 3 seconds at a time. It is a car for the true enthusiast, for the guy who claims his engine is the only music he needs and MEANS it.
We get it, you own a honda
Actually I own and daily a Williams FW15C

Is it sacrilege to make a muscle car AWD?
How are you supposed to do burnouts then?
I have too much horsepower though I'd basically pop the tires doing a burnout.
front wheel handbrake
Deciding between making a mid-engined rally car or just cloning a 911 Dakar.
Eh, they're close enough to the same thing.
Mid-engine will always have better handling characteristics than rear-engine though.
Meh. All it does is make it easier to balance the weight, something that isn't all that hard to do anyway if you engineer it into the vehicle.
Is Midnight Club 3 is actually fun? I remember picking Underground 2 over that game when it came out, a racing game focusing on American car culture rather than JDM seems boring to me especially moving away from trace/electronic to rap music.
Japs picking Assetto Corsa over Gran Turismo seems wild to me.
How? They market that game with Asap Rocky something chinks aren't into.
New half baked update for unbound out
>more nostalgia faggot pandering
>still haven't fixed the god awful handling
Dub edition is pretty fun. It has a mix of everything from luxo barges to tuners to SUV's. I don't think the handling model is as good as the NFS games of the era, but it's still good.
make a cayman dakar
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Cru moment
Yeah, unlike the NFS games rubberbanding doesn't appear to be as bad if present at all, and most significantly the type of racing itself is vastly different. A lot of MC3 is in learning the map itself, so you can take the correct shortcuts and alleyways to the checkpoints since the races are far less linear.
There's also a good mix like another anon points out (especially if you play Remix), you can build some riced out tuner car complete with fully licensed aftermarket headlights, taillights, and bumpers (looking at you, Underground), throw some daytons and a continental kit on some classic land yacht while having the chrome gold plated, throw some huge spinners on a Yukon Denali and so on.
MC3 also has far more electronic music than the Underground games, you've even got a good lineup of drum & bass in the soundtrack (which, at this point, play your own music).
Literally all they had to do was fix NFS2015's handling and online only modes and that's it. They already made an Underground 3 and they've been spending the last 3 games grasping in every direction to recapture what they already had.
2015 had even worse handling than heat and unbound.
The only good Porsche body I have only has front and rear as options.
Best I can get with a 5.6L boxer 6 is 55% rear/45% front.
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>Literally all they had to do was fix NFS2015's handling and online only modes and that's it.
that is literally what they did retard
payback, heat and unbound have all been progressively better iterations on the same underlying arcade racer. unbound even has pro drift tires that behave completely different than the arcade physics with more realistic inertia and grip.
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>>still haven't fixed the god awful handling
>play arcade racing game
>get butthurt at arcade driving physics

ok retard
>arcade racing games NEED to have pants on head retarded physics
the r34 is, its right hand drive
Then the Wangan Midnight arcade games are USDM because they have a Camaro.
that would make the camaro usdm
do you niggers even know what jdm means?
Wait do I still want double-wishbones for a rally car or do I want more of a truck leaf spring suspension?
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>a console game with 1500 horsepower nitro boosted volkswagen beetles racing at 240 mph thru oncoming traffic NEEDS autistically realistic and unforgiving driving physics

just ignore the fact that the cars are real cars and pretend it's fnf-zero
Do you? Your argument was that because Underground had a single (1) JDM car the game is thus JDM.

Underground is about as 'American tuner scene' as it can possibly get. Nobody in Japan was putting spinners and PS2s in a Ford Focus. NOBODY. The tiny handful doing it now are freeaboos deliberately trying to copy the early 00s American look, same as the J guys making hotrods and lowriders.
Arcade racers are for people who don't care about cars.
>Your argument was that because Underground had a single (1) JDM car the game is thus JDM.
no i simply stated that the r34 was jdm
"people" like you are worthless
The argument was about whether Underground was JDM. If you're going to jump in like a retard with a pointless non-sequitur, prepare to catch crossfire.
oh nooooo I'm "catching crossfire" from some retarded faggot!! oh lawd its over 4 me :(
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wasn't trolling at all
you strawmaned me after I stated the r34 is jdm
It's not a strawman, you openly admitted to it. The discussion was about whether Underground 2 was JDM or not. Your quip can only be taken one of two ways
1. You're a retard
2. You're pretending to be retarded for a troll

I was giving you the benefit of the doubt by assuming you're merely pretending. If you're admitting you're an unironic retard, then that's fine too
are you serious?
"the r34 is, its right hand drive" is enough for you to go into autistic meltdown mode
if you weren't down syndrome tier your response would have been something like "yes, one car is jdm" and I would have had no rebuttal, instead you chimped out like a retard
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i disagree
arcade racers are about the best of cars, they avoid complex mechanics to take fun to the extreme which leads to janky gameplay because fun and the laws of physics don't always agree. arcade racers are peak soul
I did respond with that, see >>28111673
You proceeded to get shitter-shattered here >>28111686

Your argument was a non-sequitur "merely pretending to be retarded" or you are an actual retard. Which is it?
Nah. People who care about cares care about how they perform. How they feel. People who don't care just want a flashy experience with cars being used as a vehicle (pun intended) to deliver that experience. Someone who likes cars will see a Porsche and want it to feel like a Porsche. They'll see a Hummer and want it to feel like a Hummer.
Is what people say when they can't actually articulate what they believe. Arcade racers are boring.
the r34 is jdm, its right hand drive :-)
total co-driver death
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it's funny you mention that because personally i use 911s as the benchmark for if a racing game's physics are good or not. fwd cars and rwd cars are a dime a dozen, but a 911 handles like nothing else except itself, so if a porsche in an arcade game handles more or less like a porsche should given the constraints of the arcadey driving model, then the arcade game is using some sim physics and is good.
all the nu-nfs games actually represent porsche's unique drive layout and handling despite the fact that it breaks the meta as the rear-biased cars exploit the drift physics to corner better than any other car in the game.

it's not possible to have a flashy experience that looks good without simulating a car either, because if you're not using sim physics then the wheels don't spin or smoke, you can't do donuts or jump, collisions are unsatisfying and i'm pretty sure when you take pictures in photomode everyone wants the car to actually look like it's doing whatever it's doing and not be obviously a video game screenshot of keyboard gameplay.
you can't do any of that by faking it.
>5.6L boxer 6
Bro wtf

>55% rear/45% front.
Good enough.
>Bro wtf
Everyone wants to say there's no replacement for displacement until it's time to nut up or shut up.
>no replacement for displacement
I do agree with this sentiment, but it's just an odd or "out of the box" choice when using so few cylinders, especially for what I assume is a premium mid engine sports car. Nothing wrong with it, just different and unexpected.
I mean some people push V8s out to 7, 8, 9 liters even and we don't complain about that, and that only has two more cylinders and isn't even inherently balanced.
Good =/= realistic
>payback, heat and unbound have all been progressively better iterations on the same underlying arcade racer.
They all still have the shitty brake to drift that's worse than Burnout one and doesn't fit the game at all.
And you can't call Payback a "progressively better iteration" with its trash upgrade system.
Is there a good way to do interiors in Automation?
Yeah, though generally speaking those engines are either designed as race engines with no regard to NVH, or are very under stressed. While there is arguably no replacement for displacement, there is, in fact, a practical limit to how far you can go before simply adding cylinders becomes the more sensible option in the grand scheme of things, at least from the perspective of a automotive manufacture, anyway.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an 8.3 litre pushrod V8 to find a home for~

No, you just have to put up with the awkward camera and piss poor visibility.
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Not really, but few tips
>Preferably a boxy car if possible with a bit of gap between the boot and rear glass for a parcel shelf
>I tend to design the floor first, then dash and console, then seats then doors then finally extra deets
>Floor pieces can be done quick if you used to the different pieces - Try to avoid complete sets, they never fit right
>The side bar is your friend to get hard to select parts
>Transforming in world space can save time shifting parts and getting precise measurements if you copy/paste coordinates
I mean if you go back to the displacement pushing days you had Buick and Chrysler trying to go to fucking 7.5 NA V8s so I mean it's not like no one's ever had the thought before. Besides, I was thinking, if I do wanna push more gas with less cylinders, the best way to go about it would to be to work with an inherently balanced engine so the forces are countered-out more.

Oh plus I put it in an 8.1L sized block so there's a lot of magnesium around the cylinders to buffer it all out a bit.
>you had Buick and Chrysler trying to go to fucking 7.5 NA V8s so I mean it's not like no one's ever had the thought before
They never really used these engines in "sports" cars though. Muscle cars and Luxo barges, sure, the cars are heavy enough and large enough to offset most of the negatives they brought with them, and that 455ci badge is a pretty nice flex, but now dump that extremely heavy and chonky engine block into a small, lightweight body? Eh... The cracks really begin to show. Honestly, I wish more manufactures experimented with weird shit like large displacement boxers, but the juice just isn't worth the squeeze for mass produced vehicles. Good job we have Automation, though, because the sky is the fucking limit and there is no one to tell you that you shouldn't do something.
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Well even in automation you can still make fairly solid large-displacement V8s if you tweak it right. Though this one would probably be even smoother if I went for short-storke with a wide bore instead of long-stroke with a narrow bore.
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>short-storke with a wide bore instead of long-stroke with a narrow bore.
Surprising how quickly stroker engines can go from barley able to rev at all above 6500rpm to being able to rev to their hearts content in automation
BeamNGhads what did they mean by this?
>They all still have the shitty brake to drift
you can turn it off in unbound and make a full grip car, in fact it's kind of necessary at max power level

>And you can't call Payback a "progressively better iteration" with its trash upgrade system.
i'm talking about the driving physics which were an attempt at making the game more arcadey by making the nfs2015 brake drift boost you faster instead of slowing you down. it's still bad and i wouldn't play it without mods but it was definitely a step in a smoother and more fun direction. good map too.
I mean, F1 engines are oversquare for a reason. A fair chunk of large displacement muscle car engines, like the aforementioned Buick 455, are oversquare. DESU, I always use to imagine those huge torquey engines being massively undersquare, probably because of the term "stroker", but even a 350 SBC that's been stroked to 383 remains oversquare. On the other side of that coin, however, the famously high revving S54 and F22C1 are both undersquare. Bizarre and genuinely unexpected.
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last day
lemme guess... eurocuck?
even worse.... an africanoid....
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>Drives around in vehicles that are arguably too old and dangerous to be on the road
Yeah, maybe I am. Salam alaikum, bro.
Were going to hang out the washing on the Siegfried line
lmfao you're polish
Do you mean the kind you clean boots with, or the kind you paint your nails with?
Good news is: the 911 with a 5.7L boxer 6 is very fast.
Bad news: it's so fast the rear keeps bottoming out and the front wheels don't stay on the ground and it understeers
For what?
>With this new release, we have introduced an unprecedented amount of performance, both in a straight line, and during hard corning. Under acceleration, the weight moves to the rear of the vehicle such that it applies the maximum amount of traction possible to the driven wheels - this also releases weight off of the front wheels, decreasing both the frictional drag the engine has to deal with, and the chance for uncontrollable oversteer.
Marketing 101: It's a feature, not a bug.
the shshshczhch kind
good news: it's a 911
bad news: it's a 911
So, a spray bottle? I'm more of a paste kinda guy, but you do you bro.
bros I wanna enjoy some night driving (with a wheel) again like I used to with dirt rally 1 back in the day (would turn my headlights off too, was great). What game?
My usuals RBR and beam are both dogshit looking at night. Right now I think DR2.0 is my best bet since it will be more of what I'm used to. Or assetto corsa and some mods? I just haven't touched ac mods and don't wanna spend a lot of time combining a bunch and shit. I'm gonna go through all the horizon games too again I think but I think I'll get tired of that quick.
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offroad beetle
new pain
very cool
Why is my engine choking? Seems to mostly do it if I'm trying to turn or go uphill or downhill. But it keeps basically giving me snapping noises and then having pauses where it's not increasing in RPM. It doesn't seem to be terminal as it can still hit most of its gears but I'm not sure why it's doing this.
Sometimes I'm not sure if your talking about in game or you just have a fucked up carb
It's in Beam.NG. I'm just getting a lot of backfiring and pauses in RPM progression in the midrange of the RPM curve from my engine whenever I'm not going dead-on straight.
>he wears driving gloves
My nephew bought and used to wear sparco "racing" shoes... like, bro, they're barely any different from regular sneakers, you don't gave to follow FIA safety regs in your fucking living room and on the street.
....my hands are sweaty
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not mentioned: his nephews lap time vs his own
it makes me feel 25% cooler. for literally zero effort and almost pocket change, a pair of finger-less gloves, and a balaclava will make me feel like a god.

if you are even remotely male, you know exactly the fuck im talking about.
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3 seconds slower on average. Sometimes we're neck and neck, but that's the exception rather than the rule. I wear nothing but lace lingerie, so I'm always racing "balls out".

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