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New USDA zone map has been released: https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/

Koppen Climate Map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/K%C3%B6ppen_World_Map_High_Resolution.png

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Agrarian, Agriculture, Agrology, Agronomy, Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Berkeley Method Hot Composting, Cold Frames, Companion Planting, Composting, Container Gardening, Core Gardening Method, Cultivation, Deep Water Culture (DWC), Dry Farming, Espalier, Farmer's Market, Forest Gardening, Forestry, Fungiculture, Geoponics, Greenhouses, Homesteading, Horticulture, Hot Boxes, Hügelkultur, Humanure, Hydroponic Dutch Bucket System, Hydroponics, Keyhole Garden, Korean Natural Farming, Kratky Method, Landscaping, Lasagna Gardening, Ley Farming, Market Garden, Mulching, No-till Method, Ollas Irrigation, Orchard, Permaculture, Polyculture, Polytunnels, Propagation, Rain Gutter Garden, Raised Beds, Ranch, Rooftop Gardening, Ruth Stout Garden, Sharecropping, City Slicker Composting, Shifting Cultivation, Soil-bag Gardening, Square Foot Gardening, Stale Seed Bed, Sugar Bush, Truck Farming, Vermiculture, Vertical Gardening, Window Frame Garden, Windrow Composting, Alpaca, Snail, Toad, Trumpeter, Turkey, Worm

previous >>2752969

flower edition
The only flowering flowers so far are my clover, dandelions, and lavender
I got a ton of cornflowers and some poppies. Was sad to see my red flex barely grew before it died, probably just got too hot too fast.
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>university of x extension
>spreads a bunch of gardening myths
It's all so tiresome
>old gardening book
>is mostly harmful wife's tales
it's so sad
What do you do if you have a living situation where somebody you live with keeps watering your plants every morning for 1 second just getting them and the ground wet and fucking up your watering schedule? Yes I have asked them to stop watering my vegetables after my first few tomatoes were completely flavorless and bursting open.
Just make your retarded mother stop by force if necessary
Her dumb ass would have killed the entire garden day 1 somehow.
>watering on a schedule
I water by instinct alone
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Gentlemen, we have eggplant
I water by today's willingness to stand filling up the can alone
My garden is small enough I can track everything and deep water as needed to get max root depth, the plants that get too much light watering end up topping in the harsh winds around here.
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You need one of these bad boys
kek just containers in an apartment, i wish though
and i made myself stand up
update on that bootleg dry compost in water, it smells properly like ass today and it did dissolve and color the water somewhat
I have one of those, its great. Can shoot water like 50 feet
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damn those phones rotating photos
women should not garden.
they literally don't know what the fuck they are doing and will drown plants to death, fertilize them to death, etc.
they think they are doing a "nice thing" so it can't be bad.
Just like giving chocolate to dogs is a nice things because teheee we love it, so dogs must too!
don't make me post that image
which one?
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I fucked up big time by getting started way too late this year with sowing etc, but behold: Chilis.
Not sure if my aji charapitas will make it in time though, the tallest are like a third the height of my other chili plants, others a fifth.
Maybe I can overwinter one for next year.
Have you tried any cursed crosspolinations with these?
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Fingerling harvest. Not bad but not great. Started with a half a pound, intending to sprout the other half but ended up forgetting about the other half. Got about 6 right at the surface that sprouted today so those are going back into the container these grew in.
Kept putting off weeding the garden due to the recent heat. Filled half my green cart with weeds.
Now piss on em and make some tea
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I posted in /an/ but I forgot there was a thread for plants here too
I'm gonna be planting tree seeds for the first time!
I found some coastal redwood seeds near me and I'm gonna be starting with these after looking up how to germinate them, any advice going forward?
Number one mistake of beginners is over watering.
Usually you want the uppermost centimeter of soil to dry before you water again, you can stick your finger in to feel how deep moisture is.

A lot of wild plants does staggered germination so while some seeds might sprout quickly other can take weeks or even months.

Some plants need cold stratification to germinate at all, don't know if it applies to coastal redwood.

Don't be tempted to fertilize early on, seeds have everything they need to germinate and send out first leaves stored inside.
Got it, Thanks!
The coastal redwoods do actually need cold stratification so I'll be doing that.

And yeah I've heard from a lot of people, don't overwater then, so I'll be getting a little spray bottle to keep them just moist every now and then.
anything esoteric you believe or do? do you believe cloudbusters work?
no but my grandma planted by the moon
pretty common, i started to realize why all grandmas believed the same weird stuff, it was in all the popular housewife books
Anyone here growing blueberries in containers?
I have one in a container out of fifteen
I tried once and it died
Any advice? Is it growing well?
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Found this lil fella guarding my tomatoes and peppers from FUCKING HORNWORMS. Based mantis fren.
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Worked some jew magic at the nursery today and haggled this mislabeled elderberry to 33% off. 99% sure it's an Adams
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It's a Top Hat dwarf blueberry, pretty sure it's a 3 gallon pot. It's doing pretty well, I just gave it a heavy summer prune because it had a horrible shape/lean to it. pH is key as with all blueberries
Not yet, goal this year is mostly to get some fresh seeds from these and see which ones I like or dislike.
I have aji charapitas, sugar rush and cayennes, but sadly the nagas didn't sprout, probably got a bad batch.
Long term some cross pollination does sound like fun though.
Tomatoes in my greenhouse are approaching the 7 foot high tie on point for my string trellis. I tied a few strings to the peak of the dome roof which will get me another 2 feet.
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That tomato plant I saved from near death is a nice vibrant green and has thrown out it's first new flowers. Hell yeah little cherry tomato.
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Bonus eggplant Pic. I love these little moths, no clue what they are.
What growing medium do you use?
I want to say it's like 80% peat 20% compost
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Bet I get this fence finished today.
Look at this nigga growing IRL penis emojis!
I’m all for the >I’m a manly man and I grow food and nothing else!!!1!!11 meme, but damn, I need to get me some of these next spring. They’re cheap and cheerful and rather low maintenance. Guess they’ll look good along my fence, mixed into my milpa trials.
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Reminder to check your plants. I got like 10 of these things in the past 3 days
holy crap that's caterpie
>first time plantinn lilies
>already devastated by disgusting pests
Into the trash it goes
>planted some dahlias last year
>nothing ever happened
>Planted 8 marigolds around my tomatoes
>7 sprouted and have established themselves now
>Planted 14 more marigolds slightly in a different spot
>Zero sprouted I just keep little spots of dirt moist for no reason I guess
thanks, dad.

If you have toads on your property, they love these things.
They might not be cold hardy in your zone. I have to dig up dahlias, gladioluses, etc here
I just found two more today. They're waiting to be drowned. I don't really like killing things so maybe I can find a toad. I know where they like to hang out
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Almost yanked this weed before I saw my nightshade has a little guardian.
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And flowers for the flower bros. These got crispy in the heat wave but still bloomed the first day it was over. I do not typically take care of anything that's not a wildflower honestly.
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This one may or may not even bounce back.
That's true but I also don't think they put out flowers the first year
Never had luck with flowers kek and good I don't like them back
Those are some crunchy flowers. Cool to see they still bloomed.
i tried that cayenne and it hit me like a truck
Shitty year overall, desu. If this trend continues I need to plant only tropicals in my wholly temperate zone because they're doing the best so far.
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Pulled garlic too early or too late?
my man that garlic is making baby garlic, way too late
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First onion harvest from seed bulbs planted in march.
Next harvest in 2-3 weeks from seeds and then really late harvest from seed bulbs planted in may.

Looks like about two weeks too late.
You want to harvest when bulbs are still pretty strongly held together before it falls apart like yours.
Those cloves should still be good for eating but not for long term storage.
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The largest onion out of those.
Overall decent size across the board and only one onion that started to rot.
Hey I tried to give them some shade but two weeks of 100+ weather was hard on everything in my garden. Only my tallest/most established tomato really did anything during those two weeks, even my squash spent most of the time trying not to die. Shocked the flowers lived, was more shocked to see the fuschia bloom as soon as temps were only 90.
I'm not judging anon, I've had plenty a plant die to excessive heat. Just glad they made it.
well thankfully most of it appears much better, ill just eat these this weekend
>he doesnt have a timer and a sprinkler
The ritual of going out when I woke up at 4AM-5AM and watering is parted of what helped me break out of a months long depressive streak. Gardening is comfy.
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Should i just pick these now and let the energy go towards other tomatoes?
so many onions, what else are you growing?
Ever tried Vidalias? They sound cool.
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Damn niggas what a pretty plant.
What variety?
It's a japanese long eggplant but I'm not sure exactly what type.
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a woodpecker is eating my peppers
Oh kek I thought it was a tomato
Hey a nightshade's a nightshade.
Should've looked at the leaves but the fruit buds are really similar
Imagine not being able to tell apart every single nightshade instantly, look at this guy.

I kid, but I accidentally planted a purely nightshade garden.

>6 kinds of tomato
>Garlic (That's gone)
>Russets and yukon golds
>One satin beauty eggplant because the leaves look nice
>Japanese long eggplant because I liked the purple flowers
>One pepper
>Two nightshade bushes that may or may not be edible but hey they grew so I watered
how does that even work, lol? What is the payoff?
birds don't get burned by peppers the same way mammals do. they love the fuckin things.
I know birds don't feel the heat, I'm just imagining a woodpecker weighing down a branch, while at the same time trying to peck at a pepper like a boxer goes at a speed bag lol. Unless you're growing sweet peppers. But even then, are the seeds and pith that delectable to them lol? birbs are crazy ,man.
When squirrels fucked with my strawberries I yelled at my cat and now he guards my earthboxes.
just how she goes bud
When do I plant a fig tree?
After looking around my neighborhood and seeing that like 50% of folks have some (fruiting and healthy looking to boot) I concluded that the climate must be good for them.
But still, technically I’m not in a fig growing region, I’m in the alps, so there’s still a possibility for winter. “Normal” stuff (e.g. apples) you plant in winter, but what about figs? I’d imagine that they won’t like getting frosty directly after planting, but getting one like now, in full fruit doesn’t seem right either.
You could probably do it now.
Some figs are cold hardy up to -20C, they just need to get ready, slowly lose leaves and the new wood to harden.
Ofc if you give them some winter protection, you will give them headstart.
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Love these gnarly grapevines
> 2 (two) wheat plants produced 35g of seeds
Is this normal? I'm thinking of actually growing more if this yield can be replicated
I'll eat all those over time, onions last about three months when dried, cleaned and stored properly so that's merely one onion per two days for next three months and I eat more than that.

From veggies this year I have potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, cape gooseberries, corn, watermelons, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, sunflowers, artichokes, sunchokes, rhubarb and asparagus
I already harvested all fava beans, rye, garlic and peas

No, I haven't tried those

>When do I plant a fig tree?
Second half of august if weather is good is usually the start of perennial planting season, I wouldn't plant just yet because you still might have scorching drought that will be very stressful for freshly planted fig.

>After looking around my neighborhood and seeing that like 50% of folks have some
Should be fine if you plant what they own then, ask around what kind of fig they have, you could even get some cuttings from them and root them yourself and ask them how do they keep them through the winter, some places you need to cover them.
You'll need really cold hardy fig and one that is already proven to survive there would be best.
You want sheltered spot that gets a lot of sun, in front of south facing wall is ideal.

>I’d imagine that they won’t like getting frosty directly after planting
It's completely fine if they are already dormant, it they still have leaves and sap circulating, yeah that would be bad.

>Some figs are cold hardy up to -20C
There are no figs that can survive -20C unharmed without cover.
Only the part below snow/soil/cover will survive -20C and everything else will wither, I know because that's exactly what happens here and it rarely gets that cold, usually only goes down to about -15C and even that is enough to kill exposed cold hardy fig down to the soil level.
>No, I haven't tried those
They're supposed to be sweet enough to eat like an apple
They require some specific soil minerals though
>There are no figs that can survive -20C unharmed without cover.
It really depends on other factors.
Of course it's not ideal, but for example Campaniere is recorded to survive maybe even lower than that.
However figs produce on new wood so early varieties such as azores dark should be able to produce even when they freeze to ground.
Should I plow in manure in the fall or spring?
After season
Kk thx bb
a little in spring won't hurt but don't burn ur plants
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post em
what's that
I don't know I got it discounted as a "mystery plant" because they lost the tag. My guess has been eggplant but we'll see this is the first flower to actually open.
Sup /hgm/
What are we planting this season?
I'm planting wax gourds and more okras
Also some beans
The pumpkin vines going wild
And my chili's survived and are finally fruiting
A sparrow ate my tomatoes and shat the seeds out
Got some volunteer tomatoes from that
This season? You strayan?
In my area I have enough time to plant.... radishes, potatoes if I want baby potatoes, I could do carrots if I had the soil for it but I don't.

So maybe radishes, I have some potatoes that have had a month start I think I'm good on those. I don't know, I might just be okay with what I have.
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a two-dollar golf club from goodwill is an amazing garden tool to have. not only does it act as a walking stick for those days i overestimate my ability to handle a couple bong rips, but it also is a cheap solid piece of sturdy metal i use to bash and move things around. i have a cacti in my front yard. when i trim n shit, i just whack the trimmed cactus pads away from underneath all the underbrush. then i just use tongs to put into buckets.

get a cheap golf club. i use it more than a shovel now.
Fuck it i got time to grow some more marigolds. Just got so many seeds from a single flower why not?
sounds handy, plus you can chuck it at squirrels
Today I noticed my Sweet 100 cherry tomato plant is starting to get a ripe tomato. It has had a huge cluster of tomatoes for weeks but none ripened. They should start going red fast and furious now. I pulled my spring peas, and planted a batch for fall.

The green beans are finally starting to produce. The first planting didn't take due to a cold stretch, so I had to replant.

Lots of large carrots now. My careful seed spacing this spring is paying off. Should be self sufficient for carrots until Christmas or later. I should figure out a better storage solution than keeping them in a spare fridge. Always end up losing a bunch not being able to control humidity.
My super sweet 100 has been pretty slow this year, the heat wave most of the US got seemed to slow everybody down. The plus side is they're fucking delicious.
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correct. except, my county doesnt have squirrels. i have mourning doves, which are basically pigeons. ive thrown it a few times.
>personally, i find the horizontal throw (like a frisbee) better than the vertical throw (like a tomahawk)
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If I knew flowers were this easy to get seeds out of I would have started a flower seed business years ago are you fucking serious? I don't even have to pull them out and separate them and dry them on a paper towel? They're just like free to take?
the government doesn't want you to know this...
Imagine if they knew that I put a runner of my copyrighted strawberry variety© to root, teehee.
The government doesn't want you to know this, but the seeds in the botanical garden are free. You can just take them. I have 25 different types of seeds.
Free to take? Sounds like communism to me. Are you a commie, anon?
I've currently got bush peas, spinach, onion, parsnip and carrot seedlings that are a month old. Garlic cloves planted on the winter equinox are powering away. Just got done building a few IBC wicking beds, going to have one of rosella, one of corn and possibly pumpkin or beans. Third one, I don't know yet.
Also just got myself a multi grafted stone fruit tree. 4 in 1 type deal.
Also should mention the bastard rats will devour close to 80% of everything I grow.

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