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Modern outdoor footwear with "waterproof, breathable membranes".

Never waterproof.

Never breathable.

Every fucking time.
Or just start buying sneakers an be happy. Water goes in easy but also back out easy.
Sneakers with waterproof socks is the ultimate

Also, tent manufacturers who market tents as being waterproof but don't bother seam-sealing them.
I have never had an issues with getting wet feet in any boot with a membrane. Breathability is relative
I have worn the Moab 3 for six months now. My feet are ALWAYS sweaty. I ALWAYS feel water creep in if I cross a stream or have to spray them off at work. Every single pair of high end boots I've had for almost 20 years have sucked. The only ones that actually work are Bean Boots, but they have poor traction.
>I ALWAYS feel water creep in if I cross a stream
I never do.
no you're just a retarded tranny who thinks they need to have "hecking outdoor marketed" apparel.

>i NEED:
>$800 boots
>$1000+ worth of gear for a 3 day trip
>a bunch of infographics saved on your phone that you for some reason expect to be able to replicate without practice in the fly.

you can literally get away with mid range boots like timbs and they will last you a long time
choosing boots isnt hard if you know about various types of boot construction.
But this is /out/ so we cant have nice things

we literally had a retard try to fill
a butane lighter with lighter fluid.
only to backtrack and say that """""he just calls butane lighter fluid"""""


the absolute state of going outside
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I went from merrel moab 2s without a membrane to Salomons with one. Feet still get wet but they dry out quickly and breathe well.
Lol Timbs don't last 6 months
You are the one buying the goyslop. The only idiot here, is you.
>i have a racist association with boots therefore they're bad and will always be bad

this is why you buy the same shit shoes everyday 3 weeks retarded faggot
I never heard the meme of Timbs being for black guys until years after I decided they sucked.
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Uh...no. These companies do not give a shit about you or your stupid lawsuit that you can't even afford. Their main priority is making it seem like their products are desirable to fat fucks, niggs and women.
This is how much they hate you.
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>im only pretending
that's not working on me faggot
been wearing timbs for 10 hours a day for the past few years in construction and they work great cope and seethe being the autisitc retard that cant stop spending money in shittily made hiking shoes

this is like the gayer version of /fa/
>pregnant man emoji
They did the meme
imagine being this cucked by racism lol.
im not paying $355 for a jacket when a fucking cheapo jacket will keep me just as warm and last longer

and then you retards wonder why you can only go camping once a year with all the money you spend on gear
Models are meant to show how a product would look on the target consumer. Niggs and fat fucks don't go camping, and, for the most part, women only go when they're invited by their boyfriends. They don't want to get bitten by mosquitoes.
Jackets are useless. They're always too hot when hiking and never fit in your pack. Just wear breathable layers and a thin rainshell when relaxing in windy conditions.
>Niggs and fat fucks don't go camping
if you are this fucking stupid no wonder you are cucked by your own insecurities LOL
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>misses the point entirely
>if you are this fucking stupid hurrdurrrrrr
Do explain why I'm so wrong. You ever seen niggs and fat fucks in the backcountry or on the ski slopes? No, you have not. You're a retarded piece of shit from reddit who thinks anyone cares what you have to say.
brands who take DEI money do not prioritize making good gear. its the clearest way a brand can signal to you they don't give a single fuck about their customer and only care about revenue generation.

imagine buying mass market trash when 1 man cottage brands sell vastly superior gear for less without any advertising budget or nigger models.
timmermade megazip silpoly absolutely dumpsters every one of those jackets into the trash bin where they belong.

timbs are dog shit. imagine cheaping out on BOOTS. if you're even considering that your life is in shambles and you need to be doing less /out/ and more job applications before the woods becomes your permanent home.
i live right next to the flagship rei store and i have never once seen a negro enter the building.
i get using a lot of asian models and women models. that is actually rather reflective of their customer base.
>You ever seen niggs and fat fucks in the backcountry or on the ski slopes?
yes and yes. you are an ignorant fool.
>take DEI money
thanks for the confirmation of cuckery lol.

Foray jackets are the best membrane jacket for managing heat and sweat. I'm on my second one in a row. The poncho zips are amazing. I dont know why more manufacturers don't do that.

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