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/p/ - Photography

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Massive Dev Chart Edition

yes the app is worth the investment subedition

/fgt/ daily reminder (courtesy by anon): one stop per decade is (generally) bullshit
>negative film ages better than positive
>black and white better than color
>slow films better than fast
>storage conditions (dry/cool) matter more than years
>Negative film is shot 1 or 2 stops overexposed and then PULLED in development so that you build more density in the exposure and develop less such that the fog is limited
>slide/positive film is shot at box speed or overexposed and pulled.
>if you home develop you can also use benzotriazole as a restrainer for the the first developer in E6 process

Useful links
>[massive dev chart] gives times for home film development
>[film dev] shows results of development regimes
>[news & community links]

Previous thread >>4333649

Thread question(s):
Home or lab development?
Color or b-w development?
Powder or liquid developer?
Gentle and slow or rough and quick agitations?
Always at temp and time MDC says to use or adjust based on your environment?
Plastic or metal tank?
Agitate by hand or get a robot to do it?
Write down your methods or try to remember each time?
Dump your chems down the drain or recycle?
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Shot phoenis 200 for the first time and its disgustingly contrasty, however I think it would do well with overexposure and maybe even pulling the development a bit.

Gonna have to buy a second roll and experiment.
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> Nikon FM2n 50mm 1.4 HP5 +2

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Just contaxchad things
Thinking of getting a mini fridge to store film in, will any shitty old walmart fridge work?
You're asking because you know that's a bad idea
As long as it keeps the temps down it'll work.
I said it before, and will say again, phoenix is ISO 25 film. Maybe 32, I don't have a sensitometric lab, but iso is defined by the slope of the curve too, and this film starts to have normal contrast ~when pulled 2 stops in ecn-2
>wants to be hip analogue
>develops his films
>uses app
lol you fucking posers
Aww you need attention already?
>a photo of that plastic Cosina shit rather than one taken with it
Of course. Worse than Leica fanwhores by far.
wrinkly old bitch is losing her hair kek
>Home or lab development?
>Color or b-w development?
>Powder or liquid developer?
rodinal 4 lyf
>Gentle and slow or rough and quick agitations?
stand or continuous rotation
>Always at temp and time MDC says to use or adjust based on your environment?
lmao fuck it
>Plastic or metal tank?
plastic 'cause you can glue it back together when it shatters at the slightest provocation
>Agitate by hand or get a robot to do it?
I for one welcome our new robot overlords
>Write down your methods or try to remember each time?
>Dump your chems down the drain or recycle?
hehe I'll never tell
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I was gonna guess 50 but 25 might be the one.
I'll post results when I get around to buying a roll. Might bracket my shots too.
Contax chads asserting dominance in the new thread

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Image Created2024:07:11 23:53:45
Get an airtight container
Cute girl
whats the best foma film stock?
the one you don't have with you
Sheet film because it doesn't curl like a mofo.
This reminds me, does anyone know if Foma Ortho is coming out in 135?
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first time using a Plustek Opticfilm 8200i SE and it's a mixed bag.

>good resolution compared to standard lab scans or flatbed scans
>more convenient than a camera scanning
>infrared dust removal works

>slow (although I've been leaving multiple exposure on and people say it's useless)
>infrared scratch removal doesn't work

anyone have any tips on making it better? I'm leaning towards keeping it because I think flatbeds are eh and camera scanning is fiddly. any tips on editing as a partially colorblind person would also be great.
Plustek suck, get a good light table and a full frame digital with a macro lens. It's much faster and better results. The longer you own it the more you will hate it.

Yikes at that samefag. Giving your 35 year old Asian wife with thinning hair your Contax to hold is peak cringe.
I find 100 most predictable.
Forever alone copeposting from extreme jealousy

imagine thinking anyone is jealous of a $300 piece of shit that bricks after a roll. especially knowing its Cosina made junk and the only people who bought it were poorfags that watched a youtube on how it was the best Zeiss lens evarrrr. Instantly know a poser who has more photos of his camera than he has shots taken with it if he has a copetax. Leicachads own your ass.

kek i missed that. I see the wedding ring now on her wrinkled old fingers. lmfaooo now that is cringeeee.
>honey please hold the camera while i take a pic of you. ok ill make sure your old face is hidden by the camera dont worry hon! hee hee my friends on the photo board will be so jealous to see a real asian waifu with a real contax that cost $300 wow!
hahaha omg dude hahahh i cant stop laughing imagining you setting this gay ass shot up. put that fucking bitch on minoxidil bro
>contax hating leica fanboys are such bitter virgins they get angry when someone else is getting pussy
The "lol lmfao hahahaha btfo rent free" routine you play out with your keyboard does a poor job of masking your anger. Teeth clenched. Keys clacking. Ass on the edge of your gamer chair. Occasional desk pounding. Frequent grunting noises. Nerd rage.
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Hey sis, rate my contax camera
oh man we got a live one
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Didn't Contax actually stop making cameras during WWII? And after that it was slav shit and then licensed Asian junk? The current Zeiss line up is all Cosina stuff made in the same factory that spits out Voiglander right? It hasn't been proper German Zeiss since the 40s...
they did a shitty slr system that no one wanted after the war and then they went under.

But the slav shit is more legit than the japshit, at least the slavs have the decency to use the same equipment and make germans work at gunpoint.
It's already available for the Euros, from what I've seen on Fotoimpex. I'd grab some, but I don't want to pay their shipping again lmao.
Embarrassingly desperate for attention at this point. Everyone was done taking a shit on him in the last thread, and she just wants more!
ESL asian detected. they always mix up he's and she's. are you as bald as your wife?
Sorry brother I just like long dark hair even if it is on an old hag
Does she give good head at least? Are her teeth crooked like most japs?
No idea I just entered the thread. The only film camera I own is a nikon fm
seems like we achieved peak faggotry
>/film general thread/
>makes thread about the fucking massive dev chart
Shit theme but nice thread questions to go along so good job, faggot

>Home or lab development?
lab for now
>Color or b-w development?
already did both, but at the time I'm sending both to the lab
b&w home develop would be ideal
>Powder or liquid developer?
Liquid, always
>Gentle and slow or rough and quick agitations?
Gentle and slow
>Always at temp and time MDC says to use or adjust based on your environment?
Always at the temp and time
Adjustments should occurr just occasionally if you know your shit
>Plastic or metal tank?
Plastic (but good quality plastic)
>Agitate by hand or get a robot to do it?
By hand
You should only use a robot if that's your work and have a huge volume, or if you're handicapped/old
>Write down your methods or try to remember each time?
Write down whenever possible, but sometimes you just can't or it doesn't match the workflow or the mood
don't write down shit between shots of your friends when you hang out, guys
>Dump your chems down the drain or recycle?
down the drain following safety instructions
it's generally easy to dispose of chems
your city's infrastructure should be able to treat it
also your 3L of chems/month won't do shit to the environment or anything
You know what makes a difference? Giant fucking industries not even being the most efficient they could be because peak efficiency rarely (at most) matches good profit margins
Blame capitalism, I won't feel guilt for safely disposing 3L of chems/month at most
Ok, but you can't philosophize your way around material reality. Currency is just an abstraction of it that makes it easy to distribute the value of resources to those who contribute to the economy. The finite things it represents - labor, energy, and raw materials, still exist without currency and even without currency an industrial operation is OBLIGATED to produce as much value as possible while using the bare minimum of those resources. As such, all soviet countries have consistently caused widespread ecological destruction because the costs of it were not immediately apparent, and sometimes even debated.

They have also all collapsed and tiny individual commie states directly killed more people than fucking hitler because communism is fundamentally anti-human. It is the belief that human nature is fundamentally immoral and we need to constantly struggle to pretend we don't have it, instead of finding a way to be happy with it. It is an impossible system that ALWAYS RESULTS IN WIDESPREAD DEATH, STARVATION, AND SUFFERING AND WILL ALWAYS BE RESISTED WITH AS MUCH VIOLENCE AS POSSIBLE. Communism is fundamentally broken and impossible. It has, is, will, and always will be an instant failure.
>soviet countries have consistently caused widespread ecological destruction because the costs of it were not immediately apparent, and sometimes even debated.
yeah but my Chaika is cute :3
One Contax photo will guarantee a meltdown every thread now lol
I've seen those arguments over and over and I know even where they're from
Go read Marx and Engels
You're fighting a strawman and don't know shit to the point of not even being able to tell me what communism or socialism is
It's like arguing with a stubborn kid who won't acknowledge they don't know enough about a certain topic to talk about it
good readings, anon
you can find most texts from them in marxists.org
you can also read lots of texts from Fanon, Losurdo, Lukács, Mao, Lenin, Gramsci, Krupskaia, Kolontai, Zetkin
all for free
there's no excuse not to read, brother
even if it's to come up with actual decent criticism
/p/ - Politics
>t. future starvation victim
Its ok, we have freedom again now, you dont have to fear the gulag or “correction” for “revolutionary delusion disorder and slow progressive schizophrenia”.
>His ideas are...
>No, I haven't and I won't actually read it
ok, guys
bye for real now! (:
I don't give a fuck about communism "in theory"
In reality communism kills millions, that is all that matters
>In reality communism kills millions, that is all that matters
so does capitalism
Communism always fails and always end badly sorry

It just isnt compatible with how humans actually are. It’s a fantasy.
Communism is mandated murder
Capitalism is optional suicide
God I hope this thread gets 404d
middleclassfag here
do i go with collapsible summicron or the first rigid (not goggled)
Contax G1
>commies: ok but if you read the persuasive essay
That doesn't change the fact that every attempts has failed. Real communism can not be tried because humans are not communists (an alien species that evolved alongside the ability to summon materials and energy out of thin air).

Rigid, always. A collapsible lens is more inconvenient than a lens cap or a camera bag. Just more fiddling. If you want a small lens, 35mm/40mm.
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>Home or lab development?
>Color or b-w development?
Both but color is a pain
>Powder or liquid developer?
>Gentle and slow or rough and quick agitations?
Quick earlier in the process, getting gentler over time
>Always at temp and time MDC says to use or adjust based on your environment?
Adjust if temperature is off by more than a Celsius degree or three, but don't sweat it if you're close
>Plastic or metal tank?
>Agitate by hand or get a robot to do it?
By hand
>Write down your methods or try to remember each time?
Successfully remember each time
>Dump your chems down the drain or recycle?
Dump them, who the fuck has time to drive a jar of poison to the trash store
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The amount of nophoto here is disappointing. Sad!
Im going to buy a contax to take photos
Whats the best one?
G2 technically. G1 though because it's capable of supporting all the lenses if you modify it and it's 1/3 of the cost. AF is not as terrible as it's made out to be. Can't speak on SLRs
Contax II
Don't listen to the japshit mongs
>fucking around with a camera from the 30s instead of taking an incredible image in 2 seconds

no thx
This person is 100% correct.

Still in his meltdown lel
I noticed my local shop has all kinds of weird film, anything I should try out? I'm kinda new to film. https://studioargentique.ca/collections/film-135-35mm
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Pentax and Pentacon best bastards of Contax
depends what do you usually shoot
I do like retro 80s since its very fine grained and contrasty, I like to shoot Lomogchrome purple when I am feeling cunty and the Rflx lab 800 its necessary for photos of gas sations at night
You lied to me.
tabarnak le cochon franco canadien, dans mon imageboard? disgusting.
Beautiful camera. The Summicron 2/40 is the stuff of dreams.
any film recommendations for a visit to Bend, Oregon?
Have you seen this thread?
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I was cleaning my macro lens and after finishing i spotted these, I couldn't clean them. Are these some kind of defects in the coating? Hope that's not mould...
they look like bubbles in the glass
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It's not even an expensive lens. I paid $260 for mine from KEH

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Currently Lab dev as living in a rental. Moving to new (owned) house in October/November so then will get back to doing my own B+W and E6.

Only got my B+W back from the store after 2 weeks (slides maybe another 2 weeks) but my first go at an IR trichrome seems to have worked - please excuse the vignette on the blue channel - I had three filters on the front of a 24mm.

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This one didn't work so well: overexposed the IR channel and must have moved the tripod a bit while putting filters off and on

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lol I hope it gets nuked, seeing how hard it devolved from probably 2 morons is insane. I was going to post some new scans but after seeing the bullshit I'm out until next thread.
A real Contax next to a real Cosina. Respect.
The boomer reveals his true form. LOL
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thrift store haul
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some pipes

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even more pipes

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weird pipes

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still pipes

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Trip 35, very good, lovely camera.
Chinon cs... Did it come with the chinon 55 1.7? That lens is ridiculously good.
G1 owner who realized he owns a Cosina pos is still triggered from last thread
nice comp on this one
Not made by Cosina tho

>Posting pictures of my Leica is better than posting pictures I took with my Leica!
Contina fag is threatened by Leica chads. lol nice inferiority complex. Leicas aren't that expensive man. You can get something without a plastic top plate too ;)
Missing the point THAT badly. Embarrassing.
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>Ruggard cabinet
I already like you

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holy based
>i wont post photos because moopco started another argument about how welfare leeching is good
Nophoto copes only get weirder
Woah! What's that middle camera? Looks really cool and like it takes excellent pictures.

ctfu i love being a contaxchad
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Me and my contax bb enjoying a beautiful view.

Snapshitted with a T3. We will never stop winning.

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These are pretty good man, I love the trippiness of the second one.
I see that the Contax posers turned the one good general with photos on /p/ into gearfaggotry. Enjoy your funkos, faggots.
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React less. It's like children on the schoolyard. If you don't give someone a big reaction, then the thing will go away cause they'll get bored.

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Still a seething gearfag, still not posting photos. Nice. Contax stays winning.
It's just one tard with a G1 being butthurt, ignore him.
nice shot. i want to get into b/w more but engagement is so much less than color. plebs
>caring about “engagement” enough to affect whether to shoot or not
Most homosexual thing I have ever read on this webzone, and we’ve seen how gay posts here can be.
Not everyone has autism, anon. B/W has been dead as a medium for years at this point. If you enjoy it sure, but shitting on someone for wanting to make photos people actually want to see is gay of you.
What are some stocks I can get to get super deep, rich blacks like picrel
It's more about lines, shape, etc. you can definitely capture texture but it's different. I find now, taking colour photos almost difficult.
proper scans as promised
also testing exif overrides
I have some color rolls I've shot since but haven't developed yet

these are really cool
that said, what aperture did you scan at?
the corners are pretty soft (also distorted but that can be corrected)

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damn, still can't get the lens model to show up
I know it shows up for some Canon models so I tried hijacking that tag

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camera model, shutter, aperture, ISO, focal length are all correct
I'll need to figure out how to get rid of the extra aperture there

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still need to figure out a tag to use for film stock, though from what I've seen so far might not be possible

oh and don't know how those scratches got there, rip

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Any stock and then you just crush the blacks in post just like with digital.

Alternatively slide film if you feel like editing isnt your thing.
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I scanned at f8 and you're right I probably should go with f11 for the sharper corners

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Anybody got an Olympus XA they want to opine on?
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What do you want to know about it specifically? It’s a nice little thing. It’s a bit fiddly being so small and very 80s, but the lens is crackin for what it is and it shoots well. Bit wiggly and creaky like any 30+ year old plastic fantastic but that’s sort of the nature of these cameras now.

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Is it fun to shoot or a pain in the ass? How dim is the RF patch? Do you carry it as much as you thought you might?
XA is not RF...
I thought the original XA, not the 1 or 2 etc was RF?
Are you retarded? The XA is an rf
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The patch is definitely dim just due to age and it being tiny. You can use the tape/sharpie trick to brighten it up a bit, so far that’s worked for me fine. I enjoy carrying it around, but being that I’m a serial GAS faggot I don’t just because I’m constantly running a “test roll” through something else lol. The rf works very nice though, and it’s super easy to slip in and out of a pocket to grab a shot, if that’s your concern.

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Thanks anon, covers off on what I've been pondering. I think I might pull the trigger.
Unless you plan to use it for a lot of close-up, critical focus stuff...th xa2 has a noticeably sharper lens and keeping it parked in the middle or far focus setting will yield great results for general snapping around cities and nature.
wish me luck diy-ers, I'm taking apart agfa optima sensor to fix the winding mechanism and an offset sprocket
if I remember to take pics I'll maybe make a guide
at what aperture should I be adjust a lens to infinity if it can't focus right?
As high as possible. Your lens should have marks to show you the depth of field at different aperture.

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my epson v850 and dedicated 35mm scanner arrived. fuck me the v850 is insane for 6x9. yet to test the 35mm one. im going all in on film boys
so as closed as possible? it only goes between 2.9 and 16 and it's already like 85% sharp on infinity at f16
Why are film fags talking about "photographic process" when studios are doing 90% of their "process"?

pressing buttons has the same process as on digital
anyone ever shot a voigtländer 50/1.5 heliar classic?
nigga what the FUCK are you talking about
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It's out. Thoughts? They also made an 8x10 film holder for paterson tanks!
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got some Gold400 negs back today and ran them through the negativelabpro trial. Must say, i like the results, but fuckin 100 dollars? still not sure its worth it. fuck. anyone got a crack?
Also, need to figure out what that light leak on my CL is coming from.

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shame about the motion blur and missed focus here (hurray rangefinders), but those colours are luscious.

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might just buy this stupid program if i decide to shoot more colour, it makes it so easy.

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What's a good holder for 16mm film stock?
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Dawg, yer shooting film. A $100 one-time purchase for a program that gives results you like is nothing in the grand scheme of things.

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I shot my first roll of color film. Now I'm learning how to color grade my own scans. Constructive feedback appreciated

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i know, i know, its like 6 rolls of film worth. not a ton at the end of the day. Will probably get it with my next pay rise coming soon. I've never had a good handle on software value relative to cost, it always just seems expensive lol

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you can find version 2.2 cracked on rutracker, but I think it works with older versions of Lightroom 10.2 or so
this one looks amazing
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hey p i have 3 rolls of trix that i got a month or two ago and havent shot anything since may. i want to get out shooing again, what are some recommendations to shoot that would look good on trix? also i remember someone saying to shoot it at 100iso, should i?
Yeah. Though some lenses get distortion the closer you get to either end of the scale. Is your lens totally broken?
Go find some mountains.
Interesting for sure but that price lmao.
I used an old ilford roller for bulk and paterson for small batches. Wasn't built for paterson and would roll off if light but place it against a wall with a piece of wood and something heavy on either side and it done the job well enough. Loved using the roller for 4x5, pure bliss desu.
Just a meme at that price no? Meant more for dedicated lf boomers and people running small homelabs I guess? Not so much for your typical individual home developer

Agreed about the price. I suppose that the greater consistency with automatic temp compensation(c41 and E6 mainly), and the chemistry savings by using it horizontal could allow one to cope with the price. It would take a very long time to start saving money, but you could get there.

The convenience of automatic roller development sounds wonderful.
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I'm in a pretty bad period in life, and haven't been shooting much
Any tip to get back up? Projects, ideas, whatever
Take photos of buttholes
Buy a hasselblad, take photos of blek ppl on ektar, submit it to an art exhibit and call it recognizing diversity

use the money they give you to buy some booze. thank me later.
where do you live? could do a film "snapshot" of your city or town in 2024 different aspects of it. put it together in a set and some commentary. those are always fun. post it here or maybe some blog might like it
lovely ideas, I'll put a raincheck on it though
i'm not fond of snapshitting, but maybe planning on some places and going there to shoot them might actually be a good idea
There's many places I'd like to visit in my city and that I've never been to for whatever reason
It sure will be fun and novel and might be good for getting me out and shooting
Thanks, man
sure. i've done this many times myself. shots on their own that might be weak compared to whatever "epic" street crap is memed on instagram, can become very poignant and valuable when in a big set. the library that is looking run down, parks filled with people playing, the cinema out of business, the cafes swelling with people, the traffic congestion full of big trucks and small electric cars. the world changes. cataloging it all together might not be interesting for many people online. but i bet it would be for the people who lived whereever u are. at the very least u can have a nice visual journal of where u were at this point of time and as u said, get to see parts of the city that u havent been before. films a great way to do this but anyone could do this with a phone camera or digital.
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Mmm. Space pods.
QRD on fixers? I just mixed up the last of my sack of store brand powder and need to buy more. I never thought about it much but now that I'm looking there are "rapid" and not, "hardening" and not, powder and liquid, two part, hypo clearing agents, washes, etc.
Any reason not to just use this cheap shit for everything?
Stupid question, what do you call a camera that has neither a reflex mirror, a ground glass back, nor a rangefinder? I'm talking about one where you look through a viewfinder that isn't coupled to the lens, rangefind off camera or guess the distance, and set the focus from there
Scale / zone focus camera
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I've had two. The first one I took with me on a trip, and I used it constantly because it's pocketable and capable. The rangefinder patch was barely usable, even with the tape trick, so I found myself using zone focus a lot. That one had shutter issues, so I got a new one. My new one is much nicer and the rangefinder patch is actually usable.

However... I've been getting tired of it recently. I've been somewhat unhappy with the photos I've been getting out of it when compared to my FE, and lately I've been bringing that out more often even though it's infinitely more annoying to carry.

Also... this isn't really the camera's fault I guess, but I often have photos that are ever so slightly blurry, even in broad daylight. I guess I'm just moving the camera too much, or whipping it into my pocket immediately after pressing the shutter button, but it happens so often even after actively trying to avoid it that I wonder why it doesn't happen on my other cameras. pic related.
Get some Electra 100, it's just respooled Aerocolor IV.
I have been shooting on a Minolta Dynax 5 for a while now and have been thinking about getting a new camera. I've been looking at older Minoltas, like the X-700/X-500 or the XE-1 and I wanted to ask if it makes any sense getting one of these cameras? What are some differences I will see in picture quality? Thanks
>What’s the “quickest” MF format camera to buy?

I’ve been shooting my Pentax 67 a lot the past few months since I’ve gotten it and the camera itself is great however

>I am not convinced 6x7 is a format that’s needed. (or convenient) I got a Pentax. 67 a while back and I absolutely love the camera and shooting with it, however the tradeoffs with 6x7 compared to 6x6 has me scratching my head. I’m getting around 20% less pictures for no perceptible increase in negative quality. Perhaps if I did massive prints myself it would show but I don’t. As for the aspect ratio I personally see no degradation of quality in shooting 6x45 compared to 6x6, and since I already have a 6x45 I question what is the purpose of a 6x7?

As much as I like the 6x7 I’m debating selling it for a “easy quick to use camera for candid shots” whatever that camera may be
I use ilford rapid fix and it lasts 6or so months once mixed. For no more than I develop I don’t see the point in pinching Pennie’s.
What are you unable to do on the dynax 5 that you think a different camera will? If the answer is nothing, then why not stop being a GAS faggot and use that money for more film instead?
i gave my dynax/maxxum 5 away to my mom to use a 70s larp box and regret it every day

she won't even consider selling it back. she likes it too much.
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Vivitar RL4000
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oh if you used f/8 then stopping down further probably won't help, most likely the lens isn't flat field
at first I tried scanning with my most macro-capable lens but found out it has the same problem (picrel) but way worse than yours
I mean it's cheaper than even a used Jobo

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I totally forgot about how expensive jobo anything is. They have dev tanks twice as expensive...
I believe no medium format camera is going to be really fast to use
For fast candid portraits I use a 35mm, because it allows me to quickly compose, set the camera and shoot
If it's on my neck I can shoot in probably some 3 or 4 seconds
That's why I use medium format for slower shots
Even though I like shooting stuff on the streets on medium format, I know it takes me like ~20 - 30 seconds at least to get my camera out of my bag, get the lightmeter reading, pass that to the camera settings, compose, focus and shoot
I think a TLR is the most practical medium format, but it's still slow compared to 35mm
I'd advice you not to approach MF the same way we do with 35mm cameras
but that's just, like, my opinion, man
You’re largely right, but there are a small few auto focus autoexposure medium format cameras that come close to a point and shoot experience. Ga645 is one I can think of.
Hasselblads are pretty fast to use. Just use 400 speed film, sunny 16, and stand further away from stuff so it's harder to miss focus.

Bronica with the ae prism too
Rollei 2.8f

You (should) be using sunny 16 with any manual focus camera not just MF.

While generally you are right 35mm is quicker to use, if you use higher speed film or in sunlight it’s not too hard to manage with MF
>Even though I like shooting stuff on the streets on medium format, I know it takes me like ~20 - 30 seconds at least to get my camera out of my bag, get the lightmeter reading, pass that to the camera settings, compose, focus and shoot
You can skip all this bullshit by using decent negative film and keeping your MF camera on a strap

It's just like shooting 35mm but fewer shots and f16 looks more like f8
>keeping your MF camera on a strap
an RB all day everyday, like a japanese tourist in Disney in the 90s? wherever I go?
I generally ride my bike and carry the camera on my backpack, when I see something I wanna shoot I can take more time than this to get how I want it, but for a "quick shot" (as in "as quick as it can be in these circumstances") it takes me some 20 to 30 seconds
>get lightmeter
>put it back in bag
>get camera
>put strap, take off lens cap, put in pocket
>set the readings
>compose the scene
>focus, put back loupe
>take metal plate, put in pocket
>check the shot
and then the whole routine back
+ advance the shot and set the mirror, never forget that
It takes time
It's arguably way slower than when I carry a 35mm along
>get camera in bag
>instantly advance lever
>compose, focus, internal reading, setting aperture and shutter speed almost instantly, shoot
You seem to be conflating automation with speed. A 645N will shoot just as fast as a point and shoot 35mm which it sounds like you have. Any manual camera where you need to adjust aperture and exposure manually will be much slower and you should just use sunny 16 rule regardless of medium format or 35mm
>An RB
there's your problem

keep camera on strap, sunny 16, 400 speed film pushed if need be, zone focus/rough focus and shoot, only thing that's slow is film advance and changing rolls lol

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>yeah bruh I just take a studio camera with me like everywhere like an jackass

get a folder camera, hyperfocal distance and sunny 16.

Or if you are fully committed to the retard larp get a Crown Graphic so at least all that time that you spend doing that will get you a nicer negative
ok, I sometimes forget electronic cameras exist
my bad
It just works fine with the scenes I shoot, generally
>keep camera on strap
not possible
>sunny 16
I'm not in a rush, I can make a reading with the lightmeter and get it perfectly right (or over-/underexpose as I will if it fits my purpose)
>400 speed film pushed if need be
I'm fond of bringing 2 extra backs and always have a different film in each of them, or if the same at different isos
Generally I use 400 iso for color, but then have some lower iso slide and something in b&w (100 pushed to 800 and 400 pushed to 3200 lately)
>zone focus/rough focus
again, I'm in no rush, it's fine if I take some time to focus exactly where I want, and have it look as I want to combined with the aperture
>and shoot,

but that's what I said: that's why I use 35mm for when I want to shoot something fast
i have an SLR in a backpocket, and just whip it out and shoot when I need to shoot something fast or very dynamic etc.
It's my dream camera and I have fun with it
also riding my bike with those extra 3.5kg (with the extra lens, flash and 2 backs) makes my legs look sexier :3

I was just saying medium format is pretty much inherently slower than a 35mm counterpart (whether it's fully mechanic, electronic or whatever)
And more portable (a MF SLR is bigger than a 35mm SLR, a rangefinder MF yadda yadda you get it)
That's my point:
If you really want something fast, maybe MF won't suit your needs
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flower snapshits, my beloved

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go out innawoods and snap 72 different tree stumps on a chaika or other half frame camera
>im in no rush
>complains MF is slow

gearfag cognitive dissonance is frustrating

he simply needs to switch from 6x7 to 6x6. no noticeable iq loss, even if he crops to 6:7. camera's 1/2 the size and way easier to use on the fly.
Or sell a kidney for a mamiya 7!
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It’s the endgame
I'm the anon who's not in a rush who was replying to another anon who wanted something faster
Hence why I said maybe medium format is not the way for what the other guy wants out of shooting
Stop being poor
How 2?
>fuji 690
>velvia 50 outside
>take single meter reading off phone
>rangefinder focus on dogs eye as shes moving around
>nail focus and exposure
skill issue
>post no photo because this just happened on xer mind
Start shooting digital
Thanks for the input anon
Just did some late night on the shitter ebaying and I snagged a late SS M3 for 900usd. Supposedly with shutter firing at all speeds, curtains in good shape, speeds sounding ok, nothing sticky, timer working, in decent but user appearance. I talked the guy down cause he hadn’t run any film through it so couldn’t guarantee everything was good but it was fine last time he used it years ago. How fucked am I? I already am starting to have doubts lol but that happens every time I do late night impulse eBay offers. Never had an M3 and was wanting to try one out anyway.
lol I'm stuck in a hotel room for the day and ended up buying a Canon 35mm f/2.8 LTM from ebay tat I didn't really plan on - ebay's a bitch sometimes kek. I hope your buyer's remorse disappears and you get a lot of fun out of it.
yes, im not posting my personal photos here. learn to focus
political brainrot when thinking of photography. lol, lmao even
its probably fine. film m's are robust. just run a roll through it and test the rangefinder is accurate when you get it
Yeah it’s bad if you are impulsive lol. Gotta stop going on there when I’m working on a tough shit.
That’s part of the reason why I went for it, quite cheaper than local marketplace prices and I figured if the “German build quality” isn’t a meme it should be fine. Is there a specific test for the RF or will any old thing on Google work?
get a good lens that doesnt have its focus fucked. then focus on the moon at night and it should be infinity. if the rangefinder patch is off then you need to fix it. also do the same but with something at 0.7m (measure it out). is this your first leica or rangefinder?
I have a Leica CL so it’s my first M style Leica rf. And I own other fixed lens rangefinders like the QL 17, XA and such, so I’m familiar with how focussing works on these. Just not the M3 itself. seems like itll be easy enough to check
6X7 camera is no bigger than a 6x6
Just get a 6x9 ??? And you can make wallet size contact printz
some 6x7 cameras are sort of the same size but occupy it in different proportions
like, the pentax 67, and the mamiya 7

but a complete bronica sqa rig is $500, and a good reliable 67 is thousands
im not trying to get too deep in this shit yet, but i dropped my Olympus p&s and broke it so now i need a new one. what are some decent ones that arent memed and go for hundreds of dollars that i can keep an eye out for?
Contax T3
Ricoh FF1
Whats the best long focal length lens for a Wista 45SP (12" / 300mm of bellows)?

I've looked at the telephoto Tele-Xenar 360 f5.5 but apparently its not very sharp nor very contrasty
Nikon and fuji have good teles in that range.

Double check their bellows draw tho.
Schneider symmar convertible is also excellent, especially for a convertible, but you have to work the smaller aperture at the longer focal length.
I bought a canon autoboy ii for like 10 bucks at the thrift and they’re still pretty cheap on eBay. 2.8 lens full auto everything, it’s ok for a point and shit. Unfortunately the entire market is feeling the meme price squeeze, even lower models like this are climbing.

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Oh fuck I love this!
MA-8 in Rollei RLC.
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I have an option between buying a bronica sq-a with a ps 80mm f2.8 and a speed grip, but no winder, and an sq-a with a s 80mm f2.8, speed grip, AND winder. Both with the stupidly overpriced WLVF. Anything cheaper looks just a little too beat up and doesn't come with the WLVF.

Is the ps better enough to be worth the hassle of trading the speed winder i'd never use for a winding lever?
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Why does this image make me think of Lana Del Rey?
I love it.
>lana del rey
I have sex with women I don't know anon
Thats my current lens, the Schneider 150/265, sadly removing the front element to make it the 265, I run out of bellows for infinity focus..

I use Windows in QEMU and have a snapshot that I restore when NLP trial runs out.

So basically it's full version.
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Should add this is ORWO MA-8 for keyword sake.
>Lana Del Rey
Glad you like it though.
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Olympus zoom missed focus on this hawk I saw

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Truly, the taylor swift of analog photography
probably a downgrade in picture quality, I had a 400si that broke but it took good photos almost every time. Now I have an x570 and it seems like the photos from it are less sharp. I don't know. I used manual focus on both cameras so I don't think it's that.
it was a hawk, not a swift
any idea why this POS is missing focus so often?
I was going to say it's very contrasty and I see that film is for document archival lol
Why not go for tech pan if you're that much of a weirdo
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+1 internet to you my dear sir
Still love it
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Last one, for now!
Damn this was my favorite single roll in a long time.
Oh you haven't seen weird from me yet lol.
But this is what I have so this is what I shoot.
I did it in Rodinal and HC-110 before but it wasn't great, but RLC is like a magic fucking potion that turns it into awesome. Only problem is it's about $5 to develop per roll. And it's out of stock everywhere now.
I'll be trying in TD-3 next, which is supposed to do similar things to tech films, only more cost-effective.
>tech pan
>barely any stock available on ebay
>if there is, you're lucky to find a single roll for less than $20
Yeah, nah. I want to try it too some day, but not gonna put up with this bullshit.
Thanks! <3
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"punchy" negatives are a good thing, right?
well i read on some website to do the infinity focusing wide open so i did it while aiming at the moon and it kinda worked out - wide open its only somewhat sharp in the centre of the frame, closed down its pretty sharp throughout and it focuses normally on closer distances. The lens is not brokem at all but it need to be focuses outside factory spec because of weird flange focal distance it has (I found an orphaned industar 69 at a flea market and managed to mount it to m43 without any filing or griding like most of the idiots on the internet, it just need to be refocused)
Depends how hard they hit.
Unedited except by my lab
Not for scanning
huh, that's a clever solution.
Get the original Contax T that the Ricoh ripped off... Much better quality and an amazing Zeiss lens.
dis nigga
PS was a big upgrade imo. The power winders are cheap and plentiful made by tamron.
Fuck that, dude should get the chinon bellami because it has a frickin barn door.

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Does anyone want to buy a Pentax 67 with 105 and 45mm lens? Camera works great and takes great pics.
how much?
$980 shipped. Assuming you are in the US. I just do not like 6x7, bought a rolleiflex last night so I am selling the pentax to cover the rollei.
2 much 4 me
Can't believe they named a camera after that JCH dude
Any pics? I'd be interested.
who thought this was a good idea for a brand name
sounds like CHINK
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Can post better pics (and links to original eBay listings) if interested. I’ve had it 2 or 3 months and from a camera standpoint it’s one of my favorite, I just don’t like 6x7.

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Film bros is this page posting AI images or are they real? Pic related.
Ill give you $200
Only if yer a raycis :3c
I give 200 AND a blowjob
They try to hide it but it's not convincing, if you get past the fake grain and blurr, you'll pick up shadows and shapes that don't make sense. Her uneven thighs and her left hand having a thumb and the triangle shadow it makes on the wrong side of her hand for two examples.
lol it gets worse, but I guess he learned from his early posts to hide hands and tells with movement blurr, diffusion and grain
I like how the website about Slicks page is also literally vague nothing.

Whatever this guy is grabbing with his right hand-- it doesn't make sense.
Hope these answer your question, but yeah any account that obviously avoids mentions photography or them being photographs is an immediate red flag. Lying through omission.

Any time they don't hide it with grain or movement blurr it's obvious. Maybe their most recent work with the Cybertruck is real since the grain is so different, and the same thing with the video since it's obviously stitched together from other sources but the photo you posted and the photos from the same series with movement blurr and light streaks is obviously AI.

Their inspiration highlights are pretty solid tho, but obviously it's other people's work.

Last example, every still they've posted has a tell. Like this one with the weird middle finger. No amount of grain fixed it.
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I'll bid 200 and a pawjob + a little kiss on the forehead
AI is still obvious as fuck but this is a grim reminder that no negs = not photos. And you basically need medium format (6x6 or larger) because even 36mp projectors won't be able to outresolve the medium and make convincing fakes, assuming consumer semiconductors don't die before then.
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An absolute brutal mogging.

My first tray developed 8x10 came out looking pretty good. Contact print tonight. It's a really cringe picture.

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oh wow photos of literal trash, that is a new one
You think a wedding ring is on the right hand?
If you want me to take an 8x10 portrait of you and your mom just ask, bro. No need to beat around the bush like you have been the past few threads.
Are you responding to the nophoto trying to derail every thread?
LF fags are the most baitable
I don't know why, it's just how it is
and they never learn
I was being genuine. I need to practice my portraiture.
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I have failed, badly, but this will not slow me down. This was a good test shot to get my feet wet with 8x10 negatives. It doesn't look as bad as my phone makes it out to be, but it is far too soft for my liking.

I believe the softness of this image is in large part due to diffusion. I wasn't sure if the diffusion I was seeing on my GG was to be trusted, but it is. F45 is too soft for macro.

Moving from 4x5 to 8x10 has a pretty big learning curve. I WILL improve.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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>muh trash
Jokes on you he’s doing photography
I am too, I just ignore bait
also I'm not eternally doing test shots
Im going to buy a pentax to take photos
Whats the best one?
Post portfolio

What’s that

You can’t?
this wouldn't happen to have been taken in chicago would it...
Just ignore the poor little guy.

Remember that one poor little guy's trash is another man's treasure.
best is subjective although the LX is supposed to be considered the top of the line/best manual camera they produced
I like the Pentax Program Plus of the 3 Pentax SLR cameras I own
What does LX stand for?
spotmatic, everything else is cope

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