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Now that the dust has settled, is he the Robert Frank of our lifetime bros?


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Holy shit stop spamming this guy's videos
It's actually way more enjoyable to watch him take photos than it is to actually see his photos. Most of his pictures are shit just by the nature of how he takes them. The fun is watching him get into arguments with random strangers who seem ready to throw their life away over trivial bullshit.
Buy and ad trevor, you definitely have enough money after scamming people with your zine you never published
I think it's actually the youtuber that's being spammed, I've seen more of these 'walkie talkie' links over the last few days than anything
And I watched a bit of the one with Austin Augie and it was v. obnoxious
This guy is a fucking parasite and it's creeps like him that make regular people suspicious of street photographers.
He's actually kinda cute in the video, the thumbnail is v v v bad
>He's actually kinda cute in the video
I watched the video when it came out. I would have kicked his ass if I were one of the people he ticked off.

Street photographers shouldn't be intrusive, this asshole is literally in your face.
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I mean, yes, but still
you have shit taste anon
Nice cheekbones
I like his enthusiasm, he's trying and also admitting that he's mostly shit, that's a great combination to improve. The photos to me just look like paparazzo junk, and monotonous, but of course he'll get two or three hits somewhere. I also liked the episode with Melissa O'Shaughnessy, on the surface she's doing teh same thing but it's insane how much better the compositions are imo.
We run in the same circles and he's really fucking annoying. He pulls though but god is he fucking annoying. Maybe I'm a little jealous, but MAN he's fucking annoying. Annoying fucker. And short. He's probably going to be the most well-respected and revered photographer from this generation. He hits that sweet spot between being a total fucking annoying asshole prick and just a good enough artist and conversationalist. Absolutely a Picasso type.
You mean he is annoying?

Can't stand that dudes face and attitude. Autists are supposed to be introverted and silent, but this fucker here... damn it.

You americunts can't do anything right.
>posted on the internet, from your smartphone
Okay except these two things, kek
Would his style of photography fly outside of the Anglosphere?

I imagine some japs or slavs would beat his ass
As an Aussie I can confirm the cunt would be bashed in 90% of places around here by either the local bogans or some fat wanker preaching "much privacy" (Australia has no right to privacy in public areas).

Fuck, I feel like I'd lamp the prick after seeing some of the invasive shit he does; I figured Americans would as well...
Based aussies bashing limp wrist septics
As an Aussie, yeah. There are definitely types who are just cruising looking for an altercation, and that bullshit is as good of an excuse as any for them. If you go to any of the major cities, im sure most university educated POC women would love someone to take their picture so they can make it out to be some kind of sexual assault warcrime.
Is this guy a meme or something?

If he was a fat dude in cargo shorts nobody would watch that video
He's a wiry kike, I don't think his looks are the reason he gets coverage
Dude's photos aren't very interesting
The thing is, they wouldn't though
Meant for
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Lol, no. Street photographers are everywhere and I even do it myself, the only person that's got pissed with me was some mentally ill guy that I thought just looked interesting (which he was interesting, but in a more mentally ill way than I anticipated).
And who could possibly forget eggy? He's been in peoples faces in Brisbane CBD for years and gets some flak on occassion, but it's always online later and never to his face. People talk big online but do jackshit IRL.

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Hm, I feel like Sydney might have a higher fuckwit per capita. That being said it's your own fault if you go outside anywhere west of Parramatta.

Definitely seen blokes punch on over someone with their phone out recording or taking photos. Idk man people get aggressive here for fuck all reasons, and I've seen some smashed DSLRs over the years.
My name is trevor smartglass and this guy is a hack. My gorilla street snaps with be supreme in comparison and my zine wont be a scam.
I'm not going to deny that street photography is technically art. Taking a shit on a canvas and letting the turds slide off before spraying laquer on it is also technically art.

it's just never produced anything good. ever.
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I'll deny it.

Street photography isn't, and never will be art.

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>It's actually way more enjoyable to watch him take photos than it is to actually see his photos

true. he can become more successful if he making such videos taking street photos not making street photos lol.
i'm not disregarding street photo but it's just simply much more better content to people enjoy.
Afterall, what street photos can give us?
>ohhhh look at that 60 yo granny in very old school fashion oooohhhh that's so sick bro
>ohhhhh look at the well suited up guy walking in the manhattan street with a take out coffee he must makes 7 figures bro oooohoohhhhh

t. another street fag
it sounds like you lack the capacity to understand aesthetics. there's a little more to it than just the subject matter of the photo, but i'm wasting my time here. let's be honest, you're a lost cause and should consider another hobby since you lack an understanding of art
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For me, its taking photos of vehicles coming at me

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Subject is king and only a special, different perspective can succeed in making a great photo of a shitty subject. Eye level 28mm is not that perspective.
that's a retarded primitive dogma to live by. imagine limiting yourself to rules made by other people. cuck detected. like i said, you're a lost cause and wasting your time
>rules made by other people
Sounds like street "photography".
What I stated are just the facts.
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>For me, its taking photos of vehicles coming at me
Hell yes

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mmm yeah I am thinking kino
>pretends to delete
lmfao what a scummy freak
squid exploitation
nice genre of streetsnappery
Pick one
stfu dumb tripfag
seething cager
not what that means
Watch this video again and listen to the way this guy speaks, he's a maverick like Joker

He doesn't care about gear, he doesn't care about rules, Tommy wisecup is the kind of pioneer that pushes art forward, I look at this guy's self portrait of him smoking a cig while sitting in a new York bin and I see a statement and rebellion not seen since early punk in the 1980s, think sex pistols in photography form. He doesn't care about digital clean photography, he cares about the moment and a simple film camera

Anyone know if this guy has any socials I can follow?
He's got an Instagram. Just Google his name.
top kek
this pic? blokes a bloody legend
this one
Sydney people are just pissed off in general, which I can't really blame them for I guess. Expensive as shit to live there and traffic is a pain in the ass, so people are pretty stressed I imagine.

Brisbane, Melbourne and Adelaide don't give a shit in my experience. People in Melbourne and Brisbane in particular are very open to street photography and like being in photos, I've met quite a few nice people in both cities and got some good opportunities from it.
so gay lmao
>bro he doesnt like the snoy, he le... leicasnaps!

these are just snapshits, typical street "photography"

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