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Just like that, Sony got 3 pancakes vs everyone else's one and done! How does Sony keep on winning?
F2.8 on sony is Canon equivalent f5.6 or Nikon equivalent f6.3. Thats shit. snoy boys on suicide watch lmfao
>F2.8 on sony is Canon equivalent f5.6 or Nikon equivalent f6.3.
Do you have a shred of evidence to back up this outrageous claim?
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yo 狗 we heard you like interchangeable lens cameras so we put a lens mount on your lens mount
is this lens lens mount proprietary or can we expect 4th party manufacturers to step in with additional optical designs?
4 contacts is just power, focus motor position, and focal length. it can only be proprietary if samyang c&ds 3rd party lenses for their 3rd party lens and loses all of their customers forever because mostly every other cheap garbo lens brand makes the same shit
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>le pinhole body cap lens.. but with AF!
>but the IQ is supposed to be bad!
>Sonyfags unironically getting hyped over putting a $5 lens on their FF bodies
Do Sonyfags really...?
Noice, will pair up nicely with my A7c. I'll likely get the Viltrox as it's cheaper, though it's also slower. Might be interesting to go in this system if SY releases more optical modules.
Yo we heard you like dust in your interchangeable lens cameras so we put another entry point for dust so you can get dust on your sensor while getting dust on your sensor!
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>step 1: move AF motor from body to lens
>step 2: move lens from lens to lens' lens
At last I truly see.
The Kodak Retina did it better
>Y-you need to post a graph!!! N-nothing you say is real without a dpeer reviewed graph!!!
lmfao pussy kys
lmaoing @ ur life

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This is just the DKL mount but with AF
I swear, time is a flat circle.

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Finally, a FF mirrorless pancake that is actually more than a fashion accessory. At least it has character instead of being a shittier version of a larger lens.

And at least sony has small bodies so a pancake makes sense in use instead of in fingerfucking your camera
not like it stands out that much either
>z 26mm f2.8: optically shit and no soul at the same time, no wr, unusable "autofocus"
>rf 28mm f2.8: optically soulless, no wr
>samyang remaster slim: optically soulful, no wr
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Sony sisters... not like this.
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Wow, "other" lens looks great!
Where is that from? Are they really advertising shit image quality as a "feature"? Ahahahahahhahahaha
yeah it's at the link in the OP
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Clive sisters... not like this.
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>SAR shills absolutely BTFO
Clive is the only based poster on that site.
How it started
>sony shooters are mechanistic hylics incapable of creativity. all they care about is measurements and mtf charts.
How it's going
>sony shooters: hmm, i would like a vintage effect lens
>the one single nikon user who stuck with it after the z6iii turned out to be "bigger apsc": MY MTF CHART IS BETTER! *bzzzt bzzzzt bzzzzt* *misses focus* BASED 26MM
Lmao I know right? And this guy, the last nikon user on earth, will die on this hill of muh mtf chart.

Truly nikon is the hylic brand. The Z mount must have done them in. What actual photographers want larger cameras with soulless rendering? And bigger ones too? None, that's why nikon lost #2 to sony and is quickly losing #3 to fuji.
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>its the samefag snoy schizo incoherently ranting about ??? and Nikon rent free
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You're fucking retarded. Mount diameter has no bearing on "equivalence" between apertures. I don't expect someone to necessarily understand why a larger mount is better, but to jump to the conclusion you did is retarded as fuck.
Wider mount makes it easy to make faster, wider lenses because you can use more mild retrofocusing designs. That's it. A f/2.8 aperture on Sony E is still equivalent to f/2.8 aperture on Nikon Z, as they're both full frame (unless we're talking about an APS-C Sony E).
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>Condemns the new technobabble equivalence nonsense

>Defends the old technobabble equivalence nonsense

Yup, its boomer hours.
based retard
its because the snoy vignettes so hard it darkens the entire photo a few stops, making f2.8 be like f6.3
everything 20% off center is digitally altered on sony cameras due to heavy vignetting because retard baby mount.
snoycels literally have no idea what reality looks like off center
Just use a filter.

>my A7c
The thickness bespoils what size advantage it had.
This is what happens when people too dumb for tech specs try and get into tech specs. They're basically making shit up. Slightly more dumb than the g9ii chart guy.

No other full frame camera is any smaller.
Buzzwords aside, I do like the longer focal length of the Samyang.
If it focuses internally and isn't complete shit, I'd probably buy it.
The "trolls" can be pretty based too.
>>No other full frame camera is any smaller.
>fp L
>No other full frame camera is any smaller
It depends on what metric you use.
The point stands that it could have been made smaller by omitting (or limiting) video specs that few people are going to use on the body.
Despite the added thickness, they still haven't given it a proper shutter.
>fp, l
Now add the viewfinder and hot shoe. No shutter. Ooooops.
No hot shoe, viewfinder, or shutter.
Can we even call these cameras?
>I have goalposts, and I must move them
A short story by Harlot Eyesore.
>normal camera but small
>camera but hilariously crippled
these things are different no matter how much you're paid to market against snoy when you're not rattling off canon specs
... and a case of acute schizophrenia to boot.
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Sigma just wants you to pay them extra for a viewfinder/hotshoe (mutually exclusive add ons)
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*removes the battery too*
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>posts an image of Clive making fun of Sony shooters
Why do all Sony cucks seem to be ESL and lack any sort of self awareness?
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Clive the ricecel or a literal who admin of a rumor site. Kind of hard to pick which is more pathetic, but I'd say Clive has him beat since he's a nophoto gearfag and a self-proclaimed incel.
Clive himself is a joke.

He also seems to have no awareness whatsoever
rf: external focus, no wr
z: external focus, no wr, noisy motor
fe: based vintage effect lens for the film look, mtf shart trannies seething
>same random image used by two people on the internet must mean they are the same person
How low IQ are you?
Hi Clive, how's the incel life?
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rf: external focus, no wr
z: external focus, no wr, noisy motor
fe: no lens at all
Its literally a shitty pinhole body lens cap lol
Roll it, slim!
>look the engineers figgered out how a pinhole cam works
Yeah thats real great and everything, but you still have to shoot with that piece of shit your hand. Sony’s user experience design is the equivalent of stepping on a lego. They can engineer but they can’t design.
Lmao'ing @ pig disgusting black plastic blob boomer camera

Hey dumbfucks , that would only be true if the lens was a simple singlet system and your understanding of optics ended at babbys physics 101. Yes, because lens makers spend millions building complex +10 element systems with aspheric and low dispersion elements but they vignette because the hole is too small.

Do me a favor and go look at the ass end of a wide angle lens under 35mm, notice the exit diameter is the size of dime? Ever wonder why pictures taken with a 28mm don't look like you took the through a straw?
We can tell its pseud BS with a simple test:
The canon RF 50mm f1.2 L vignettes more than the sony 50mm f1.2 GM.

Mount diameter doesn't really limit lens design in a meaningful way unless you are developing lenses for cinema or machine vision where full optical focus breathing correction (cinema) and total telecentricity (machine vision, zero-perspective optics) are required.

If anything mirrorless mounts are excessively wide and excessively shallow. yes, it makes more room for larger glass elements, but does anyone care about pixel level sharpness that much more than not having elephant trunk optics
people didnt get a fucking choice other than leica m or poorly made fuji garbage with crippled half frame sensors

japshit companies shoved this shallow mount with the sensor on the face of the camera shit and front heavy lenses down our throats because their engineering divisions call all the shots. otherwise we’d have film slr sized dslrs by now. a sensor and ibis unit is the same thickness as a pressure plate, transport sprockets, and guide rail assembly.

but engineering and marketing said: they need to be camcorders and we want to make every lens a zeiss otus!
So you admit it not a mechanical limiation of the mount then? Because sounds like the image circle is too small. I have a old Nikon 35mm F2.8 and a even older soligor 35mm f2.8 and I can tell you the soligor vignettes a hell of a lot more then nikon even though the f ratio is the same.
Not admitting, saying. FE can support f0.65 lenses. The only thing causing vignetting today is the lens in front of the mount.


Certain brand fanboys are just desperate to spread FUD like they did here >>4356313

For as often as we see sony shills mentioned, it seems the shilling (lies meant to slander one brand and encourage buying another) normally focuses on hating sony.
This Samyang pancake looks awful (from the sample pictures).

Would love if Viltrox released their f4.5 pancake soon. They said it was going to be out on August 26th!

Really getting tired of Viltroxing promising stuff and never delivering.

Btw, with this pancake my A7CII would fit in my pockets.
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>Heres your sample photos bro
>Sonycucks unironically defending this

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To be fair, pinhole cameras are based and immune to things like distortion and aberrations including flare/glare that plague lenses.
Everyone should own a pinhole regardless of form factor. If you ever want to tripod up and take a photo of something as it is, with no BS, pinholes and long eeposures are the way to go.

Only snapshitters hate the pinhole.
Mate, it is literally a lens from a point and shoot marketed at the film sim crowd. It is shit on purpose.

Care to explain why the nikon Z pancake actually vignettes just as much despite being a $500 lens?
And why it is also generally unusable due to
>SLOW autofocus, even the Z8 can't eek a nice hit rate out of it
>NOISY autofocus, IMPOSSIBLE to do video with the built in mic
>EXTREME focus breathing, focal length visibly changes by what looks like 10mm when focusing closer. CAN NOT BE USED FOR VIDEO. bad enough to affect composition with stills.
>FAKE weather sealing, due to external focusing group
>NOT A REAL PANCAKE because the hood needed to use filter threads and improve the weather sealing somewhat makes it as long as sony's muffin primes
why did nikon even make a full frame pancake when their "compact full frame camera" is larger than the z6ii and as large as the z8 if you add a grip accessory (even fuji and olympus have a slight sculpted grip by default...)
>Putting a lens from a kodak funsaver into an FE mount housing yields the same results as nikon's greatest engineering feat
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>b-but it is shit on purpose!!
>Starts ranting on about Nikon
>Samefags his own post
lol. lmao even.
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Hi Clive!
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Yes. Clive was right. Apologize.
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Samefagging is pretty pathetic, Clive/Tren/Gordon/Lenny, even for you. It's hilarious how badly you hide it even.
>>Putting a lens from a kodak funsaver into an FE mount housing yields the same results as nikon's greatest engineering feat
Facts. The Z 26mm is a fucking joke. The Z 28mm is a toy. The Z 40mm is a toy. Where do people get the idea that nikon designs the best lenses? Their f1.8s are the size of sony's f1.4s and on average, worse.

Why is your strawman afraid of two really awful lenses?
>A soft af boat anchor superzoom and a nonfunctional pancake that stops being a pancake after you re-add the filter threads and partial weather sealing
apparently sony chads are meant to be afraid of nikon users low image quality
>oh noooo! our megapixels have been btfo by nikon's soft lenses and missed focus!
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The real question is when will Nikonfags stop seething about Sony taking their #2 spot? I reckon never, and Clive will die seething at Sony.
The real question is, when will sony dethrone the AI noise reduction blobs?

Is their refusal to allow excessive FPS on sub-flagship models really hurting them this much?
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Samyang toy lens images look like this? Looking forward to Clive meltdown 2.0.

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Shit, nikon sells this same level of image quality for $300 as the 28mm f2.8 se

The only difference is the digital corrections are automatic for nikon lenses. Viltrox (sad, maybe nikon did that on purpose) and samyang can't seem to get 100% support.
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>Sonysamefags seething
>Nikonchads stay winning
All is right with the world.
>missed focus again
>i hope no one notices half the image is pushed 2 stops
All to make a z8 sized “compact” easier to hold huh
>spamming the same image in multiple threads
Clive is fucking fuming lmao
I’d be fuming if i had this >>4358277 bloated janky setup and saw people having fun with their a7cii+24mm f2.8 g combos
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I doubt Clive/Lenny/Gordon/Tren owns anything other than maybe a Z6 or Z7. Someone who uses a clown evanjellyon profile pic wouldn't be someone to buy a retro cam.
>Keeps on reposting screenshotted images that prove him wrong
The left cant meme
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Clive is melting down so hard he's reverting back into a /pol/tard. Sad.
Oh and I missed one >>4358253
Oh hey, it's the garbage setup that got me to quit full frame digital until sony a1 prices drop more
understandable. the zf is a flawed gem for m mount lens fans who cant afford a leica. the a1 is the best camera ever made.
Samyangsissies... we got too cocky...
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Clivesissies... our narrative...
>IQ of toy lens is bad
>Posts pics with bad IQ
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Is the nikonboomer blindness finally infecting you Clive?
Are these supposed to be impressive?
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you tell me
Lenny is me. I'm not Clive. I just support his memes.
Such is life in buyers remorse land, where everyone wishes they ignored the /p/ and forum/comment section memes and bought a sony like a normal person

You’ll surely come around once the a7iv gets cheap
Jelly is the precise definition of that seething talentless poorfag

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