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Pentax are going to release a 61mp monster shortly - the K-1 Mark III.

Problem is, it will come with a big price tag and the ignominious fate of having to use a Pentax.
Frankly I think they are making a step the other big hitters should have made long ago.
Professionals have PCs that can handle these files now. Just because it may not be for everyone, doesn't mean it shouldn't exist on the market.
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Well, the innovation there is perhaps not entirely unprecedented...
Yeah but mirrorless sucks
>holds stupid opinion that just gives him more things to complain about
based self flagellating autist
OVF beats your crappy little screen all day
This is actually pretty exciting news. I won't be buying one, but I hope it is a successful product for them.
Now for the less exciting part
Pentax doesn't have any lenses good enough to make 61mp anything but a shitty aliasing reduction strategy, so you can now have 100mb raws of blurry details but at least there's lessm oire.

Even their big ass $$$$ f1.4 primes (larger than the largest mirrorless equivalents) are optically comparable to nikons much smaller af-s f1.4 Gs.

I swear to fuck, the ancient FA primes are actually as sharp as the newer HD D FA AW WR STAR shit that is weirdly expensive despite most of the zooms being rebranded tamrons. Apparently pentax thinks they are leica.
Pentax is the leica of the true artistè.
How good will its wireless tethering be?
It'd tempt me if they released a monochrome version.
>pentax thinks they are leica
Fuji thinks they're Leica.
Pentax acknowledges their place in the world: destitute.
What's the difference between a monochrome camera and a RGB ? Can't you just use a filter to make it look monochrome?
>exposure preview
>more info
>zoom and focus peaking for MF
>can actually see in low light
>constant DoF preview without having to press a button
>less blackout due to not having a mirror flapping about
>less vibration "
>more durable "
>better more accurate AF with wider coverage and better tracking
>All these words
>You're still looking at a screen through a loupe
>All this cope
>You're still not looking at the scene with your very own eyes.
The CFA doesn't filter out 2/3 of visible light if it isn't there
And you're still looking at an approximation through a pentaprism reflected off a mirror, not the exact scene your sensor will capture
I love Pentax, if their autofocus was at least up to the standards of entry level Nikons from 2019 I would be shooting with them instead. They just don't care and Ricoh is too busy making GRIIIs
Same light doe, u cannot replace that.
This is why rangefinders are so nice.
You say that like it's a good thing. There's actually a light loss going through all that glass and the fraction that's diverted at the mirror for the AF sensors. Also many OVF are smaller and cover less of the frame than an EVF.

The things you gearfags argue about ffs.
But optical viewfinder wins over evfs every time.
so you get more light to your sensor ?
"Umm akhually"
Shut up queerfag. Life enjoyers are speaking.
>But optical viewfinder wins over evfs every time.
Unless you want many of the advantages I mentioned
None of which are advantages.
Be there or be square.
>None of which are advantages.
You are full of shit.
Soulless gear measurebator: “the joy of reflex”
Soulful artist: “EVFs work better”
He takes shitty photos of literal rocks not even leaves
>not the exact scene your sensor will capture
>He thinks the cheap reproduction, processed with silicon circuits, he sees through his miniature television screen and condenser optics is representative of God's green Earth before him
Agreed. There’s a reason those who care are entirely or mostly nophoto and if then badphoto
Meanwhile exif on /p/ is
>em5 nex a6400 a6700 rx100 r6 r5 rp r8 a7iv a7iii em1 z50 z6 z8 d5400 and a 5diii
Pentax's biggest problem is lack of lenses, K1 mark I was already the best DSLR out there to this date if you don't shoot fast-paced action but the selection is pretty bad, practically 12 lenses or less and many lengths are from the M42 days.
Also the firmware updates are shit-tier, they haven't fixed the purple decay in the K1mII and the K3mIII
Because using what you've got and not buying the latest and greatest is the epitome of gearfaggery?

This guy gets it.
>Because using what you've got and not buying the latest and greatest is the epitome of gearfaggery?
>using what you've got
So sayeth one of the biggest gearfags of /p/ who ran out and bought a new-to-him leica m8 (paid thousands for a mediocre 8mp camera that is basically identical to a $250 micro four thirds) as soon as he made enough working the cash register at pyotrs vodka and blini shop despite already owning a camera? Hmm.

How many film cameras you got bro
A quick reminder of who we share the board with and is giving you all your shopping advice, artistic critique, and life tips - /p/'s top 10 gearfags
>#1: Sugar - tens of thousands spent, mostly on identical nikons, photos do no indicate improved capability. Ugliest person on /p/ but also the only one who had sex.
>#2: fe2fucker - spent over 2 grand US on an ancient digital leica, had to settle for a ttartisan lens.
>#3: the OG g9ii shill - bought $5k+ of panasonic-leica "fast" mft glass and spent months trying to argue that he had a camera that outperformed full frame. actual photos looked like shit. stopped posting photos out of embarrassment.
>#4: Doghair negatives - was having trouble hitting focus with his 5diii and composing a compelling photo with his eos 1v before it ran out of film. switched to medium format, broke his camera, switched to 4x5, kept failing hard at taking good photos, so he switched to taking practice 8x10 macro photos so he could excuse his failures with "its really difficult".
>#5: Flat Germany - Bought 4 different m43 cameras before settling on an om-5 due to money issues. Bought a z6ii he didn't actually want or enjoy and barely used (with an adapted $100 lens, money issues) so he could tell /p/ he had a full frame. Accidentally broke his z6ii when it mysteriously flew across the room.
>#6: Huskyfag - Wanted to shoot weddings while drunk and complained any time a camera that costed more than $1000 didn't have the flawless autofocus of his original camera, a sony that he threw in a lake.
>#7: r5+24-105 f2.8 anon - thought buying that shit and shooting his cousins wedding for $500 would make him a famous portrait photographer
>#8: Hookerbutts - Thought he needed two hasselblads to photograph hookers assholes
>#9: That retard that bought the newest snoy and then started complaining about wanting to sell it all and buy an x100vi
>#10: Corgifag - Is just a rich cunt who collects retro styled cameras

>muh 11mp
just buy canon 5ds
huh did poopco finally quit?
If someone gave me a z dicks two i’d throw it across the house too
Poopco cant be recognized easily because he doesnt even post photos of his gear anymore, but he’s definitely here and might have applied to be a janny because he likes living on the dole and a 0-pay job was right up his alley
>muh latest and greatest
he says in defense of patronizing a printer company selling a shite dslr for $4000 when you can grt a great mirrorless for $750
Very proud that I made it on the list, but you should get my lore correct next time.
Did he leave out the part where you screwed the pooch?
Your mother, actually.
This thread did not go the direction I thought it would when I posted it.
My mother is no whore, but she is certainly a bitch. My fathers wife died when i was a toddler so my parents were a man and the dog he left to watch me when he went to work. So please, lay off the your mama jokes.
Are you sad you didn't make it on the list?
hes been using the same dslrnosaur for a while and actually taking good photos instead of blurry bugs and hooker assholes so why would he
It's the nophoto! Lol.
I spent 1300 tyvm :)
Is the D850 a dinosaur now? Well, if it works

Well I'm not generally a gearfag. So no.
>size of my asian ex’s entire head for 45mp
set it next to an a7riii, a7riv, z7ii, or r5 and yeah its a dinosaur. literal t rex vs parrot.
I might upgrade, but I kind of like how it handles. Plus I do also like OVF. Not to join that whole shitstorm.
Hey, I also want to be known for
>my contribution to the field of blind comparison shots and collages, leh rendering
>being wedding pro and street fag, former camera shop bro
also I'm doing well, but not rich
If I wanted to appreciate the world why would I view it through any viewfinder at all?
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>Spent $20,000 on cameras to become the next nat geo great
>Ended up fucking a tomboy

>Spent $5000 to troll /p/

>Ran out of film on 35mm, bought medium format
>Ran out of medium format film and bought a 4x5
>Ran out of 4x5 sheets and bought an 8x10

>Wanted to shoot weddings while drunk
>Threw snoy into a lake

>Bought two hasselblads to photograph hooker butts

So many based people in one place
>only person on /p/ who hasnt upgraded their snapshitter might upgrade
doooooont do it
Fairly sure most of /p/ is shooting a camera phone or 450D
it's been ages that I've seen someone use that word
His inclinations are but a manifestation of a deeply ingrained sociocultural paradigm, a product of the British milieu, wherein the confluence of monarchical traditions, colonial legacies, and the vestigial remnants of aristocratic sensibilities coalesce to form an individual’s worldview.
It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to use Pentax garbage lenses. I used to use an 800 6.7 Ed on my Canon but I won't use pentaxes lenses otherwise
Spitballing the changes besides the sensor
>tilt-swivel touchscreen
>higher magnification OVF
>higher max shutter speed
More unlikely changes would be
>body has integrated battery grip
>overall design based off the 67II
i can't fukken wait
>the lens selection
Lmao they do think they're leica
>#7: r5+24-105 f2.8 anon - thought buying that shit and shooting his cousins wedding for $500 would make him a famous portrait photographer
i know this fag, he said he needs to be monitored by his security cameras and he needs to have constant supervision from his female assistant whenever another female comes to his studio to take pictures, because he might touch her and gets a rape lawsuit
can you explain how a dog took care of you when you was a todler?
>Changing the spider touchscreen
Kill yourself fool

That doesn't sound crazy at all, sportsfags have to sign contracts for consent in Spain due to the amount of rape lawsuits.
He's high on his own farts but that thing you quoted is a basic safety measure.
Everyone who interacts with women has to do that, however. You can't even date them and have sex before marriage, because they can choose to kill their baby or kill your finances, but you get no choice, and you can't marry them, because they can demand alimony despite holding a job that is sufficient to pay for needs AND luxuries because they were richer when they were mooching off you and "deserve" it. You can not even brush up against them before marrying them, because they will claim you groped them in 10 years when they need money.

Essentially, fundamentalist christians larping as feminists have totally reversed the legalization of divorce and premarital sex, but did it so poorly it tanked the birthrate because women are now self serving instead of god serving, which defeats the point. Instead of being about the fear of god it is about the fear of woman - the fear of never being able to have a family after a brush with a woman who calls rape, fuck flees and sends a letter telling you you're on the hook, or being no-fault divorced by someone bored and greedy. Now woman is god, and a really shitty, greedy job who only wants to have your money so a daycare can raise your kid.
as someone who does a lot of tripod work at odd angles, the K-1's screen swivel was a neat idea but kind of useless in practice
the leak here >>4362437 claims they're looking at two alternatives for the mkIII
one is making the current design's rods telescope, giving it more range
the other is taking the flip mechanism from the 645Z and doubling it so it can flip sideways, too
I think the second one might be the best option, but it really comes down to durability & how much thicker it makes the camera
Good reply, the second option would make it like a Z9 i suppose but the spider option is indeed better yet ike you said in really low or high angles making it scope would be much more ideal, i do expect it to be harder to maintain as rods get fucky after a short while in bad weather which is the point of hauling a K1.
The best DSLR with probably the worse lens selection along with the A-mount who at least has Contax/Zeiss glass.
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a7riv has been going for $2k used for a while now. what makes the pentax a monster when it'll likely use the same sensor? I recall the fanboys boasting that the K-1's OVF will be massive long before announcement and yet when it came out, it was bottom of the barrel for FF OVFs. I also recall fanboys exclaming how great the K-1 II's noise improvements were but then everyone found out there was a bunch of purple fringing due to the baked in NR.
Pentax’s green cast is better than SNOYs neutral colors!
The second one sounds like the screen on the Fuji X-T3 and X-H1 which was abandoned because it was only useful for low-vertical shots
Ergo, if it has a "normie" flippy screen that faces you, you will deliberately break it in anger
Ricoh got reminded that if they don't release a new product people like, they'll have to sell the brand rights
There's no rumor suggesting that Pentax is disabling support for non-DFA lenses
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Anon, it came out quite some time ago already

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