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File: _1393678.jpg (3.29 MB, 1440x1800)
3.29 MB
3.29 MB JPG
Previous >>4359803

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakePanasonic
Camera ModelDC-GH5M2
Camera Softwaredarktable 4.8.1
Maximum Lens Aperturef/5.6
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)600 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Image Created2024:11:07 17:30:48
White Point Chromaticity0.3
Exposure Time1/200 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
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Exposure Bias1.7 EV
Metering ModeSpot
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FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length300.00 mm
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Gain ControlHigh Gain Up
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Focus ModeAuto
Spot ModeUnknown
Image StabilizerUnknown
Macro ModeNormal
Shooting ModeManual
Flash Bias0.00 EV
File: pigeon traffic.jpg (888 KB, 2232x1464)
888 KB
888 KB JPG
1st for pigeons
File: portrait.jpg (832 KB, 2232x1464)
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832 KB JPG
File: hummer.jpg (653 KB, 2232x1464)
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653 KB JPG
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698 KB JPG
File: chrip.jpg (722 KB, 2232x1464)
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722 KB JPG

Only the boldest receive a chicken nugget

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeApple
Camera ModeliPhone 12 Pro Max
Camera Software16.3.1
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)24 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Image Created2024:08:27 15:58:06
Exposure Time1/1597 sec
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Image Width2231
Image Height1598
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Digital Zoom Ratio1.8
Scene Capture TypeStandard
File: tailfeathers.jpg (837 KB, 2232x1464)
837 KB
837 KB JPG
File: img.jpg (1.54 MB, 3211x3832)
1.54 MB
1.54 MB JPG
Alpine chough

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON D750
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CC 2017 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/4.1
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Color Filter Array Pattern858
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)110 mm
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Image Created2023:06:24 17:17:28
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>Catalogue d'oiseaux ("Catalogue of birds") is a work for piano solo by Olivier Messiaen consisting of thirteen pieces
>It is devoted to birds and dedicated to his second wife Yvonne Loriod (which in French sounds like the oriole bird)
>For these pieces, Messiaen did not want to be limited to the evocation of the bird of which each of it bears the title. Each piece is written in honor of a French province.
>piece 1: The Alpine chough
Based Messiaen
File: original(8).jpg (667 KB, 2048x1365)
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667 KB JPG
Love Messiaen. Don't have any photos of birds from that work so have a wigeon
File: original(9).jpg (580 KB, 2048x1539)
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580 KB JPG
very good ty
File: foraging.jpg (609 KB, 2232x1464)
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609 KB JPG
taking photos of hummingbirds with a manual focus setup is difficult, turns out.
File: feeding.jpg (427 KB, 2232x1464)
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427 KB JPG
the pigeons are much more cooperative subjects, or at least they're bigger, slower, and don't mind sitting still in halfway decent light
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607 KB JPG
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I guess I should be glad I got a few decent shots, anyway
File: IMG_7540.jpg (177 KB, 1440x1800)
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177 KB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera ModelEOS RP
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2.87 MB
2.87 MB JPG

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon DIGITAL IXUS 960 IS
Camera Softwaredarktable 4.8.1
Maximum Lens Aperturef/5.9
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)133 mm
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Image Created2024:11:15 13:14:57
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FlashFlash, Compulsory
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Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width2008
Image Height3250
File: dt_CRW_4211.jpg (924 KB, 1139x1534)
924 KB
924 KB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon DIGITAL IXUS 960 IS
Camera Softwaredarktable 4.8.1
Maximum Lens Aperturef/5.9
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)133 mm
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Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Image Created2024:11:06 12:52:41
Exposure Time3381/250000 sec
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Exposure Bias0 EV
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Metering ModePattern
FlashFlash, Compulsory
Focal Length28.50 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width1139
Image Height1534
File: dt_CRW_4266.jpg (2.07 MB, 1524x2052)
2.07 MB
2.07 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon DIGITAL IXUS 960 IS
Camera Softwaredarktable 4.8.1
Maximum Lens Aperturef/5.9
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)133 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Image Created2024:11:09 09:47:56
Exposure Time1/64 sec
Exposure ProgramNormal Program
ISO Speed Rating233
Lens Aperturef/5.9
Exposure Bias0 EV
Subject Distance16.69 m
Metering ModePattern
FlashFlash, Compulsory
Focal Length28.50 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width1524
Image Height2052
Love it
File: DSC_1789 copy.jpg (2.47 MB, 1613x1613)
2.47 MB
2.47 MB JPG
Think its a Peregrine Falcon.
Sat up on a Cathedral disassembling a pigeon.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON D850
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop 26.0 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/8.0
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Color Filter Array Pattern914
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)700 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Image Created2024:11:15 23:26:23
Exposure Time1/160 sec
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Focal Length700.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width1613
Image Height1613
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlHigh Gain Up
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
File: PANA4311.jpg (1.38 MB, 5776x4336)
1.38 MB
1.38 MB JPG
Sacred Kingfisher

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakePanasonic
Camera ModelDC-G9M2
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 13.3 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/6.3
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)800 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:20 20:45:17
Exposure Time1/640 sec
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Focal Length400.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlHigh Gain Up
File: PANA4098.jpg (2.54 MB, 5776x4336)
2.54 MB
2.54 MB JPG
Young Australian Wood Ducks

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakePanasonic
Camera ModelDC-G9M2
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 13.3 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/6.3
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)800 mm
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Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:20 21:14:25
Exposure Time1/400 sec
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Focal Length400.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlHigh Gain Up
File: _MG_3597.jpg (1.27 MB, 2048x1366)
1.27 MB
1.27 MB JPG
A heron

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS RP
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 10.0.2 (Android)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/6.2
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Image Created2024:11:21 07:59:26
Exposure Time1/1600 sec
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Focal Length546.00 mm
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Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
File: _MG_3696.jpg (1.22 MB, 2048x1463)
1.22 MB
1.22 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS RP
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 10.0.2 (Android)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/6.2
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Image Created2024:11:21 08:04:47
Exposure Time1/640 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
ISO Speed Rating400
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Focal Length600.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
File: IMG_7463.jpg (639 KB, 2400x1600)
639 KB
639 KB JPG

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width2400
Image Height1600
File: 8R4A8462.jpg (4.86 MB, 5472x3648)
4.86 MB
4.86 MB JPG
nice focus, I can never get that much clarity. Maybe this one is close, the rest of mine end up not satisfying me in terms of clarity. Maybe because I haven't got a tripod (though when I did have one, I struggled to use it for birds).

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS 7D Mark II
Lens Size100.00 - 400.00 mm
Firmware VersionFirmware Version 1.1.2
Lens Name100-400mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM | Contemporary 017
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
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Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Image Created2024:04:23 03:47:43
Exposure Time1/250 sec
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Exposure Bias0 EV
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Focal Length400.00 mm
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Shooting ModeManual
Image SizeLarge
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Compression SettingFine
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Exposure Compensation3
Sensor ISO Speed224
Color Matrix129
i never use a tripod
what SS are you shooting at?
1/250 is very low, only recommended if its too dark for anything higher
great pic
I was using 1/250 to try and reduce blur on motion shots. Those birds were quite skittish. I may also be trying to compensate for my own shakiness.
File: IMG_0026_v1.jpg (275 KB, 1467x979)
275 KB
275 KB JPG
Yeah for birbs (and many quick moving animals/mammals) you want more like 1/1000th ideally. They twitch fast AF and you'll have a better chance of actually stopping their motion. Yes that means higher ISO. Yes that why birbing gear is typically the most expensive with their fucking huge apertures on 600mm lenses (so they can widen aperture instead of raising ISO).

High ISOs can be NR'd or AI'd, and you can always resize to a smaller res to help hide the noise, but you can't really unfuck motion blur for having too low a SS.
>pic rel is a heavy crop so IQ isn't great, but no motion blur!

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS R50
Camera SoftwaredigiKam-8.4.0
Firmware VersionFirmware Version 1.1.0
Lens NameEF100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM
Image-Specific Properties:
Image Width1467
Image Height979
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Image Created2024:08:20 15:41:25
Exposure Time1/1000 sec
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Exposure ModeManual
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Focus TypeAuto
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Image SizeLarge
Focus ModeOne-Shot
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Flash ModeOff
Compression SettingFine
Macro ModeNormal
Subject Distance2.630 m
White BalanceAuto
Exposure Compensation3
Sensor ISO Speed288
Color Matrix34
if there's adequate lighting you shouldn't go below 1/400 for still, perched birds
for birds jumping around 1/800 to 1/1000+ is what you should be using

id recommend watching some bird photography youtube guides cause using high SS is like the most basic knowledge for shooting them
File: creeper-2.jpg (1.3 MB, 2000x1333)
1.3 MB
1.3 MB JPG
i need to get out more. anyone got any hot tips for winter in the northeast us? I always have shit luck this season except ducks that never come near the shore

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON Z 8
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 8.0 (Windows)
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Color Filter Array Pattern866
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)570 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
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Image Created2024:11:22 17:04:33
Exposure Time1/400 sec
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Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash
Focal Length570.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlHigh Gain Up
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
Why don't you just go outside, motherfucker?
File: moon.jpg (1.54 MB, 1600x2000)
1.54 MB
1.54 MB JPG
well beyond that

like, in partiular im tryna get some good shots of snow buntings and horned larks, but the farmers whos land i always see them flying around on might shoot at me

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON Z 8
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 8.0 (Windows)
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Color Filter Array Pattern866
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)180 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:22 19:39:08
Exposure Time1/1000 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
ISO Speed Rating450
Lens Aperturef/6.3
Exposure Bias1/3 EV
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash
Focal Length180.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
File: greater.jpg (591 KB, 2000x1333)
591 KB
591 KB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON Z 8
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 8.0 (Windows)
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Color Filter Array Pattern866
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)600 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:23 18:48:31
Exposure Time1/1600 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
ISO Speed Rating900
Lens Aperturef/9.0
Exposure Bias0.7 EV
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash
Focal Length600.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlLow Gain Up
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
File: dt_CRW_4662.jpg (3.32 MB, 1881x3045)
3.32 MB
3.32 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon DIGITAL IXUS 960 IS
Camera Softwaredarktable 4.8.1
Maximum Lens Aperturef/4.7
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)91 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
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Image Created2024:11:24 08:38:11
Exposure Time1/8 sec
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ISO Speed Rating233
Lens Aperturef/4.7
Exposure Bias0 EV
Subject Distance7.42 m
Metering ModePattern
FlashFlash, Auto
Focal Length19.55 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width1881
Image Height3045
File: PXL_20241124_153147593.jpg (1.88 MB, 2268x4032)
1.88 MB
1.88 MB JPG
Back home visiting family. It'll be a bit before I can get my film developed, so here's a camera pic of the neighborhood hawk.


[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeGoogle
Camera ModelPixel 7 Pro
Camera SoftwareHDR+ 1.0.540104767zdh
Maximum Lens Aperturef/3.5
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)233 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Image Width2268
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Image Created2024:11:24 09:31:47
Exposure Time5533/500000 sec
Exposure ProgramNormal Program
ISO Speed Rating31
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Brightness6.8 EV
Exposure Bias0 EV
Subject Distance6.20 m
Metering ModeCenter Weighted Average
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length19.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width2268
Image Height4032
Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceAuto
Digital Zoom Ratio1.1
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Subject Distance RangeDistant View
File: bonapartes.jpg (830 KB, 2000x1125)
830 KB
830 KB JPG
bonapartes gulls are cute

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON Z 8
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 8.0 (Windows)
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Color Filter Array Pattern866
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)540 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:24 21:32:13
Exposure Time1/1000 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
ISO Speed Rating3600
Lens Aperturef/6.3
Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash
Focal Length540.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlHigh Gain Up
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
File: IMG_6610.jpg (3.24 MB, 3634x1903)
3.24 MB
3.24 MB JPG
no clue how the resolution is gonna be destroyed by phone posting

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS 6D
Camera Softwaredarktable 4.6.1
Lens Size70.00 - 300.00 mm
Firmware VersionFirmware Version 1.1.6
Lens NameEF70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Image Created2024:11:23 20:59:55
Exposure Time1/250 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
ISO Speed Rating200
Lens Aperturef/11.3
Exposure Bias0 EV
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length300.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width3634
Image Height1903
Exposure ModeManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Exposure ModeManual
Focus TypeAuto
Metering ModePartial
Shooting ModeManual
Image SizeUnknown
Focus ModeAI Focus
Drive ModeSingle
Flash ModeOff
Compression SettingUnknown
Macro ModeNormal
White BalanceAuto
Exposure Compensation3
Sensor ISO Speed192
Color Matrix135
File: newknot-1.jpg (1.44 MB, 2000x1500)
1.44 MB
1.44 MB JPG
im so jealous.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON Z 8
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 8.0 (Windows)
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Color Filter Array Pattern866
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)600 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:11:25 09:09:17
Exposure Time1/1000 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
ISO Speed Rating900
Lens Aperturef/6.3
Exposure Bias0.7 EV
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash
Focal Length600.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlLow Gain Up
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
File: IMG_0161.jpg (4.27 MB, 3988x2967)
4.27 MB
4.27 MB JPG
I posted these two following ones in /rpt/

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwarePicasa
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width3988
Image Height2967
Scene Capture TypeStandard
File: IMG_0160.jpg (2.06 MB, 4032x2776)
2.06 MB
2.06 MB JPG
idk why the metadata was removed on my phone but it's the same settings as the other ones

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwarePicasa
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width4032
Image Height2776
Scene Capture TypeStandard
File: 8R4A0415.jpg (4.23 MB, 5472x3648)
4.23 MB
4.23 MB JPG
Took this the other day, bunch of these were roosting at a lake. I decided it would be interesting to purposely catch the blurry, out of focus autumn leaves in the foreground to offer a color contrast to the bird. I like the way it turned out.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS 7D Mark II
Lens Size100.00 - 400.00 mm
Firmware VersionFirmware Version 1.1.2
Lens Name100-400mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM | Contemporary 017
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationLeft-Hand, Bottom
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Image Created2024:11:24 14:19:55
Exposure Time1/80 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
ISO Speed Rating500
Lens Aperturef/6.4
Exposure Bias0 EV
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length400.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width5472
Image Height3648
Exposure ModeManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Exposure ModeManual
Focus TypeAuto
Metering ModeCenter-Weighted
Shooting ModeManual
Image SizeLarge
Focus ModeOne-Shot
Drive ModeSingle
Flash ModeOff
Compression SettingFine
Macro ModeNormal
White BalanceAuto
Exposure Compensation3
Sensor ISO Speed236
Color Matrix130
File: _24A6828.jpg (4.83 MB, 3528x2352)
4.83 MB
4.83 MB JPG
I'm no birder, but as I was shitting I saw this little fella hanging around on my tree, so I wiped my ass, assembled my camera and caught him.

Actually, I think it might be fun to go birding one day. It's almost winter, trees are empty and the birds that stay for the winter are easier to spot and they hang around closer to humans in hopes to get food. Any tips for beginner?

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1.08 MB
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oh, and enjoy some bird ass too
its on the house

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The only thing worse than your words are your photos. You come across as a poor, ugly, socially retarded autist.
thank you thank you thank you i love it <3
File: IMG_6637.jpg (2.62 MB, 4105x2752)
2.62 MB
2.62 MB JPG

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>poor, ugly, socially retarded autist
look at the website url
i took a photo of some road runner ass
on my eos6d ill upload that too later today
File: DSC_3404.jpg (2.86 MB, 5479x3653)
2.86 MB
2.86 MB JPG
where are some places (in the US preferably) where birds flock en masse? I've been to Bosque del Apache a couple of times, in winter thousands of snow geese and sandhill cranes gather there, and at dawn they fly off together in huge groups it's really cool.
bat flights seem like they'd be similarly cool too, haven't seen one though.

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Image Created2022:12:18 12:02:59
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File: PXL_20241017_182453627.jpg (1.57 MB, 2016x1512)
1.57 MB
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actually, I've seen one other big gathering just recently. there must have been at least a thousand pelicans plus some gulls and cormorants just off shore having a feeding frenzy. Really neat how the pelicans dive into the water. This was right outside the monterey bay aquarium and it was my favorite part of the visit, god damn was that place overpriced and overcrowded.
I'd like to see a winter gathering of bald eagles

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Been a while since I've been up to Monterey Bay but around San Luis Obispo/Pismo Beach in that area you can find similar gatherings of waterbirds.
File: DSC00483.jpg (425 KB, 1152x864)
425 KB
425 KB JPG

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government drone doing it's duty
File: IMG_6601.jpg (3.56 MB, 4076x2771)
3.56 MB
3.56 MB JPG

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1.62 MB
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where do you live where they get this close at 28mm?
It's clearly a market rat, it has nothing to do with the geographic location.
File: dt_DSCF3796.jpg (1.06 MB, 1291x1712)
1.06 MB
1.06 MB JPG
this entity has been around daily for over a year
does not feed me
does not threaten me

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3.2 MB
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>this entity
eldritch heron beyond my comprehension
File: dt_DSCF3789.jpg (1.98 MB, 1733x2805)
1.98 MB
1.98 MB JPG
this is how i get close
i am like air to them

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File: cardinal.jpg (1.11 MB, 2232x1464)
1.11 MB
1.11 MB JPG
File: hawk.jpg (870 KB, 2232x1464)
870 KB
870 KB JPG
File: hawk stare.jpg (1.06 MB, 2232x1464)
1.06 MB
1.06 MB JPG
File: swoop.jpg (808 KB, 2232x1464)
808 KB
808 KB JPG
File: egret portrait.jpg (763 KB, 1464x2232)
763 KB
763 KB JPG
File: waiting to pounce.jpg (1014 KB, 2232x1464)
1014 KB
1014 KB JPG
File: kingfisher.jpg (678 KB, 2232x1464)
678 KB
678 KB JPG
File: egret face.jpg (695 KB, 1464x2232)
695 KB
695 KB JPG
File: IMG_6201.jpg (3.33 MB, 6000x4000)
3.33 MB
3.33 MB JPG
Rishikesh, india

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Athens, Greece

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Mindo, Ecuador

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BaƱos, Ecuador

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Coca, Ecuador

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Puerto Mishualli, Ecuador

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Florence, Italy

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Australian Boobook

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Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 13.3 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/4.7
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)334 mm
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Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:12:07 21:58:37
Exposure Time1/200 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
ISO Speed Rating800
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Light SourceUnknown
FlashFlash, Compulsory
Focal Length167.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
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White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlHigh Gain Up
File: PANA4578.jpg (1.33 MB, 5776x4336)
1.33 MB
1.33 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakePanasonic
Camera ModelDC-G9M2
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 13.3 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/6.3
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)800 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:12:07 21:51:40
Exposure Time1/200 sec
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ISO Speed Rating800
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Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashFlash, Compulsory
Focal Length400.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
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White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlHigh Gain Up
File: _DSC0083 (1)-01.jpg (1.05 MB, 1461x2588)
1.05 MB
1.05 MB JPG
I'm still a beginner so don't shit on me too hard.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON D3000
Camera SoftwareSnapseed 2.0
Image-Specific Properties:
Image Created2024:09:21 17:05:52
Exposure Time1/400 sec
ISO Speed Rating200
Focal Length50.00 mm
Image Width1461
Image Height2588
>flashing an owl
Come on Jack
File: mag - Copy.jpg (4.15 MB, 3711x2474)
4.15 MB
4.15 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution350 dpi
Vertical Resolution350 dpi
Image Created2024:10:06 11:55:42
Exposure Time1/800 sec
Lens Aperturef/3.5
Exposure Bias0 EV
Focal Length85.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width3711
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Exposure ModeAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
How to wipe all exif data so it doesn't show up here? I just did it in properties in Windows but it still shows up with some. Also fuck this 900 second bullshit, there's already only about 10 people that post on this board.
Poor bastard was probably blinded for an hour considering that's a night-shot
There are dedicated exif strippers / modifiers you can use. I use exiftool which is GAHNOO, so you may not be able to use it on Windows.
I did use loonix mint years ago but got the shits with it absolutely raping laptop batteries for no good reason. I'm about ready to go back with how fucking AIDS microshart is being at the moment though.
>In total darkness, use of flash may cause a temporary reduction in vision for 5-20 minutes
>birds have 50% return of vision in the first five minutes, and 75% in another five minutes.
>Flash does not cause permanent damage to the eyes of animals, even at close range
Broken wing from crashing into a tree branch is a death sentence for birds desu
File: P1550166.jpg (1.55 MB, 4592x3448)
1.55 MB
1.55 MB JPG
yes, but they will only fly off if you get too close
if you keep your distance they just stay perched and look away
obviously it's unethical but the impact it has is overblown

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakePanasonic
Camera ModelDMC-G81
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 13.3 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/6.3
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)800 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:08:17 18:59:35
Exposure Time1/160 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
ISO Speed Rating200
Lens Aperturef/6.3
Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashFlash, Compulsory
Focal Length400.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlLow Gain Up
Interesting, my Acer Swift gets a rough but noticable 20-30% battery uptick versus Win11. I was forced to daily loonix for a few months while my desktop's CPU was warrantied, and honestly, if you're willing to diagnose some random fuckery every now and then and aren't "totally" inept, it's a decent daily driver.
Thank fuck. Still, being semi-blind for 5-20 minutes still sounds bad and I really don't know how to feel about disturbing wildlife just for a snapshit of all things. It's not even about the quality per se, it just seems an unkind thing to do to a bird.

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