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File: trichrome_lights_medres.jpg (4.85 MB, 2080x1875)
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alternative processes edition

Previous thread:

/fgt/ daily reminder (courtesy by anon): one stop per decade is (generally) bullshit
>negative film ages better than positive
>black and white better than color
>slow films better than fast
>storage conditions (dry/cool) matter more than years
>Negative film is shot 1 or 2 stops overexposed and then PULLED in development so that you build more density in the exposure and develop less such that the fog is limited
>slide/positive film is shot at box speed or overexposed and pulled.
>if you home develop you can also use benzotriazole as a restrainer for the the first developer in E6 process

Useful links
>[massive dev chart] gives times for home film development
>[film dev] shows results of development regimes
>[news & community links]

>thread question
what are your plans regarding photography for the next year?
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This has been my goal for a while, but I'm actually going to start focusing on it more because of the holidays coming up. Value added products for my farmers market stall, or in other words framed prints of chickens and that kinda stuff.

I've never tried selling my work, so it is kind of nerve wracking, but I know it's going to feel so good if and when I get sales, or even someone showing interest in my work!

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>what are your plans regarding photography for the next year?
the warm embrace of death, or finally starting to do dark room prints
I think it will be refreshing to talk about photography with normies and boomers as well. Lol.
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Forgot chick pic.

Ilford pop up darkroom tents are very affordable if you need it and they can fit a small enlarger and trays for 8x10 prints!!

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More chick pics.

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And more.

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I made this trichrome as a test / proof of concept to see if it would be possible to make a trichrome using red, green and blue lights instead of filters
red shot got a bit misaligned because I bumped into the tripod, and I don't have the patience to do microcorrections in perspective
but I'm glad to see it works
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The stall next to me was selling lots of Xmas wreaths for like 70 dollars each today, so I wouldn't feel bad asking 150-200 bucks for a framed and matted 8x10 print that will last multiple life times.

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very smol birb in medium format.

I had been testing Lucky film in both 35mm and 120, its awwwright for what it cost.

I got some light leaks because I load it wrong lol, my only criticism is that they are using the same backing paper than GP3 and that shit is bad, unless you like the numbers in your photos aesthetic.

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i kinda like the end result desu, it still looks mostly right but the effect of the red being slightly off gives it a nice look. I guess it is literally a chromatic aberration
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I really wonder if its some film or some weird aerial stuff, at least the 35mm its not foma or GP3. The 120 ISO 100, not so sure it curls less than GP3 and the water was running red when I developed it.

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Aerial film is usually extra sensitive to red, and very fine grained.

Are you going to post result?

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i was referring to the OP image
thanks, man
>Are you going to post result?
what do you mean?
maybe I'm not following, that was the end result already
I made this variation as well, though
that one was a test but I don't have anything else in mind for a trichrome in the near future, because working with colored lightsources instead of actual filters limits me to small subjects in controlled environments
but I'd love to make some trichromes with proper filters and stuff
Oh. Wasn't clear from your post. I thought you forgot to post pic and were replying to OP. Very cool!

The color noise/grain is kind of off-putting in your example, but I think it could be nice in certain situations. Regardless it is interesting to see what happens when you overlay different colored grain like that.
>Wasn't clear from your post
ah sorry
>The color noise/grain is kind of off-putting in your example, but I think it could be nice in certain situations
yeah I'm not fond of it either, but I believe it's unavoidable when doing trichromes

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I heard some nerd on here talking about how an rgbw sensor would be an improvement over just rgb. Is this something you could do to improve the trichrome image or am I retarded?
I don't even know what you're talking about lol
the trichrome stuff is just for messing around (to me), maybe one day I'll buy actual filters and all that but I'm not too worried about getting it perfect

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Image Created2024:12:01 02:47:39
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I don't even really know what I'm talking about either lol. The W stands for white so I guess it would be a fourth picture that has white light/no filter.
If you just want to try it out get some cheap lighting gel sheets from amazon or wherever. costs like 5$.

This one was using gels on expired fp4 onkitchen table just trying to see if it worked.

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I thought it was kinda cool so I also gave making IR trichromes a try.

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I will be trying to fix lens with balsam separation picrel. It's and old Minolta lens.
There's high chance it was glued with canada balsam. I am going to boil it and clean it with acetone and then again glue it with fresh balsam. If boiling won't help, bath in acetone should do the job. Lens is fucked anyways so it's will be hard to fuck it even more.
Wish me luck.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareGoogle
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Anyone has any recs for a stable and cheap copy stand that is arca swiss compatible? I want to get into scanning my film myself and that part has me stumped. For a light I plan on getting a cs-lite. I'm in the EU and most stands are way overpriced or out of stock.
I've considered buying gels but for some reason I end up forgetting about them and never buying
trichromes are not at the top of my list of things to experiment with anyways but it's really cool
I wanted to buy infrared gels as well to put in front of my flash and do stealth night photography

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>alternative processes edition
Yall ever do cyanotype enlargements? I got my bigass UV LED just need to build the rest of the enlarger. Not really sure what kind of lens to use, I guess something old and uncoated? Magnifying glass? I found UV rated lenses for scientific use but they're hundreds of dollars. Most of the stuff online is about printing onto transparency paper and then contact printing which seems kinda gay.
trying to find motivation to go and shoot some pics but ive got about 4 hours of sunlight a day, and ita getting less
how do other northfags do it
You want a process lens or an actual enlarger lens...

It's going to be fun to use a grain focuser and direct strong UV into your eye ball.

Printing transparencies is gay compared to shooting large film, but you can still get excellent results from it, and sometimes the ideal curves/contrast for a specific alternative process can be much more easily obtained digitally...
>Yall ever do cyanotype
>printing onto transparency paper and then contact printing
it works well
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3.93 MB JPG
mission failed so far
this balsam doesn't fucking melt in 100C, I've heard some boil in oil but it will be very messy so for now I've thrown the lens into acetone and hope it will dissolve the balsam after night

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>You want a process lens or an actual enlarger lens...
maybe but I dunno, it has to have a pretty wide aperture because cyanotype sensitivity is so low. And there's a limit to how much power the light can have before melting the film. I was thinking some old 50/1.8 without coatings so it transmits maximum UV light.
>It's going to be fun to use a grain focuser and direct strong UV into your eye ball.
Yeah I had the idea if I make it a diffusion style enlarger I could put a yellow light in there for focusing and then switch to UV once it was focused. Of course the focal points will be a little different but I'm not going for max sharpness.
>it works well
I don't doubt it but at that point why not just turn it blue in photoshop and do a normal inkjet print? The cool part to me is that if this works I can do huge darkroom prints without spending a fortune on paper.
You can get very fast projector lenses for a relatively low price.
ah, now we're talking. I see f/1.2 projector lenses are not uncommon, seems promising
the fun part is being outside using the sun and not being in the darkroom
touch grass
>I don't doubt it but at that point why not just turn it blue in photoshop and do a normal inkjet print?
why not just use a snoy and add dirt, grim and dog hair in photoshop, why shoot anything else at all?
oh yeah i use a dufflebag as well sometimes
start running
if youre a large format fag i wish you well
>Yall ever do cyanotype enlargements?
Yeah it works well. Basically I took off the head of an enlarger and replaced it with the LED/cooler/collimator unit, using a soup can with a hole in the bottom to keep it at the proper distance and block stray light. This needed no permanent modifications to the enlarger.
Exposure time is 20-40 min for 10x15cm prints depending on the negative, proportionally more for larger prints.

>I got my bigass UV LED
It seems to be a 50W one? Why not 100W? Printing speed is proportional to the power. Also you should get more than one, they are quick to die if the cooling fails.

>Not really sure what kind of lens to use
Regular enlarging lenses work well. UV absorption is not much of an issue at 395nm (unless the lens is visibly yellow), the main concern should be sharpness wide open.
I tried slide projector lenses too but they are much softer.
The f1.2 lenses you are seeing are for 8mm or 16mm film I think
oh and for focusing I use reading glasses and a sheet of paper coated with text marker
>Why not 100W?
cuz it cost more and I was afraid of cooking the LED and/or film. Are you using 100w? what size is the film? I have an old enlarger that's missing some pieces but the area where the bulb goes is pretty small and I don't think I could fit sufficient cooling in there. I was planning to make some kinda box out of wood and styrofoam.
Yes 100W (I run them at ~85W, at 100W they fry after a while) I bought the LEDs for 10€/piece on aliexpress. For cooling there are dedicated kits with an active heat sink with pre-drilled screw-holes, screws, the collimator lens and the holder (still needs thermal paste).
I use 35mm, never noticed any damage to a negative (after all the original enlarger runs at 75W and with passive cooling)

>I have an old enlarger that's missing some pieces but the area where the bulb goes is pretty small and I don't think I could fit sufficient cooling in there.
Yeah my setup only works with an enlarger where you can take the head off.

>I was planning to make some kinda box out of wood and styrofoam.
I can't help you there but there are some threads on photrio and the carbon printing group
buy a fire extinguisher in case shit goes south
duffel bag it is, then

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three different days
I remember when the /fgt/ was the one last thread on /p/ where the photos were actually decent relative to the absolute dog shit on the rest of the board. Now it's also just banal nothing with zero technical skill to any of the shots. Really sad this place finally died despite all the gear obsessiveness and know how being passed between people over the years.
>Nophoto whines and does absolutely nothing to improve things
Put your money where your mouth is motherfucker
Try using some orange degreaser on it
I'm sorry :(
god damn getting the color right on a negative scan is hard
it always look slightly wrong
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How did you scan this? If your backlight is bad it'll make things real funky.
shoot black and white
colour film is retarded anyways
File: question marks.jpg (3.76 MB, 4413x2998)
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3.76 MB JPG
pretty shitty test shot but I like how the light trails form question marks everywhere

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i got the cs-lite for dslr scanning. do i need to do something with the white balance in my camera?
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I don't know man, I am constantly posting kino

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so when I DSLR scan I try to get the white balance as close as I can get it in-camera because then it gives me more leeway in post.

also if you got an underexposed file, either from overexposing the dslr scan or underexposing the film, you can't really save that, and it often manifests as weird blue highlights kinda like in your photo so try bracketing when you scan and pick the best one, chances are your settings need tweaking.
It's kind of interesting how collectively most people lost their motivation or interest in many hobbies over the last few years, not just photography.
Really now? Because all the people I know have actually gotten more engaged in their hobbies or gotten new ones since covid became an endemic.

I've gotten people into photography, homebrewing, some of my friends have started bodybuilding, my mother got her commercial truck license and started doing that as a side hustle.

I think you're a little doomer my friend, prolly shouldn't be projecting like that, it wont do you any good.
im probably overexposing the scan then. should the white balance be at the temperature of the light source or does it depend on the negative?
white balance should be on the mask of the film, just remember you don't have to get it perfect, thats what the post adjustments are for.
Misery loves company. Haha.
For the trichrome bros just saw this on ebay. Pretty crazy.

The bermphol tri color 5x7 camera.

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If I remember to photograph a grey card/colour checker I use that. Otherwise, I set my camera so that the light source (without film) is almost clipping as a highlight but doesn't have any colour cast.

Then capture the slide/negative leaving some space at each end of the histogram (adjust shutter speed to taste for this and to account for intentional over/under exposures).

Invert, if necessary, and set black/white point (as appropriate) from the unexposed edge or between frames.

This will get you close enough that you should then be able to make any further colour adjustments through levels/curves.
The white balance set on the camera does not matter one bit as long as you are shooting RAW which you obviously should be. If you want to reduce the digital noise increase from the orange mask you have to do it with a lens filter or colored light.
Your editor should have a way to indicate RAW blown highlights, if that does not trigger it is not overexposed. You should be ETTRing the best you can.
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>the only color film I like is ektachrome

I hope Kodak doesn't discontinue it again.

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impressive how much those colors and bloom looks like a 90s digishit
Can we take a small poll if /fgt/? I don't shoot much and I'm curious how much of it is due to life getting in the way

>Employment status
>Relationshit status
>Kid status
>Rough number of pics taken a month

I'm 35 married with kids and work around 70 hours a week. I am lucky to be able to shoot 30 pics a month.
forever alone
I hate breeders like you wouldn't believe it
96 photos a month
NEET (independently wealthy, have worked before and probably will again however)
long term gf
>having a kid who will grow up to fight in the water wars
depends, but usually 1-2 rolls a week
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Took this at infinity focus on a Super Isolette. Reckon my rangefinder is slightly out of wack, or does it just look like camera shake?
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And another one, less bad but still doesn't seems a bit blurry.
Looks like both. Im amazed that EVERYTHING is a little out of focus though. Is it focusing past infinity?
What shutter speed? It's unlikely to be camera shake if it's a decently high speed (I've seen some say as long as ss>fl it won't be very noticeable, but I try to aim for 2xss>fl to make sure). But likely you're focusing past infinity as >>4389453 says.
hey all
i got some anti halation dye in my fixer. should i keep using it or is it done for?
>>Employment status
teacher and PhD student
>>Relationshit status
>>Kid status
>>Rough number of pics taken a month
it varies a lot
these last three months were unusually prolific for me, and on average I've shot around 90 photos per month
usually I probably shoot like 50 photos per month, I guess

Cheers yeah, I think it must be focusing past infinity. The first one was 1/60 I think (which is why it seems a bit blurrier), but the second one was definitely at least 1/125.

I bought it off that Certo6 Jurgen guy who is supposed to specialise in servicing these - bit of a pain that it came with a misaligned rangefinder.
it's not camera shake
you can see all the tiny lightsources in the sidewalk are perfectly round and there's no light trail
as >>4389453 said it seems to be focusing past infinity
I don't know if there's any problem with that but I would at least filter it through a coffee paper filter or something so that it won't smudge the film
filter it and then test it before returning it to the bottle with the remaining fixer

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>30hrs per week
>average month this year is probably around 500 pics per month

wonderful light and color, in any case

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Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.38
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Image Created2024:11:04 00:49:34
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>Employment status
Mid level manager
>Relationshit status
Arch wizard
>Kid status
Fuck DNA you ain't the boss of me
>Rough number of pics taken a month
Maybe a dozen. I'm burned out and infinitely disappointed with my shit so I'm focusing more on my whiskey collection these days.
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2.83 MB
2.83 MB JPG
Car show that was once called "Wintersun"

Film was very expired, dont remember exactly what it was though, maybe 500t

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Vertical Resolution300 dpi
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xpan or what? color cast looks pretty cool
crazy that people used to hang such things off such an expensive little piece of glass
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2.91 MB JPG
thanks, its 35mm film with 120 adapters inside a mamiya rb67

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>/fgt/ daily reminder
yes yes, i know, but
i recently got a roll of film from a flea market (stored in unkown conditions, presumably the opposite of what it should be stored in(currently is in my fridge in a desperate attempt to slow down the degredation of whatever is left)), a roll of Tudorcolor II, which i havent found much about online
it is ASA 100
issue is it has expired since september 1984, as it is colour film im not sure wtf to do with the stop per decade rule(or if i should fuck with it at all), im not sure if shooting at 16/24 ASA will be a good idea, seems a bit too much
im not expecting to get good results at all from the get go, but im wondering if there is a way to try and ensure i get at least some results, be it shooting at 1/60 or f/16 or in sunny conditions or whatever
i cant develop the film myself so i have no control over that to "pull" it

i will shoot it anyway, if i get any useable results i will come back and post them (thus the tripcode)

>18, shooting since 14~
>uni IT student
>might get one this month (Depends)
>usually i shoot a roll over a month/two month time period because little money for development

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so much magenta cast, terrible
>Employment status
unemployed for a about a year, enjoying having so much free time
>Relationshit status
single, not looking for gf
>Kid status
>Rough number of pics taken a month
1-2 rolls each month but probably a couple hundreds on digital
same desu. shit is fucked
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3.25 MB
3.25 MB JPG
>mid level engineer
>single (it's over)
>4-6 rolls every month
I am a slav, so film was still popular in my childhood since digital cameras were expensive as fuck
literally first photos I've ever taken were of my mother and brother on Kodak Gold on a cheap disposable camera, when I was like 5 years old

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Some bunch of shit

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>spent hundreds for a Ricoh GR1 back in May
>Shutter doesn't fire anymore

>buys meme camera
>old electronics do what old electronics do
LMAO who would have thought?
You're right. I knew it would happen. I bought it specifically for a trip. I should just be glad it lasted the whole trip, even though it was only 2 and a half months
it served its purpose
in a rather expensive way, but it did
now go buy a fully mechanical camera as you should have done in the first place and quit jumping in the hype train, faggot
I took a f100 but I used the Ricoh way more just because it was so much easier to carry around I'm actually considering getting a repair

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Thinking of Bessa II or Super Ikonta or something of that sort, but maybe I'm being dumb. I don't see myself getting into MF with a huge one that's impractical to carry with me wherever.
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990 KB JPG
Ektar100 on intrepid 4x5
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1.08 MB
1.08 MB JPG
>>Employment status
Intern Arch
>>Relationshit status
>>Kid status
>>Rough number of pics taken a month
Couple rolls of 35mm


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get a TLR, they are very small and light, doesn't have bellows which often need a repair
you can get on inexpensively, and they have much better faster lens like f/3.5, look into Yashica, Mamiya or even Rolleicords
it's harder to get one in good condition but same goes for folding cameras
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I'm a newfag to /p/.
I'm looking for a film camera for my gf as a Christmas present. She used to do photography before having to sell her gear due to medical expenses (this happened before we met). I want to get her both a film and digital camera to get her started again. She's a good woman and has stuck by me even in hard times. Sadly I know essentially nothing about cameras. I would like to get into it myself too

What's a good camera to start with? It seems like 35mm is the most common and cost-effective choice. Which models? Is there a readme anywhere? Thanks guys
The Nikon F and Canon EF mounts both have SLRs (film) and DLSRs, so you could pick one and share the lenses between film and digital. Nikon F is compatible further back (including fully manual film cameras), the Canon ones are better compatible forward (great compatibility with their mirrorless system using an adapter).

Depends whether you want mechanical or electronic film camera and whether you want mirrorless or DLSR. And on your budget.
always choose pentax, you can use the lenses both on digital and film cameras.

And you wouldn't want to give your gf something that sounds like a NIGGOR? right? What if she starts liking black meat?!?
You can get really pro results from Minolta AF mount imo and the camera bodies outside the Maxxum 9 and most of the lenses are very cheap. A Minolta Maxxum 5 and a 35-105 f3.5-4.5 and 50 1.4 or 1.7 is going to be a $150 proposition all up and give very good results.
>muh shitty electronics
Thanks guys, I'll look into those. Keep the suggestions coming too

Out of curiosity, I checked ebay and some cameras are sold as "body only". What does that mean? There's no lense or film? Or the actual mechanics inside are missing?
No lens. Film she will buy. Make sure you get a body that is tested btw. A lot of untested stuff is just a paper weight.
correct, no lens or film. for film cameras you'll always be buying new film as you shoot it a roll at a time and then develop that roll. you should be able to find a lot of cameras with the lens they came with (the so-called kit lens) for basically the same price as just the body. I'd also check craigslist or other local marketplaces as you can often find people selling their old stuff for dirt cheap as they upgrade/downsize or just think their 30 year old camera must be worthless even if its still perfectly functional.
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Really wish it was summer again already

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Sunburst makes everything cool.

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1.24 MB
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Take over for me, nophotos.

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Some brazilian cities do look like japanese cities.
Especially the favelas
lmao, do macacos really believe this
>>Employment status
Aftersales technician in an applicance store
>>Relationshit status
In a relationship
>>Kid status
Hopefully before i'm 30
>>Rough number of pics taken a month
In the summer with the lads it can be 2-3 rolls, in winter maybe 2 roll for the season

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Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Canonet G-III QL17 for a film camera. Digital maybe try a Fuji x-t1

Also be aware when purchasing anything over the internet. Look in the description of the item if it says whether it has fog/haze/fungus/separation.

If it has those, avoid it
Better to get her a good reliable film camera than short lived junk and a digishit

Find the newest, least used nikon fm3a you possibly can. I know these are expensive but that’s because they don’t need overhauls yet. They were produced into the 2000s (so was the very desirable nikon S3)
yes buy your gf an inevitable light meter repair
i hated my canonet for the crappy meter even with the wires resoldered, clunky controls, hard to read rangefinder patch and slow shutter. goodish lens but eh. avoid.
>She used to do photography
find out what camera she wants or at least had and try to get the same or similar, as a start. that'll save you the headache of doing research and/or accidentally buying a pos or something she hates.

your question is like my gf had a car. I want to get her two cars a manual and automatic but don't know cars, what do. my brother....
Get her a 1v with a 24-70 f2.8 and be done with it. That's my girls favorite camera aside from my contax T3.
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Anybody know where I could get a Mamiya C33 serviced in Europe without having to pay enough to just buy a working one? Got a jammed cocking/film transfer mechanism. No options in my own country for sure.

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Image Created2024:12:04 22:03:04
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File: tree1.jpg (1.43 MB, 1464x2232)
1.43 MB
1.43 MB JPG
very impressed with this vivtar 28mm f2.5 I picked up recently
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1.2 MB
1.2 MB JPG
File: tree3.jpg (1.23 MB, 2232x1464)
1.23 MB
1.23 MB JPG
shot on fuji 400 (which I guess is just kodak stock but inexplicably a dollar cheaper) with my srt200
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1.11 MB
1.11 MB JPG
less impressed with the 500mm f/8 mirror lens, though some of it I think comes down to user issue and using it with a teleconverter
Is that the one you were talking about earlier in this thread? Did you try it woth a rock solid tripod + shutter release cable?
Anyone have a clue why this unmarked lens is getting bid up to like 500+ dollars? They say it's roughly 700mm, and a single element lens.

Why does it have that cap thing?

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last thread yeah. and no I haven't done any tripod shooting with it yet which will probably improve the iq significantly (as would not adding the teleconverter), since I didn't bring a tripod with me on vacation where I picked it up. now that i'm back in town i'll give it another shot properly and try not to let my impatience get the better of me
my girl is a husky btw
hey all
do you guys bulk load film?

ilford will raise prices very very soon so i was thinking about getting some kentmere or hp5 100ft rolls and a bulk loader.

is it better to bulk load or will i be fine?
Nah fuck ilford, if they raise prices just buy more foma, that'll show them.
Reminder that 80% of dollar supply was printed in the last 5 years. It's not evil ilford being greedy, it's the govt that's assfucking you.
More like its the govt thats assfucking ilford because im not gonna be their little sugardaddy. If they cant stay afloat in this economy then tough shit, foma it is.
>do you guys bulk load film?
yes, it's cheaper but more work
>ilford will raise prices very very soon
when and how do you know?
foma sucks ass
Guy in Warsaw Poland services Hassle-blads and Mammamiyas very well, he's an older gentleman was a serviceman for polish press office back in the good old days, not sure if english is an option with him but anyway here's his page: http://www.foto-mechanika.pl/co_naprawiam.php
If that doesn't work for you try it yourself, check some YT videos how to disassemble it (worst part is often removing leatherette without fucking it up, soak the glue in isopropyl alcohol until it softens and use wood/plastic spatula).
Often times you will just need to clean the gears and their axles with iso or lighter fluid and lubricate it (sparsely!) with watch oil like Moebius 8000.
seems like old projector lens, maybe seller with his friends are bumping the price to hype it, I can't imagine this being better than duck taping magnifying lens from DIY store to toilet paper roll
> bulkloading
yes' I'm actually buying it bulkloaded to old canisters by some lab guy here on local ebay equivalent, still cheaper and I don't have to buy loader and fuck around with tape and stuff.
with foma I have love-hate relationship really, I've had few series of Fomapan 100 in 120 that had white spots from allegedly contaminated anti halation layer, Foma advised to wash it in 90% alcohol for 45 minutes, I'm not doing that fuck them. Kentmere Pan 100 is only slightly more expansive and also has thicker more flat base which makes film lay flatter in camera as well is better for scanning (it's actually better than in HP5+ of FP4).
Foma Pan 100 in 4x5 and their papers are very good never had any problems with them and pricing is sound. Also I've used a lot of their chemistry like R09, fomafix, fomacitro no problems ever and for a fraction of a price from the competition.
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1.18 MB
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All I've shot for the last few years is bulkloaded bw. If prices of your favourite films are going to go up it totally makes sense to grab a couple 100' rolls and throw em in the fridge. You can buy a nice Watson or Alden74 bulkloaded off eBay for $20...so it'll pay itself off in the first 100' of film.

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Thanks, I guess my only option is to sell it for parts. Should get at least something for the lens. I want out of the LF shit but decent MF setups have inflated like crazy in the mean time. Maybe being a 35mmlet is in the end my only choice.

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Image Created2023:09:12 21:56:21
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Electronic bronica systems are still cheap as fuck and really great. ETR/SQ/GS
Got my FED 2 on the mail today, yippee :3
I hope you know how to service a Leica shutter because that won't be far off.
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1.29 MB JPG
Today's evening shits.

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Fuck winter.

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27, Work full time and going to college (again), in a relationship, no kids, just trying to get back into photography after 10 years doing other stuff...

I got a Hasselblad 500cm with some lenses for like 450 ten years ago. Amazing deal. I also have a voightlander bessa r with a canon 50mm lens.

Before I get too deep into setting up my darkroom. I wanna bring my film to a shop for developing. I have about 10 rolls of 35mm and medium format film... I want to shoot a roll through each as a test. A test to see if a light leak hasn't developed while moving or neglected. Now that I'm an adult I look at this a lot differently - what type of questions should I ask the developer and how do I know how find a good business to do this ?
>contact company, they say they had a bad batch and replace it for free
>ups reports replacement damaged in shipment, returned to sender
It depends m8, did you shoot BW or color film? If you were shooting at box speed just give them the film and that is.
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Gold time boys.

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2.67 MB
2.67 MB JPG
Fuck winter, in color.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakePlustek
Camera ModelOpticFilm 8200i
Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.6
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Image Created2024:12:05 19:51:34
Image Width6768
Image Height10224
these are cozy
cool but the trees look unnatural and kenrockwelled
technically well done but doesn't tell me anything, I can't relate to it, it's a screensaver
generic but feels nice
very cool, the uneven light is pretty nice
you cannot comprehend how much I detest this one
my grandma would send me this shit with a horrible glittery GOOD MORNING written all over it
foma suck ass

my professor said so, idk where he got that info tho
4x5 /fgt/s

i recently bought a tachihara 4x5 field camera for cheap but one issue - the front standard thumb screw thing to make the front rise and fall is missing, the seller is giving it to me with his jank setup via two small nuts.

is there anyway i can get a replacement part for it? its shipping to me right now so i can't really get any measurements yet
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I know, it's what I do, been doing for 11 years. Thanks for the feedback my guy.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakePlustek
Camera ModelOpticFilm 8200i
Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.6
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Image Created2023:08:05 23:44:24
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that's pretty nice
File: 75.jpg (2.96 MB, 1200x1800)
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2.96 MB JPG
Pen EE anon from the last thread here, bought a film scanner so I wouldn't have to keep shelling out the extra money for over-sharpened compressed jpegs from the lab. Still getting the hang of pulling the right amount of visual information from a flat drab raw file without under/overdoing things. also holy fuck negative curling is the devil

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera Softwarepaint.net 5.0.7
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Horizontal Resolution37 dpcm
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>be me, zoomer
>like film 'aesthetic'
>buy old pentax
>results look too good and real
>photos look pointless
>meanwhile dad's amateur photos shot with disposable camera in the 80s have peak aesthetic
now I actually have to learn how to shoot
You may be able to find a screw at a local hardware store. If you can thread match the missing piece it wouldn't be too hard to beg a local machinist to make you something simple that would work.
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I developed and scanned my firs tfew rolls myself yesterday, but the fucking hexagon of my Viltrox 116t is showing.

So I ordered some pespex to get rid of it.

Result is pic, its shit but its my first one so im quite happy with it.

The film was apx100 and done with rodinal/adonal.

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>results look too good and real
>photos look pointless
>meanwhile dad's amateur photos shot with disposable camera in the 80s have peak aesthetic
use a disposable camera then ding dong
>he doesn't have the touch
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2.69 MB JPG
I pulled the trigger, /p/
Thanks to everyone in /fgt/ who helped me throughout the whole planning and shit, I'll be posting results as soon as I can
Can't wait to go shoot with it tomorrow!

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File: 20241206_175808.jpg (2.9 MB, 2738x2670)
2.9 MB
2.9 MB JPG
Amazing. Hope you have fun, and I look forward to your images. I'm here to answer questions after you start working with your camera some.
I've been so busy with chicken farming lately I don't even feel like developing film let alone taking pics. :(

I scored an absolutely bonkers deal on a seemingly unused/minimally used 4x5 sinar norma in hardcase that arrived today. 500 bucks for well over 1k of sinar stuff. Tripod head + symmar lens it came with easily go for 500 on their own!

Norma's are such beautiful cameras. The machining and finish is just wonderful on them.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera ModelGalaxy S24 Ultra
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 10.0.2 (Android)
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File: El Camino_5MB.jpg (4.48 MB, 5016x3336)
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4.48 MB JPG
I'm not sure if it's just me, but my photos seem especially grainy. Am I underexposing or developing wrong?
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1.43 MB JPG
Look how compact this cloth replacement+loupe replacement is also. Came with the sinar kit.

What fstop are you shooting at?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera SoftwareS928U1UES3AXI1
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look at the negative to gauge exposure
it looks contrasty and blue. blue could mean too hot of chemicals but it could be the scan too. you haven't even said what film it is
Sorry, my monitor isn't the best, but now that I look at it on my phone, it is blue and that's my bad, I must have color corrected it wrong, it originally looked too warm. I shot it on Fujifilm 400 and I'm not sure what f-stop, but it was probably around f/16 given it was sunny out. I don't believe it's an aperture problem since all of my photos look this grainy.
Hmm. You should post a picture of your negatives and if you devved this on your own what was your technique and how old/used was your c41 dev?
thanks, man, you were extremely helpful (:
also jesus fucking christ, nice catch
Great to hear.
Search for your brand of view camera on ebay, sort by newly listed and just check every day or two. Eventually you'll find some sick deals if you play your cards right. Don't think that works well on common brands like nikon/canon, but I bet it would do well with toyo.
I'm not near my computer to get the negatives unfortunately, but it was a fresh batch of Cinestill chemicals I had just mixed up
File: fujimax_grain.jpg (1.4 MB, 3000x2063)
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1.4 MB JPG
fuji usa 400 aka ultramax? It does look a bit grainier than my fujimax scans but it's not a huge difference and could be due to higher contrast in your scene or editing. It is a relatively grainy film especially in the shadows. I would shoot your next roll +1 so expose as though it were a 200 speed film and see how that goes.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakePlustek
Camera ModelOpticFilm 8200i
Camera SoftwareVueScan 9 x64 (9.8.18)
Image-Specific Properties:
total newfag here, I love these. How much editing needs to be done to achieve that look?
what would be a reasonable price for a rolleicord vb in decent condition?
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Thanks. Not much editing, I typically set the general color balance to my liking in the scanner software (Silverfast) either by gray point or fiddling with the histogram a bit, then do some light adjustments in post while cleaning up the scans. Mostly just changing the midpoint. The film is Gold 200 in case you were wondering. You'll get into your own workflow once you start doing this stuff, get used to how your scanner renders stuff and how to adjust. The important thing is to scan the whole roll (unless the conditions in the scene have changed) with as little change to the settings as possible between the frames so you'll have a consistent string of photos that are easy to edit in one go.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeEPSON
Camera ModelPerfection V800
Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.6
Image-Specific Properties:
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Image Created2022:09:13 21:27:42
Image Width14235
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File: 20241207_160255335.jpg (3.46 MB, 3072x4080)
3.46 MB
3.46 MB JPG
look at what beauty I've got
shot a first roll of kentmere 400, gonna develop it in a moment
it's the earlier model, lens are in great condition for it's age, mechanics seem fine too
File: El Camino_Neg_5MB.jpg (4.46 MB, 5016x3336)
4.46 MB
4.46 MB JPG
Here's the negative. Also, I didn't deviate from the recommended developing times or agitations.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakePlustek
Camera ModelOpticFilm 8200i
Camera SoftwareSilverFast 9.2.5 d7fb55bf3e (Nov 22 2024)
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Image Created07.12.2024 17:53:56
Image Width5016
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File: 17 - Gravel Path.jpg (4.75 MB, 4666x3240)
4.75 MB
4.75 MB JPG
Yeah, fujimax. I see you're also using a Plustek. Do you use NegaFix in Silverfast? It doesn't have Ultramax or Fuji 400 to choose as the film stock. Also, here's another pic that's also grainy :(

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera ModelOpticFilm 8200i
Camera Softwaredarktable 4.2.1
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Image Created2024:12:07 18:21:58
Image Width4666
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that's very magenta, my dude
File: car.jpg (57 KB, 640x426)
57 KB

seems a bit rich on color saturation and contrast
i love kentmere 100/400 in d23. i mixed up some barry thornton two bath that i will test out today in strips. very flat but very printable
File: 20241202_0008_01.jpg (4.97 MB, 2285x1500)
4.97 MB
4.97 MB JPG
i did the same thing with my flash and color filters

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File: _DSC4683-Pano.jpg (3.8 MB, 5835x5789)
3.8 MB
3.8 MB JPG
holy damn, this lens is excellent
excuse shitty scan and dull photo, but it was taken aimed at the sun, great contrast and only small flaring
and the bokeh is sweet

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON D610
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 10.0 (Windows)
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Image Created2024:12:08 00:20:07
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File: 1733594732079513_edit-2.jpg (2.97 MB, 5016x3336)
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2.97 MB JPG
>Do you use NegaFix in Silverfast?
I use vuescan with whatever preset looks best, regardless of whether it is the film I am using, or the sliders if none of them look good. But lately I've been also saving DNGs and using rawtherapee if I have a hard time getting the colors right in vuescan.
Your negative definitely looks like it could be underexposed, there is basically no detail on the tires in shadow and it's not the scan because it's not clipped.

I'm not sure if the weird color cast in the gravel there is an artifact of the scan or the dev. Sometimes if agitation or temperature is incorrect or chemicals are worn out it can do that in a way that's hard to correct, but it can also just be from wrong negative conversion settings.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareRawTherapee 5.10
Image-Specific Properties:
Exposure Time0 sec
Exposure Bias0 EV
Focal Length0.00 mm
File: p2.jpg (896 KB, 2048x2048)
896 KB
896 KB JPG
So I did my best impression of someone hosting a bonus chromosome today and accidentally overexposed a couple shots by 10-stops. While this is a bloodfart of a photograph I'm fucking staggered that there was anything on the negative, it's remarkable how far you can still recover SOMETHING.
>accidentally overexposed a couple shots by 10-stops
>I'm fucking staggered that there was anything on the negative
I mean, of course it looks like shit, but everything is discernible
that's actually cool als fuck
not aesthetically, but in how film works
File: Lenses.png (566 KB, 2357x1666)
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566 KB PNG
Apologies in advance and I'm completely new to film and photography in general.

My friend gave me a Fujica ST705W and some film. It comes with a 55mm lens. I need a way wider frame as everything is way too close, so I did some research and came to the conclusion I need a 35mm lens. I'm having trouble finding the right thing to look up. I found a scanned manual which gives compatible lenses but no model numbers. I learned about something called "lens mount," which, the guide mentions at one point:

>Your FUJICA ST705W is designed for full aperture metering with FUJINON interchangeable lenses which are made for full aperture metering and stopped-down metering with interchangeable lenses made for stopped-down metering (including Praktica screw mount lenses of other makes).

I looked up Praktika and it's a different camera brand and the Fujinon lenses I find on eBay don't specify Praktica as the lens mount, if they specify lens mount at all. Help.
m42 is the common name for the lens mount it uses, but it's a slightly modified m42 mount. You can use other brands of m42 lenses but to meter with them you have to manually stop down which is how most m42 cameras work anyway. And I think the fujinon lenses have a lock pin so they don't unscrew without pushing a button, which is honestly a solution to a problem that didn't exist.
m42 and k mount are sort of "standard" mounts that were used by many different companies back before every brand made their own, which was a trick to force you to buy only their lenses. You will see these mounts called many things "pentax screw" "m42" "praktica" etc. but it's all basically compatible.
Yeah that’s kind of how I’m viewing it- it’s a shitshow of a photo but knowing that a ten stop fuck up is at least theoretically recoverable, that’s a good lesson for if I ever make a rather smaller error in the future that it’s probably salvageable
I will keep this in mind and do some research on the stop down concept. Thank you!
Look pretty good, which one anon ?
My brother does analog photography but now he wants to develop black and white films at home
What's a good gift for christmas?
buy him a bottle of rodinal, some ilford stopper, a paterson tank and a dozen of foma rolls
Let him have it
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2.76 MB JPG
It's a Plustek 135i, I'm using Silverfast to scan to raw and then darktable for the processing. Things have been going fine for the most part, only trouble is that loading negatives into the film holder gets exponentially more difficult the more curled they are since they want to jump out before you can close down on them. Thinking of picking up a little lens sucker to more easily grab onto and maneuver the film strip with the film holder already closed down 95% of the way. Need to invest in a film-safe dust brush as well since just an air blower isn't cutting it, and probably a small light table to top it all off. The anon in the last thread who said to prepare my wallet wasn't kidding lol

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Camera ModelOpticFilm 135i
Camera Softwaredarktable 4.8.1
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Image Created2024:12:08 12:13:01
Color Space InformationsRGB
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Image Height1800
this and a changing bag
>process 2 rolls of film
>ninety five dollaridoos
I mean I get that it comes with the tank and stuff you reuse but that's only $35 by itself
tank+rodinal+powder fixer comes to like $60 and will do a gorillion rolls
File: _DSC4711-Pano.jpg (3.49 MB, 6252x5979)
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3.49 MB JPG
looks like I am gonna waste a lot of money on 120 film rolls
surprised how thin the dof is even on f8

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 10.0 (Windows)
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Image Created2024:12:08 14:49:42
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FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
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Color Space InformationUncalibrated
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pretty cool how the lit stuff outside the range of the flash is still in b&w (except what moved)
would be an interesting concept to expand on
looks sweet
File: _DSC4692-Pano.jpg (3.4 MB, 5999x6015)
3.4 MB
3.4 MB JPG
kentmere 400 is suprisingly contrasty and rich in tones when shot without any filters

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON D610
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 10.0 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/4.1
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Color Filter Array Pattern844
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)60 mm
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Image Created2024:12:08 14:52:32
Exposure Time1/100 sec
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FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length60.00 mm
Color Space InformationUncalibrated
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
i love kentmere 400 for my 35mm shots. i hope they bring it to 4x5 soon. catlabs 80 just isnt hitting anymore with my developer

processed in barry thornton's 2 bath is amazing.
need to get a scanner/light table so i can start scanning them to show to you guys.
>thread question
i hope i can get a 4x5 field camera.
File: img023-instagram.jpg (1.16 MB, 1200x818)
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1.16 MB JPG
I seriously fucking hate scanning with this shitty, old flatbed. It takes sooo long and I don't have proper negative holders.

Wish I could afford a proper dslr scanning setup.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 13.2 (Windows)
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Image Created2024:12:08 17:12:39
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do you not have a dslr/mirrorless camera already?

just put your negatives on a light table (or a screen with parchment paper on top then the negatives) and glass on top. put your tripod head upsidedown if you can (middle post inverted idk how to explain) and your camera pointing at the negatives. shoot at raw, export into whatever software, invert and white balance to the rebate. done

idk how to do it with color theres more balance
I only have a fuji x100. Not great for scanning.
great news

you can sell that and buy an ILC
Ilford Rapid Fixer instead of Ilford Stopper
You can use water as stop bath, but you'll need a fixer
Also this >>4390777
You'll need to get him a changing bag
And that's it, you made your brother happy
Metal clips if you wanna spoil him
Else you tell him to use mom's clothes clips
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1.39 MB JPG
This one has something to it. The others are a bit bland (for me).
It's not accidental that I posted that one first lol
What could cause this? Is my scanner fucked?
I don't know, man
maybe your scanner is uncalibrated, it can be your editing, it can be a color cast from your film, it can be many things
even the monitor where you edited it
check those variables independently and whatever else may cause your photo to lean towards a magenta hue
sinar external shutter accessory for 225 dollars. Untested. If it doesn't work you can sell the two shutter cables for 200+.

These normally go for 500-800 dollars. Extremely useful accessory.

Merry Christmas.

what exactly is that?
It goes between lens and bellows and acts as a shutter. If you use a sinar db board it controls the aperture of your lens as well, and if you use a sinar camera it actually automatically closes the shutter when you put your film holder in. You attach a second cable from the shutter to the rear standard. It's actually quite a rare piece.

You can adapt it to other view cameras and it essentially lets you use any and all lenses without their own shutter if you can mount it on your camera.

The only problem/quirk is that the shutter speeds are from 1/60th to 8 seconds.
The cable that links shutter to rear standard is rare. The shutter itself is not too rare.
some bullshit for niggas that rape their dogs
Sorry about my obsessed stalker. Sometimes I feel second hand embarrassment for the poor guy.
Forgot to mention that lenses mounted on a sinar db board are usually around 50% cheaper than if they were mounted with a standard copal shutter. You're stuck with slower shutter speeds, but that isn't usually a big deal with view cameras.
Are you doing all your negative conversions within silverfast? From your EXIF data it looks like you have darktable--what kind of results do you get if you scan to raw and then use the negadoctor module in darktable for the conversion process?
maybe i'm stupid but it sounds like a bad deal paying $500 to $800 for a hinderance that'll cap your faster speeds for the mild convenience of not having to... stretch your arms to the front standard?
automatically closing the lens when inserting the filmholder sounds nice but you'd have to fuck up like 250 sheets for it to be worth the price, and leaving the shutter open counting on this contraption seems like a bad habit to develop
maybe it's just not for me tho
It makes more sense if you go all in and use sinar db boards for all your lenses, or you like using barrel lenses. It really opens up a lot of possibilities because the sinar boards are big enough to fit just about any lens on it. It has flash sync, so studio work is also nice with them.

The sinar electronic shutter that works with db boards, or not, can actually go up to 1/500th and like 30+ minutes, but you would be either crazy or a fool to use it outside of the studio. Hilariously, getting the entire electronic shutter + controller + power converter + metering wand is usually cheaper than the mechanical shutter. Mainly because sinar was retarded and the firmware card you must have uses a battery to hold the firmware, and if the battery dies or is out of the card for more than 10 minutes you need to refresh the card, so they almost always get sold around 500 bucks and untested.

It already sold btw. Hope one of you guys got it...
And I will emphasize that it is probably THE best way to "add" a shutter to barrel lenses. It makes working with them super convenient.
ye, mechanical Sinar db shutter is more practical to use outside than electronic. I never exceded 1/30 even on full sunny day
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I just bought this loupe and can't fucking figure out how the hell this transparent part (which is threaded) is supposed to get back into the loupe's "body" (which is a smooth surface with no threads)
it came coupled, and came out with a pop, not by twisting
according to the manual there isn't anything in between them
how the fuck does this work?
should I just file the transparent part's threads and have it fit by just pushing it in?

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do you have to unscrew that black part first and put it where that was or is the black tube an eye cup? I would expect black is for use with a light table and clear is to let light in for things that don't produce their own
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Well.... The price makes more sense now.

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its a big lens
Yes. Listing had no scale or measurements. Drunk purchase one night. Should be an interesting one. The listing says it is roughly 700mm and it's single element. Might not be too extremely soft on 8x10 considering how massive the projection is. You could probably shoot 20x24 or bigger with this thing...

I just need to figure out how to mount it on a sinar board now...
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no, the "body" is all fixed save for a focusing mechanism, and then you attach the translucent thing
>see picrel
also they're conic
transparent thing is *just a bit* too big to fit in
look how small the threads are >>4391145
is what makes it not fit
I'm just not sure if filing down plastic is a good idea
it's some sort of hard acrylic though, so maybe
I can use it without the translucent outer shell for focusing, which is why I bought it, but it would be cool to use it to see 35mm slides
also the negatives and prints later

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>pls bros don't tell my dad about my stash bros pls fr for real
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Ok I can't say how your specific device works but if it's a choice between "you have to file down the threads to fit" vs "u r retard" I'm going with retard

Every picture find shows the clear section on the bottom with the canon logo right side up, which means it goes where the black tube is. But you don't actually want to do that for viewing slides since you want to light slides from behind which means you want the black tube and not the transparent one. The transparent one is for viewing stuff like prints where you have to let the room light in so that it's not just shadow
I was recently offered a trade, my Nikon D810 for a Bronica SQ-A plus an 80mm and 150mm lens, 2 120 backs and one Polaroid back, and some other goodies. I am completely new to MF but do wish to get into it.

Is this a decent trade? And are there any issues or quirks with the SQ-A I should be aware of before making a decision?
Those cameras are really designed to be used on a tripod mainly. The ergonomics are disgusting for handheld and you may really hate the form factor of it. They sell grips that make them a little more useable handheld, but I strongly suggest handling the camera and seeing how you like holding/using it before making a trade.
If you are new, I'd suggest getting a nice folder (even Super Ikontas are relatively cheap if you don't insist f:2.8) or a TLR or something and keep your digital for times you want to snap with abandon.
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i've had an sq-b since summer and i think it's awesome. no problems so far besides damaging the wl finder spring/latch mechanism by handling it recklessly. i found the 80mm lens to be a bit tight as a 35mm equiv main, so i got the 50mm/3.5 which feels much closer to a 35.
it's a far slower and clumsier operation than any dslr though, so just be ready for a very differnet shooting experience.

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I think you're right, it goes where the black part is
But it came with the translucent part coupled at the end of the black one, which had me confused
Previous owner probably forced the shit out of it to get it to fit
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How the heck do I get consistent looks from shot to shot? Seriously need help in the negative conversion department.

This is converted using the Portra preset in NLP with no adjustments but it looks odd to me.

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Image Created2024:12:10 20:46:16
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I mostly do landscape work so using it on a tripod isn't a problem. I should have mentioned a grip is included. I'll be sure to handle it before agreeing to anything though.

I upgraded from a D810 to a D850 and am selling the former, which is why I got the trade offer in the first place, so I'll still have the ability to take snapshits galore. I'll give those Super Ikontas a look though, thanks.

I've shot B&W with colour filters on an F2 so I already have a slight sense of a slower photography style. I think shooting MF would be a fun new thing to challenge myself creatively. I'm moreso trying to see if this is a reasonable offer and if the values are roughly equivalent.
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>faggot truly made a whole thread to whine just because I said they're retarded for buying a hype camera
Holy mother of cringe, anon

also I said you're retarded for buying an overly expensive hype camera, not because it's a point and shoot, moron
how the fuck can chinks price knockoff lenses at €1k?
any alternatives for a decent 35mm f2-ish m mount that doesnt cost an arm and a leg and does good bw and color
m mount
>how the fuck can chinks price knockoff lenses at €1k?
because as much as Burgerland denies it, China has been producing high quality items for quite some time now, not only knockoffs
these €1k lenses are actually from good chinese brands, and still a fraction of the price of the namebrand ones
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ok shi shu gungzhou

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Camera-Specific Properties:
PhotographerJason McKeown
Image-Specific Properties:
>can't afford chinese knockoffs
ok poorfag
What? Voigtlander makes a bunch and most are under €1k. Are they not good for colour?
Ive been considering the 7artisans 35mm f2 for my leica, it seems to be pretty much the same as a summicron but with some barrel distortion, and for 300 bucks thats a fine tradeoff
Those are not too bad
> V800
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Took my new norma out for the first time with a 300mm imagon. Really really nice view camera. Maybe a bit outdated in some ways, but I had a nice time with her today.
4x5 is an absolute cake walk compared to 8x10. I could walk around with everything in my pockets.

Pig, horse, and sheep pics later tonight. Should be interesting because of the imagon lens. We shall see and thanks for reading my blog.

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Do you know know what those are? I have them around my place and have always wondered.
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Look. I even have proof.

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Aesculus, aka horse chestnut. I started cultivating them for fun last year, those are 2023 seedlings as they looked in January this year. The tallest are now over 3 feet tall and hibernating (basically look like bare sticks). I just planted (sowed?) a whole bunch of this year's seeds earlier this week.
When I was a kid we used to collect them compulsively and build stick figures by poking matches or sticks into them (acorns were used also). Or just play with them as is. That was back in Europe, where the aesculus genus trees are much taller, but the nuts themselves are smaller. Also the skins are spiky.
I don't think anyone knows or cares about them in the US though (at least in California here).
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Here's some from the European genus, they're basically symbol of autumn back in my home country.
They're not edible btw, actually very mildly toxic apparently.
TY! There are a few large trees by my place. They make a huge mess, but I like the look of them and their nut.
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Okay, I'm scanning the 6 4x5 shots I took with the norma right now. The lens I used is supposed to be soft, so please bear that in mind when pickle peeping. Enjoy the dreamy softness of these pictures. :)

This one I messed up on because I whistled at the horses so they would look up at me, but they started walked towards me instead. I took a second shot of them that may be better.

These are all delta 100@50 iso devved in 1+1 xtol with a rotary developer.

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>4x5 snapshits
>doesn't look better than a snapshit taken on 110
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I really like this one.

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This one is fun, but I like the other one better. I'm eating this big pig in a few months. Very excited.

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Second horse shot. The softness of these is so pleasing.

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hey gang

not gonna be able to use my university darkroom as im graduating.

i do have a canon eos 5d though, with a 50mm 1.4 lens on it

do you think i can start scanning my negatives with this setup? i have a light pad and a tripod already. i've seen people make 'digital contact sheets' and then they crop the negative they want to tweak. would this be a suitable setup for me?

i've seen you need macro lenses, but that is out of my budget at the moment. can i still work with my lens i already have? thanks
holy dust batman, get some photoflo in that shit.
idk the fascination of soft, older lenses just seems so... forced? idk how to explain it.

it makes every picture just look like a shitty 1930s picture. >>4391431
sure that has an aesthetic but youre shooting on 4x5 which is probably the best in resolution you can get readily available on film (bla bla 8x10 thats not accessible).

>>4391428 this one looks okay, since the dof is not being fucked by the lens.
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I found this fairly nice composition and wanted to photograph it to see what it could look like with a beautiful sky. All of these are uncropped but I think I would frame the shot without the fences in the foreground next time.

You were supposed to wait until I posted them all! Look up the rodenstock imagon lens so you can understand. It's a classic. I haven't had time to do anything photography for like a whole month because I've been so busy with my small business, so I just wanted to wander around my property and take some fun pics. I have a modern 4k dollar 300mm lens(all these were taken with a 300mm lens) I could have used in an autistic manner to take super sharp pictures, but I wouldn't have had as much fun. I also wanted to understand this wonderful lens a little better.

Also all the dust is on the film holders for my scanner. I don't use them that often and the dust gets sorta hard to remove. IM SORRY.

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Last one. I think the composition could have worked better with a wider lens. I didn't have the space to back up anymore. I do like the idea.

Sorry that I permanently damaged all of your eyes with my leisurely fun today. 4x5 and smaller is my snapshitting format depending on how I'm feeling and what I want to shoot.

I meant to say that I wanted to photograph this BEFORE there was a beautiful sky to see if the composition worked out. I've been hunting around for a nice composition of this little shed for a long time. There isn't really anywhere that's perfectly clean, so I have to embrace some foreground and make it work.

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Last thing. I was dumb and thought I was putting the film the right way in my mod54 film holder when developing, but I put them in the wrong way, so the dev got messed up a little bit. I haven't shot 4x5 in a long time...
this one is amazing
I'm not a fan of soft lenses, but in this one it suits the subject very well
this gloomy hazy look borrows a sense of timelessness to such a trivial yet beautiful scene
looks like it could be from a dream of either a little girl or a gay cowboy from any given date since the 1910s

I like this one but it's not great
the little white pig right in the middle gives a funny tone to the photo
kinda reminds me of a cartoon
this one is also not great but could be very good if cropped to have basically just the horses and part of the tree in the background in frame
would probably be a crop still the size of a 6x4.5, I guess
i love my stearman sp 445 tank. no development issues at all after a year of using them.

found that the mod54 can be weird and finicky while the 445 "reels" mimic a film holder so its very easy to transfer.

kind of expensive and plastic, but lasts forever and i think is very strong. dropped it like twice. doesnt leak if you squeeze before capping and not get any liquid onto the underside of the two caps.
I'm glad you loved and hated them. I appreciate the feedback. :D Soft lenses can be really fun, and the imagon is one of the best ever made. It is absolutely stunning for portraits, but I cant share them here.
There's even imagons mounted to smaller formats. I saw one on ebay that was adapted to M mount!!
Smaller formats produce less glow/softness just to warn you.

I have one of those and it started fucking me over inexplicably with dev/fixing problems. If I make sure to put the film emulsion side in I find the mod54 more consistent.

I also think that loading the mod54 is easier, but that's completely subjective.
really? i never had a problem. i just keep the cut out on the top right side and never have any problems developing or fixing. sometimes the guides are tricky to get in but other than that nothing bad for my negatives. developed maybe 20 sheets?
Yes and I have tried both ways. I have zero clue what happened.
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Recently took the film pill and have been shooting with only Ultamax since the name sounded cool and it looks good so I'm afraid to try anything else. If I wanted to try something else what would be a good stock?
Based. What sorta look are you going for?
Seconding the Stearman, I love mine.
Love that one, good job.

Try some Black and White film for something different. Kentmere is cheap and overperforms for its price.
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Anything with nice colors. I like to have contrast, saturation is nice in some scenes and in others I'd like something more muted. I actually got a roll or harman phoenix on a whim since I've heard its pretty contrasty. I also like when light smears like in this photo.
If you have a place that will do ecn-2, or you dont mind devving color I would recommend vision3 films or cinestill. There's some places online that sell it already loaded into 35mm canisters.
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nice photo, I like the fog
Portra 400 has smaller grain, pastel colors and maybe slightly less contrast than Ultramax, but you can edit it in post however you like
Ektar 100 - rich saturated colors, very fine grain
also I recommend you Santacolor 100 which is actually Kodak Aerochrome picrel

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Interesting reds, I like it. I guess I'll just buy a roll of everything and test things out.
Are you talking about spooling film yourself out of a bulk roll?
idk, nokton f1.5 looks nice, but its about €1k
maybe ultron is a better alternative?
That is one option, yeah. The price is really good if you get a 400 foot roll. Some places cut them down to 100 feet so it's easy to put them in standard bulk loaders.

The vision3 films are really quite nice, and remjet removal is not too bad if you make the kodak remjet remover recipe.
bulk loading is nice but I wouldn't recommend it for now
especially for ECN-2 processing, since many labs won't do that and telling a beginner to start bulk loading and developing their own film while also removing remjet is pretty much begging them to give up on analog photography
first try out lots of different films, and when you've experimented enough and found out what you like, THEN you can bulk load
or else you'll get stuck with 100+ rolls of film you don't like
if you want beautiful colors, Ektar
if you wanna learn how to shoot, black and white
Kentmere is an amazing option as >>4391567 mentioned
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Finally got my slides back from the lab who can process E6
but they scan on Noritsu and I fucking hate it
got it back today and went straight to the other lab where they do mirrorless scanning
won't even bother properly editing the Noritsu ones, but here it is just because I'm hyped up
Yes, agree. I was saying he could get some pre-loaded cans from ebay or one of the many online places that sells it if he had a place that would dev them.
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Poortra 160 accidentally rated at 1000.

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Neat that you could still get that much detail out of it. How was it developed?
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Ok I got my lil piece of plastic and these are the better scans I did so far

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forgot the fucking pic

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File: _DSC2314.jpg (195 KB, 1080x718)
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They still are a bit unsharp but focussing is hard

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File: R1-05548-0022.jpg (597 KB, 1800x1200)
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for 300 whole dollars, why not just get a color skopar?
nice frames

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Camera SoftwareGIMP 2.10.38
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I wanna fuck her so bad you wouldn't believe it
File: XE1KG2CHN2424.jpg (3.26 MB, 1339x2000)
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3.26 MB JPG
Just regular process, no compensation.

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Image Created2024:12:10 19:43:20
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Damn, must've been a lot of work in post to get working. Surprised it isn't just a muddy, underexposed mess.
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you would lose your mind in central valley california. it's filled with these gals

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Image Created2024:12:11 15:31:32
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no, it's a >her thing
you know when you just glance at someone and they have that je ne sais quoi that turns you on inexplicably?
that's it
she's not even my type
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ah a fellow central valley bro, very based

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 10.0.2 (Android)
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Image Created2024:11:22 22:18:43
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Is it worth adjusting exposure for Portra 400 that expired in 2015? I'm unsure if it was kept in a freezer/refrigerator
yes, just shoot it at 200
Portra looks good overexposed anyway
and if you really need that 1 stop it will be fine too probably
Sounds good, cheers
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You can almost get a 40/2 summicron at that point.

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Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
File: R1-05548-0029.jpg (640 KB, 1800x1200)
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no that doesn't happen to me. i can get entranced by a beautiful woman but i woudn't want to actually do anything if she wasn't my type

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Image-Specific Properties:
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Image Created2024:12:11 15:30:22
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File: mountains error.jpg (339 KB, 2232x1464)
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>get scans back from local lab
>they clearly had an issue with the scanner as all 4 rolls (shot with 4 different bodies) had similar strange light bars at random intervals
guess I'm asking for a rescan on all of them, some of the issues turned out pretty kino. I guess it could be that all 4 of my camera bodies had errors, but the same kind at the same time across 2 mechanical and 2 electrical ones seems less likely than a lab issue.
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most likely scanning issues, you'll have to check the negatives to make sure it wasn't the cameras
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yeah i figure so, i don't even know how a camera would produce something like this short of a light leak
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guess i'm just posting these mistakes until image limit
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Tell the lab you'll sneak in a few vision3 rolls in your next batch if they fuck up your scans again.
black and white home developtards

do you use the steel reels and tanks or do you use the plastic paterson/jobo tanks?

i have both and today i fucked up one roll of film in the steel reels by having it stuck on eachother oof.
Paterson tank with the Arista reel
universal paterson tank with its plastic reels
much easier than steel reels
will try tray developing for the first time tomorrow if I can find my black plastic sheet to cover the bathroom window
Based. I love and hate tray dev. Waiting around in the pitch black is a good time to meditate but it gets kinda old.

How do you plan on timing everything? I use the massive dev chart apps built in timer. It could be better, but it works well enough.
fuck tray developing.

i also have both types of reels, i just thought it would be easier to do a load of film since i have to wait until the plastic ones are bone dry.

only one of my rolls got mucked. the 10 others i developed today went well enough.
>image limit reached
congrats, /p/


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