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How do you organize your photos? Are there free alternatives to adobe?
I use arch btw not sure if that matters
Year folder > Month folder > Day of photo folder: RAWs
Grouped by type (urban, macro, astro, etc.): OOC picks and post edits
I don't see why the classic self-organised path is so neglected.
It doesn't but thank you for your service
I just put the film into a separate container in the fridge when I'm done shooting a roll. Might dev them one day, idk.
How do i find that picture of pepe laughing with tears in his eyes? I have hundreds of frog pictures.
One folder for edited photos, arranged by date taken.
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>LUKS btrfs raid 10
>folders sorted as "scanning device name: scan number - film name and ISO (if pushed/pulled): folder with untouched lossless 16bit JXL files
>edit in darktable-git as needed then exported in lossless 8bit JXL into the "scan number - film name and ISO (if pushed/pulled)" folder
>negatives are kept in a sleeve in a nice binder
>photos I like get printed and the very best go on the wall in my office, the rest to a photo album
>slice of life photos get dumped on my instagram for my normie friends to like
simple as
>sorting by scanner and film type
it's almost like your masturbatory process is more important than the date and content of the images
sometimes it takes me two weeks to finish a roll of 135 and since I'm not shooting with an MZ-S or something I don't know the date anyways so why bother with time stamps
>INB4 I journal every single one of my exposures so I know precisely when and where was each frame taken, camera settings too
nigga it's right there on the screen
literally two clicks away
just look at the file previews
or does your uncultured monkey brain require a "men, walking on the street, captured from behind at 12-52 on last Thursday.jpg" under every file??

I mean do you even print your work lmao?
hit a nerve there didn't i
I'm just bored honestly.
I just drop my raws into a new sequential folder for each transfer, and I add the main theme of the pictures at the end of the folder name. They are already organized in a chronological manner that way, and I can also quickly remember what kind of event/photos were involved by just reading the folder name.
This prevents the overabundance of directories. For more precise searches the photos have metadata anyway.
why even bother sorting into film/iso when you can just read that off the edges? you are scanning the full frame including the edges, right?
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I use a folder, with some subfolders
>he only shoots film with distinct labelling and never pushes or pulls
>he isn't scanning the full frame of film

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