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/p/ - Photography

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What are the best photography books? Stuff like araki sentimental journey and winter journey. Todd Hido house hunting. Stephen shore uncomm places and pic related.
My photobook desu
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Most of these shitty books are just rich kids jerking off their ego and unearned career that only leeches off society because they took 30 shitty pictures of hobos in chicago. Photography is not art. And this shit, like eggleston, certainly is not art by any measure. Photography can only be used to document art. It is not the pencil. It is the paper. You have been scammed. Juxtaposing a photo of an old man with a photo of a wind turbine is not art no matter how much some nitwit flaps his lips about the study and commentary. It is, at best, a joke.

If you want real art you’re basically buying cheap preview catalogs with photobooks, like a picture book of famous paintings. The real shit is prints, and the real art is the masterful direction of lighting and the human form.

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/p/ will never accept this blackpill regardless of how absolutely 100% true it is. no art ever came out of a camera. ever. and never will. I still enjoy photography but i know what its place is.
Because actually involving a camera in art is hard. You could say something for composition and depth of field but they’re trivial, you can do that stuff taking a picture of your cat
>inb4 turbo autist goes off about lens rendering
was a minor thing, digital post production outmoded the majority of the need. now its mostly cordoned off with shitty sci fi movies and special purpose bokeh.
Well folks, I think that's about it. Mods, if you're watching I think it's time to round the tripfags up and off into their own discord group and shut the board down. Photography is done. It's over. Fin.
>Photography is done. It's over. Fin.
you still don't get it, do you, photography NEVER "started" as art to begin with.

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