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i really wanted to get the model in the pic.
But the Changs are making it impossible to get it.
first the Baidu bullshit. then the paper tv board bullshit. then the no shipping to europe bullshit.

why are they like this?

alos looking for youlinke stuff. the guy is pretty good

I've had this person order things from Taobao for me, I'm in the US tho.

I have a paper.tv account too I just need to find out if Alipay can link to my credit card and then I can buy points since making therm on the site is hard as shit
They take AUD too so the conversion works in our favor, they can get a bunch of Youlingke stuff
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got that one scanned, if you wanna trade, hit me up to: erjv_1389@hotmail.com
Anybody wanting some of the rarer Taobao papercrafts can now directly purchase the scans I made at a very low price.

+It's available for anybody with PayPal
+You get the files cheap and as a digital download with no waiting time or shipping or proxy BS


I will regulary post new ones as I get them.

tfw you want the price of physicals for scans lmao
True, but don't know if you keep up with things, but people have been selling these "bought files they scanned themselves" for a few months now at least, actively promoting them on every papercraft page.
Just look at what Paperzone is doing, promoting their "premium" monthly pass for a download of 3-5 files for that bought month for stolen scans they obtained on the internet for free.
That's how it goes. At least I got the cheapest prices for the scans I got, so whoever wants them, I don't force anybody. But the option is there, and it’s way cheaper than actually buying physical paper, waiting for it to arrive, pay for the proxy, pay for shipping, pay for import taxes and then also pay for scans if you don’t have a good scanner yourself.
I live in the US so I have to use a proxy, i used MaiMania and it was about 84 dollars for the 7 models I got.

I think its more annoying that people do this and are selling shitty 300dpi scans most of the time, even that Goods guy on paperzone is being harassed by a couple creators in his comments for selling shit theyve given out for free lmao. Paperzone is a joke and a huge contributor to why these creators just dont try to sell shit anymore, it just gets scanned and resold or given out for free, which i mean sucks cuz its way harder to get shit now.

I know how it is its just funny to me.
Added that I'm in the US so i dont have to pay VAT or anything so it was relatively cheap to get things from China for me through an Australian guy,

But do you fix up the scans from the quality loss when scanned? I wouldnt have much an issue paying for it if you're fixing them, even 600dpi scans lose some of the color quality
Just improve resolution and color by ai app..
What app you use? I got some shit that could use a cleaning up
I use ai enlarger..i Heard photoleap is good..i think therere a lot of ai enhancer thats better, just google it..
This is the 3rd or 4th shop I see with scans, what's up with this. There is at least 1 guy selling them on KoFi as well (although his prices are pure shit compared to this, I give ya credit). And at least 2-3 Patreon pages with paywalled scans as well.... wierd times man
noice!!!! bought a few
Looking for some new trading people for these premium files.

I think we rather trade them in the background and files get leaked and shared here, rather than paying for shitty scans of files they didn't buy or scan themselves anyway.

My address is: GoddessAmaterasu13 at protonmail dot com. I got a lot of Taobao stuff in my collection as well
I downloaded several of the Youlingke models from this shop (ko-fi/papercrafts) and they did NOT come with instructions. These same models from the goodgoodcrafts shop did. This is just a warning to anyone else trying to purchase these.

I'm glad I can at least make my nilou now (after correcting each page for saturation and white balance like I always do with these sort of scans) , but heed this as a warning for others so that they do not pay twice like I did.
Nice try Good-dipshit, sucking your own dick and making your own bullshit ads. Nobody wants to buy any ripoff papercrafts, so fuck off right back to Vietnam you fuckface. I'ma download and buy wherever the fuck I want
I'm someone else and I don't even know if the goodgoods person frequents here.

I'm just warning others that many of the models from papercraftshop ko-fi's page literally don't have instructions.

If the person from papercraftshop could please correct this, it would save a lot of people money and time.

I thank you for uploading these scans, but many of these models are complex models that pretty much require instructions, a pdo, or something to build.

As for the people calling names and being stupid, you're ruining this board. Please stop. filtering through your posts are exhausting. There are like two or three of you and it's dumb.
Bikini Ayaka by Youlingke is also missing the bottom piece of the base in Papercraftshop's scan. There's a weird piece with two cubeecraft style models there instead.
All of these so-called sellers are usung the same shitty files and crappy resolutions we in the trading community are trading for, so it's the same stuff in all of their shops and they are ruining the papercraft communuty with it. So don't think that one is better than the other, it's all piracy and all the same. Buy directlx from the authors themselves and do your part. That's the inly way to do right and not get scammed
sure paypig, sure
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>youlingke in op
welp, dunno where else to ask so here I am: does anyone have scans for Blaze (Ambience Synthesia) from arkinights? I scrounged archives and the internetz to no avail and I could really use some help, or at the very least some info for other places to ask. pic rel mega is long gone. also info on type of paper to print it on would be nice as it doesn't appear to be regular A4 office or paper as I noticed in some previes on shopee.
buy it as we all did from the proxy Taobao shoppers and give credit to the authors
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how do I properly register on taobao in order to prevent the qr code screen? for some reason taobao insists I login via phone and I just wanna browse around.
how much do they charge shipping and how much does an average craft cost? seeing prices ranging from 6 to 16 bucks on some forum made it look a bit ridiculous considering how 90 chinese yuans equals to 25 cents, if I'm reding this correctly of course.
let's ignore this part
no worries I'm still around

I didnt pay anything for shipping, and it was shipped directly to my house,

Here's the models I got and their prices, tbf the prices you pay are worth it for the ease of having a proxy order for you compared to the headache that is getting a taobao account yourself.

MaiMania was insanely easy to work with and was super cool about me paying it off over three payments too.

the prices are in AUD too which works in my favor for USD
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>12 AUD translates to ~7 EUR
>free shipping
These are excellent news! If true then I clearly got the wrong picture from reading various shit all over the place. Guess Imma order some in march after China is done dealing with pilled up orders made during their new year festival. And hopefully my postal office won't bend and twist the shit out of my order. Many thanks!
See: >>619735
Take a look: >>619737
Did you see this: >>619736
She's right
welp, looks like both ko-fi accounts got shut down recently. it was fun while it lasted.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
owned lmao
probably what he gets for selling so many big names products without permission

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