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So I have seen alot of Pro Ukranian YouTubers talking about "Ruzzian economy is done!1! Ruzzia is about to collapse in 2 weeks!1!"
But correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not an economy guy, but the Ruble has increased by 17% since last time everyone said it and Russia was about to collapse
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I`d say currently is the net positive, since for past 20 years economy was basically stagnatin - nothing was done to properly kickstart it. Suddenly, goverment and company now were forced to actually work, find production and supply chains, new markets, competition left while capital that was fleeing country returned instead and many bussinesses starte and grown. IT, cars, aviation, tools production, clothes, food, electronic - everything revitalized. Its the kind of "shock" therapy we needed, not the one we got in the 90ths.
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You retards have been imposing sanctions since before the war for any number of reasons, is that normal trade relations in your opinion? I'd rather assassinate any new figure who goes back to a dollar economy.
Economic restraint is never what stops wars anyways. the point was more to draw a line that Russian cannot invade Ukraine and still be aligned with USA and Europe
Not yet, but you are correct

Gold/silver is the only way to go

Russian empire was created when Peter the Great adopted own gold/silver standard
If you mean Power of Syberia, one is build and functionin, second should be agrred upon soon and start working by 2033

once again, you litterally have not the slightest idea what you talk about

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>The evil Russian commies
>Taking our underdeveloped lands where barely any Poles lived (that we in turn colonized from other Slavs) and giving us highly developed economic regions from Germany in return

What's the deal with Poland? Why do they want to be NATO West homosexuals so badly? Why are they convinced Russia wanted to "genocide" them when Russia is literally the only reason they exist. Poland didn't "earn" its independence or survival, it was given it. Who exactly is writing their history books?
Those are fake poles on VPNs. Most of them work for american glownigger agencies.
Also feds opened a brainwashing propaganda center in poland , a few are there.

Pretty much you can safely say I covered 90% of Russia hating fake poles here.

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Hamas beheaded 40 Israeli babies.

That's as many as 4 10s.

And that's bad.

(Seriously though, watching this unfold in real time legitimate convinced me that the Holocaust was a fabrication morphed by decades of media conditioning)
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lest we forget isis/isil. lol its become so egregious. they really had it so easy for the last 5 decades
Listening to the wireless.
Moshe get straight you putz.
Oyyy veyyyy. They baked 45 beheaded babies. They didn't season them correctly either
ROFLMFAO. You can taste our disappointment habibi. You go through all the trouble of terrorism and when you're finishing you don't season, or oy vey worse you season incorrectly.
400 babies? How could somebody do that to 4000 babies? If they're willing to kill 40,000 babies just imagine what they would do to adults. 400,000 babies didn't deserve this.

Never forget the 4 million dead babies. I encourage you to record everything because at some point in the future somebody is going to try to say it never happened.
How will he look in 2024?

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solid 10/10 in UK
>they have the internet in Nepal now
Great work!
lol a leaf
Phwoar she a bit alright son.
yeah I think so too.
I would be giving her a massive creampie daily also why do everest climbing westerners larp as nepalese jeets willingly?
>visit nepal
>still use 4chan
make it make sense

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Previous: >>471485234

▶Day: 846 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Oil base droned in Rostov oblast
>Ukraine's Peace Summit in Switzerland began, 92 countries attend and 8 international organisations
>Yuan to replace dollar as Russia's main foreign currency
>The yuan/ruble exchange rate will now set the trajectory for other currency pairs on the Moscow Exchange (MOEX)
>Japan will provide Ukraine with $4.5 billion in 2024 and will continue the support, according to the new 10-year bilateral security agreement
>G7 leaders agree to unblock $50 billion frozen Russian assets for Ukraine
>New US sanctions against Russia have forced an immediate suspension of trading in dollars and euros on the Moscow Exchange
>Armenia is leaving CSTO
>U.S. lifts weapons ban on Ukraine’s Azov Brigade
>90 states register for peace summit in Switzerland, russia not invited

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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schizophrenic shooting in the dark
>Zelenskyy is a Nazi

Cinnamon bark has some antiseptic uses, so I guess that's why the tampon medics pack it.
Russia still can't defeat a dead country? Sad.
no hes a jew pretending to be a nazi

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why do Christians keep quite when someone insult their religion or prophet im not talking debate im talking like walking around with jesus is gay shirt do some stupid shit in church
i would go barbarian too if someone mentioned jesus in bad way because he still prophet in my religion same as Mohamed but seeing Christians not reacting made me not care anymore
>why don't white christians chimp out like sandniggers?
truly a mystery of our times
very political
look what acting civilian got you
you have gay tranny priest forcing children's to take hormones
sometimes you have to hit harder so people wont cross the line or break the rules
Iranian government pays for sex changes. Dancing boys have been a tradition in islamic countries for centuries.

Hadith have mohammad sucking on a little boy tongue.

Look where islam has gotten you.
Watch christians when jews or muslims spit on them and say jesus was a tranny vs christians vs pagans telling them they're cucks
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>wasting time on a matter that's already settled
Something Something pearls before swine

My boyfriend is a commie and he's been telling me a lot about communism and i came to the realization than on its communist ideas are not bad nor unsuccessful but commies are a very weak type of men who can easily be crushed by anyone else which is why capitalistic countries like USA were able to easily beat every single communist countries.

It's not even about corruption or abuse or hunger or anything that ends commie regimes. It's always capitalistic countries sabotaging them and the commies just going "Oh, well, guess we'll die :)" instead of fighting back or defending themselves.
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Then why were some of the brightest minds advocating for communism? Like Feynman or Einstein
>Inb4 jews
Jews want communism until they destroy the current structure and when that happens they build a new structure out of the ashes.
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>inflation is a jewish sham
We had prices engraved on goods and they didn't change for 40 years (picrel 1 ruble 40 kopeks).

>you can think of Greece as the gulag
I've been to greece (korfu) and that's a gulag I'd love to retire in, someday
Then why isn't israel communist?
Because its communism for thee but not for me goy.

I told you communism is a means towards destruction. Not the end goal

Even with darkies and shitlibs voting in a poll, most still think it's negative rather than positive


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i aint getting locked down.
ill start stabbing if they try it
>Conservatives will secure you from yourselves by imposing lockdowns over a flu (so will Labour)
And a good 75+% of the population will retroactively support this by voting for them and other parties that supported it. When people wonder "why do you think vooting doesn't matter?" this is why.
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>and your Conservative candidate is a proper right-wing conservative
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im not a virgin
>bursting into their hustings and demanding they throw a Roman rn (right now)

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Hot Swamp Edition

Come watch niggers beg for freedom after killing people

Stream- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBoquBuSmYk
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Hot mic morning
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gm frens
means he filed off the serial number
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hot mic and open chat
>bring everybody back together
i got 5 arkrose challenges and an instantaneous 7 day ban for this
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This is a first.
the return of Sheriff Prator edition

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Russia practiced a nuclear strike on "probable enemy territory" 100 kilometers off Florida.
What's our answer, ameribros?

Translated by Voice of America (a propaganda outlet that broadcasts to Russia)
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Why should I worry about homosexuality in Russia when my own government is pushing it at home? What makes you side with jewish power when they're responsible for things like open borders immigration, the tranny agenda, and general anti-White policies? We have an enemy occupation government but when they say Russia is our enemy you agree with them. A victory for America is a victory for state sponsored homosexuality. It's also a win for the Great Replacement.
>cope: the post
The US lost the War in Afghnistan but you believe we'd be able to conquer Russia. You are brainwashed. How many times does someone need to watch Top Gun to get to your level? You must be a boomer
>What's our answer, ameribros
>posts ukrainians getting FAB'd
lmao even
not only are russian's necromancers, they can also teleport deep behind ukrainian lines now, how can the west compete???
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Muttistanis are busy dealing with their archnemesis known as Houthichads.
There is a city under Moscow, like millions of people's worth of city

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I don’t get it
Do you pay taxes?

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Why do only organized White men who are pro-White get accused of being feds?

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This is also why the super-rich are all hot for tax increases.
Keeps those pesky upper-middle-class upstarts out of their club.
>consider the name of discord for awhile
And? Is North Korea democractic too? Meme flag being meme, what a surprise.

This war is global, and if we cant organize into a global organization we are going to vanish. And i feel that most people here dont care anymore, they are so defeated that the glimpse of a reaction is too much, "why bother".
They are fed. For real.
Anyone well versed in body language can tell you that they are just acting.
(They could have recruited a real extreme far right person for this instead.)
I think the few actual white supremacists are just as ridiculous and laughable as the feds impersonating them. just low quality scumbags either way.

so go ahead and fuck yourself, tool. go watch some more bbc porn.
Those are cops

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its over..
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Convince a nip to marry you
A pajeet calling out another pajeet! Classic Canada.
A nigger calling out another nigger! Classic United States.
lemme guess, you're going to apply for refugee 100 times and die in a cell from anal force-feeding
Is this the end of Nipoo-Anon? Will he have the same luck trolling with an Indian flag? Stay tuned.


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Mold you say?
mrna, stfu dying coping troll.
omg you have to be fucking kidding me. The yeast agent developed mold which spread in the body is that what's going on ? Jesus, they're gonna have to bleach his veins he's gonna need a blood transfusion
rotate between borax treatments one day, ClO2 treatments the next. do that for 4 days then nothing for 3 days and start over again next week. it will destroy the things. it might be that your DNA is fucked and will produce the shit for the rest of your life, but if you keep it out of your veins and keep it from spreading, there's a chance your body will repair it.

i don't have the infographics for the ClO2 and borax treatments, but it's basically real low dose stuff and good for you. even people without vaxx damage should be taking the stuff regularly, but probably not every day.
kys poisoner

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PAN is a tax identification number in India and it has become a headache for people becuz billions of Rupees have been scammed out through this.
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Water is wet.
As is your sister's pussy the moment she hears about an Indian bvll.
Oh no, do they have to pay to shit on the streets now?
what part of the Indian subcontinent has the most just judiciary?
Why pay when you have flammable turds being created for free ever day?

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> Delhi’s Jain community raised Rs 15 lakh and then went to Old Delhi markets posing as Muslims.
> They bargained hard, bought 124 goats, and have kept them at the now-famous temple in Chandni Chowk.
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Poos really do seem to think that animals are happy being tied up and standing around on concrete all day. Not the first time I've seen shit like this. If westerners thought cows and goats were holy or some shit then they would be saved and brought to some beautiful place with rolling hills, trees, and thick grass.

Poos just keep their saved goats in concrete cages and their holy cows are tied up next to a freeway.
>tl;dr Indians are fucking weird and retarded
You're confusing nations with states. A state can serve the goals of the nation while having within it a protected minority. Pakistan can have a Hindu population while serving the cultural goals of Islam. India can have a Muslim population while serving the cultural goals of Hinduism. A population exchange with the total removal of non-Hindus from Pakistan or non-Muslims from India was never put forward as an idea on either side.
In May 1947, Jinnah told Mountbatten, who was in charge of British India's transition to independence:
>Your Excellency doesn't understand that the Punjab is a nation. Bengal is a nation. A man is a Punjabi or a Bengali first before he is a Hindu or a Muslim. If you give us those provinces you must, under no condition, partition them. You will destroy their viability and cause endless bloodshed and trouble.
>The cost of smiting Muslims is financial ruin and possible starvation from too many Goats eating the Lakhs and crops.

Many such cases, look no further than America.
>Yeah bro leave them free on the green hill tops so muds can round them up again.
It's very difficult to protect animals when you have a bloodthirsty cult living with you. It's not ideal but people do what they can.
Yeah so Pakistan was created for muds.

Why don't groups of people buy up cheap rundown neighborhoods in nigger zones and then form strict neighborhood watches, erecting barriers around their block, and overall gentrifying the fuck out of everything until the unsavory people are driven out due to ever increasing rent in the surrounding area?
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Because whites arent unified.
What's a good nigger repellant?
Playing classical music? Dressing up in KKK robes every now and then?
Think I'd want to keep them away if I moved there.
Because whites would get life sentence for any nigger they kill, while niggers would get off with a slap on the wrist if they killed whites.
cause most young people are pozzed, lack confidence and brains, are gay, are weak, arnt even white
cheaper and safer to collectivize on raw land

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>that horribly unkempt edging
That's a piece of shit neighborhood.

t. white that lives in a white town with well enforced lawn ordinance
>ofallon park
I grew up in Ferguson and even i won't go near Ofallon park
yeah but the telepathic powers it gives you are neat, until the cancer sets in at least
It seems that St Louis really brings down the average house price in the state, because in other areas of the state it's very expensive.
oy vey.

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>Eastern Australia will continue to shiver through unusually cold temperatures for the rest of the week, with some capitals facing their coldest morning of the year so far, as the country's weather pattern gets "stuck in the mud".
>Daytime temperatures also struggled to warm up, with some parts of Victoria and South Australia experiencing their coldest June day in over 20 years during the weekend, according to the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM).
>Victoria temperatures fall down to 8.1 degrees Celsius while Queensland is the hardest hit and falling down to a shocking 7 degrees Celsius
>"I've never seen anything like it" claimed one Victorian resident"
>"It's too fucking cold ya cunt" another resident from Cairns Queensland said on Monday morning.
>BOM senior forecaster Angus Hines said the frigid morning temperatures with clear, cool days were showing no signs of letting up, in what was proving to be an unusually long cold snap.
>"It's quite a long time, actually," he said.
>"We've had a chilly weekend, but the weather pattern is going to keep feeding in those chilly conditions through most of the rest of this week."
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>>"It's too fucking cold ya cunt" another resident from Cairns Queensland said on Monday morning.
explain yourself op, was this originally in the article or your cheeky addition?
Just put the AC on lmao
it's not cold
shut the fuck up
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>Got up this mornin to hang a piss at 7c and me balls almost frooze off. lucky I'm a fulltime NEET and slept in until midday when it was a bit warmer
Put on a sweater faggots. I live year round with no heat and have for over a decade, windows constantly open too.

Do you just spit out your toothpaste after brushing or do you rinse your mouth after with water?

According to many sources, remineralization through fluoridated (and/or hydroxyapatite) toothpaste is only possible if contact time on the teeth is prolonged. By rinsing your mouth with water you are removing almost all residue from your mouth and not allowing remineralization to occur. It is said that you must spit it out, but not rinse your mouth.

Quick rundown on tooth decay: tooth decay happens when the acids in your mouth demineralize your teeth more than remineralization occurs. A low mouth PH (acids) is what causes minerals from your teeth to leach out. Remineralization occurs when fluoride or hydroxyapatite has contact with your teeth. The modern diet is mostly to blame for high amounts of demineralization, so we need to help our teeth remineralize because the rate at which remineralization occurs naturally is too low.

Teeth and health are political. What do you do to prevent tooth decay?
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Brushing does nothing for teeth health. It's all diet.
no shit

inb4 100 schizos trying to convince you not to brush your teeth
> fluoride
But I heard this is the bad halogen
Can I brush with iodine instead
there's 2 minutes for it to do what it does
4 minutes a day total
I use fluoride paste in the evening and hydroxyapatite in the morning
so far it seems like a pretty good combo. Stains are gone and my teeth aren't sensitive anymore
I just piss on my toothbrush instead of using toothpaste. Then I drink whats left I my piss because that's what Pol told me to do.

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