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How are y'all this convinced that Russia is winning? For fuck's sake Serbia of all country is sending weapons to Ukraine. Armenia Russia's ally abandoned Russia for the west. The US is bombing Russian civilians on beaches while CIA operatives are committing terrorists' attacks in Russia. Like every is literally going wrong for Russia lol.
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is ukraine going to get sanctioned for this or do they get a free pass because they're the (((good guys)))?
>For fuck's sake Serbia of all country is sending weapons to Ukraine
*selling, not sending. They even sold it to us during the war and we sold them fuel. Money is money
hoholistan is going to get steamrolled for it, not sanctioned, there won't be a hoholistan left to sanction
Take your normie ghetto speech elsewhere
as you can see on 4chan all day every day, there are plenty of reasons for people to shill either side. valid or not

I think someone at Camp David has realized that Joe isn't gonna make it through Thursday and they're got people circling the wagons to abandon him and endure a Trump Presidency.
Basically the deep state goes both ways, but they're always going to protect themselves. And it looks to me like the deep state has decided Joe Biden isn't going to make it.
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This shits hilarious.
Which exact ones?
Is that why they set up fences?
Finally a non-retarded analysis of what's obviously playing out in front of us. It was always going to be this way but it's been getting more obvious as we count down to election day.
Trust the plan. Trump is fighting to secure the strategic jewish semen reserves.
Did you know Steve Bannon cofounded IGE.com, an early MMORPG currency RMT site. He was involved in the currency markets for games like Everquest, Lineage2, and WoW circa 2004. Goldman Sachs invested 50m into the company but then it disappeared one day and because the Internet is shit now you probably need to use archive.org to even find a mention of it ever existing.

His cofounder was Brock Pierce, child actor from the Disney movie First Kid starring Sinbad, and cofounder of Tether, the magic Bitcoin duping system. Brock also helped sell El Salvador on Bitcoin.

Anyway what I'm saying is, Steve Bannon probably has more crypto than Elon Musk has dollarydoos. Interesting, right?

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Redpill me. I browsed the spirituality board for some years but I'm getting tired of seeking the spiritual. Let me know what's some /pol/ redpills that I missed during that time.
There's a spirituality board?
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This channel will help you, fren:


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Am I the only one here who thinks jews should be given the opportunity to assimilate? Jews should be allowed to become White if they condemn the torah and the god of israel and no longer engage with the jewish community or jewish customs.

Jews who self-identify as White and distance themselves from other jews and condemn the jewish religion and jewish culture and jewish hegemony should be allowed to assimilate into being White.
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According to Theodor Herzl himself, even these "most assimilated" german jews were anti-social pricks and quite the opposite of assimilated.
they are more jewy, being one of the most inbred races on earth after repeated bottlenecks
>We tried
to overthrow the government and establish a sister jewish state to Russia
They are literally part demon, so this is an impossible task. We are giving all our money, time, and institutional power to demonic ministers of Satan himself.
And you would be right. Their greatest rabbi is such because, as the story goes, he got into an argument with God about how a particular law is to be followed, and actually beats God Himself, All Knowing and Almighty King of Everything, in a battle of wits. God conceded the point and everyone clapped. That’s only a small insight into the talmudic mindset, and I think it explains a lot about their behavior

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Julian Assange has officially wrapped up proceedings in court and is now returning to Australia. /ourguy/ is free.

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Hope that fag is on a 737
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Conveniently happens right before a presidential debate so Biden can have a W going in
It would be funny if he came out at >>472204005
and blasts Biden anyway
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so.. when are they going to arrest Pompeo?

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Aspergers are not allowed to adopt, you will never own a slave shizo.
>Woman is Native American or part
Pretendian with a made up name.
These people aren't even the tip of the iceberg of this trafficking shit
Black "people" will not do shit

Subverting expectations is a very basic component of humor. To do that you need to be able to both anticipate and twist what would be expected in certain situations.
This requires a minimal degree of intelligence. So naturally whites will be good at it.
אחי, אתה מביך את עצמך. קיי וואי אס, פלוקס

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>M rated video games:ID
>R rated movies: ID
>Cigarettes: ID
>Alcohol: ID

>Hardcore gangbang interracial deepthroat homosex pornography:

You know these trannies and homos are the way they are because they were porn addicts from a young age, right?

>B-b-but MUH freedumb of SPEYCH

Refer to the above, if requiring an ID to watch online pornography is in violation of the 1st amendment then so is requiring an ID to watch an R rated movie or buying an M rated video game.

If you are against this then you're just a filthy degenerate that is okay with the fact that children are 3 seconds away from viewing the most depraved filth imaginable.

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Oh just like you jews vaguely promised that you’d deport muslims after the patriot act? Kike. Ban porn or fuck off with your spying laws.
>well we’re already swamping your country with shitskins goy
>now let us spy on you while you post negatively about it!
>If you dont agree, well uh… pedophilia! PORN!! Rape! Nazis!! Incels!!!
Yeah but they can already get all that info from my ISP. Why do they need an ID attached to it, and won't that cause all sorts of problems cause a hacker could get on your ID-verified device and commit a terror or download a terror and you'd have virtually no way to prove it wasn't you.
In fact, in that scenario the only way to protect yourself from North Korean military elite hacker units framing you for terrorism would be to have never been issued a valid gov ID.
id rather do that then argue autistically about circumcision in a thread about porn regulation
i agree, was just shitposting. it's going to be strange seeing how they enforce these laws, there's no way they're starting this out of good will towards kids. the ID system wont end there and they know it, if it was real they'd have done this decades ago

Who is worse?
They both cooperate together against Europe and China.
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Take the Juchepill

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here's your 2024 orcs bro
please buy our new player's handbook it's got less racism than previous editions please bro

hola amigos mexicanos btw compra nuestros bookos por favor
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>Modern DnD has been destroyed by leftists.
4e was the beginning. They made Tieflings a core race and reimagined them all as sassy gay Satans, they made half-dragons a core race to directly appeal to furries, and then made the half-angle race, the Aasimar, uncanonical.

It was a clearly deliberate move, and I warned people then that the D&D races were going to go the same way that furries and DeviantArt OCs would. That the death spiral was already starting. A few oldfags believed me, but most laughed.

Now we're in full-blown DeviantArt OC/Fursona mode. Everyone is an agendered freak, and the only difference between any race is that dwarves are short, elves are gay, and orcs have tusks and are always nonwhite.

It's over. D&D is dead. The only way a community can come back from something like this is a mass purging, but that rarely happens. The only time it ever did to my knowledge was when reddit first found out about the SCP foundation stuff, when it was still a 4chan /lit/ and /x/ project. They made a bunch of OCs and self-inserts, and shitted up everything, so the 4chan guys who were still in charge of the website at the time staged a mass canon event where everyone's OC fucking died.

If the top is still controlled by good people, a purge is possible. Something like that can happen. But when the top is where the change is coming from, there's no helping it. The only way for D&D to survive is for Hasbro to kill it with faggotry and then old fans to resurrect it years later. By that time, no one will care about it, but that's the way hobbies should be: obscure and niche.

I blame Critical Roll and the e-celebs. They're what accelerated the cancer so quickly. They literally killed the hobby to sell some t-shirts and merch.
It was Evil!! We swear!
>as per the new core rules on racism.
They didn't go this far, right?
Krusk has canonically slapped a half orc woman in the face in public for mouthing off to him after he accused her of something.
Year's ago /tg/ did some world building that had conquistador orcs and their resulting bastard spawn being Brazilians, it was pretty fun.

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They're going to let Trump win the election in hopes that it'll revitalize patriotism and make people go along with the inevitable draft for WW3
You can already see this is their strategy by looking at all the far right politicians winning their elections in Europe
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they will let him win so 4 more years of blm ant antifa riots can go unchallenged. perhaps they incited that because they were angry he managed to slip past their schemes.
>No they are doing everything in their power to stop him they just can't because everyone is sick of liberals destroying everything.
The script says that group A will attack guy B at every turn
>Trump wants to negotiate peace for Ukraine and Russia. Its the Europeans that want war.
Saying he wants to negotiate peace =/= actually going through with it. Even if he did want peace, do you really think hes going to stop the higher ups from starting a war?
What did you do to save whites in Ukraine?
You really can't make this video without fucking off back to Nigeria as soon as the recording ended unless you are a nigger incapable of shame.
I anit going but i will be purging the UK of niggers and brown subhumans for sure.

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I work in private equity and manage accounts that represent multinational interests. I’m willing to answer questions related to which interest groups do x, and which faction does y, etc. I can answer questions for 30 minutes tops. AMA
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retarded newfag
I don't wipe, I have a bidet, aka your sister's wet mouth.
That gdp projection will depend on uphelding the rule of law.
yeah i tried webarchive didn't know this place is a no-go
can i ask halp?
somebody needs to make sure she's happy
(I do know a few rich people that are really kind and great people. Too bad the majority aren't though)

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Just over a week until total tory obliteration
How'd he get so fucking bald lads
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What went wrong?
5 year's of hard labour.
smash those boats to bits, job done

...pay it back
Biden's bid to buy votes is cancelled.
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The correct thing to do would be to go after the schools or loan sharks, not to reward them with government cash.
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>I’m over the draft age.
thats not a thing, brainlet. they drafted 67 year old ukrainians
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I'm once again pitching my system of the reverse vote, wherein each term a subset of representatives of each governmental body are selected by the (white, property-owning) people and beaten to death with rocks unless another vote absolves them.
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Really cute
>electronic price tags
>you find a product in the store
>look at product
>price jumps up
>shrug and pick it up
>price leaps up
>place it into basket and walk to check out
>price tag honks at you
>"sir, please put that product back, our system tells us you cannot afford this"
>return product to shelf
>price tag on product plummets back to original price

offtopic but damn if it doesn't feel like every country is going to have a social credit system of sorts to prevent anyone from owning anything. one way or the other.

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in this thread we talk about how lactofermentation edibles like sauerkraut, milk kefir, kombucha, yogurt is good as consuming raw milk and raw meat in terms of health benefits which is basically you're bringing back the bacteria cultures that the (((pasteurization))) has taken off.

and how (((pasteurization))) of foods has declined our actual health.
I fucking hate kombucha

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Am I supposed to hate this guy or something?
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I mean, he knocked her up, so
He got his niece high on crack probably and but definitely banged her, the evidence on the laptop.
Yes, the corrupt wealthy and decadent elites that impoverish you and demonise you - and want to send you to die in a ditch in Ukraine - are entirely deserving of your hatred. Or are you a jew?
Hey rabbi, if I want to pick up some hot Jewish chicks, do you recommend using a broom with a plastic or metal dustpan?
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see >>472207565
he got her pregnant.
also this pic was probably taken after her having given birth.

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And the bajorans deserved it.
Discuss the political implications of Anti-conservative characters and memes backfiring every single time.

Post fictional chuds that were meant to demoralize you but did the opposite.
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>Like how the Antebellum Southern high culture is deemed a facade for immorality
Rape and selling little kids as sex slaves, err bed warmers, is evil and the South deserved to burn for it. What's wrong with you?
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He also played Reanimator
Jeffrey Combs is such a good actor. Weyoun was a great villain.
>Gowron and the Klingons were much better in DS9 than Next Generation. In NG the Klingons come off as almost an anarchic collection of warlords, the only good plots were Worf’s brother being a fleet commander and plot a coup in TNG, and Gowron seeking the Chancellorship. DS9 Klingons appear like TOS Klingons, probably because Roddenberry was not involved as much
That's actually a very realistic yellow fever marriage

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

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just like all the other times?
Case in point.
Or maybe that's just alcohol.
Hard to tell sometimes.
kinda weird
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different leaf bub
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You all look the same to me

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What actually goes through the mind of a mudshark? Do they really believe the nigger will stay and help raise the mutt?
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no but the government will
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Eh it's doubly hard for them
Not only are they single, but they mixed as well
There's truly no chance for them to get with a new guy unless they become a fetish
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Chinks are so funny when speaking broken english, they look and act like aliens.

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Sounds like sour grapes from a retard that doesn't read.
Wrong I own my soul and you'll never have it
I've given up on AAA games altogether. From now on I will only buy proven kino from indies.
The modern DEI/kike slop is not even worth wasting time pirating.
what about AAAA
Each additional A exponentially increases the number of nigger faggot characters in the video game.

Here we have been joking about the early life feature of Wikipedia for a long time. Over the past several years the noticing has been noticed, and I have noticed references to Jewish ancestry being deleted from the site. I began to spend time reading the edit histories of Wikipedia articles, as frankly they used to be hilarious. Even disregarding political concerns the amount of pretentious sniping between editors was hilarious, and when the pages were even the littlest bit controversial the kvetching was astronomical. About 2 years ago I noticed that the edit history was itself being edited.
Today I randomly got hyperlinked to the book Holes after looking up what happened to the TV show superjail. Despite that the author is named Sacher and looks like larry david nothing of his ancestry is indicated in his biography. Granted, we all can remember the themes of that book if you read it. When I went to check the edit history I had incontroversial proof that my hypothesis was true as i found vestiges of his previous biography within older edits, but with the edits that actually removed the text not listed within the history.
It seems there is a dedicated attempt to occlude Jewish ancestry on the site, and a conspiracy of high level editors to delete said edit histories.
None of this is shocking, as the political leanings of Wikipedia's commissars are well known. We have seen the site fall into a state of partisan unusability while at the same time seen our archiving sites fall into the same trap. With the waybackmachine falling several years ago and the recent news about 4plebs our records are disappearing.
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So far we have torrenting and blockchain as modalities. The next question is what gets archived, and how to retrieve it?

You can torrent a large compressed archive, but you'd need to some way to digest it.
>jews jewing their jewishness from recorded history

Always like this
Yeah I think we can stick to text for the important things. Also text is easier to edit and the multimedia is less commonly changed so even if that was backed up the edits would not add much data size.

Having a thousand users each have 1% of the data seems to be safer than having it centralized and more convenient than each user fully backing up the whole log.

The penultamit concern for me is changes being logged as an inherent part of the system, as even if we are maintaining our own repository it can be corrupted and we do have to vigilant against our own community censoring itself.
>The penultamit concern for me is changes being logged as an inherent part of the system, as even if we are maintaining our own repository it can be corrupted and we do have to vigilant against our own community censoring itself.
something like a blockchain would be good for this
Is there a way to search the change notes for "jew" and then archive the results?

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