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Shame money cant buy class. mudslimes are savages whether rich or poor
Who the fuck is allah?
Lived the thug life very impressive nigga
I'm jelly
retarded memeflagged muzshit
where is your response to the Bosts that made you mad?

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OMG she is SO quirky!
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He looks like a reddit user. But respect for not ricemixing
They look like they're rabid consumers of Disney+ in general and star wars in particular.
this is actually true a lot of the quirkiness comes from the insecurity that she feels. shes compensating. a steady diet of quality dick meat would cure most of that.
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>seems like a nice chick

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Am I the only one here who thinks jews should be given the opportunity to assimilate? Jews should be allowed to become White if they condemn the torah and the god of israel and no longer engage with the jewish community or jewish customs.

Jews who self-identify as White and distance themselves from other jews and condemn the jewish religion and jewish culture and jewish hegemony should be allowed to assimilate into being White.
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interesting question, so what is the going rate per ton for them at the salvage yard?
Agreed, I don’t trust that kikenigger - no way. Not with that kike sneer on his face.
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They got 2000 years worth of opportunities and never took it
you're not alone
There has been an atheist push for the last 40 years, and this was the jewish way to stop being identified by christcucks.
Something similar should be done to them, as the issues are the same (as the divinity is the same): a narcissist psychopath god cannot provide a viable way to live.
The talmud and the circumcision are trauma based mind control tools, and to blame the victims is a dick move. To allow them to understand that they are the victims of their own culture means that they stop blaming everyone else for their misfortune.
There have been genetical adaptations to this schizo culture (culture drives the genetics via selection, not the other way around), so many of them will have to accept that their nervous system is disregulated. Just like many black people have the MAO-A gene mutation, it's gonna take a while for the genes to rebalance.
I'm not blaming the jews for being born into a very shitty situation and mind cage, however that does not justify them acting in a way that damages other societies, and i think that the last Palestinian mess has shown that the world has had enough
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>Doesn't mention the talmud

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Acid attacks are the best types to use against women who deserve it.
attractive women know their only asset is their beauty. They treat men like garbage because they know they can always get another simp because of their beauty. If you splash acid on their face not only have you taken away their most valuable asset, you take away most future simps from her.

Always remember: women soften and submit to actual abuse. It's the respectful and honorable treatment that they classify and consider as abuse. Women in these "shithole" countries often marry their attackers. Women only kill their husband if he's a sappy, dutiful husband. And in fact many women do so every day: kill their husbands with the help of their lovers, that is.
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Keep your savagery in your shithole, I don't care what you do there
But it's telling how rapidly feminism is taking root in your countries because your women have access to the internet and see how white men treat women
We should make all the rapes of kids and acid attacks of women mandatory viewing then have a vote whether shitskins should all be deported and immigration stopped.
The problem is that the NPCs who just use Jewish media and watch Jewflix aren't confronted of the reality of destructiveness of these shitskin mudslimes, since it wasn't their daughter that was raped or mutilated or killed or all three of them.
Imagery such as this which shows the actions of shitskins should be plastered everywhere so the NPC would be FORCED to confront the reality of how every brown face is a potential threat to our society.
ITT you can see many shitskins advocating for acid attacks with European flags, every single one is an invader and a Jewish bioweapon which should NEVER be allowed here.
Remember that European ancestors literally have fought over a thousand years since 600AD to repel muslim invaders, and that's the only reason our societies became so great because they were free of shitskins.
Every shitskin and nigger land in the world is a complete shithole.
And our lands will become shitholes too if we let these subhumans in.
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I just can't see eye to eye with a woman like that.
I'd be down for deporting all the traitor whores who sided with shitskins along with the shitskins themselves, and we can keep their women that would rather live in a country run by white men than a brown hellhole
>dumb religion that throws acid to you
>still choose to follow dumb religion rules and be censored by covering your hair


The attempt to create a Christian-Islamic alliance is an deliberate attempt to alienate the right wing from normal western society and scapegoat us. They want to associate you with Taliban and Hamas so they can justify harsh antiterrorism laws and persecution.

Do not fall for it.
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Pretty much the best explanation. Similar situation with evangelicalism.
Evangelicals might even be worse as far as culpability. Islam had wars and victories as proof, Christian Zionism is just "these footnotes from 1800 say...".
islam is born out of christianity, yes
the koran affirms that jesus is a prophet
while the talmud affirms that jesus is a criminal

islam isn't talmudic, it is christian
islam is born out of anti trinitarian christianity
They believe in some of the New Testament so it’s more of a sect of Christianity than Islam. It’s identical to LDS or 7th Day Adventists. Though some would argue they aren’t Christians. Others would argue that no Protestant is actually a Christian.

> And We sent, following in their footsteps, Jesus, the son of Mary, confirming that which came before him in the Torah; and We gave him the Gospel, in which was guidance and light and confirming that which preceded it of the Torah as guidance and instruction for the righteous.

Al-Ma'idah (5:46)

Muslims believe that this book of holy scripture was later altered by human hands and is no longer the word of God. The following ayah describes Allah's wrath and simultaneous forgiveness for those who altered His holy scripture.

> So for their breaking of the covenant We cursed them and made their hearts hard. They distort words from their [proper] usages and have forgotten a portion of that of which they were reminded. And you will still observe deceit among them, except a few of them. But pardon them and overlook [their misdeeds]. Indeed, Allah loves the doers of good.

Al-Ma'idah (5:13)

In reality no one who adheres to the Old Testament is a Christian because it’s in direct opposition to Jesus’ request. You can read it once for historical context and to get an idea for the setting, but it’s not daily reading and shouldn’t be part of canonical scripture.

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Does Jay have any thoughts on patriarch Kirill stating that Christians and Muslims worship the same God?

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>/pol/ will defend this
(dismissively saying "dude weed lmao" is not an argument btw)
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I know nothing about drunks waking up and watching WW2 documentaries all day. Someone who is high can gauge how high they are in a couple of seconds once they have a moment in reality.
>how drunk are you from a scale of 1-10
>stumble and bumble without fail
bars is smarter than alc.
"Murdoch Chan"s husband smokes
So are women, guvna
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>This. Weed rots the mind. I would not try it. Maybe meth. I drink pretty regularly, it's fine.
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Zion Don is ignorant to the JQ, senile Biden may or may not be just a meat suit puppet at this point, and third party candidates are a joke.
I thought it would be funny to write in Adolf Hitler, but I’m honestly a little scared I’ll wind up on a list because of how neurotic and vigilant kikes are.
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Oh wait, it's spanish. You guys really are hispanic now, lol.
>yes I know we're fucked either way.
Paid $4.21 for gas last Friday. This fucking sucks and I will never vote for a Democrat ever again.
i would not waste my time voting, elections wont improve the government anymore, its all a sham theatrics, the US government has degenerated into a kleptocracy that is run by an oligarchy that takes their orders from a criminal global banking cartel and military industrial complex

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bernda up to no good again... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-6WBWmoVEY&t=4091s

Dark Arts Are Tempting
11-20-17 Dark Arts Spectacular | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #53

What ia the practic of the dark arts in politics? are we failing because NS ideology was pure open and gave the power and love to the volk and them for each other what they all are?!

President Kennedy's Final Address to the United Nations General Assembly

how dark is hate? can it win? make you win? or make you lose in getting that win?
how did the NS win early on? without darkness but with light, love. a better world
how did darkness defall them with such a positive message?

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On that strained budget? Jeez ...

Heh, what the ... :D
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i love zou
good night
\o Party Hard o/
I call zou pancake from now on

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You have a nuke that eliminates an entire race/country off the planet, but it only works once.
>You could bring the population down considerably by nuking China or India
>You could rewrite the IQ bell curve by eliminating blacks
>You could free everyone from American trends and popularity
Which do you choose?
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There was some sci-fi book I read as a kid that was otherwise pretty good, but it had pajeets as the race that was out colonizing the stars. Not like they were the leading tech, but like the brain trust of Earth got together and decided they were the best fit for that kind of thing, probably because they were docile and just smart enough to keep things going without being smart enough to go off the rails at some point. The perfect herd class, kind of like what the gigajews are doing now in the c-suites. It really bugged me no wonder I've forgotten the name of the book. Probably written by a jew. But I guess it was ahead of its time once again, because the poo menace is colonizing the Earth apparently. We really need to figure out a way to start a nuclear exchange between India and China, any thoughts?
>chinese propaganda that cows are an inferior animal
>Indian propaganda inviting Chinese nationals to join their space and engineering programs
>chinese propaganda that Indian tea is causing deficits in cognitive ability
>Indian propaganda to china about how modern Indian men are practically British due to occupation and make up the to 10% of earners due to their prevalence in aerospace engineering and big tech
>Chinese propaganda to India claiming that their women are hungry for Indian men
>Indian propaganda claiming superior genes to chinese men on average
>chinese propaganda to India disparaging yogic practises
make them heavily intertwined and full of hatred for one another
seemed to work on white people, sigh
The US. Israel would fail without them and the pozz would slowly erode as a result.
It is too difficult to choose on a whim.

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

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>A woman's balls
ahhh.....you mean little ben shapiro.
got it.
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Here are some epic website names being market researched on survey sites right now. Don't register any of these URLs!
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big tiddy whefyu southern confederate tomboys?
checked nope they wear 2000 years before his ass was born, nihilis eat all life on planets like oprah and the irs and school lunch prices. while that king was the most powerful sith ever who could remove force powers and stop time mind control entire planets, fuck with souls.

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You have 10 seconds to explain why you're not serving your country.
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1) Because I'm White
2) My country is a shopping mall, not a Nation
3) My country hates me
4) My country is filled with Beaners and Chinks that hate me and who I hate
5) My Government sucks Jewish dick while claiming that White Men are the greatest 'threat' to it.
6) I won't die for Nigs, Jews, Beaners who all hate me
7) Dying for a SHOPPING MALL is insanity.
8) Fuck the United States, it's a failed experiment.
I don't have one
I don't want to die for Israel.
This country is a pile of shit garbage. I piss on it and it’s grave.

"Women have no capacity to govern themselves. They require the good governance of men."
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lol fuck you.
Yes women don't like feeling shame, but instead of not doing shameful things society should change it's entire definition of what is shameful instead.
But american laws don't apply worldwide you absolute retard. He's from other country and other people from other countries can search that shit and get in trouble there. In Korea even average porn is banned lmao. Burgers vanity and ignorance never cease to amaze me
She's biologically made to be fucked, creampied and impregnated, not to get throated until she's tearing or to rim some nigger ass. That's degrading in any way you see it, but that's actually what they like, to be sexually humilliated, it's just that they won't recognize that to a man
they afraid cause underwear could be stained

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allllll the pee pees will behave from now on
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BDSM too.
thats exactly what women do, they use sex as leverage to control and manipulate simps
Afraid of getting castrated after a sexual emergency with a little boy in the bathhouse Abdul?
Especially since female erotic literature is filled to the brim with forceful and outright rapists as their protagonists.

Really, check on goodreads how many books written and read by women have the "hero rapes heroine" tag.
Don't get mad just leave if you have problems
>but but muh magazine said you have to assert yourself in your relationship and
Nope. Relationships have to be zero tolerance in the current year

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>And as I walked down the streets of Newtown to get to this location not far from Sandy Hook Elementary, I happen to run across a woman who had tears in her eyes who was being led by two younger women and I asked if she was ok. It turns out, she was the school nurse at sandy hook elementary and was for 15 years. She described the gunman coming into her office, they met eyes, she jumped under her desk and he inexplicably just walked out. Just absolutely chilling, horrifying details that are emerging in Newtown tonight.
>But I did ask if it was known around the school, that this young man apparently a kindergarten teacher’s son, was an issue, whether he had any problems. And she said not at all. And I asked if she knew the suspects mother and she said she did and that she was an absolutely loving person and a very caring experienced kindergarten teacher, just the kind of person you would want with your 5 year old children.

FBI records suggest zero murders in Newtown, Ct in 2012

We need to talk about sandy hook
Unraveling Sandy hook
Sandy hook the real truth 2013
The life of Adam
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Every world that leaves a Jew's mouth is false information.
Dumping the images that were too big here
Bump skiddli

Give me 10 valid reasons why she deserves any form of hate.

You're all just a bunch of butthurt fags, you could never impregnate a queen like her.
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Still too many kids. Two children is ideal. Anything more than that is being a selfish nigger.
She must mean she owns twenty goats.
If you believe this woman has had 20 kids then you've never lived.
This is an obvious troll.
No woman who has had 20 kids looks like this.

Why didn't she show off her brood of kids?
People are getting dumber.
>Fucked 18 different retards
She can only have a new birth every 11 months, that gives a minimum of 17 years of non stop birthing.
If she started at 15 she would be at minimum 32 at the time of that video.

I call bs. She looks closer to 24.

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Photo; RCMP agent Samson after the "FLQ" bomb he was transporting in his car exploded by accident and blew his ear off
From 1963 to 1979, the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) led a relentless fight against the independence movement in Quebec. Manipulations, provocations, burglaries, arson, conspiracies, these are some of the most famous misdeeds of the RCMP during this secret war. In 1970, after the assassination of federal minister Pierre Laporte, the anti-terrorist section of the Montreal police recruited $$$ Carole Devault so that she could infiltrate the FLQ (Front de Libération du Québec) and discover where James Richard Cross was being held. To prove her credibility within the group, the young woman does not hesitate to organize a hold-up. But its activities will not cease with the end of the October crisis. She will set up false FLQ cells and commit a series of terrorist acts with accomplices. The police will thus succeed in maintaining a climate of fear and insecurity among the population and in slowing down the independence movement. In 1972, seeing that the Parti Québécois was regaining popularity, the RCMP set up, with the help of the CIA, Operation Ham to steal the list of 60,000 party members. No less than 44 police officers will be assigned to this extraordinary and totally illegal mission. On the night of July 26, 1974, the first terrorist attack in more than a year and a half occurred. The target is the home of supermarket heiress Steinberg. The police discovered that the perpetrator of the attack was an RCMP officer, Robert Samson, who worked for the anti-terrorist squad. During his trial, the man revealed that this terrorist act was not the only one. His confessions will trigger the Keable and McDonald commissions of inquiry into the Canadian secret services.

Translated transcript
Amazingly based thread.
This is the truth.

There's a lot to it too. Basically Quebec is a puppet-state of a puppet-state.

Quebec was the most Christian province in all of Canada (wasn't the psyopped anglo church version). Average families were 12 white kids.
The jews couldn't have that and that's when the 60's "quiet revolution" happened.

They made secularism a reality.
They used their media power to ridicule, make up stories about the church, and even changed the culture as a whole.

Quebec went from a very very religious provine to a culture where the swear words used are blaphemous anti-religious ones (les sacres).


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Daily Rminder: the leader of the FLQ worked at Trudeau's openly marxist newspaper as a columnist before he was elected, everything is fake and gay


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>M rated video games:ID
>R rated movies: ID
>Cigarettes: ID
>Alcohol: ID

>Hardcore gangbang interracial deepthroat homosex pornography:

You know these trannies and homos are the way they are because they were porn addicts from a young age, right?

>B-b-but MUH freedumb of SPEYCH

Refer to the above, if requiring an ID to watch online pornography is in violation of the 1st amendment then so is requiring an ID to watch an R rated movie or buying an M rated video game.

If you are against this then you're just a filthy degenerate that is okay with the fact that children are 3 seconds away from viewing the most depraved filth imaginable.

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That's not how I work.
I'm okay with the government fucking over porn consumers.
Oh! She’s so pretty. My heart just skipped. Thanks for making my day, anon!
I'm not renewing my ID.
I'll just make my own beer and use a VPN and buttcoins everywhere from now on.
Fuck America, this isn't my society
I'm done paying taxes too
There's like a million pages with porn, including 4chan, reddit and normies social media like YouTube. There's hentai in popular anime pages, there are pages with leaked onlyfans. It's better yo cut internet till your kid is old enough to not be groomed
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It's not the porn that's the problem. It's the society in which we live in. I think that hardcore pornography involving penetration or any other sexual acts should be banned. Softcore erotica is fine, but this will never happen because being anti-porn is anti-semitic and jews think that Christ sucks, that's why they peddle pornography.

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A trans woman is a man with delusional schizophrenia caused by social trauma.
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Why do many look just like that?
A mentally ill autistic man
Ellen Page is a trans woman. It means a woman larping as a man.
trans man*

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Plot twist: the CIA are the good guys

Let's face it. The CIA was created to balance the equation made unstable by the KGB. Okhrana, the secret police of the Tsar, became the NKVD, which became the KGB. It was never good. Their primary objective was always to destroy their political opponents using any means necessary. They would have kept doing this forever, if the CIA wasn't there to stop them. Sure the CIA broke the law. But you need a bad cop to stop the bad criminal. That criminal in question wasn't going to stop on its own, was it?

>Created every terroist organisation
>Did the sexual revolution
>Did multiculturalism
>Did 911
>Killed millions of people in the middle east
>Did social media
>Did literally all the bad things
Death to spies and death to all secrete police.
Also made drugs run rampant in the US to make a profit. Organization is completely joke.

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I'm not baiting anyone, retard. I'm sharing my experience. The bottom line is that there are only a few kind of people with respect to the military.

You've got the people who "totally would fight, except..." and something always follows "except" and it always will. They like to think of themselves as hard but the line of excuses is literally endless. It's the Jews or college or their girlfriend or their sick dog. They want to think they'd fight but never would no matter what. Then you've got the people who don't want to fight and admit it. That's fine. They're honest with themselves and other people. The last is the people who actually do fight. They're going to do it regardless of what they lose or what the current political climate is. Noting anyone says will ever change their minds because they just want to fight. They want to live the lifestyle and they want to see combat.

Most people on /pol/ are the first kind. They hide behind a series of political excuses to avoid admitting to themselves that they just don't want to fight on a far more human level than the politics. It is what it is.
What the shit is this are you illiterate or a computer program?
You fought for jews to destabilise Iraq and fought for jews for opium and pedophile bacha bazi warlords in Afghanistan.

You've never served your country, you serve kikes, for money.

Your country is invaded every day, and in serving the government you helped that.

You should kill yourself immediately you worthless zogbot if you think anything about the US military if the last 50 years is something to be proud of.
>let me tell you about your personal experiences
>let me tell you about your country

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