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Post your politically incorrect Luma AI generated videos
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Were they behind it? I thought they were behind everything?
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They invested in weapons manufacturers
When you stop believing in this system, no matter how hard you try, it falls apart in a fraction of the time it took its architects to construct it.
Now as far to Israel, contemplate the lunacy required to reach this state of Clownworld to begin with and you'll swiftly realize that the people currently calling the shots wouldn't hesitate to retcon (if even necessary at this point) Israel as the metaphorical Heifer "destined to turn red with the blood of innocents" and sacrifice in a desperate attempt to usher in some feel-good supranational technocracy on the basis of modern blackbox-chatbots hyped up as the next big thing to outsource your agency to.
In a decade from now you'll see people arguing, with a straight face no less, that you should "trust in AI" without question, just like you should "trust in Science" before that, and "trust in God (as dictated by some clergy)" before that -- with many more minor renditions in between. But I digress.

Personally I'd suggest to avoid semantic melting pots like "white people" that prune all unqiueness of one or more people. There are white skinned people all around the world who have -- throughout the ages -- either been or become quintessentially native to their respective places, yet I am sure you would be hesitant to call them "white people". (cont.)
>How did the jews benefit from the vietnam war
Well, part of the deal to keep the Liberty attack hush-hush from the mutt public, was a deal cut to take Soviet missile batteries out of 'Nam, which cutting up U. S. bombers -- the kikes did this, and accomplished it all but overnight, no less.
You've very likely adopted this stillborn color descriptor in the context of "politics" (or other D/C dreadmills) and started to understand by "whiteness" more than just the color of ones skin, i.e. ethnicity, culture, creed, heritage, (...) . I think when you refer to "white people" you mean to say "European people" or "American people", in relation to what we are conversing about: most likely just anyone with basic common sense, which just so happen to come in other skin colors too. Mind you, these people are robbed of their national, ethnic, cultural, (...) identities too, by being wrapped into other semantic melting pots (people of color or the [current thing] alphabet soups).

Consider it an inversion of the "It's the Jews!" meme: now there exist many global, nameless, rootless, faceless threats going by different brand names, all unrelated to the many ages of hardship their people endured -- "It's the whites!". Generalization in negative terms never pans out, as it's ultimately a lie, and yes, in this case pilpul does matter.
Just like a scandinavian 255,255,255 rgb-skinned baby born this minute is not responsible for the actions of mediveal spaniards and anglos, or those of other subjects of perpetually blackmailed inbred European royality, a jewish child born this minute is not responsible for the actions of other jews (in name, spirit or body).
To conclude the part about semantic melting pots:
Contemplate why and when people stopped referring to themselves by name and instead referred to themselves with these semantic melting pots. It's not the first time in history either, mind you. Just consider what happened during colonialism. Whenever globohomo needed beasts of burden they'd present the masses with a people to hate, and eventually retcon them into primal savages who have been deserving of extinction all along once they were done and needed to maintain their image as "eternal good guys". The victor writes history, you can't carry out "unjustified" (as if you could justify) genocide and admit to it to your subjects. That's just asking to be ursurped, because no matter how domesticated: the vast majority of humans want to do and be good, it's in their best interest to apply empathy to avoid (creating/repeating) situations that could harm them, and thrive for social cohesion and order.

Abortion and race-mixing didn’t destroy the West. Contraception did.
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The most evil, cowardly and selfish act anyone can commit is murder the weakest and most vulnerable human beings. This is why it is impossible to name a single thing in this world more evil and demonic than abortion. Abortion murders babies, damages mothers and creates a culture that views ALL human life as disposable

When we murder our weakest and most vulnerable, whether by abortion in the womb or euthanasia outside the womb, any and all respect for human life AS A WHOLE becomes non-existent

It's because our culture tolerates abortion that we tolerate mass murder, shootings, allowing needy people to die, abuse of the vulnerable and many other horrible things. Abortion has cemented Neo-Malthusian thinking and eugenics in our culture as every abortion is a eugenic abortion. You cannot have any respect for human life and persons at any stage of life if you support murdering the weakest and most desperate to survive

I do not believe our society and our world could fall much further once it solidifies murdering the most innocent and vulnerable of any group of people, be it the preborn or the sick and disabled, into its culture

When murdering those whom we have an obligation to protect and love becomes normalized then no amount of depravity is off limits.

Over 66 MILLION preborn babies have been aborted in America alone since 1973 which is more dead Americans than in every war America has been involved in COMBINED. No war, famine or even genocide has killed that many in such a short amount of time.

Those of us who can must stand up and speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.

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Don't worry, they'll be having a chat soon enough.
>abortion culture
>leadership institute

Uhhhh what kind of leadership institute are we seeing here? Leadership of human goyim?
Kikes are Carthaginians.

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just as a heads up, I'm voting for Biden this year. Anyone here have a problem?
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Hunter isn’t running for president and you still didn’t address trump is convicted for sexual abuse of a women and felonies. Trump said Hillary shouldn’t be elected if she would get charged with felony in 2016z
I'm voting for Biden and looking forward to the 3am vote dump that blows out zion don and his faggot ziochristian supporters kek
lock them all up and biden won't pardon your criminal spying jews like zognald did
I'm voting for Biden because it's asthetic and cool.
Trump wears diapers and covets his daughter, also pimped them both out to Epstien. They literally are no different, only difference is that there is circumstantial evidence pointing to Trump more and just because you don't want to believe it doesn't mean it doesn't exist nor do your schizoid ramblings make your beliefs any more believable
Regardless, I'm not voting for either asshole because I'm sick of the fucking 2 party horse shit. Both are losers for different reasons
Non ironically I Prefer ridin with biden than zion don

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Miley Cyrus found dead in her luxury mansion age 31. Will be sadly missed by her fans, RIP.
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By the time Miley lost her shit, I reckon.
I had no idea that was a Miley song lol. It honestly has that ridiculous annoying pop sound for the 2010s, I thought it was Katy Perry or some other whore.
his anus
It’s a feel good song. Katy Perry was great too. That’s the last time pop stars were attractive.
Nothing on TMZ. Fake and gay.

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Guys, i just felt a huge boom that woke me up. Is there a shockwave travelling around the world right now?
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If you jump the shock wave will miss you
What flew over your house? We must know
i farted anon, sorry :(
if it makes you feel any better it woke my cat up and now he's running around the house and screeching his little furry ass off
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Maybe it was your balls dropping
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you're late to the party, anon.

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Behold, the Triumphant Return of Labour Blairism.
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It was over before it began, pottery
I'm sad to say I used to be one of them before coming to /pol/. I'm trying to convince my dad, but the Jew mind virus is strong with the boomers
>Too many boomers who worship Winston Churchill in Britain.
As if it isn't his fault that tens of thousands of white men died on some shitty beach in turkey for no purpose.
Battle of Britain refers to a war against man who wanted to save white race.

>An Indian contingent raided a liquor store in Lasitpur (also known colloquially as leicester) to prepare for their upcoming invasion of Brighudesh (known colloquially as birmingham) to liberate the city from Muslim tyranny.

>Local leader, Sgt Timmy was seen in the background guiding the Indian contingent
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Apparently that isn’t haram
Who is Mukesh schizo?
I'm telling you you're a fucking mong if you don't think the modern muslim isn't getting drunk and smoking dope every weekend
The name of my turd, stay seething piss drinker
why do jeets always act so niggerish?
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>poos will claim raicsm if they get clocked in the jaw
Pathetic country, someone post the video of a White Canadian man beating up a pack of poos trying to rob a liquor store while jewish karens scream at him

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Name one foot soldier from the Battle of Hastings.
Name one foot soldier from the First Crusade.
Name one foot soldier from the Second Crusade.
Name one foot soldier from the Battle of Bouvines.
Name one foot soldier from the Seventh Crusade.
Name one foot soldier from the Battle of Bannockburn.
Name one foot soldier from the Hundred Years' War.
Name one foot soldier from the Battle of Agincourt.
Name one foot soldier from the War of the Roses.
Name one foot soldier from the Siege of Constantinople.

You are fodder, nobody will remember you. You will die all alone in the middle of nowhere.
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Ronald McDonald. Berserker of the Hundred Years’ War. (Fought for both sides)
>Your fantasies don't count as history
Neither do jewish fantasies that you believe
Pro-tip… Be a Knight!
These people were all there.
Kissinger is based. Do you have a reading list?

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Watcha drinking /pol/?
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Johnny Walker Black, of course.
Water actually dehydrates you because it is devoid of electrolytes. Drink blood, buttermilk, or juice.
if that was true then people would drop fucking dead who drink tap water and bottled water mostly. goatis is menthally eel and is a total slave.
Guinness. Would be bourbon but I have work tomorrow… I’m an oldfag and save real hangovers for when I don’t have to spend the next day sucking Herr Shekelstein’s cock.
Haven't had a drop since February.
steel reserve 40

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What makes the Jew the most inherently evil being in the known galaxy?
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It was literally a plot by the early church fathers to cultivate the jews into a force of pure evil, so that the christians could be good and go to heaven
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add it to the lists
kill yourself faggot

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Does anyone else here feel extreme lonliness pretty much all the time?
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sometimes yeah
i enjoy solitude but sometimes i just wish i had someone to enjoy the solitude with
turning 30 soon and im thinking im gonna try chink girls soon
white women are just trash and have always betrayed me and android waifus are just too far away
Try Chinkettes, you guys have some cute ones.
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Humans are meant to live in villages with big families, lots of comradery, celebration, and socializing.
You should look at pictures of Angel Dust whenever you're lonely.

You have such beautiful wilderness, but it seems you never leave roads. At most you do camping and call it hiking. Am I wrong?
Hiking is a major part of every PNW state, and I'm fairly certain its big in alot of other states too.

I think you would be better asking this in >>>/out/
Yeah, I like to hike. I live in the Pacific Northwest and everybody hikes.
I hike 5 miles into desert mountains to get away from shitskin noise.
Yes, we have a shit load of hiking trails everywhere

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Why do I have to become a fucking dork faggot to be able to live sustainably outside of America?

Why are only the most ill-equipped people to live abroad given the privilege, all because they know how to stare at their faggot MacBook and squint at lines of code?

Traveling overseas and starting a new life used to be reserved for conquerors, men of war, dangerous pirate type of men, now that seat has been reserved for meek little dork faggots.

All I want to is live overseas and not have to be a faggot English teacher, but it’s either that or you have to be so well versed in writing code that you turn into an autist who doesn’t know how to enjoy life, talk to women, communicate with people, etc etc.

Fuck this timeline
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It’s called starting a business.

Have you ever carried a revenue quota?

It’s not that hard to make money online.

You have a slave mentality. It has been bred into you by your family and the government. You can not foresee a world in which you are independent and without a “boss” / employer.
>I need a job to survive

You are an over socialized slave that can not foresee a reality in which you work for yourself and become independent of a employer.
I’m 33 nigger. Tried when I was 24 and the airforce DQd me for a TBI I got when I was 16
I don’t want to run my own business, I’d rather let some other faggot do all the hard work and I just show up and clock in.

Fuck you guys. I don’t wanna worry about managing my own business. Fuck you

Can I just go to the UK and stock shelves? Come on man
You sound like you have the life you deserve.

They have enough no skill workers in the UK, they don’t need you.
Plumbers, electricians etc are welcome everywhere.

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my friend told me whenever I felt the urge to have sex or go hit up women, thats its easier and less effort to just jerk off... Now I just jerk off to porn multiple times a day and have no desire for women anymore. Did my friend give me bad advice? Should I start talking to real women again?
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>A lot of dating is based on superficial shit like looks unless your well versed socially or bring something else to the table.

Women wont be interested right off the bat. If your an average guy like sub 5 you have to lower standards.
Only broke ass niggers are allowed to breed. Half of nothing is nothing
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and you are better off for it.
Women are horrible bro, always emotional and unstable.
idk ive been jerking off since i was 8 or 12 but ive still managed to talk to them in senior high. well two of them were online one was some kind of fat gypsy, we
went to the movies and she started slobberin on my neck and i was uncomfortable with this. after she stopped and the movie ended it was awkward and i left. the other girl said weve never talked irl after i asked her out. i dont remember if i wrote anything back but i took it as a no and that was that. i had really liked her and even drew a still image of her. she once stayed at my house for maybe 20 minutes cause my friend wanted her to hide in my house cause she lived far away and his dad wouldnt let her stay there or something. i said to him that its not my house youd have to ask my mom. now that i think of it it was retarded to say that. should have just said no. what if she would like open the door for him to come in and steal stuff in the night cause our front door was on the bottom floor and we had a bedroom down there. i dont remember how long he said she would stay but her parents would be worried and idk if she was going to school. sometimes i think about that and wonder what if i had said yes. oh i had also been given his phone for some reason and i looked through it to find her nudes, i jerked off hard to them and tthen felt bad afterwards. i truly hate my life and that wasnt the worst of it, after maybe 4 years right when i asked her out i said i saw her nudes on the phone like a retard and she said you didnt save them did you and i think i said yes but then deleted them. i had so many chances to have sex with other women in highschool but they came up to me out of the blue and said stuff like "do you wanna touch my boobs" or three of them came up to le in ninth grade and one asked me if she wanted to meet her behind tth school to give me a blow job. i felt disgusted and also felt it wad w prank like this cant be real since i had never been interracted with since i was in 2nd grade.
Its cursed because attachment is real. Old porn ive seen makes me autohard and shoot rope than whatever the new stuff is. Pornography is now your first wife. Deal with it.
Tune that shit down so that keep up the food/hygine/financial/chores/sleep. Losing good habits are just downward spiral. The main difficulty is still planning for long terms now that you are attached to instant satisfaction and additionally being treated like a fag by both men and women for failing or fighting their expectation. You just have to approach and study things robotically and analytically like keep notes, instruction and checklist on the wall and check them. I suggest growing plants outside so you still practice daily responsibility, long term planning and topics with normal fags about weather and what not other wise you will truly lost.
>is it bad advice?
You can have several disasterous marriages reguardless of law/churches if you have issue with attachment and commitment.

OK anons, tell me what is your current theory on what happened the morning of November 22, 1963. It's a question that eats at me regularly and I have accepted that Oswald did not act alone. I still am not sure if Oswald was involved but there is evidence found like the photo of him holding the same rifle found in the book depository 6th floor. However, I've combed through dozens of witness interviews and everyone says they saw smoke coming from behind the wooden fence. People said they saw a police officer drive away on a motorcycle from the area the smoke came from
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The entry wound came in from the front right part of his skull and exited the back (hence the big hole in the right back of the skull), if you line up where his face was looking as he grabs his neck from the initial shot from behind, it matches exactly to the grassy knoll/wooden fence. The momentum of the bullet sent him flying backwards and to his left
The kill shot came from a building where two men armed with rifles were seen by witnesses who thought they were secret service agents.
Thats funny.
I think this video covers it
Naturally they would position themselves to take the shot at the oncoming presidential motorcade.
They had weeks to plan the assassination.
You wouldn't be able to hit from the position where they claimed Oswald shot from.
The kill shot seen in frame 313 could not have come from the book building, it's just no way. The initial shot that forces him to slump over definitely came from the back of him, but the kill shot was from his front right at an oblique angle

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Our fav rapist has new court action for a fresher rape case. But I am more concerned that Bruce might really be a bearded woman with tits and seems to walk like a lady. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-16/bruce-lehrmann-to-appear-in-toowoomba-court-rape-charges/103978784
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Based schizo. Go to the ER and make them test your semen for a wire tap.
I went out on foot looking for a job today. The only one I found was pastry chef.
Pretty sure nothing happens. You can choose one that suits you best. There’s a department that oversees these cunts that you can call if unsure. Or just call complaints line for Cenno and ask them. They’ll direct you back to them, or at least find out the latest legislation about it.
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Accepted into a CSA (customer service attendant level 1) job with NSW Trains.

What does the typical day look like, and what is the work life balance like?

Boasting a 1.2k pay each week which I assume is before tax.
Is it worth it?
why is the guy in the latest quit smoking tv ad a boong? what did they mean by this?

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Previous: >>471354514
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed -https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times -https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' -https://archive.today/Thb5A
>'NATO maps out plan to block Russian "invasion" in Europe ' - The Telegraph -https://archive.today/MkhiF
>The Ukraine faces economic collapse: electricity shortages, lack of money to fund the AFU -https://archive.today/iwOrt
>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons -https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane -https://archive.today/iAtY3

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i supose that you must bend over in front of Richard Levine to get this lucrative contract for pallets...Here new Europaleta cost 30 goylars
Strange phenotype.
>infertile so no new 1 miln goys to work.. no new goys for work
it will be not your problem . and procreation is outsourced already anyway
I don't understand why hohols wants Putin to be overthrown. Putin is unironically the only one in Russia who considers hohols like human beings.

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humans will be extinct and that this is the inevitable endpoint of our evolution? this is obviously political because not accepting this fact is a cause of way too much political nonsense
dumb and gay humanity has millions of years even if we dont leave the planet
>humans will be extinct
no, just jews.
realistically, any other organism will go through the same issues regardless of the planet they're on. The tragedy of the commons is simply an innate game-theoretical reality of the world

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>muh ideological framework
>muh facts and logic
this is all retarded literally the only way to win the war of ideology is aesthetics.
Aesthetics matter, a lot.
so post and repost aesthetic pictures anons!
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You don't have to trust me on this one, this bong did all the research.
>left wing wikipedia that makes sure to paint hitler and fascism and nazism as right wing
>Bavarian Soviet Republic article
>notable people
Uh oh they forgot about this one.

Anon, was he or was he not a twice elected battalion representative to the soviets of the People's Republic of Bavaria?
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The shills that say Hitler was a jew are precisely what they want you to believe. They want you to believe that any resistance to the jewish menace is futile and always controlled. They corrupt and distort all things so the masses can never find out the truth. Always trust your intuition about such things, the heart is the gateway to truth. It is possible to stop these jewish enemies of mankind, it has been done before and can be done again. In Germany, it only took a single determined man to set everything in motion.
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Read Hitlers Revolution by Richard Tedor.

you're a mentally retarded polish faggot butthurt over some shit 80 years ago and you cling on to jewish trash to smear the last European to fight against jews and better his people.

i have no interest in anymore conversation with you untermensch.
>They could lose a war but if enough new articles and tv hosts say otherwise, they will think their side won. Marketing is half of war.
Then isn't the use of propaganda by national socialism a violation of the personhood of the individual member of the volk? Why would anyone join the NS movement if you insult their intelligence like that?

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