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Im a German from Bavaria with dark brown hair and hazel eyes (green when sun shines, brown otherwise). I've never been really attracted to woman of other races besides White woman.
Blonde hair and blue eyes is good but not my type, Dark hair and brown eyes not my type either and brown hair blue eyes is ok.
What I really like is a woman with red hair and blue or green eyes. There is just something about them I can not describe.
Where does red hair come from and why am I so attracted to it? Unfortunately it isn't seen here in Bavaria often...
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That's perfection right here. Gingers can fucking disgusting or really pretty
If you’re white, then that’s normal? Lol
Red hair is an Atlantean phenotype, literal Atlantean royalty had red hair and is one of the very esoteric reasons why the Jews hate redheads and make red head characters into niggers in their modern media they produce
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I don't like ginger girls. even when she looks "good", the ginger is disgusting to me

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Previous: >>471319403

▶Day: 844 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Ukraine's Peace Summit in Switzerland began, 92 countries attend and 8 international organisations
>Yuan to replace dollar as Russia's main foreign currency
>The yuan/ruble exchange rate will now set the trajectory for other currency pairs on the Moscow Exchange (MOEX)
>Japan will provide Ukraine with $4.5 billion in 2024 and will continue the support, according to the new 10-year bilateral security agreement
>G7 leaders agree to unblock $50 billion frozen Russian assets for Ukraine
>New US sanctions against Russia have forced an immediate suspension of trading in dollars and euros on the Moscow Exchange
>Armenia is leaving CSTO
>U.S. lifts weapons ban on Ukraine’s Azov Brigade
>90 states register for peace summit in Switzerland, russia not invited
>Su-57 and two air defence systems (Pantsir-S1 and S-300) damaged/destroyed in drone strike nearly 600km from the frontlines

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Why can't the Danes handle the heat?
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is that a joke? Those arent even spicy
The 3x are for those whose taste buds have been completely overwhelmed by spices, mostly shitskins. Also it's meme food like Prime.
Are you poor or on an ascetic lifestyle?
both. on purpose. i have much more stored for preps. all kinds of stuff that keeps well for years. my own little grocery store.
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wish i stocked up on the CODE BLACK contraband before it got taken off the market

could be the spiciest man in town

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Ukraine wants another 1000 billion dollars to defeat Voldemort Putler

The gravy train never stops does it?

>According to Ukrainian sources the cost of some types of weapons has increased sixfold. In particular 122-mm multiple launch rocket systems
>Arms dealers know they hit jackpot and hike up arms prices 5 fold
>so you better cough up the dough shabbos goyim

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>here at home
Oh, did I need to move into your little shanty in the suburbs so you'd know that I'm here?
>the guys whose job it is to think about our defense thought it was important
I guess that's one way to consider things.
I bought the dip, which came when America withdrew from Afghanistan. You just KNOW that America's military-industrial complex NEEDS another war to come along. I didn't know where it would be, but I knew America would find a reason quickly. I bought the purer defense stocks (less aerospace exposure) and they've more than trebled.

Best investing you can do is based around what the US/western governments will do. The more retarded the better. Two percent inflation target, always at war, forcing electric vehicles by changing the law... Tell me if I'm missing any other opportunities.
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Do a 360, go back to /k/, then kys in front of all the other glownigger faggots
Here in America, retard. And the faggot politicians do not give a single fuck about us.
Anon, just because I was busy in 2022, doesn't mean you're from here.

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They are such NPCs, when they walk down a street or sit still or do sport etc., they hear… nothing. No voice, nothing, it is just empty silence in their brains.

In other words, NPCs are real, they are like zombies, up to 70% are zombies,
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Link this article or it's fake. I couldn't find it and i looked.
Can anyone fucking explain this meme to me? Why is not having an inner monologue considered an NPC behavior? There is nothing NPC about it in theory, player characters don't have an inner monologue either. I've been suspecting that this idea of "not having an inner monologue = NPC" is just some retarded idea someone came up with, posted somewhere on Xitter and other retards agreed with it for no fucking reasons like actual NPCs.
there is definitely something to be said about people with overactive inner monologues actually being more programmable than NPCs without inner monologues
it’s like when people say autistics are immune to propaganda, they are 1000x MORE VULNERABLE
the troll is a meme because literally everyone has an inner monologue
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we found nother bot, lads

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Mind you they are fucking insane , considering their convoluted past with the retard Joseph Smith and all his hilarious stories , their wild daily routine of obvious indoctrination , and the fact that those who go to the celestial kingdom will inherit their own planet and be their own god to be worshiped by their own planets Mormon ,retarded i know. BUT

they have some of the strongest familiar values , they believe dark skin is the mark of Cain ( based), and their women are totally brainwashed and their cases of revolt are astoundingly low.

Is it the final red pill to find a traditional LDS babe and be supported by thousands of supporting nuclear families within a strong community ? The Mormon song and dance may very well be worth it considering the positives. Imagine seducing a blond hair and blue eyed babe who actually believes that you will one day own a planet and be a God ? No wonder they worship their men in that community.
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I am a Catholic who genuinely thinks Mormon Females are perfect in terms of family building- they look absolutely heavenly
Why are you acting like their beliefs are any more unjustified than your own? The disdain you show is hilarious.
Checked. According to south park, only mormons go to heaven.
How are the brazilian Mormons ? Is it predominantly white , blond hair, and blue eyed babes ? Or what are they like ?
Anyone remember that Mormon girl who cheated on her husband and created a porn video on casting couch or something just mere weeks before the wedding?

You whine about ethnice replacement while Based africa keep continue to breed
I'm ugly, stupid, can't afford anything, and have a small dick
What the fuck am I meant to do to get a woman to even look at me let alone have a kid?
There are too many people, it would be fine if the population naturally dropped some. It's the money kikes that can't allow the population to stabilize to a natural level, they must have more and more people to take on more and more debt so they keep importing them by the millions.
Not ready yet
Quit asking

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Do you believe the United States of America is being sabotaged from Alpha-bet agencies from within?
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Chris Christie admitted in interview to bring an fbi informant.
So did Obama.
Al sharpton was a CI for them for 15 years.
How many more ppl the ran for pres are assets of 3 letter agencies.
Trump gave an apartment to head of the by mafia.
Gave him apartment directly below his.
FBI admit in documentary about catching my mafia that they would be in the apartment directly above where mafia lived or met and they’d lower a mic down the air vent to listen and record.
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Do you believe that water is wet?
Wow what’s Alpha?

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For you, a rare gondola

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These Mexicans are getting really confusing. Careful out there bros
parece wey

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>It's hot outside!
Use it to cool the house
>It's cold outside!
Use it to heat the house
Are they stupid?
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You look at videos like that and you think to yourself fags aren't THAT crazy. Imagine having something like this at home. You just know she doesn't do shit around the house and only whines and complains. "Mimimi, buy me an Iphone!" Shut the fuck up, you ugly British slag, you're not even worth a Xiaomi.
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Why do you make this stupid thread so often? Why do you even have such a hard on for heat pumps?
It is expensive, and they the price is up every fucking year. I can pay almost 10 eurobucks a DAY to cool/heat my place with a split when it's really hot or cold outside.
Yuroshits are kinda dumb anon
Central Air: Invented by American Willis Carrier.

Why are Serbs such raging, nerve stunted manlets who think everyone in the US and EU owes them anything? eat shit Turkish rape baby niggers.

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Every year the Europeans bitch about the heat and every year they refuse to buy pic related which would solve all their issues. Why are they like this?
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>1. Measurment units
Meter is so much better, maybe both have pros and cons, i stick to the metric.
>2. Air conditioning
Have one at my place - me too.
>3. Toilet paper vs Bidet
Do both, only TP.
>4. Walk in the house shoes
No, i don't walk in the house with shoes. Maybe, if i rush to get something, but 1 in 1000.
>5. Tornado vs Brick house or Cardboard House
Burgers are retarded for building cardboard houses, Trust me, european houses will get oblitirated, if strong eartquake or tornado storms around town.
>6. Sugar content and corn syrup
It's disgusting the way burgers process their food. FDA suck so much. I can't comment here. Don't know what poison they put in their food, but seeing fat fucks around here too.
It's not ecofriendly and it's the reason why global warming is happening.
how would you install a cheap window or portable AC unit when your windows look like this? lots of duct tape along the sides?
What duck tape anon? I think you misunderstood. This window design is very cool. Duck tape is left, because the worker doing construction job afterwads have to do some finishing touches and align the previous wall with the newly installed windows. Do you see the border of it? It has to be filled, flattened and painted over, then the duck tape is removed.
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where's the window unit in your picture?

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one of my fav painters. i actually have one myself.
your news stories of today:
>'We love you, Papa': Royal children wish Prince William a happy Father's Day. bunch of gays.

>Gordon Ramsay says he's 'lucky to be alive' after bike accident - and thanks his helmet, talk about having a kitchen nightmare.

>Rishi Sunak: Faith and duty guide me through my election trials. first pegan prime minister doesnt seem to be feeling so well.

>Wes Streeting admits he wanted 'more ambitious' manifesto on social care. they havent even won yet and they already want more money from you.

>Time may be up for the Tories, but their legacy of lies will live on. looks like the concept of Brechtian alienation has not only let it self go but doesnt seem to have much political insight. what legacy?

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There was already another thread up you dingus

the devil take serbs
Kek. Fucking retards.
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Fucking feel like crying. Just gone through a 2kg bag of maris pipers, every one fucking black inside apart from 3 giving me an ut 200g to make mash. Tesco cunts. Gonna have to make frozen roasties now.

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>why don't you watch TV anymore anon?
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What is this... " T V " you speak of?
You mean this thing??
>that webm
i fucking hate pussy stank
always a moodkiller even when i drink booze it's disgusting
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What am I in for?

Red wine, steaks and tango.
Castizos and spics.
elder god tier shemales
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Great food, kind of moody people. Go to Palermo BA, it is really nice.

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Is your favorite programming language on the NSA list, /pol/?
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No joke

The word illuminati backwards plus dot org jumps you to NSA.GOV
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>just use a runtime, goy
was it that hard to paste it or paste the list of the languages?
NASA still uses C
>was it that hard to paste it or paste the list of the languages?
No, but I believe that we should always do our own research.

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why is Russia advancing backwards again
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No, he's just a fucking retard. Leveling cities takes a lot of time. And russia didn't and doesn't really want to risk their air force. They're stuck though, as far as the land front. They have to keep that going.
One is a thirld-world nation with an army that looked like it was staffed by homeless bums before the war started. The other was supposed to be the second military superpower in the world (or the first depending on what retard you are talking to).
no one's winning this shit
it's back and forth for 2 years now
How many Ukrainian soldiers died losing that land?
How many Western vehicles were destroyed in the process?

One thing plebbitors and hohol refugee copers don't understand is that a war of attrition works both ways, and Russia outperforms NATO in dumb munitions production and has more significantly more men.

Ukro TV has been dehumanizing Russians since day 1, publicly showing their mutilated bodies, uploading drone execution footage, and referring to them as zombies, orcs etc.
Meanwhile millions of Ukrainians have been living in Russia for the last 2 years. If we are to believe Kiev propaganda, they should have all been dead or put into camps in 2014.
Guess what, America has Nazi. Like literal Nazi with swastikas and flags.
And Ukrane has same literal Nazi.
And people who wants Russia burn and Russian children tortured

Should I say that all mentioned groups are way under 0.1% of total population? Like schizo minority of schizo minority?

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Demiurge will try to get you to reincarnate as a legless mutant poop-man from India!
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i just wanna take a break from being a fleshy for a while. i will be stalling my reincarnation long as possible. just hangin out rewatching my life in great detail thinking about if i should do it again or not.
>give them another reincarnation
>you completely forget everything you've learned about the reincarnation trap and you end up reincarnating over and over again after you die in your next Chad life because you have no clue what happens after you die
>that's not even taking into account that they probably wont honor your wish of making you a chad and will just lie to you to get you to enter the light
Free tip. Don't forget who the Arbiters of Consequence are. Along with the connection between consequence, fate, and karma. Never forget that Tolerance is the Ultimate Evil in which all other evils depend upon to thrive and survive.
Europeans believed in reincarnation too.
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Hello everyone,
I fucking hate the Demiurge, he is a little bitchass nigga.

That is all, good day

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kacap subhumans? our response?
Wait I thought this was supposed to be the Chinese century so why are they Brazil tier?
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funny isnt it

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

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Checked, clone army tomboy augments.
i dont change, fren
i was saying, also, to behold the days that come
work on your inclination to friendly fire when you're roused by the spirit
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>romans 2:11
>For there is no respect of personas with God.

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In the end, did he help or make things worse?
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Edward Snowden said that he wanted to quit when he worked in Switzerland because of thing he witnessed that he wished he didn't.

I'm not saying that they don't rob patents or manipulate people but if there is someone who does it for sure is sillicon valley and like this guy said>>471328238 people focus on government and forget those actors + SILLICON VALLEY MEGA CAPITALISTS literally spy on everyone for work and for fun.
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>doesn't understand how Whistleblower Laws work
>thinks Snowden had the right to spill the beans about highly sensitive TS goings-on that he was in no position to understand the larger picture about (during the height of the GWOT) because he refused to exhaust all his grievances through the proper channels first
Thats certainly an opinion one could come to if they knew absolutely nothing and were completely retarded
Good. He exposed ZOG.
>He shot his shot but the wad wasn’t big enough
Basically America is no longer a Democracy and nothing short of a state governor declaring war on the federal government can change anything at all.

What Snowden proved is that no matter WHAT the peons can't do shit. Only people in power can change anything. Some low class (Trumps words) peon can't do anything at all. Even posting a video of a powerful person smoking Crack while speeding on public streets means nothing (Hunter Biden). He's powerful, you're not.
Epstein was fucking 10 year Olds for 25 years and police knew and even the cops couldn't do shit. Because even cops don't have power.

And that's America today. Probably all of Europe is like this too.

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