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Ukraine forms its own 'Snow White' unit
>Basedjacks all around
>'Omg yas slay qweeens'
>'It's just like Harry Potter/Marvel/Star Wars'
>'It's so over for Putin'
>'Inb4 no gun waifu'
Meanwhile... Texas, Florida and flyover wives of militiamen form their own part time 'Snow White' units.
>Seething, malding and screeching ensues
>Accusations of racism, sexism, transphobia, fascism etc. etc.
>Trending on twitter
>Front page of reddit
>National news coverage
>Congressional hearings called
>Investigated by the feds
Why are they like this?
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>Ukraine forms its own 'Snow White' unit
what if Russia uses their Rapist batallions against them?
same reason ISIS never attacked israel (1 time was an accident and they appologized), and israel gives ISIS first aid and air strikes
it's because anglo masons lie and use people for global domination

as for the leftoids, they are just stupid, nothing more to it
They'll surrender as soon as they run out of tampons and realize there's no way they're getting resupplied.
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those women won't actually fight, it's just propaganda to boost morale, recruitment and funding
women have periods / ovulation for like a third of every month. they carry heavy sacks of fat on their chest, they produce no testosterone, even their brains aren't fully developed (stops at 18, while men develop until 21). women never have and never will be soldiers
"amazons" are as much of a fable as "wakanda"
even with the "gamification" of war, when's the last time a woman played a violant videogame

After I die, will I get another opportunity to be reborn and experience human life on planet earth? The one greatest motivating thought that drives my existence is curiosity to witness the cosmic story and fate of the human race. I want to observe the galactic timeline and scale of events that happen to us. I want to see the aliens. I need to believe life doesn't end here as we are now. It would be the most disappointing and boring thing in history if there was nothing more than Earth. I want to explore the galaxy.
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I've never been dead.
So, no idea.
Would point out that no one remembers a previous life, so probably not.
Hebrews 9:27 "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: 28So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation."
If you want to know actual cosmology, I recommend this playlist
Such strong feelings for a memeflaggot
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Very interesting this deep knowledge and understanding of the Hebrew fate my fellow Romanian

Goodnight sweet prince
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No, the only people who liked it were somewhat trashy women who would suck your dick. Never met a dude who knew even one crazy town song.
other than that one
The music video for 'cum my lady' is the weirdest shit I've ever seen.
Who is this absolute cum slurping faggot and why should I give a shit?
Was it because he was spammimg

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Previous: >>472180567
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment - https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers - https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam - https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures - https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation - https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! - https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed - https://archive.today/hLsXK

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Fuck you, the majority of Russia is already reported into Holland
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>Yavoriv base I bet.
A place so nice you've got to clap it twice
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>several shills think anyone here gives a fuck about their bullshit tranny narratives
imagine being a loser in real life and being loser on internet at the same time.
When war will be over and NAFO dissolves all shills are going to kill themselves.
Invaders vacationing in the peninsula are not crimeans, they can all go Home or face the consequences of having a retarded chimp who doesn't care about them
O gaed frens, the cancer is spreading

Do something



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You can teleport.

I have seen insects resurrect.

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Should teleport some meds into your digestive tract
sounds like a kino scooby doo film
Eat my messy asshole teleporter boy.
An insect just teleported through non Euclidean space over my house.
BTW mosquitos can either:
a) teleport
b) time travel (they reappear minutes later)
c) quantum disappear
Those fuckers can just vanish right in front of your eyes if you blink.

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I'm 24 and I've already wasted my life
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It'll never get better. Enjoy your hobbies now because you will grow to hate every one of them. Video games, anime, etc but you'll keep doing them year after year because you know nothing else. You'll only engage in said hobbies to stave off the crushing silence, but they won't bring you anything but anger. Sure you may find something that you enjoy but those feeling of hatred will slowly seep back in like cold fingers slowly wrapping around your body but despite that you'll press on, year after year only wishing for it all to be over but it'll continue on and on and on.
I'm 22 and I'm already dead......
I'm 29 and what this anon says is real.

it will creep on you. start taking care of your need heirarchy now and godspeed zoomnon
You still have time, imagine you posting this 10 years later. Move your ass now, tell your family you’re going to accomplish X Y and Z in 4 years.
You can get yourself on track to some kind of respectable career in just 4 years.

Take what little you have now and retrofit it into a career path. Don’t worry about money in the first 4 years, worry more about what you can accomplish to get your name out there.

Why is the right so bad at comedy?
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By me, I told that and they just wrote the article. Easy peasy.
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>right wing
You are a nigger
hey op this is the only comedy video you need
I liked this one, jr was a based retard. Also peached and cheese nigger.
this is why I only watch anime. the west only makes trash and I think its on purpose I mean just look at that art style its abysmally low quality. boomers and jews will love this though

Pilodonial Cyst bros...
Why is the medical community so corrupt as to dissuade any discussion regarding treatment other than surgery and often going so far as to say it is the ONLY remedy lest it become a lifelong affliction?
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Oh yeah, it wasn't a zit surgery, it was around the spine.
That and they can pay off their precious boat a lot faster with surgeries and invasive procedures.
>Pilodonial Cyst bros...
Kept my out of the Vietnam draft.

This is true.
Ur fukt.

What do you see?
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>What do you see?
Fortieth post best post.
human beings made in the image of God
only satanic demons are racist
American blacks are some of the biggest niggers on Earth, most other black people are more savages than niggers.
I see the electrical engineer in the blue shirt about to rape your 12 year old daughter before he kills her.

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DailyFail squeezes promo of hooker Skylar Silverstein into 77yo Sydney uni ethics academic's cliff jumping suicide over sex grooming allegations story. Well done DailyFail. Cram as much smut as you can into everything.
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Troons love to project and post their mangled bodies
I think most of aus/pol/ has trooned out by now
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Lol. You'd have to have a heart of stone not to laugh. Another PUSHER gets just rewards, beautiful.
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Whats the chances i get this, Im 25 and one have a cyber security cert
> AUD 17.17 - 20.43 per annum
Melbourne already smells like Indians, might as well pay like the Indians

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She ignored mom & dad's safety advice?
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"she deserved it then"
You never snuck out of your house as an adolescent? No wonder you're posting on 4chan
why are incels always right about women?
is the blackpill too powerful?
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women are dumb. the niggers that did it wouldn't be a thing in a white society
not my problem

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Chuds wouldn’t know the meaning of sacrifice like this. How it feels to put your women first and yourself 3rd and 4th. Take a note fags.
that's not sacrifice, that's cuckery
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I want to fuck her if you know what I mean.

exposer of pizzagate be free
do the glowie mods hide this?
i'm glad he's free but its still bullshit he had to plead guilty to a crime.
Whatever method of transportation he takes will crash, no survivors.

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here's your 2024 orcs bro
please buy our new player's handbook it's got less racism than previous editions please bro

hola amigos mexicanos btw compra nuestros bookos por favor
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Sorry I got into Dominion. Easy to play just good old fashioned deck building.
The nice thing about RPGs is no matter how pozzed the writers become, I can always play as Primarch Adolphus Hitlerian.
They even removed alignments so I can play a Paladin in even the faggiest settings.
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at least play with a better module
>orcs riding horses
>and practicing falconry
>fat, rainbow elves
>gay dorf bakers

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Is a vote for poverty
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>still no source to this day
>he doesnt know how to search through abbreviated modern jap porn files
Blacked raw
What am I looking at? My guess is AI or a dude

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Exactly which drug or drugs would help an 81 year old man stay alert for 90 minutes? And in what quantities. Prove that you know what you are talking about before you spread more unsubstantiated bullshit.
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checked checked and selfchecked. Adderal modafinil and baby's blood.
3 bottles of soda
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"Trump!!! You're a convicted felon!!!" "Joe, you'd be a convicted felon also but Hurr said you were to brain damaged to be prosecuted"
>moderators nod in agreement
>screaming can be heard in earpiece over mic
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Beep boop

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Previous: >>472184836

▶Day: 854 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>90 Ukrainian POWs freed from Russian captivity
>Ukraine downed 1,953 Shahed drones out of 2,277 launched by Russia this year (~86%)
>Smooking accident at a research institute in the Moscow region
>EU began membership talks with Ukraine
>ICC issues warrants for Shoigu and Gerasimov over attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets
>Zelenskiy replaced the commander of the Joint Forces Command of Ukraine’s military after the leader of Azov regiment accused the general of causing significant military setbacks and major losses in personnel
>The EU imposed sanctions on 19 Chinese companies aimed at punishing Beijing’s support for russia’s war in Ukraine
>EU targets Russia's 'shadow fleet' in new round of sanctions against Moscow
>Ukraine will get the first tranche of military aid from frozen Russian assets next week, EU foreign policy chief says
>Dagestani muslims killed at least 19 police officers and several civilians in attacks on churches and synagogue

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What if 1 mobnik crosses into NATO lands, commits cpatb, and leaves
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D I S A V O W --- S Q U A D
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Great form, is that a mobik, or just a rando russnigger? Here's a mobik that got some collat to boot lmao.
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I am an /x/ schizo at your service. Ask me anything on politics and current news. I have strong intuition and can also predict future events and reveal hidden secrets about the world, apart from my schizo knowledge.
at what point does south america become safer and more prosperous than north america?

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For nearly 200 years the USA was white majority with a solid amount of blacks, and a sprinkle of other races... How did the hispanic population just boom in the late 1970s and onward, while other races more or less stayed stagnant? Keep in mind this is not counting the untracked latinos too.
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There's been like 10 instances of "ok, we'll just allow this batch of them that snuck in to stay".
There's like 40-50 million of them. That's just border crossers.
Many things. For starters, cheap labor. Secondly they need to further negrify the population to stifle any future white rebellions that may arise. Did you know that over 500,000 Israeli citizens have fled to the U.S. since October 7th? Crazy right? Most of them have served in the IDF btw. Guess who’s coming to take your guns?
Good men did nothing.
It makes me wish for nuclear war.

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Acid attacks are the best types to use against women who deserve it.
attractive women know their only asset is their beauty. They treat men like garbage because they know they can always get another simp because of their beauty. If you splash acid on their face not only have you taken away their most valuable asset, you take away most future simps from her.

Always remember: women soften and submit to actual abuse. It's the respectful and honorable treatment that they classify and consider as abuse. Women in these "shithole" countries often marry their attackers. Women only kill their husband if he's a sappy, dutiful husband. And in fact many women do so every day: kill their husbands with the help of their lovers, that is.
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Salama slammakum, arab, yea yea, very based. Now go back to your country. No hard feelings, i do not even disagree with you, but perhaps your flag is wrong. I would bet you are Iraqi or something. Again, I did not come here to argue but to tell you to go back.
>umm what about this thing that's a one in a million occurrence???
they proudly show their scars to keep drawing attention, you just fuck your life for nothing and cause pointless suffering
Correct, all the seething is from SIMPs, roasties, cucks and normies.
Daily reminder that cuntoid tears also reduce men's aggression and testosterone, when bitch cries she is manipulating you, acid splashes negate her bitching powers.
Now do Yuffie.

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